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Table 4.

4 Approach towards Advertisements

Frequency Percent
Informative 35 35
Generates awareness 31 31
Entertaining 25 25
Irritating 3 3
Annoying 3 3
Waste of time 3 3
Total 100 100

As displayed in Table 4.4, most of the respondents indicated that advertisement was
informative, with a closer percentage indicating creation of awareness. 3% indicated
that promotion was either irritating, annoying or a waste of time. These findings
mean that most of the respondents had a positive attitude towards promotion as
illustrated by their different opinions about the use of promotion. This clearly
displays a positive attitude toward promotion and hence is a good indication for
marketers. In order to further identify the effectiveness of internet promotion on
reach and creation of awareness, the respondents were requested to indicate the
amount of time spent on different platforms of promotion. The responses were rated
on a five point scale where: 1=less than 1 hr, 2 = 1 to 2 hrs, 3 = 2 to 4 hrs, 4 = 4 to 6 hrs
while 5 = More than 6 hrs.
Table 4.5 Time spent on different platforms of promotion
Mean Standard deviation
TV, Movies 2.42 1.241
Newspaper, Mags 1.11 1.372
Radio 1.03 0.927
Internet 4.21 0.515

According to the findings in Table 4.5, on an average, a person spends more than 4
hours on the internet during his free time which is more than that of TV and movies,
radio and print medium. Hence, on an average the exposure of internet to an
individual is around 40% more than that of other mediums i.e. the reach of medium
internet is much better than that of others.

The study sought to establish whether the respondents watched the TV/ or listened to
Radio commercials during commercial break. The findings are as displayed in Table
Table 4.6 Watching the TV commercials during commercial break
Frequency Percent
Yes 70 70
No 30 30
Total 100 100

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