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Driver Copy
PsN:A 72g4361
C, Darcl Logistics Limited Consignment o.
I -, ,
(Fonnerty t nown as Darct Loq slcs kmited)
Registered Ofrice:
Ploi No 55P lnslitutronat Area
Secto.,14. Gurugr4.p_ j zzOos (Haryanal Consignment Date
Phone : 901520212i.25. 26.
cIN No U60222HR1986pLC068818 Phono No : 7Oa242OlOO
Cuslomer SuDpa,t Emart . r PAN No : AAACD2Oa6,
Cohron Ca Er r'cense No. : SAP Delivery o.
Work Order Detai ls

Consignor Details
Name L, ,
t i t',.) l

Said to Contain

E] Minimum Guarantee Weiqht

Freight Charge Amount

,ratl ':: St
F... ,: :.ods.s per details aUove for ca
Party Document Deta ils
Do c. Type
D oc, Date
E-Way E,il Io:-/5T Form E To be billed at
Invoice lJo,
c.s.I \-l i '.' ! , E-Way BillNo-, Gsi r':'"'- - '' Errtidrrsslrpptreow'tn E Io Pay
., S.T,Form & FullAddress ofConsigoor & Consignee
GST to be paid to covernment I nsura nce
Load ing Detention Details
fl consignor n Consignee
E Exempt*2 Releasing Date/Time:,.'.
Reason for Detention;

ror Detgils (Se Terms overtear)

Name & Signature of Rep. :

24lOPRN/08/2K 1 9/.1
// 1. fhe Carier will not receiveor accepifor(ani4e, gou, s'lv€r, jewelle.y, precious any reason whatsoever.
stones, seqrrities, valuable documenb ald cll|er typ es of precious and/or
valuaue qoodsaMthesliForaqentsof @mer are fi,t alirrorized to receive or
9. =
The Canier will not be responsible for loss or damaqe to or degtruction of
any goods arising out of or resulting ftom force majeure condiuon inctuding
a..e*arry sich goodsfor caniage. If ,ty c.tdt g@ds are accepted. and/or bul nol limited to ad(s) of God, acl(s) ol war hostirities and war op€rations
b@ked forGniage, inadvertently o. othsvnse, dE car*:r will be under no (whether war be dedared or not), an ad oi public or state enemiesi arrests,
rc+onsibility whatsoever in respectherEf. restrains or detaanments drikes (legal & Otherwise), .iois & civil commotion,
2. TIIe Canier will not accept any gEods d an iffa.rmatfer' eehd\d dangemG/ aoy unexpected and/or unavoidable emergencies, rrc act(s) of thieves,
damaging nafure unless permiuEd by Governrnerfr ard uiess properly and sec1rely robbers & dacoits, fire, heal lain, floods, eadiquake, ordinary breakage,
packed in accodance with e)dsting rcgulatio.E/rurns, if y. ftior to bmkng leakage. insufficiently of packing, inad€quacy of make or any accident
ofsmh goods, the consignor d|all give mtice to tlE caBierand sflall fiEke decla ratio n ho,,rever arisrng.
astotienatureandcharacterof sudrgoodsodErwbe goodsnEybe landed at any 10. All .larms for compensadon in respect of loss/damagp b or d6Dilairon or goods
place en-route or be dgfoyed/rendercd innoorcus or be deah with as Grried by_B: carne. <houli be subm,ired to the carier, within 15 ddys hom the
the carrier may think ft and tle Consigntr of srdr goods dEll b€ liabb r.l, rAe r'.date6fbookinq,alongw'lhoriginalrnvorceano.onsgnee'scopy.Su(hclaims
camer ior aI -lo5+-damage/ destruction o. expensesr directly or would be settled at Delhisubjectto the ca6er rules, regulations and conditions
arising out of or resulting nDln En6 cf dte boo*ing ard caniage of
goods. 11. We do never allow consigno(s), consign<s) or their .epresentauve(s). if an,
3. Perisheble and/o.rft_agile goods, haardors dld/or erda h goods/liquids along with our transporinbon vehide but we may consider and allow, on request
and allgoods liairetobr$kage and/orlealcgEr be ac+d age ooly at only in special Gse, a careraker, either of the Consllno(s) or Consignee(s) to travel
the risk of owners and/orco.drjrrcr(s) a&6c6rcile<s). in the vehicle but M/s. CJ Dard Logistics timiied Or its agen(s) or tu bonafide
4. The carrier reserves w
to. itse{f S|e rilht, lorA as*lniaE e.ry rErsa6 whaGoever. employee(s) shall not t e responsible for any damagdloss to and/or destruction of
to deviatei'om any usuator G6romary ru-i{s)ad aryqpoebyaryodEr rune(r) if pe'son and property including belonging sudr as Gr€taker arising out of any
deerled fir by iL actident or otherwise ir the course of and at the termination of transit.
5. In respedofgoods whidr have beenco\rered b,yin$anefromlhe carrier's insurer, 12. The office.s, employees or- agenb of the canier are not authorized to
the;nsumnce ceAses imm&iately on delivery oftl€ gioods into ih€ final warehouse alter/override/deduce/dillte the eFfe.t of or to negale or to comrnivomii any act
and/or store at the destination/stat$ named h€rejn or at the e+iry 10 hoursd contrary to any of the above condiiions.
hom the time of arriEl of the cfftletf*re d tlp de$rnatbo wiif€ver 13. The Carrier shall have lie right to vrilihoh and detts'n the goods at the risk of the
shall ocoir filst Thereafter, tll€ goods rerEn 6fuy * ttE risk c,f frners and Corlegno(s) aod/or Consgnee(s) iindy and se!€ralv unbl E|e iioghr & other
neilherthe Carrier nor'rts irEurer(s) *Ellberery# q [a ef0. lo6s or darnage charges thereon are paid to the Gnier.
to and/or destru€ulon of such gmds. 14. AII above conditions are subjed to co.tracts/agrcements ente.ed witn
6. Demurragewillbe charged @ 1Rs- perkg/day ifdef.rerycfgoods E rd *en by the Comignor/Consjgnee as the case may be.
consignee(s) after expiry of 4 days fiom date of arid ofgpods A &tnati}l. 15. All types of disputes arisinq out of this Crnsignment shall be
Z If delivery ot goods is not taken hV the coGigneqs) wlthn 3 nE {rE frqn the enterbined and tried only by appropriate Courts at Gurugram.
time oftheir arnvalat finaldestination tlle 6rief rcsen esio itself the riqht to 16. It is obligatory on the pa{t of the Consignot, Consignee to declare their
r€li:e frcm $E sale proeeds arry amount
sellgoods atcuneflt marketpriceand to CGSr/SGSr/IGSr/UTGST Regisb'ation Number and their Regislration Number
dueand/oranyamountwhich should have acoued by yray of freiqtft and/or under CGSI/SGST/IGSr/UTGST & Custom Act, including PAN No. issued by
demurrage and/or any other amounl 'on account of any Govt. of lndia. If any consiqnment are detained for want of these information
dlaBes/e{penditure incurred. Consrgnor/Consignee will be solely liable lor all consequences whatsoever
8. The carrier uill not, rnder any drarn ttr ?s. :e .esA;Ebh ir. Ita_ble fur ids. or' 6nan.rdi, orddler/isE.
damage to or desEudion of gEEds bmked d GfrEd a ftrE risk or for any 17. In any matters relabng to CGSI/SGST/IGST/UTG.ST, the responsibility restssolely
claim for comperisation in resDE(t of srdt b, (brEgE c d€stsrrctin and the with the Consignor/Consignee and the Transport OpeEtor shall in no way be
Carrier resen€s to itsdf fie rigit tD repu(fiate ry srdr wniort assigning liable, accountable or penalized for the same.

All the above terms & conditions trom Sr- llos. 1 to '17 have been read over / explained to and accepted by the Consignor{s) and/or his agent(s).

Delivery Acknowledgrnent to be provided on below given space.

qrd slfk fr s€}< ff fed Tr$ i€ejrrq q< fr t!

cr€ a Darcl cJ
IJ, , rcl cl UA c, :] Darcl
c,= li

G tarcl c,
cI# Defcl ct ct Dqrcl
Darcl c,

.* ct Darcl c, Darcl
ffi I

cIe Darcl ct Ilarcl C'

Consignee's Stamp & Signatu re
Exide lndustried LimiteC
Su rvey N o.246C h ich u rakanapal I i,sevaganapal li Panchayath,
Hosur Tk,Krishnagiri Dt,Tamil Nad u-6351 03
Ticket Printing Date 13-01-2021 00:

Plant Code : HOSR Truck No : vP774N4442

Entry No : 20804 Trans code : 3000113992

Type : 0000102037 Transporter: CJ DARCL LOGISTICS


Gate No: COMM GATE Tare Weight : 12510.00

Gate Entry Time : 13-01-202'l '11:20:41 Gross Weight : 31920.00

Net Weight : 19410.00

Operatol Siqnature


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