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B.Sc.,(N) Sociology .

Two Mark Questions.

1. Define Sociology.
Sociology is the study of human interactions, interrelations their conditions
And consequences
2. Who is the father of sociology ?Auguste Comte.
3. What is the meaning word “Societus“ and “Logous ?
Societus is the Latin word meaning Society, Association, Companionship.
Logus is the Greek word which means an intensive study or study of science.

4. Mention the different schools of sociology?

The schools of sociology are Synthetic school or Formalistic school, and Specialistic school

5. Mention some of the authors contributed for Sociology?

Auguste Comte, Max Weber, MacIver, P.Sorokin, Emile Durkheim

6. Define health ?
According to WHO Health is defined complete physical social and mental wellbeing and not merely
Absence of disease or infirmity.
A sound mind in a sound body in a sound environment is called health.

7. What are the different concepts of health ?

Biological ,ecological, Social, Psychological, and environmental

8. Mention any four scopes of sociology ?

a. It studies human relationships.

b. It analyses and classifies human relationships.

c.It studies human relationships in groups.

d. It clearly predicts the future role of the society.

9. Which subject is called mother of social sciences ?

“ Sociology “ is Called mother of social sciences.

10. Mention some of the branches of Sociology ?

Social Anthropology, Social Psychology, Rural Sociology, Urban Sociology, Judicial Sociology, Educational Sociology.


1. Give a detailed account of the nature and scope of sociology ?

2. Write in detail about the schools of sociology?

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3. justify sociology as a science ?

4. write about the general uses of sociology ?


1. Explain the importance of sociology in the field of nursing ?


Two Mark Questions.

1. Define Society ?
Society is the term that refers an organization of the sum of the formal relations in which the associating individuals are
bound together.

2. Define Community?
A human population living with in a limited geographical area and carrying on a common independent life.

3. Define Socialisation ?
Socialisation is the process of whereby an individual learns to confirm to the norms of the groups following its traditions,
values and transforming himself into a functioning member of the society.

4. Who said “Man is a social animal ?

The Greek philosopher “ARISTOTLE”

5. Define Individualisation ?
Individualization is process in which men become more autonomous and more or less independent of his group and create in
aself-consciousness of his own.

6. Mention any four characteristics of society ?

a. It is a system of control of human beings.
b. It is very complex and a system of authority.
c. It includes both likeness and difference.
d. it is a system of usuages of customs, traditions, values morals and institutions.

7. Mention the agencies involved in socialization ?

The agencies involved in socialization are 1. authoritarian. 2. Equalitarian.
The authoritarian agencies include Family, School, State and Religion.
The equalitarian agencies include friends, peer groups and play mates.

8. Mention any four characteristics of community ?

a. It occupies a well defined geographical area.
b. It includes group of people sharing common basic conditions of life.
c. It includes a “we feeling “ with a community sentiment.
d. Informal means of regulations are more important in a community.

9. Mention any four forms of personal disorganization ?

a. Crime b.Suicide, c. Juvenile delinquency, d. sexual abuse, e. alcoholism, f. drug addiction.

10. Any four causes of personal disorganization ?

a. unfullfillment of needs, b. mental deficiency c.cultural change, d. dissatisfaction of social changes.

11. Mention the different elements of individualization ?

a. It is a form of self assessing attitudes.
b. Individual tries to form new groups
c. people try to develop distinct personality
d.mostly superior complex and selfish attitudes.
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5.Mark questions.

1. Explain the agencies of socialization ?

2. Explain the importance of socialization in hospital and rehabilitation settings ?
3. Write a note on personal disorganization ?
4. Difference between community and society ?
5. What are the merits and demerits of socialization.


1. Write in detail the factors and process of socialization ?



1. Define culture ?
Culture is the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief,art, morals law, custom and any other capabilities acquired
by man as member of the society.
Culture is the cumulative creation of man.

2.Any for characteristics of culture ?

a. It is learned.
b. It is acquired.
c. It is transmitted.
d.It is total social heritage.
e. It provides solution for particular situations.

3.What is a material culture ?

The products, machines, tools , buildings used by man for his better living in the society is called
material culture.

4. What is non- material culture ?

It refers to the language, customs, beliefs,values and institutions that that help man for his better living in the society.

5.What is cultural diffusion?

Cultural diffusion is borrowing traits and patterns of one culture to another culture and spreading it as its own culture. It may
be direct through face to face contact or indirect through mass media.

6. Define sub-culture ?
A sub-culture is a segment of society which shares a distinctive pattern of values and mores that differ from the pattern of
the larger society.

7.Define cultural lag ?

Culture consists of both material and non-material culture. When a change take place in either of these it should reflect in the
other segment also. If the the change is slow or it doesn’t happen then it will result in culture lag.

8.Define Ethnocentrism ?
If a society feel that their own culture is the best than any other cultural practices and through this it doesn’t co-operate with
other societies. This condition is called Ethnocentrism.

9.What is counter culture ?

A. counter culture is a sub-culture that rejects societal norms and values and seek alternative life style. This will in future be
accepted as a culture.

10. What is a trans culture ?

aTrans culture is the one which denotes or transfers a higher order culture superimposed over the root or basic culture of a
multicultural society.

11. What are the cultural components ?

Cultural components include cultural traits, culturalpatterns,cultural complex, universals ,specialties and alternatives.

12. From which word culture is derived ?


Culture is derived from the Latin word “ COLORE” which means ‘to till the soil’ or ‘to cultivate’


1.Evolution of culture ?
2. University and diversity of culture ?
3. Cultural Lag ?
4. Components of culture ?


1. Attitude ,Beliefs and practices of culture on disease and treatment ?

2. Importance of culture and its influence on health and disease ?


1. Who classified Social groups ?

Social groups are classified by C.H. Cooley, MacIver and others.

2. What is Primary or Formal social group ?

Primary group means two or more persons behaving in relation to each other in a way that is intimate, cohesive and

3. What is secondary group or Formal social group ?

Secondary groups mean two or more persons behaving toward each other in a way that is impersonal,concerned with
specialized interests and guided by consideration of efficiency.
A secondary group is more formal which is lacking in intimacy but work for the common interests of the group.

4. Any four characteristicsof primary group ?

a. It is small in size.
b. face to face relationship
c. show more love ,care and affection.
d. a durable relationship which is permanent.

5. Any four characteristics of secondary group ?

a. It in large in size.
b. governed by rules and regulations.
c.membership is voluntary
d. communications are mostly impersonal.

6. What is a reference group ?

Any group that is used by individuals as a standard for evaluating themselves and their own behavior is called reference
7. In- group.
A group to which we belong also called as ‘ we group ‘
8. Out- group.
A group to which we do not belong also called as ‘ they group’.
9. Voluntary group ?
A voluntary group is the one in which the individual has the choice of membership.

10. In-voluntary group ?

A group where a person become member automatically.

11. Define Mob ?

A mob is an aggressive crowd which gathers with a specific purpose for a temporary period of time. the term mob is
derived for a Latin word ‘ mobile vulgus’ which means easily movable crowd.

12. Define crowd ?

A crowd is a congregate group of individuals who have temporarily identified themselves with common values and who are
expressing similar emotions.

13. What are the different types of crowd ?

Formal and informal, Active and passive , Aggressive and panicky crowds.
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14. Define public ?

A public is a loosely organized and conjoined grouping of people with a common interest.

5. Mark questions.

1. Difference between Crowd, Public and Audience ?

2. Characteristics of primary ( Informal ) group ?
3. Characteristics if secondary ( Formal ) group ?
4. Classification of social groups ?
5. The role of caste class race on health ?
6. The role of political, economic and religious group on health ?


1. Explain the role of primary and secondary groups in hospitals ?


1. Define co-operation.
Cooperation is working together towards common aim.
Co--- means together
operari ---- means together.

2. Types of co-operation.?
Direct and Indirect. Primary, secondary and tertiary co-operation.

3. Define accommodation ?
Accommodation is the process of developing temporary working adjustments.

4. Different forms of accommodation ?

Coercion, arbitration, compromise, toleration, conversion and sublimation.

5. Any four functions of co-operation. ?

a.It forms the fundamental unit of social life.
b.It is important for socialization of individuals.
c.It helps for the achievements of the institutions like economical, political, social and educational institutions.
d.It is the basis of social progress and advancements.

6.Define assimilation ?
Assimilation is the social process whereby individuals or groups come to share the same sentiments and goals.

7.Define competition ?
Competition is an interaction without social contact.

8.Any four characteristics of competition?

a. It is an impersonal process.
b. It is an universal process found in every group.
c. It may be constructive or destructive.
d. It is dynamic which stimulates achievements and contributes for social change.

9. Different forms of competition ?

a. Personal
b. Impersonal
c. Economical
d. Racial
e. Social
f. Political.

10.Functions of conflict ?
a.It increases the morale of the group.
b. It promotes solidarity of the group.
c. It may help to find out the solutions for the crisis situations.
d. It help to promote social change.

11. Define conflict ?

It is a deliberate attempt to oppose, resist or coerce the will of the others.

12. Define isolation ?

It is a social process where by an individual or group donot have and meaningful communication or contact .

13. Types of isolation /

Spatial and organic isolation.

14. Advantages of competition ?

It helps to retain the status of the individual in the society.
It contributes towards the socio-economic progress.
It is a very good source of motivation.
It also aims at developing the personality of the individual.

1. Explain co-operation and its types ?
2. What are the different forms of accomadation ?


1. Explain the different social processes in relation with health and illness ?
2. Mark questions.

1. Define Demography ?
Demography is the scientific study of population with reference to size, composition and distribution.
2. What is population explosion ?
A sudden increase in the total number of people living in a particular geographical area at a given period of time.
3.what is demographic transition ?
Demographic transition is the pattern of population that is followed in a nation from an agricultural base to an industrial
base, in which the stage one is “ the stage one is high birth rate and high death rate “ stage two is “ high birth rate and low
death rate “ and stage three is “ low birth rate and low death rate” which bring population a stable condition.
4.what is Malthusian theory ?

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