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Campus Address

1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190


African Leadership Academy

2022 Two Year Diploma Program Application

Thank you for your interest in African Leadership Academy (ALA). By completing this application
you are taking the first step in a process that will allow us to learn more about you, your achievements,
and your future goals. Be completing this application, we encourage you to learn as much as possible
about African Leadership Academy from our website We
are excited that you have chosen to apply to African Leadership Academy, and wish you continued
success as you pursue your dreams.

Best regards,
African Leadership Academy
Age Requirements
African Leadership Academy seeks to enroll the most outstanding young leaders, aged 16-19, from
across Africa and around the world. To be considered for admission to ALA for 2022-2023, you must
be born on/after September 1, 2002.
Application Deadline
Early Decision Deadline: September 30, 2021
Regular Decision Deadline: December 31, 2021
NOTE: Submitting your application by the early decision deadlines only guarantees earlier notice of
your admissions decision.

Application Instructions
The African Leadership Academy application consists of two components, both of which must be
completed. We cannot evaluate incomplete applications. The two components are:
1) A completed application form, with a required attachment to essay question 3.
2) School reports from the past two years and any national examination results if applicable.

You can submit your application to our Admissions Office in one of the following ways:

Online at
Via email to
Via certified courier to African Leadership Academy, 1050 Printech Avenue, Honeydew, 2040, South
Africa. Please list “ALA Admissions Office” as the receiver and write +27 11 699 3000 for the
receiver’s phone number.

Confirmation of Receipt
Upon submission of your application, you will receive confirmation within three weeks. If you do not
get an email confirmation from the admissions team after three weeks, please email the team at Please keep a full copy of all application materials in case
your application is lost in transit. African Leadership Academy will not be held liable for lost or
missing applications.

African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190



Please enter your name and all information as it appears on official documents such as an identification
card, birth certificate, or passport.

1. Family Name or Surname:      

2. First or Given Name(s):      
3. Date of Birth:                  
Day Month Year

4. Sex: Female Male

5. Nationality:      
6. Country of Residence:      
7. Do you have a passport?: Yes No
8. Email Address:      
9. Secondary Email Address:      
10. Mobile Phone Number (Including Country Code): +     
11. Secondary Phone Number (Including Country Code): +     
12. Permanent Physical Address: Street Address:      
13. Permanent Physical Address: City/Town:      
14. Permanent Physical Address Country:      
15. What best describes your physical address? Urban Peri-urban/suburban Rural


Please list the adults who currently have legal rights and responsibilities toward you, such as your
parents or guardians. Please ensure that this information is correct.

1. Who do you currently live with? Parents Relatives Other (please specify)
2. What is the primary language you speak at home?      
3. Other languages spoke at home (if applicable):      
Parent/Guardian 1 Information
4. Family Name or Surname:     
5. First or Given Name(s):      
6. Relation to You? Mother Father Grandparent
Sibling Aunt/Uncle Other (please specify)      
African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190


7. Occupation:      
8. Current Employer:      
9. Highest level of education completed:
No formal education Primary school
Secondary school Vocational/trade school
Undergraduate Degree (Bachelor’s Degree) Advanced Degree (Masters/PhD)

10. Email Address:      

11. Phone Number: +     
12. Does Parent/Guardian 1 live at the same physical address as you? Yes No
Parent/Guardian 2 Information
(Skip to question 22 you only have one legal parent/guardian)
13. Family Name or Surname:     
14. First or Given Name(s):      
15. Relation to You? Mother Father Grandparent
Sibling Aunt/Uncle Other (please specify)      
16. Occupation:      
17. Current Employer:      
18. Highest level of education completed:
No formal education Primary school
Secondary school Vocational/trade school
Undergraduate Degree (Bachelor’s Degree) Advanced Degree (Masters/PhD)
19. Email Address:      
20. Phone Number: +     
21. Does Parent/Guardian 2 live at the same physical address as you? Yes No
22. Do you have siblings? Yes No
Answer the following questions only if you have answered yes to question 22. Do not count yourself in
questions 23 and 24.
23. How many siblings are older than you? (Write/type 0 if you are the oldest):      
24. How many siblings are younger than you? (Write/type 0 if you are the youngest):      
25. Have any of your siblings/family members attended ALA?
No Yes, their name is      


African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190


1. How did you first learn about African Leadership Academy? Did any of the following encourage
you to apply or help you in your application to ALA? Select all that apply.
ALA Alumni Current ALA Student
ALA Staff or Faculty Member ALA Information Session
ALA Poster or Brochure ALA Virtual Event
Friend or Peer Parent(s) or Guardian(s)
Other Family Member Teacher, Principal, or School Counselor
Social Media Traditional Media (TV/Radio/Newspaper)
Internet Search Other (please specify)      

2. Is there a particular person or organisation you'd like to recognize for telling you about ALA (a
friend, student, teacher etc)? If so, please fill in their details below.
2A. Name of the individual/organisation that encouraged you to apply to ALA:      
2B. Email address of individual/organisation that encouraged you to apply to ALA:      
3. Have you participated in any other African Leadership Academy or partnership organisation
programs? Yes No
If yes, please specify which ALA or partner program(s) you have participated in?
Anzisha Prize BUILD in a Box
Global Scholars Program Junior Achievement
Model African Union South African Ideas Festival
Summer Engineering Academy US Embassy (EducationUSA)
Yale Young African Scholars Yale Young Global Scholars
Other (please specify)      

4. Have you applied to ALA before? Yes Please specify the year:      No


1. What is your current educational status?

Enrolled in secondary school
Graduated from secondary school, seeking other educational opportunities
Graduated from secondary school, enrolled in university
Other (please specify)      
2. Full name of your current school:      
3. City/Country of your current school:      
4. What type of secondary school do you attend?
Public/Government Private/Independent
5. What is the primary language of instruction at your school?      
6. When do you expect to graduate from your current high school?                  
Day Month Year

African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190


If you do not enter ALA, when will you graduate from your current school?

7. If you do not enter ALA, where do you expect to be in September 2022?

Still enrolled in secondary school
Graduated from secondary school, enrolled in university
Graduated from secondary school, running a business
Graduated from secondary school, working
I do not know

8. What is the annual cost of attendance at your current school (in US dollars)?
$0-$499 per year $500-$999 per year $1,000-$4,999
per year
$5,000-$9,999 per year $10,000-14,999 per year $15,000+ per year

9. What is your Principal or Head of School's name?      

10. Principal or Head of School's Email Address:      
11. Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any secondary school you
have attended? Whether related to academic or behavioural misconduct, which resulted in your
probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion? Yes No
If you answered yes to the question above, please attach an explanation of your disciplinary violation
to this application. Include the details of the violation, the dates and decision your school made based
on your violation.


Attach all school reports/transcripts for the past two academic years to this application.
Please be aware that your application will not be reviewed unless you submit full academic reports for
the last two years of school. If you do not have access to your school reports at the time of submitting
this form, please email your reports to as soon as you have
them. Please provide official documents whenever possible.
In responding to the essays below, ensure that you keep your answers to the word limits specified.
Note, that there is no single correct response to any of these questions. Please use complete sentences
and answer the essay questions to the best of your ability.

1. Describe a time when you identified a need in your community (this can be your family,
school, village, town, civil society organization, workplace, religious community, etc.) and took
action. For this activity, we would like you to describe a need that you identified and acted on
outside of an assigned classroom task or activity in the past two years.

1A. What need did you identify? (100 words)


African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190


1B. Why was addressing this need important to you? (100 words)

What specific actions did you take to address the need? (200 words)


What difficulties did you encounter? What was the source of these challenges? How did you overcome
the difficulties? (150 words)

1E. What was the outcome? If the project/activity is unfinished, what actions do you still plan to take?
(150 words)

What is one lesson you can draw from your experience in addressing this need? (150 words)

African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190



What is one thing you would do differently if you were to address the need again? (150 words)

Please describe one leader who is changing the world in the way you want to change the world.
This person could be anybody: someone who is a leader in your immediate community, or a
global changemaker that you have never met but admire from afar.

2A. Describe the leader and speak briefly about why you admire them. (150 words)

what way(s) are they changing the world? What specific evidence have you seen of their impact? (200

African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190



What lessons do you take from this leader for your own leadership journey? (200 words)

Given those lessons, what actions will you take on your own journey over the next five years? (200

2E. Imagine a critic of the leader you chose. What would they encourage you to do differently from
that leader on your leadership journey? (200 words)

African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190



Attach a piece of work (academic or non-academic) that you have completed over the past year
and a half to this application. You may attach a paper, a video, a presentation, a photograph, etc.
Whatever you choose, it should show a final product that you are proud of, and which reflects
your curiosity and effort.

3A. Why did you select this piece of work? (200 words)

How have you built, or will you build, on your chosen piece of work? (200 words)


African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190


1. This past year has seen education disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We'd like to understand
how COVID-19 has impacted your educational journey. Please briefly describe your schooling
experience during the pandemic.

Please list the two most important awards, either academic or extracurricular, that you have won
below. You may attach documentation as proof, if available. Please ensure your information includes
the year of your award and the awarding organization. Uploading documentation is not required.

recognize that applicants may have information, circumstances, or qualifications that are not reflected
in this application through the other questions that we ask. Do you have anything additional to add to
your application? This can include (but is not limited to) changes in educational systems, COVID-19
impact on your family, or accomplishments or work that do not fit into the other application questions.

have additional work or accomplishments that you are exceptionally proud of, we encourage you to
share those with us. This could include videos, websites, portfolios, art work of any form, blog posts,
articles written about you, etc. Optional


I hereby certify that all information contained in this application - including the application and
supporting documents - is truthfully and accurately presented and my work alone.
African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286
Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190


Signature: Date:      

Please confirm that you have sought permission from your parents/guardians for you to apply to
African Leadership Academy, a pan-African boarding school in South Africa.

Signature: Date:      

African Leadership Academy NPC
Reg. No. 2005/005377/08 - VAT No. 4050261918 - PBO No. 930020187
Gauteng Department of Education Reg. No. 400286

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