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1. The Fundamental Rules came into force w.e.f.-

(a) 1.1.1921 (b) 1.1.1922 (c) 1.4.1922 (d) 1.1.1920

2. Duty includes the period of-

(a) Training (b) Unauthorised leave
(c) Service not verified (d) Break in service

3. Duty does not include the period of-

(a) Probation (b) Training
(c) Joining time (d) Leave

4. Wilful absence from duty is treated as dies non for the purpose of-
(a) Increment (b) Pension
(c) Leave (d) All of the above

5. Permanent post means a post carrying _____________ sanctioned without

limit of time.
(a) A permanently fixed rate of pay (b) A definite rate of pay
(c) A variable rate of pay (d) None of the above

6. A post carrying a definite rate of pay sanctioned for a limited time is a-

(a) Temporary post (b) Permanent post
(c) Supernumerary post (d) Ex-cadre post

7. A tenure post is a-
(a) Ad hoc post (b) Temporary post
(c) Permanent post (d) Ex-cadre post

8. A post which an individual Government servant may not hold for more than a
limited period is a-
(a) Temporary post (b) Tenure post
(c) Permanent post (d) None of the above
9. Temporary post is a post carrying -
(a) A definite rate of pay sanctioned for a limited time
(b) A variable rate of pay sanctioned for a limited time
(c) A variable rate of pay sanctioned without limit of time
(d) None of the above

10. Supernumerary post is a-

(a) Ad hoc post (b) Temporary post
(c) Permanent post (d) Ex-cadre post

11. An employee holds lien on a post-

(a) While on Foreign Service
(b) During joining time on transfer to another post
(c) While under suspension
(d) All of the above

12. A Government servant can hold lien on the post in his parent department,
while getting employed in other department, for a period of-
(a) One year (b) Two years
(c) Three years (d) Five years

13. Lien of a permanent employee on foreign assignment on Government to

Government basis to developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America,
may be extended upto-
(a) Two years (b) Three years
(c) Five years (d) Six years

14. Lien on a post shall stand terminated if the employee-

(a) Acquires lien on a permanent post outside his parent cadre
(b) Proceeds on immediate absorption basis to a post / service outside his
service / cadre / post
(c) Overstays at foreign service / deputation beyond the maximum
permissible period
(d) All of the above
15. Pay means the amount drawn monthly by a Government servant, in terms of-
(a) FR 9(20) (b) FR 9(21)(a) (c) FR 9(23) (d) FR 9(25)

16. Overseas pay means-

(a) Pay of a Government servant remitted abroad
(b) Pay granted to a Government servant for his services abroad
(c) Pay granted to a Government servant for his services in a country
other than the country of his domicile
(d) None of the above

17. Substantive pay means pay other than -

(a) Special pay (b) Personal pay
(c) Emoluments classed as pay (d) All of the above

18. Substantive pay is the pay to which a Government servant is entitled on

account of a post to which he has been appointed substantively or by reason
of his substantive position in the cadre.
(a) True (b) False

19. Personal pay means additional pay granted to a Government servant-

(a) To save him from a loss of substantive pay due to revision of pay
(b) To save him from a loss of substantive pay due to reduction of
substantive pay for any reason except disciplinary action
(c) In exceptional circumstances, on other personal considerations
(d) All of the above

20. Special pay or special allowance is an addition to the emoluments of a post or

of a Government servant for-
(a) Special achievements of the Government servant
(b) Specially arduous nature of duties
(c) Specific addition to the work or responsibility
(d) Both (b) and (c) above
21. Non-practising allowance granted to doctors is a special pay (allowance).
(a) True (b) False

22. Special pay (allowance) is admissible for-

(a) Cash handling duties of a cashier
(b) Assisting cashiers in bringing cash from bank
(c) Operating franking machines / Photostat machines / Gestetner
(d) All of the above

23. Special allowance is granted to Government staff for carrying special sensitive
files and records
(a) True (b) False

24. The current rate of Cash Handling Allowance to cashiers for handling an
amount of average monthly cash disbursed of over Rs. ten lakh is-
(a) Rs.600 p.m. (b) Rs.750 p.m.
(c) Rs.900 p.m. (d) Rs.1000 p.m.

25. The concept of Time-Scale pay (or Pay Scales) has been discontinues w.e.f.-
(a) 1.1.2006 (b) 1.4.2006 (c) 1.1.2008 (d) 1.1.2016

26. Monthly grant made to a Government servant who is not in receipt of pay or
leave salary is-
(a) Personal grant (b) Grant-in-aid
(c) Subsistence grant (d) Substantive grant

27. The Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 have come into force
(a) 1.1.2015 (b) 1.7.2015 (c) 1.1.2016 (d) 1.7.2016

28. The CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 apply to-

(a) Persona appointed to civil services and posts in connection with the
affairs of the Union whose pay is debitable to the Civil Estimates and
persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department
(b) Persons not in whole-time employment or paid out of contingencies
(c) Persons re-employed in Government service post-retirement
(d) All of the above
29. The CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 do not apply to-
(a) Persons appointed to the Central Civil Services and post in Group A, B
and C under the Chandigarh administration
(b) Persons locally recruited for services in Indian diplomatic missions,
consulates and other establishments abroad
(c) Persons employed on contract
(d) All of the above

30. Existing basic pay means-

(a) Pay drawn in the existing pay band
(b) Pay drawn in the existing pay band and grade pay
(c) Pay drawn in the existing scale
(d) Both (b) and (c)

31. Existing basic pay does not include-

(a) Dearness allowance (b) Non-practising allowance
(c) House rent allowance (d) All of the above

32. Existing emoluments is the sum of-

(a) Pay in the existing pay band and grade pay
(b) Existing basic pay and dearness allowance as on 1.1.2016
(c) Existing basic pay and dearness allowance as on 1.1.2016
(d) None of the above

33. Part A of the Schedule to the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 specifies-
(a) The revised pay scales
(b) The revised pay bands and grade pays
(c) The Pay Matrix
(d) None of the above

34. Pay Matrix contains the levels of pay arranged in vertical cells as assigned to

corresponding existing Pay Band and Grade Pay or Scale.

(a) True (b) False

35. Level in the Pay Matrix in the revised pay structure determined as Level
corresponding to-
(a) The existing Pay Band
(b) The existing Grade Pay
(c) The existing Pay Band and Grade Pay
(d) The existing scale of pay
(e) Both (c) and (d)

36. Pay in the Level means pay drawn in the appropriate Cell of the Level as
specified in the Pay Matrix.
(a) True (b) False

37. Revised emoluments means-

(a) Existing emoluments multiplied by the fitment factor
(b) Sum of existing emoluments multiplied by the fitment factor and one
(c) Pay in the level of a Government servant in the revised pay structure
(d) None of the above

38. Level of posts shall be determined in accordance with the various levels

assigns to the corresponding existing Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale as

specified in the Pay Matrix.

(a) True (b) False

39. A Government servant may opt to draw pay in the existing pay structure until
the date-
(a) On which he earns his next or any subsequent increment in the
existing pay structure
(b) He vacates his post or ceases to draw pay in the existing pay structure
(c) Of his promotion or up-gradation granted during the period 1.1.2016
and date of notification of the revised pay rules
(d) Any of the above
40. The option under the provisos of rule 5 of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016
is to be exercised within-
(a) One month of the notification of the rules
(b) Two months of the notification of the rules
(c) Three months of the notification of the rules
(d) Six months of the notification of the rules

41. Pay Matrix comprises of two dimensions. In horizontal range, each Level
corresponds to a functional role in the hierarchy with number assigned 1, 2, 3
and so on till 18. Vertical range denotes pay progression. These indicate the
steps of annual financial progression (or annual increment).
(a) True (b) False

42. As per rule 10 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, there shall be two dates for
grant of increment, namely-
(a) 1st January and 1st July of every year
(b) 1st March and 1st September of every year
(c) 1st April and 1st October of every year
(d) None of the above

43. Under the revised pay structure, the annual increment allowable at the rate of-

(a) 2% of the basic pay (b) 3% of the basic pay

(c) 4% of the basic pay (d) None of the above

44. Under the revised pay structure, the annual increment shall be as specified in
the vertical cells of the applicable Level in the Pay Matrix.
(a) True (b) False

45. For fixation of pay in the revised pay structure, in case of all employees, the
existing basic pay is to be multiplied by a fitment factor of-
(a) 40% (b) 2.57%
(c) 2.75% (d) 257%
46. Under the revised pay structure, the minimum basic pay and the maximum
basic pay are-
(a) Rs.18,000 and Rs.2,25,000 (b) Rs.18,000 and Rs.2,50,000
(c) Rs.25,500 and Rs.2,25,000 (d) None of the above

47. Where the existing emoluments exceed the revised emoluments in the case
of any Government servant, the difference shall allowed as-
(a) Advance increment (b) Personal pay
(c) Special pay (d) Not allowed at all

48. The pay of a new recruit on or after 1.1.2016 shall be fixed at the minimum
pay or the first Cell in Level, applicable to the post to which he is appointed.
(a) True (b) False

49. Under the revised pay structure, dearness allowance shall be allowed with
reference to base average index as on-
(a) 1.1.2006 (b) 1.1.2016
(c) 1.7.2016 (d) None of the above

50. In case of promotion, the employee may opt to get his pay fixed from the date
of promotion or from the date of next increment. The option is to be exercised-
(a) On the date of promotion
(b) Within 10 days of receipt of order of promotion
(c) Within one month from the date of promotion
(d) On the date of taking charge of the promotion post

51. In case of PSU employees, on their recruitment in Central Government by

selection through UPSC, benefit of pay protection (i.e. their pay in the
Government shall not be less than pay drawn in PSU) shall be allowed.
(a) True (b) False

52. A genuine anomaly in fixation of pay of a junior and a senior employee shall

not arise in case of-

(a) Application of FR 22(I)(a)(1) on promotion to a higher post

(b) A senior drawing, immediately
(c) A senior promoted to a higher post before 1.1.2016, drawing less pay
in the revised pay Level than his junior who is promoted to the higher
post after 1.1.2016
(d) A senior getting less pay in lower post due to postponement of date of
next increment on account of his proceeding on Extraordinary Leave

53. A senior appointed to a lower post later than the junior but getting promoted
earlier than the junior, is a case of genuine anomaly in fixation of pay-
(a) True (b) False

54. When the scale of pay of a post is revised upwards without involving
assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance, the fixation of
pay is regulated under-
(a) FR 23 and FR 22(I)(a)(1) (b) FR 23 and FR 22(I)(a)(2)
(c) FR 23 and FR 22(I)(a)(3) (d) FR 23 and FR 22(I)(a)(4)

55. When the appointment to a lower post is made on employee’s own request
under FR 15(a), his pay shall be regulated under-
(a) FR 22(I)(a)(1) (b) FR 22(I)(a)(2)
(c) FR 22(I)(a)(3) (d) FR 23

56. The pay of a Government servant whose promotion or appointment to a post

is found to be or have been erroneous, shall be regulated under-
(a) FR 22 (b) FR 23 (c) FR 27 (d) FR 31-A

57. Under FR 23, the option to retain old pay scale by the employee is available,
in case the pay of the post is revised-
(a) Upwards (b) Downwards
(c) Both upwards and downwards (d) None of the above

58. If the date of appointment/promotion/financial upgradation under MACPS is

between 2.7.2017 to 1.1.2018, the date of next increment shall be-
(a) 1.1.2018 (b) 1.4.2018
(c) 1.7.2018 (d) None of the above
59. 1.7.2018 happens to be Sunday, employees who have joined post on
2.7.2018 will be deemed to have completed 6 months and granted increment
(a) 1.1.2019 (b) 2.1.2019
(c) 1.7.2019 (d) None of the above

60. In case of employees whose pay in revised pay structure fixed as on

1.1.2016, the date of next increment shall be-
(a) 1.7.2016 (b) 1.1.2017
(c) 1.7.2017 (d) None of the above

61. A Government employee will become entitled for increment on completion of

his service for-
(a) Three months or more (b) Six months or more
(c) One calendar year or more (d) One financial year or more

62. In case the date of increment falls in the course of joining time the benefit of
increment will be admissible from-
(a) The date of relinquishment of charge of old post
(b) The date of increment falling during the period of joining time
(c) The date of joining the new post
(d) None of the above

63. An authority completion to create a post, whether temporary or permanent,

may grant advance increment to an employee appointed to such post, in
terms of-
(a) FR 24 (b) FR 26 (c) FR 27 (d) FR 22

64. Advance increment shall not be allowed in case of-

(a) Reward for meritorious work

(b) Removal of anomalies in fixation of pay

(c) Recommendation of UPSC to grant higher initial pay

(d) All above cases

65. An order of penalty withholding ‘next increment’ for a specified period implies-
(a) One increment falling next due is to be withheld for the specified period
(b) All the increments falling due during the specified period shall be
(c) Only one of the increments falling due during the specified period shall
be withheld
(d) None of the above

66. Withholding increment with cumulative effect does not imply

(a) The entire period of punishment is never counted for any increment
(b) The next increment shall be granted after a period of 12 months
counted from the date of last increment plus the period of punishment
(c) The date so arrived at shall be relevant date for future increments
(d) That some of the increments are just postponed

67. If a Government servant acquires Ph.D. in the field relevant to his functions
and useful in the discharge of higher official work, he shall be entitled to a
lump sum incentive of-
(a) Rs.4,000 (b) Rs.6,000
(c) Rs.8,000 (d) Rs.10,000

68. Family planning allowance, admissible to a Government servant undergoing

sterilization operation, has been discontinued w.e.f.-

(a) 01.01.2016 (b) 01.07.2016

(c) 01.01.2017 (d) 01.07.2017

69. Cash award for passing Hindi Language Examination of Hindi Teaching

Scheme (Prabodh, Praveen and Pragya) are allowed on obtaining-

(a) 55% marks (b) 40% marks

(c) 50% marks (d) 331/3 % marks

70. Lump sum award for passing Prabodh Examination of the Hindi Teaching
Scheme, through own efforts is allowed at the rate of-
(a) Rs.1,500 (b) Rs.1,600 (c) Rs.2,400 (d) Rs.3,000

71. Fee is the remuneration paid to a Government servant from source other
(a) The Consolidated Fund of India
(b) The Consolidated Fund of a State
(c) The Consolidated Fund of a Union Territory
(d) All of the above

72. Payment by way fee does not include-

(a) Income from property, dividends and interest on securities
(b) Income from literary, cultural, artistic, scientific or technological efforts
(c) Income from participation in sports activities as amateur
(d) All of the above

73. A Government employee is required to obtain prior permission for undertaking

the work or rendering any service and to accept fee therefor, in terms of-
(a) FR 9(6A) (b) FR 46(a) (c) FR 46(b) (d) FR 48

74. Fee can be retained by the Government employee, upto a limit of-
(a) Rs.1500 in a financial year in case of recurring fee
(b) Rs.1500 in case of each non-recurring
(c) 2/3rd of the amount of fee in excess of Rs.1500
(d) All of the above

75. Honorarium may be paid to an employee for an occasional or intermittent

work, subject to condition-
(a) The work should be so laborious or of such special merit as justifies a
special reward
(b) The amount of honorarium is settled in advance
(c) The sanctioning authority shall record in writing the reasons for grant of
(d) All of the above
76. No honorarium should be paid for-
(a) Meritorious work such as working for long hours
(b) Special work in arbitration case
(c) Exemplary work of commendable nature and devotion to duty
(d) All of the above

77. Reporters / Interpreters are allowed honorarium for taking down reports of
Parliament proceedings at the rate of-
(a) Rs.25 per day (b) Rs.125 per day
(c) Rs.250 per day (d) Rs.500 per day

78. A Government employee appointed to work as arbitrator is allowed

honorarium at the rate of-

(a) Rs.125 per half day and Rs.250 per day (more than 6 hours)

(b) Rs.250 per half day and Rs.500 per day (more than 2 hours)

(c) Rs.500 per half day and Rs.1000 per day (more than 4 hours)

(d) Rs.500 per day (irrespective of number of hours)

79. Master Trainers and Recognised Trainers are entitled to honorarium for
conducting courses of 3 weeks duration at the rate of-
(a) Rs.5,000 (b) Rs.7,500 (c) Rs.10,000 (d) Rs.12,500

80. For translating technical material from regional language to English/Hindi and
vice versa, honorarium is allowable at the rate of-
(a) Rs.100 per thousand words (b) Rs.120 per thousand words
(c) Rs.130 per thousand words (d) Rs.150 per thousand words

81. A Government servant required to attend an obligatory departmental

examination is deemed to be-
(a) On duty (b) On casual leave
(c) On special casual leave (d) On study leave
82. A Government servant appearing for a Hindi examination in the afternoon of
the day, is required to attend office-
(a) On the next day
(b) In the forenoon of the same day
(c) In the afternoon after the examination is over
(d) None of the above

83. Period of training before appointment is treated as-

(a) Duty for increments
(b) Duty for eligibility to sit for departmental examinations
(c) Qualifying service for pension (in case of Group C appointees)
(d) All of the above

84. Period of training is treated as duty subject to the condition that-

(a) The training should be in India and connected with the held by the
(b) It is obligatory on the part of Government to send the employee on
(c) The period of training should not exceed one year
(d) All of the above

85. Transport allowance is allowable to an employee who is absent from duty on

account of leave for a part of the calendar month, at the rate of-
(a) Full amount of entitlement
(b) 50% of the amount of entitlement
(c) Proportionate amount for the period of duty
(d) Nil

86. When an employee is under suspension for a part of the calendar month,
transport allowance is allowable at the rate of-
(a) Full amount of entitlement
(b) 50% of the amount of entitlement
(c) Proportionate amount for the period not under suspension
(d) Nil
87. Transport allowance is not admissible if an employee is absent from duty for
full calendar month(s) due to-
(a) Leave, training or tour (b) Suspension
(c) Vacation (d) All of the above

88. Non-practising allowance in lieu of private practice is allowed to Government

doctors at the rate of ____ on basic pay (under VII CPC Pay Structure).
(a) 10% (b) 25% (c) 20% (d) 30%

89. Non-practising allowance will not count as pay for the purpose of-

(a) Pay fixation

(b) DA, TA and other allowances

(c) Calculation of retirement benefits

(d) Allotment of residential accommodation

90. Non-practising allowance is allowable in respect of-

(a) Medical posts for which medical qualification recognized under the
Indian Medical Council Act is essential
(b) Dentists posts for which qualification recognized under the Dentists Act
is essential
(c) Veterinary posts for which qualification of BVSc & AH is essential
(d) All of the above

91. MACPS stands for-

(a) Multiple Assured Career Progression Scheme
(b) Modified Assured Career Profession Scheme
(c) Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme
(d) None of the above

92. Financial upgradation under MACPS is allowed after continuous service in

same grade pay for-
(a) 8 years (b) 10 years
(c) 12 years (d) None of the above
93. The benchmark for performance appraisal for financial upgradation under
MCAPS w.e.f. 25.7.2016 is-
(a) Average (b) Good
(c) Very Good (d) Outstanding

94. Failure to achieve the benchmark either in MACPS or for a regular promotion
within the first 20 years of service will result in-
(a) Postponement of increment by one year
(b) Withholding of increment
(c) Imposition of penalty
(d) Institution of disciplinary action

95. Average emoluments means the average of emoluments drawn by the

employee during-
(a) Last 3 months of his service
(b) Last 3 years of his service
(c) Last 10 months of his service
(d) Last 12 months of his service

96. Under FR ___ a Government servant may be required to subscribe to

provident fund, a family pension fund or other similar fund.
(a) 15 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 22

97. Under FR 26(b), extraordinary leave is counted as duty under following

(a) EOL granted due to inability of a Government servant to join or re-join
duty on account of civil commotion
(b) EOL granted to a Government servant for prosecuting higher technical
and scientific studies
(c) Both (a) and (b) above
(d) None of the above

98. Licence fee is the amount charged / recovered for the facility of-
(a) Staff car (b) Government accommodation
(c) Hostel facility for children (d) All of the above
99. A Government employee can retain Government accommodation allotted to
him on payment of normal licence fee, in case of transfer to an ineligible office
at the same station, for a maximum period of-
(a) One month (b) Two months
(c) Three months (d) Six months

100. The family of a deceased Government employee can retain Government

accommodation allotted to him on payment of normal licence fee, for a
maximum period of-
(a) Six months (b) Twelve months
(c) Twenty four months (d) 30 days

101. Immediate relations who can stay with a Government employee in the
Government accommodation allotted to him do not include-
(a) Grandparents (b) Grandchildren
(c) Son-in-law (d) Brother-in-law

102. Pensioners/family pensioners residing in area not covered by CGHS are

allowed fixed medical allowance at the current rate of-
(a) Rs.300 p.m. (b) Rs.500 p.m.
(c) Rs.1000 p.m. (d) Rs.1200 p.m.

103. Advance from GPF cannot be obtained for the purpose of-
(a) Marriage (b) Legal proceedings
(c) Pilgrimage (d) Foreign travel

104. Which of the following is not entered in the Service Book:

(a) Changes in postings / office / station / scale of pay
(b) Leave, suspension, any other interruption in service
(c) General Provident Fund
(d) CGEGIS contribution etc.

105. Service book is to be shown to the concerned employee in-

(a) Every month (b) Every six months
(c) Every year (d) Every three year
106. Letter of appreciation are to be kept in-
(a) Service Book (b) Personal File
(c) APAR Dossiers (d) Vigilance File

107. Written warnings / displeasure / reprimand should be placed in-

(a) Service Book (b) Personal File
(c) APAR Dossiers (d) Vigilance File

108. APAR of an office on deputation should be written and maintained by-

(a) The parent department (b) The borrowing department
(c) Central Vigilance Commission (d) None of the above

109. An employee having attained the prescribed age and completed prescribed
years of qualifying service, may seek voluntary retirement from service by
giving a notice of-
(a) At least one month (b) At least three months
(c) At least six months (d) None of the above

110. Permission for voluntary retirement may be withheld if the Government

servant is under suspension or chargesheeted or being prosecuted for grave
misconduct, in terms of-
(a) FR 56 (j) and (k) (b) FR 56 (k) and (l)
(c) FR 56 (k) and (m) (d) None of the above

111. A Government servant normally retires from service on the afternoon of the
last day of the month in which he attains the age of-
(a) 58 years (b) 60 years
(c) 62 years (d) None of the above

112. A Government employee whose date of birth is 1 st July, shall retire on

superannuation, on last day of the month of-
(a) June (b) July (c) August (d) None of the above

113. Permission for voluntary retirement on notice of a Government employee

under FR 56(k) cannot be withheld-
(a) If the employee is under suspension
(b) If charge sheet has been issued against the employee
(c) If judicial proceedings on charges of grave misconduct are pending
against the employee
(d) On ground of exigencies of administration
1. b 2. a 3. d 4. d 5. b
6. a 7. c 8. b 9. a 10. c
11. d 12. b 13. c 14. d 15. b
16. c 17. d 18. a 19. d 20. d
21. b 22. d 23. b 24. c 25. a
26. c 27. c 28. a 29. d 30. d
31. d 32. b 33. c 34. a 35. e
36. a 37. c 38. a 39. d 40. c
41. a 42. a 43. d 44. a 45. d
46. b 47. b 48. a 49. b 50. c
51. a 52. d 53. b 54. b 55. c
56. d 57. c 58. c 59. a 60. a
61. b 62. c 63. c 64. a 65. b
66. d 67. d 68. d 69. a 70. b
71. d 72. d 73. b 74. d 75. d
76. d 77. c 78. b 79. c 80. c
81. a 82. b 83. d 84. d 85. a
86. c 87. d 88. c 89. d 90. d
91. c 92. b 93. c 94. b 95. c
96. b 97. c 98. b 99. b 100. c
101. d 102. c 103. d 104. c 105. c
106. c 107. b 108. a 109. b 110. c
111. b 112. a 113. d

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