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Secondary School Biology Short Notes and Exercises for

Grade 9
The circulatory system
The human transport system is blood circulation system of blood vessels transporting blood that
consist nutrients and oxygen via the heart. The blood circulatory system has three elements
 Blood vessels(the pipes)
 The heart(the pump)
 The blood(the medium)
The human body has three main types of blood vessels
 Arteries –carry blood away the heart.
 Veins – transport blood towards the heart.
 Capillaries - link the two types of blood vessels and take blood to all the organs
and tissues.
Blood is complex mixture of cells and liquids that transport substances around the body.
Blood has four components those are ፡ The liquid plasma and,
The blood cells
 red blood cells
 white blood cells
 platelets
Antigens –are special proteins found on the surface all cells. Antibodies – are proteins made by
white blood cells that inactivate pathogens. Specifically on the surface of red blood cells( r.b.c)
a number of different antigens are found and this results the different human blood groups. There
are four main blood groups known as A, B, AB and O.
 Blood group A has Antigen ‘A’ and Antibody ‘b’
 Blood group B has Antigen ‘B’ and Antibody ‘a’
 Blood group AB has Antigen ‘AB’ and none antibody.
 Blood group O has no Antigen and Antibody ‘ab ‘
If the blood from different blood groups is mixed together there may be a reaction between
antigen and antibody which make the r.b.c stick together (agglutinate).The compatibility of the
different blood groups
 Blood group ‘A’ is compatible to blood group A and O
 Blood group ‘B’ is compatible to blood group B and O
 Blood group ‘AB’ is compatible to blood group A , B, AB and O
 Blood group ‘O’ is compatible to blood group O only
Anemia and hypertension are two diseases of the circulatory system. The human heart has a bag
like structure made up of a unique type of muscle known as cardiac muscle.

Exercises on circulatory system

1. The three types of human blood vessels are?
A. Aorta ,venacava,and capillaries
B. Artery , vein and capillaries
C. Pulmonary artery , pulmonary vein and renal artery
D. Hepatic vein , hepatic artery and renal vein
2. Which of the following functions of blood vessels is true?
A. Arteries always carry oxygenated blood
B. Arteries always carry blood towards the heart
C. Veins always carry blood towards the heart
D. Pulmonary vein carry deoxygenated blood
3. Which type of blood vessels have valve?
A. Arteries B. veins C. capillaries D. all
4. Arteries transport ______ and _______ to the cells and tissues.
5. List the components of blood.

6. What is the function of platelets?
7. Explain how r.b.c transports oxygen.
8. What is plasma?
9. Name the four blood groups
10. Which blood group has both antigen A and B
A. Group A B. Group B C. Group AB D. Group O
11. Explain why blood group A is not compatible to group B?
12. Explain why blood group O can be given to any one?
13. One of the following is the most common cause of anemia?
A. Weight B. lack of protein C. lack of iron D. lack of iron
14. Which of the following factor increase blood pressure (hypertension)?
A. over weight B. excessive salt intake C. increasing age D. all
15. The top chamber of the heart is called______.
A. Atria B. Ventricles C. Venacava D. Aorta
16. which one is the thickest of all?
A. Right atrium B. Left atrium C. Right ventricle D. left ventricle
17. One of the following does not consist oxygenated blood.
A. pulmonary artery B. Pulmonary vein C. Left atrium D. Left ventricle
18. The human heart is made up of a unique type of muscle called ______.

Match the following heart structures with their definition and functions
19. Venacava A. contract and force deoxygenated blood in to the
right ventricle
20 .Aorta B. the largest vein and supply co2 towards the right atrium
21. Pulmonary vein C. contract and force blood into the left ventricle
22. Left atrium D. the largest artery and pump oxygenated blood out of
the heart
23. Right ventricle E. force oxygenated blood out of the heart through aorta
around the body
24. Left ventricle F. return oxygenated blood to the left atrium

25. Right atrium G. force blood out of the heart and into the lungs to become
26. Ttricuspid valve H. found at the base of two arteries
27. Bicuspid valve I. found between left atrium and ventricle
28. Semi lunar valve J. found between right atrium and ventricle to prevent
back flow of blood


Micro organism – is an organism that can only be seen with the aid of microscope. The main
type of micro organisms are - Bacteria, virus and fungi (mould & yeast). Many micro
organisms are very useful .They are used in making foods, in producing alcoholic drinks and
recycling of materials. Some micro organisms are harmful because they cause disease causing in
plants animals & humans.
Vaccination – it is the use of dead or weakened strain of pathogens to produce immunity to
dangerous diseases. Living vaccines – are made from living micro organisms but, they are
weakened. Dead vaccines – use micro organisms which have been killed.
Control of micro organisms:-One way of control or reduce the number of micro organisms is
by process of sterilization. There are a number of different methods of sterilizing things like;
 High temperature or heat (using heat to control micro organisms)
 Disinfectant ( chemicals applied to an inanimate object)
 Antiseptics( is chemical applied to living tissues)
 Antibiotics drugs( are chemicals which kill bacteria but do not damage
human cells)
Exercise on micro organisms
29. Define the term micro organism.
30. Name the main types of micro organisms.
31. All of the following are useful aspects of micro organisms
A. making of vaccines B. increase soil fertility C. alcohol production D. food making
E. none

32. Which of the following micro organisms are completely harmful?
A. virus B. bacteria C. yeast D. mould
33. Vaccines are not made from
A. living micro organisms B. dead micro organisms C. antibiotics D. all
34. How antiseptics are used to control micro organisms?
A. by applying them on cut skin B. taking them in to the body
C. applying them on inanimate object D. dry heat application
35. All of the following are chemical approaches to control micro organisms except_____.
A. antiseptics B. autoclaving C. antibiotics D. disinfectants
36. Which one of the following is used to clean the floor?
A. antiseptic B. antibiotics C. disinfectant D. antidiuretic
37. One of the following scientists finally approved the germ theory of disease?
A. Robert Hook B. Louis pasture C. leeven hock D. Aristotle
38. Which one of the following is true about vaccines?
A. vaccines weakened the immune system B. protect the body from disease
C. cause disease D. vaccines are live and activated
Many diseases are caused by – bacteria, viruses, fungi, mosquitoes, tape worms and protista.
Parasites are organisms that live on or in another and take their nourishment from it.
Vectors – are something that transmits disease. Biological vectors -are vectors spend part of its
life cycle to the host.
Modern medicines are made in very controlled doses. Traditional medicine – are medicines that
are made by healers.

Table : -Diseases and their causes , symptoms , transmission and prevention

Causes Prevention
Disease Symptoms Transmission
-Weight loss -infected and -Good sanitary condition
Parasitic -having large uncooked meat -anti-worm medicines
Tapeworm amount of
Malaria plasmodium -chills , - bite of infected -avoiding contact with
sweating anopheles mosquito
Mycobacterium -night sweating -through air -long course of
tuberculosis (bacteria) -persistent antibiotics, vaccination
Tuberculosis cough
Virus or bacteria -watery - by - rehydration fluid
A .W. D diarrhea contaminated - good sanitation
-abdominal food and water
-sever diarrhea - contaminated - rehydration fluid
-vibrocholerea -vomiting water -antibiotics
Cholera (bacteria)
-very high -contaminated antibiotics
Typhoid Salmonella typhi fever food and water
(bacteria) -sore throat -
-head ache
-be faithful to partners
Neisseria gonorrhea Yellowish Sexual -using condom
Gonorrhea (bacteria) white discharge contact
from penis
-loss of apitite -penicillin/tetracycline
Syphilis Treponima palidum -swollen gland Sexual -healthy sexual practice
(bacteria) -patchy hair contact
Chancroid Haemophius ducre -painful ulcers -sexual contact -healthy sexual contact
(bacteria) in the genital

Exercise on Diseases
39. Which of the following insects is the vector of malaria?
A. housefly B. anopheles mosquito C. flea D.bee
40. Which of the following statement is true about risk of self prescribed medicine?
A. can eliminate very serious disease B. may be taken wrongly
C. may be important to recover D. can prevent the patient from dying
41. Explain the advantage of modern medicine.
42. What is the disadvantage of modern medicine?
43. Write the advantage of traditional medicine.
44. which of the following disease is only caused by bacteria?
A. HIV B. common cold C. influenza D. cholera
45. One of the following diseases is caused by an infected raw meat.
A. malaria B. tape worm C. T.B D. HIV/ AIDS
46. Malaria causing single celled parasite protozoan is called_____.
A. paramecium B. salmonella C. plasmodium D. mosquito
47.One of the following prevention method of cholera.
A. Avoiding blood contact B. avoiding mosquito C. using condom D. clean drinking
water supply
48. Which of the following is correct about tuberculosis?
A. caused by virus B. causes persistent cough C. affects only children
D. transmitted by mosquito
49. One of the following common in men?
A. gonorrhea B. syphilis C. chancroid D. HIV/AIDS
50. Which of the following is biological vector?
A. anopheles mosquito B. cows C. pigs D. house fly
51. Very high fever, 39 – 400 is the symptom of_____.
A. tape worm B. A . W. D C. typhoid D. cholera
52. All of the following are STDS except
A. syphilis B. gonorrhea C. T.B D. chancroid
53. Which one of the following STDS is not caused by bacteria?
A. syphilis B. gonorrhea C. cancroids D. HIV/AIDS

54. Which of the following method used to prevent gonorrhea?
A. chemically treated net B. anti-worms C. condom D. cover for mouth
55. Diarrhea is a symptom of all of the following except
A. malaria B. cholera C. typhoid D. gastroenteritis

Short answer Questions

56. Define vectors.
57. Explain the advantage of modern medicine.
58. What is the disadvantage of modern medicine?
59. Write the advantage of traditional medicine.
Match the following STDS from A to B
60. Chancroid A. neisseria gonorrhea
61. Syphilis B. haemophlus ducreyi
62. Gonorrhea c. treponema palidum
About HIV & AIDS
AIDS( acquired immune deficiency syndrome )is a medical term from a combination of illness
that result when immune system is weekend.HIV( human immune deficiency virus) weakens the
immune system of the human body. The human body has two types of cells that help the immune
system these are – T –cells & B – cells.HIV weakens the immune system by destroying T- cells
which bind to the antigens on the invading micro organisms and destroy it.
HIV/AIDS is a huge problem in Ethiopia, globally around 33 million people are infected by
HIV/AIDS about 90% of this number are sub – Saharan African countries including Ethiopia.
Between 60,000 – 70,000 people died from AIDS every year in Ethiopia. The prevalence rate of
HIV/AIDS is higher in cities and towns than rural areas. In Ethiopian peoples between the age of
15-49 are highly affected. Thus it has a huge impact on the economy of our nation ,since it
largely affect the working age group.
Stigma and discrimination are the most serious cases that affect people living with HIV/AIDS.
We have to care those people those who live with HIV/AIDS by educating and creating
awareness in the society. Voluntary counseling and testing (VICTs) are important in educating

and informing people about HIV/AIDS. The life skill such as assertiveness, decision making and
problem solving are important to help you prevent HIV both personally and in a society.
Immune system is based on your lymph system which spreads all through the body. The
lymphatic system is important both in returning tissue fluid to the blood and in the immune
system responses to infection. The lymphatic system contains white blood cells known as
lymphocytes and phagocytes.

The lymph system diagram

Exercise on HIV/AIDS
63. Name the two lymph nodes found on the neck and in arm pit respectively.

64. What is the function of lymphatic system?

65. Identify the cells which are primarily attacked by the HIV?

66. How HIV affect the immune system?

67. Compare the prevalence of HIV/AIDS between cities and rural areas.

68. Which of the following statements is true about HIV’s impact on the society.

A. cause death of many working population

B. has contribution for the growth of the economy

C.increase the carrying and supporting of children by families

D. enhance support for elders by youngsters

69. Which of the following does not always to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS?

A .washing hands after using toilet B. using condom when having sex

C. having only one sex partner D. not sharing needles for intravenous drug use

70. If your friend tells you that he has suspected that he might have HIV positive, how would you

react to this?

A. tell him to buy and take anti-retroviral drugs

B. avoid your friendship to protect your self

C. advice him to go to health center to know his status

D. inform your other friends that he is HIV positive


Principles of classification
Classification is the system of grouping organisms based on similarities. Species:-the group of
organisms that can breed successfully with one another to produce fertile offspring. The modern
classification method is introduced by Carlos Linnaeus. Binomial nomenclature (binomial
naming) system consists of two names. The first name is genus name and the second name is
species name. Classification is needed

 To study the relationship b/n organisms.
 -To place them in groups based on similarities and differences.
 To simplify their study by giving them precise names.
The modern classification method involves the following system. Species – Genus – Family –
Order – Class – Phylum – Kingdom. The specific naming of organisms follows the following
rules :-
 The first name is a genus name (start by capital letter).
 The second name is species name (written in small letter).
 The two names are underlined or written in italics.
Example :- the hierarchy of human being and teff

Human being

Hierachy of classification Human Teff

from thelargest to the smalest being
Kingdom Animalia Plantae
Phylum Chordata Angiosperm
Class Mammalia phyla
Order Primates Cyperales
Family Homonidae Poaceae
Genus Homo Eragrostis
Species Sapiens Teff
Scintific Name Homo Eragoris teff
71. What is the need of classification?
72.Who created the modern classification system?

73. What is species?

74.Write the scientific name of human and teff?

75.Which of the following shows the correct hierarchy from the broader to simpler?
A. Kingdom – Phylum – Order – Family – Species
B. Kingdom – Phylum – Class – Order – Family – Class – Order
C. Species – Genus – Kingdom – Family – Class – Order

D. Family – Order – Class – Genus – species - Kingdom
76.One of the following is correct about the scientific name of an organism?
A. It is the same for scientists all over the world.
B. Varies according to the native language of scientists.
C. May have more than one genus name.
D. May refer to more than one species.
77.Which of the following is true about the scientific name of zeamays?
A. Zea is the class name C. Zea is the family name
B. Mays is the species name D. Mays is the order name
78.Which of the following is the largest taxonomic category?
A. Family B. Genus C. Class D. Order

The five kingdom system

The five kingdom system consists
1. Kingdom Monera: - they are unicellular and prokaryotic Ex. Bacteria
2. Kingdom Protista: - They are unicellular and Eukaryotic Ex. Algae, Protozoa
3. Kingdom Fungi: - Usually they are Multicellular and Eukaryotic can’t make
4. Kingdom Plantae: - They have Eukaryotic Cells, Contain chlorophyll,Have the
following division: - Division Bryophyta ,Pteridophy,Lycophyta, Sphenophyta,
Gymnosperma, Angiosperma

5 . Kingdom Animalia – Consists of multicellular forms,Eukaryotic, Heterotrophic


Kingdom Animalia consist 33 phyla.- The major one are:

 Phylum - Porifera Ex. sponges

 Phylum Coelenterata Ex. Cnidaria

 Phylum Platyhelminthes Ex. Flat worms

 Phylum Nematoda Ex. Round worms

 Phylum Annelida Ex. Segmented worms

 Phylum Mollusca Ex. Soft bodied animals

 Phylum Echinodermata Ex. Spiny skinned animals

 Phylum Arthropoda Ex. Joint footed animals

 Phylum Chordata Ex. Vertebrate animals

Sub Phylum Chordata divide in to the following class

 Class – Pisces Ex. Fish
 Class – Amphibia Ex. Frog
 Class – Reptilia Ex. Snake, Lizard
 Class – Aues Ex. Birds
 Class – Mammalia Ex. Mammals

Exercises on five King dome classification system

79.Which kingdom is prokaryotic?
80.Which kingdoms are unicellular?
81.Name the representative of kingdom monera.
82.Which kingdoms are Eukaryotic?
83.Which kingdom is Chordate?
84.List the major division of kingdom plantae.
85. Which of the following animals is vertebrate?

A. Lizard B. Earth worm C. Ascaris D. Snail

Mach the following phylas of kingdom Animalia with their

respective matches

86 Porifera A. Cnidaria

87. Coelentrata B. Soft bodied animals

88. Annelida C. Sponges

89. Mollusca D. Segmented worms

90. Arthropoda E. Round worms

91. Nematoda F. Joint footed animals

Ecology is a branch of biology which studies about environment. Ecosystem is all the animals
and pant that live in area along with things affect them.An ecosystem can be affected by living
things (biotic components) and non living things (a biotic components) of an environment. A
biotic components include: water, sunlight, air, soil, temperature. Biotic components include
producers, consumers and saphrophs

Questions on Ecosystem
92. Define an ecosystem.

93. List two abiotic components of an eco system.

94. Which of the following is not abiotic component of ecosystem?

A. predators B. parasites C. soil D. disease

Food relationships
According to their mode of nutrition organisms can be classified as Autotrophic and
Heterotrophic .Autotrophic organisms – are organisms that can synthesize their own food.
Heterotrophic organisms – are organisms that can not synthesize their own food , they feed on
other organisms. Chemotrophs - a small number of organisms that can get energy from the
breakdown of sulphur containing chemicals.
Food chain – is a simple and direct feeding interrelationship .Each organism occupied particular
trophic level with in a food chain. Trophic level consists of – producers, consumers, and
Food web is a complex feeding interrelationship. The main trophic levels are:

 producers (first trophic level) – are produce their own food plants

 primary consumer (second trophic level) – herbivores , feed of producers

Eg. Sheep, cows

 secondary consumers ( third trophic level ) – are carnivores

- feed on primary consumers

 Tertiary consumers (fourth trophic level ) – are top carnivores

- feed on other carnivores

 Decomposers are found at the end of each food chain.

Biomass – refers to the total amount of organic matter.

Exercise on food relation ship

95. Define phototrophs.

96. Define chemotrophs.

97. Draw an example of food chain .

Answer For Review Questions

1. B:_Artery,vein andcpillary
2. C:-veins always carry blood towards the heart
3. B, vein (to prevent back flow of blood)
4. food and oxygen
5. platelets, plasma, r.b.c and w.b.c
6. helping the blood to clot at the site of a wound
7. oxygen is carried by hemoglobin which becomes oxyhaemoglobin and transport
to cells.

8. plasma is a liquid component of blood that transports blood cells, co2, urea…
9. blood group A, B, AB, O
10. C ‘blood group AB (because it is a mixture of two blood groups A and B)
11. because group A has different antigen from group B antigen
12. because blood group O has no antigen
13. C (lack of iron because iron is needed to make hemoglobin)
14. d- (all the factors increase blood pressure)
15. A (Atria)
16. D - left ventricle (because it pumps blood to distant part of the body)
17. A pulmonary artery (it is the only artery carrying oxygenated blood)
18. cardiac muscle (contract and relax continuously without fatiguing)
19. B
20. D
21. .F
22. C
23. G
24. E
25. A
26. .J
27. I
28. H
Answer for micro organisms
29. microorganisms are tiny living organisms that can be only seen with the aid of
30. bacteria, Virus, Mould and yeasts ( fungi)
31. E. none
32. A. virus (because all viruses are the cause of disease)
33. C. antibiotics (vaccines are not medicine but it consists disease causing ( micro
34. B. (antiseptics are applied on living tissues)
35. B. autoclaving (autoclaving is heating method)
36. C. disinfectant (applied to an inanimate object)

37. B. (Louis pasture)
38. D. vaccines are live and activated

Answer For Diseases

39. B. anopheles mosquito (because the parasite spend one part of its cycle inside the
40. B. may be taken wrongly (because it is not prescripted by doctors)
41. can cure many diseases that cause great harm and death.
42. not easily available to many of us.
43. it is available in our community so it is often holistic based on treating the
whole patient.
44. C. cholera (others are caused by virus)
45. B. tape worm
46. C. plasmodium
47. D. (because cholera is caused by contaminated water)
48. B. (persistent cough is one symptom of T.B)
49. C. chancroid (the bacteria produce sores on the head of penis)
50. D. house fly (transmit pathogens on its body)
51. C. typhoid (has extremely high fever that damage cells )
52. C. T.B ( it is transmitted by air)
54. C. condom (because it is sexually transmitted disease)
55. .Answer- A. malaria ( the symptom of malaria are chills and sweating)

56. vectors are anything that can transmit disease.

57. can cure many diseases that cause great harm and death.
58. not easily available to many of us.
59. it is available in our community so it is often holistic based on treating the
Answer for Marching Questions
60. B
61. C
62. A

Answer for HIV/AIDS
63. Cervical lymph node and auxiliary lymph node.
64. it is important to return tissue fluid to the blood and in the immune response to
65. T – cells (T-cells attack the cell carrying foreign antigen and destroy it)
66. by destroying T – cells and make the body suffer by other infections
67. it is higher in cities than rural areas
68. A. cause death of many working population
69. A.(washing hands is not the way of HIV transmission )
70. C. advice him to go to health center and know his status

Answer for Principles of classification

 To make the living world easier to understand.
 To simplify their study.
 To bring order out of chaos and confusion.
72. Carl Linnaeus
73. Species is the smallest unit of taxa,Consist similar organism that can breed
successfully and give fertile Offspring.
74. The scientific name of Human and Teff are:-
 The scientific name of Human is Homo sapiens.
 The scientific name of Teff is Eragrostis teff.
75. B. Kingdom – Phylum – Class – Order – Family – Class – Order
76. A. It is the same for scientists all over the world
77. B (in the scientific name the first name is a genus name and the second name is
species name so, Zea is Genus name and Mays is species name)
78. C, (the correct order from complex to simple is: - Class – Order –
Family – Genus)

Answer for five King dome classification system

79. Answer: - Kingdom monera

80. Answer: - kingdom monera and kingdom Protista
81. Answer: - Bacteria
82. Answer: - K - Protista
83. Kingdom Animalia
84. - Division Angiosperma and
-Division Gymnosperma
85. Lizard (it is vertebrate animal found in class reptlia)
86. C,
87. A,
88. D,
89. B,
90. F,
91. E

Answer for Ecosystem

92. It is all organisms in a given habitat and their interaction with their non living
93. Soil, water, sunlight
94. C. soil

Answer for food relation ship

95. They are a group of organisms that use sun light to synthesize their own food.
96. They are organisms that release energy from simple chemical reaction
Ex.nitrifing bacteria, 2NH4 +3O2 nitrosomonas = 2NO2 + 2H2O+4H +energy

97. grass - insect - lizard


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