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Course Name Microsoft Power BI Desktop

Instructor Ahmed Samir

Lec Number Content Notes

Introduction First Video ( Introduction to the course )
1 Why We Use Power BI & Power BI Definition
How to Download & install Power BI
2 Introduction to basic charts in power BI
How to create clustered column chart
stacked column chart
Pie chart
Donut chart
funnel chart
ribbon chart
Include & execlude data
View data & export data
3 Maps in Power BI
creating simple map
simple field map
map with pie chart
formatting maps
change map background
Map of egypt
4 Tables and Matrix in power BI
Create table
Format table
conditional format for table Format - Conditional Format - ( You have many options their check all of them )
change aggregation in table ( choose sum or averag for columns ) Field - Values - choose Sum or Total or … many options their
Creat A matrix in power BI
conditional format in matrix
automatic hirearchies in matrix Same Like Pivot table - ( Put Country and under it put Areas OR Names )
show totals & subtotals in matrix option - subtotal ( on - Off ) - Grand Total ( on - Off )
select the column - Format tab - data type - decimal / Trick : Data - choose the field -
Number Formatting in Power BI
change the field format
5 Other Charts in Power BI
Line chart how to add more charts - add line chart - use legend if you need multilines - use format section
Drill down in line chart same lime matrix & pivot table
Area Chart download area chart
Line Vs column chart stacked and normal column
Scatter Plot
Waterfall chart
Tree Map
Gauage chart use target area to put the target value
6 Cards and Filters

Number Card 123 - Field Sales / Profit / QTY - ( To show top sales from items ) Drag and drop the item
in the number card , filter type , top N , Top 1 , By values , Sales , Apply Filter
Text Card
Data Card same like number card trick to show date for maximum sales
Relative Data Filter Use the Filter for Many Things
Multi-Row Card How to create Multi-row card
Filter on visual
Filter on page
Filter in all pages

Drill Throw you have 2 pages - the first page drag and drop drill throw by item - on the second page
right click on the item in any chart and choose drill throw then page name
7 Slicers in Power BI
Slicer for text
format text slicer
date slicer
format date slicer
number slicer
8 Introduction to advanced charts in Power BI
Animated Bar chart Race
Drill down column chart Very Important - Auotomatic Drill down for column chart
Word cloud
sankey chart
play axis
scroller ‫اﻻسهم‬ ‫ الفرق ب‬- ‫البورصه‬
sunburst chart
9 Images - Text - Buttons in Power BI
Insert image insert - image - select / Format - border - background / Title - Enable - Write / you can use format painter
Insert Text insert - text - change the format
Insert Shapes insert - shape - choose
Insert Buttons insert - buttons - insert action choose which action you need the button to do ( CTRL + Click )
Web URL action choose piture - action - URL paste
Page Navigation make 3 sheets - insert button - blank - button text P1 - select button - action - page navigation - ctrl + click
Book Mark action make 2 buttons - show all & hide all - view - book marks - add - all visible - selection - to show or hide /
Drill Throw action make pages - make 1 butto go to page 2 - in page 2 drag and drop bldg in drill throw box - in page 1 choose the button - ac
10 Publishing Reports & Connecting With Power BI Services
How to create power BI report
How to create account on power BI Services
Publish reports to Power BI Services
Export Power BI to PPT & PDF
Comment & share & subscribe to Power BI reports
Create dashboard in power BI services
Problems & Solutions for Power BI Dashboard
How to refresh reports automatically on power BI services
11 Text Function in power Query
Split & Trim
Upper , Lower , Proper
Add suffix & prefix
Left & right & MID
Extract text with delimiter
12 Date Function in Power Query
Year , Quarter , Month , Day
Difference between Dates & earliest , latest
Name of day , month
Day of week / month / year
extract date from date and time
calculate age in 2 clicks
which day of year quarter , month your date of birth
13 Power Query ( Number Functions )
Add , subtract , Divide , Multiply
Percentage , Percent of , Modulo
Rounding Number
IS Even , Is Odd and sign
14 Appending Files and tables in power query
Append multiple CSV Files from a folder
Append multiple Excel Tables / Sheets from a single folder
Append Excel Tables with different number of columns
Append multiple Excel files from a folder
Append different data source files in power query
15 Merge Files & tables in Power Query
Merge tables / sheets
merge data from multiple excel files / workbooks
Merge data from different data source
merge data having multiple matching columns or different criteria
16 What is conditional columns & Columns from Excel
Column from examples on splitting text
columns from examples on merge text
columns from examples ( data columns )
columns from examples ( alphanumeric data )
Conditional columns in one column
Conditional columns in 2 columns
conditional columns ( comparing 2 columns values )
Conditional columns on dates
17 Very Important Topics in Power Query
Fill down and Fill up
Data types in Power Query
Replace Errors and values
Keep Rows & Remove Rows
Keep Columns & Remove Columns

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