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L Darcl
Driver Copy
rsn:ff /ZglfEE
\J uarct Logtstics Limited Branchi
Consigrment I{o.
(Formeriy inown as Darct Loqishcs Lrmited)
t' ,-, / 'r , f.l t r '
Resistered Office:
Plot No 55P lnsliruironat Area
cirnsirinment siter /'
Sector 44. Gurusram 122003 iHarvana)
Phone 9O152O2i21 25-26
! t,' ,' t'
ubuzz2HFl9E6PLC 068818
CuslomerS!!1. Fr:
common carrre, rrcense r,ro
lssued b! rS I
A r Ctrandroarh u,
\,cjdatc ,n 27 .3.201A tu 26.3.2o2a
Phone No:'7&2a2oloo
,oJr$,",r$o. I )'il t I
a93!-t \ct 2007 ard Rules 2Oii.
Work Order D eta ils
WO No. DJte:
Ludor n9 >ra on t)r\:,. f
_---.-]--.-!'-tl- Distance ( Kms) Vehicle No.
$l arl fl r{-}'i rl J
D?livery Station
consig nor oet"irs
..---7 Tra nsit Days roJa ry'pd -:' '-a;;------ "
Consignee Details tEz

i:::.". {o"'" t rij

Weight in MT
Prod uct No of Pkg Packing Value of coods Rs. Net Weight :
f"; t. ,' . .^,
€,4 i1 h:,-L' Gross Weight :

l!: lt,f : . , 1,ii-Jt 11 Minimum Gua ra ntee Weight

it,r'-,i,7tliT; 11 r
,? -lt
r.uisttt irru.t{ A;ount
t^l Freight :

,i Rate PMT

.,ls.ana te ioyil 'ia9e subject to the conditicns gaven o;;leaf_

Party Document oetiirs.......-...-- Balance I

Doc,Type li"..N- Basis of Bookino

I Doc, Date I
E-Way E l:Jo:-/ST Form p ro oe uitieg at
Invoice Br:n.h l
. rut resoon : ,--:--++
Ir t
TheC ' :"". -.-----
any eenaly if ,nvoice wii,ch is esse"t,ur ,,,pp"lfiti.l"t tr] Tp Pay o piio
C.5 I \-t',,. : E w.,j Ri, :.D,le:l
r r!o . cs I No., S.'i.for m & ruIAddrass
ot Co.r,C^.;a-i;;;;;;;"".
GST to be paid to Gov ernmenr by*i ' r_oaainojEilit iT.Eiii- Tra ns it Insurance By
El Consigror Ll Consignee R€porting Date/Time: F C?g,"r E Customer
L=l G lA Name of Insurance iomp-;t
fl Lxemotr2 D6la1.:^
g h-!^ ,-:
^ udLc/ I IIte: j
., , Keason for Detention:
:ll,i .,,'.' a'.md MnidbfM, ,.0'/ (sE' 6 (q&) Qakd Policy No.
f.T',{.,.:, . ]] '! , sJlt !.lftd Fh
,,*rocd*i"8.-.-D-, Policy Date :
"ds- :r,rsrsr s ur LUIstgnqr Kep.
Not Responsible for BreatageTfeakagE
*^tr !,dao, qd: ro aodr, @ ouqn btr€ fra
-.d. i__;_
Lurslyror rrera I ts (see aerms overteaf) Any Other Remarks
Name & Signature of Rep.
Name & Signatu re f'\
f rptoyee cilde :-. ----.-l
any reason whaGoever
The Grrier will not be responsible fo. ioss or damage to or destuction of
any goods adsing out of or resulting from force majeure mndition including
but not limited to ad(s) of God, act(s). of war hostjlities and war operations
(whether war be declared or not), an ad of public or state enemies, arresB,
rcstrains or detarnments strikes (legal & Otheruise), nots & civil commotion,
any unexpected and/or unavoidable emergencies, the act(s) of th'eves,
robbers & dacoits, fire, heat, rain. floods, eartiquake, ordinary breakage,
leakage, insufficienty of packing, inadequacy of make or any accident
however arising,
compen$tion in respect of loss/damage to or desbuction of goods
AI! claims for
canied by the €arrier should be submitted to the canier, within 15 days ftom the
date of booking, along with original invoice and consignee's copy. Suci claims
would be settled at Delhi subject to the carrier rules, regulatjons and conditions
we do never allow consigno(s), .onsignee(s) or thek representative(s), if anv,
aloaig lrthour trdnsportat$n vehLie b{rt we rnay cotsider ard allow on request
only in special Gse, a caretaket either of*le Consigno(s) or Consignee(s) to travd
in the vehicle but I\4/s. CJ Darcl l-ogistics Lirnited Or iE ageni(s) or its bonafide
employee(s) shall not be responsible for any damaqe/loss to and/or destruction of
peEon and property including belonging such as carelaker arising out of any
accident or otherwise in the course of and at the termination of transit.
The offlcers, employees or agents of $e carier are not authorized to
tlle insurance ceases immediately on delivery of the qoods In'o the final \4arek'r€ alterovenjde/deduce/dilute the effect of or to negate or to comfiivomlt any act
and/o. store at the destinaUon/statioo named herein or at the expiry of 10 lnuls @ntrary to any o[ the above conditions.
The Cnnier shall have the right to withhold and dettsin the goods at the risk ofthe
from the time of arrivat ot ur" .on""r.n i-"t-tt" ;;;;J"-v*li"*".1t' ConsiJno(s) and/or Consignee(s) jointly and severally untl the fteigtt & other
shall oco]r first. Thereafter, the goods remain entirety at the risk of owners and
dlarg€s thereon are paid to the Carrier
nejtherthec.riernor its insure(s) shdll be responsible or llable for lo6s o{ ddiaqe !.,
to and/or desfittion -
of such goods.
Ir+ All abore condfions are subject to contracts/agreements entered with
Consilnor/Consignee as the case may ba,
6. Demunagewiiibe charq€d @ l Rs Pe-t kglia; ifd.]lvel ci'goods i: not t ken by the
15. AII types of disputes arising olt of this Consignment shall be
consgnee(s) aiter expiry of 4 days ftom date of anival of goods at destjnatk'n. entertained and tried only by appropriate CourB at Gurugrdm
7. If ddivery of qoods is not Eken bY the @flsigne{s) IJithin 3 rnonths frorn the
ts itself the right to 16. It is obliqatory on the part of the Consignor, Consiqnee to declare thgr
tinE ofthenanivalat finalded,nathn the Gnier reserves
CGST/SGST/IGST/UTGST Reqistration Number and their Registratron Number
sdl goods dornert nErketprkE ardto realize nun the eh pro(:eds any amount
of under CGSI/SGSr/IGST/UTGST & Custom Act, including PAN No issued bv
due ard/or arry arnount whdr *lgid ha\e iEued by /rYay lreidtr and/or
dn oF Go\,t. of lndia. If any consignment are detained for want of these information
demurrEge and/or any other amount account any
Consignor/Consignee wiil be solely liable 60r all consequences whatsoever
-g.S.clmendriure inorred.
The;niJ wil9ill;6fifrET;nf.ffi iPl-{eE 6dEit*,-q-Ilue-Qll46s or 1Z Infi nancially orothetuise.
.-.y4atters relatrng to CG5USGST/IGSr/UJGSI the responsibility restssolelv
damage to or destrudion of goods booked and @.ried at ou.I,.. risk or,br a.y
widr dre Consignor/Consignee and the lransport operaioi shdil nr i_tc, wny be
claim for compensation in rcspect of srlch l6ss, d?fiag€ or c,€struction and the
liable, acaounGble or perE lized for ihe sa me,
Grrier rcserves to itself U|e riqht tD replldrate any sudr daim Yvithout assignirE
1 to 17 have been reld over /

/t\ Delivery Acknowledgment to be provided on below given space. . I

fed rrS se+r;r q< fi i

'r=\ -.- srfk d s€1'q # r Y


TOdF )t4
Darc! cr= i L'E=


- -txide lndustried LimiJe<i
l-tosil r Tk, Krish nag i ri Dt,Tami I Nad u-6351 03

Ticket Printing Date 14'0,,l'202'1 00:00:00

'' ,ai,l Code . HOSR Truck No : UP78DT2755

20919 Trans code 3000114215

[ntry No. :

0000102037 Transporter: CJ DARCL LOGIST|CS


COMM GATE Tare Weight : 11210.O0

Gate No :

14-01-2021 17:52:.10 Gross Weight : 26050.00

Gate Entry Time :

Net Weight : 14840.00



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