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Muhammad Aliyan Siddiqui


Question 2


Str1 byte “ Muhammad Aliyan Siddiqui – 191196 “,0

Bal dword 0

Msg1 byte “ Welcome new user!”,0dh,0ah,0

Msg2 byte “ Enter your username (max 10 char): “,0dh,0ah,0
Msg3 byte “ Enter your password (max 10 char): “,0dh,0ah,0
Msg4 byte “ Enter your option: “,0

Prompt1 byte “ 1. Deposit money”,0dh,0ah,0

Prompt2 byte “ 2. Withdraw money”,0dh,0ah,0
Prompt3 byte “ 3. Account details”,0dh,0ah,0
Prompt4 byte “ 4. Change password”,0dh,0ah,0
Prompt5 byte “ 5. Logout”,0dh,0ah,0
Prompt6 byte “ 6. Exit”,0dh,0ah,0
Acc1 byte “ Username: “,0
Acc2 byte “ Password: “,0
Acc3 byte “ Current balance: “,0

Out1 byte “ Enter cash amount to deposit: “,0

Out2 byte “ Enter cash amount to withdraw: “,0
Out3 byte “ Enter new password (max 10 char): “,0dh,0ah,0

Error1 byte “ Sorry, the amount exceeds your current balance, Enter
uppercase R for re-entering amount or M for Main menu”,0dh,0ah,0
Error2 byte “ Invalid entry! “,0dh,0ah,0

Username byte 11 DUP(?)

Pass byte 11 DUP(?)


_username PROC
Mov edx, offset msg2
Call writestring
Mov edx, offset username
Mov ecx, 10
Call readstring
_username endp
_password PROC
Mov edx, offset msg3
Call writestring
Mov edx,0
Mov edx, offset pass
Mov ecx, 10
Call readstring
_password endp

_deposit PROC
Mov edx,offset out1
Call writestring
Call readint
Add bal,eax
_deposit endp

_account proc
Mov edx,offset acc1
Call writestring
Mov edx,offset username
Call writestring
Call crlf

Mov edx,offset acc2

Call writestring
Mov edx,offset pass
Call writestring
Call crlf

Mov edx,offset acc3

Call writestring
Mov eax,bal
Call writeint
Call crlf
Call crlf
_account endp

MAIN proc

Mov edx,offset str1
Call writestring
Call crlf
Mov edx,offset msg1
Call writestring
Call _username
Call _password

Mov edx, offset prompt1
Call writestring
Mov edx, offset prompt2
Call writestring
Mov edx, offset prompt3
Call writestring
Mov edx, offset prompt4
Call writestring
Mov edx, offset prompt5
Call writestring
Mov edx, offset prompt6
Call writestring

Mov edx, offset msg4

Call writestring
Call readint
Cmp eax,1
Je deposit

Cmp eax,2
Je withdraw

Cmp eax,3
Je account

Cmp eax,4
Je changepass

Cmp eax,5
Je logout

Cmp eax,6
Je _exit

Call _deposit
Jmp L1

Mov eax,0
Mov edx,offset out2
Call writestring
Call readint
Cmp eax,bal
Jae disp1
Cmp eax,0
Jb invalid

Sub bal,eax
Jmp L1

Call _account
Jmp L1

Call _password
Jmp L1

Jmp Reg

Mov edx, offset error2
Call writestring
Jmp L1

Mov edx,offset error1
Call writestring
Call readchar
Cmp al,82
Je withdraw
Cmp al,77
Je L1
Jmp invalid

Call waitmsg
Main endp


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