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Driver Copy
PsN :ff 'l
29 4 A6Z

(Formerly lnown as Darct Looistics Limite.jl

Registered Office:
rt, l' t /'I " !'
Plot No 55P tnstrrutronal Area_
44 curugram-1 22003 (Haryana)
: 9O1 5202 1 21.25 26.
consiqnment Date
cIN No U60222HR1986pLC068818 Phone No : 7OA242OiOO
.o[r5",rfi". l7*rl
Work Order Details

Delivery Station
Consignor Details
.trl*lt;cs, lt A
Ad ress:
fil ur' l-"J

Said to Contain

E Minimum Guara ntee Weiqht

r"r O",u,,a uO@ .,oOa ur
Party Docum€nt Details
Doc. Ty pe
Doc. Date
E-Way E,:l l,lo:-/5T Form tr To be billed at
Invoice I'Jo.

tr To Pay , -E y'aid
! , E way Bil No., GsT No., S.riorm & i;rA;J;;.;;ft;;;;;;;
Transit Insutance
GST ro be paid ro Ggvernmenr by*l r_oaaingSEt.-iG6i5EGil.-
E Consignor [] Consignee
GTA Name of I nsu rance Company
[] Exempt*2 Releasing Date/Time:
.,:l'.1'|,120./.i"fu||dtR.El Reason for Detention:
lYl"* - ".'Ntuhono'aqmtueom,@.y',r,sorslood

Sig nature of Consignor Rep.

13 DKla,ario we he.e r! denare 0" * h*..**i*,"^** * ^.,--.., "

Consignor Details (see Terms Any Other Remarks

Name & Signature of Rep. :



i. I

1- TtECanirrlllrEtrecEir€oraceptfu @rqe, gd4siv6,jewellery, precious any reason whatsoever

stores,seortis,vduabbdGrrElts dffi types of precious and/or 9. The Canier will not be responsible for ',oss or damag€ to or destsudion of
d-* goods arldthesEtror4slbd @rE de nd aitfD.dl to r€ceive o{ any goods ansing out of or resultrng ftom force majeure condition including
@t ry grdrgddsto 6flbge- If ary s.dr goods are ace@ and/or but not limited to ad(s) of God, act(s) of war ho6tlities and war operations
boolcd furcaniage, inad'r€rtsr, E (dEisq tlE dn€r wll be under no , (whether war be declared or not), an act of publjc or state enemies, anests,
re+oflsibility whaEever h re+€d6E €d. restrains or detainments strikes (legal & Otheflise), riots & cMl commotrbn,
z IlE C.aIi{, wfl rEt a(E€* ay goods d an i,turlrEH€y' edcnd engerdls/ any unexpected afld/or unavoidable emergencies, the act(s) of thieves.
daEging n&re rliess pedrtrrd by Go/ernrnefit and l,' es6 property and seorety robbers & dacoits. fire. heat, rain, floodt earthquake. ordinary breakage.
pa.kedin@daoeyJith o(isting regulaEorEi/nonrE, if any. Bior to booking leakagq insufficiently of packing, inadequacy of make or any accident
oasudl qoods, tlle corlsignor shall give notice to the caiTier and *Ell nrake declaration however arising.
as io the nAre arld cha_acEofsrd' goodso$rerwise goods may be landed al any 10. All claims for compensation in respect of loss/damage to or destruction of goods
pbc er|-{uiE 6 be @/erd€red innoo.rous or be dealt with as canied by the carrier should be submitted to the carrier, within 15 days fiom the
BE aric. nEy tiir* ft ard dE Co|sillor of $.h g@ds +eg be {rable to S}e date ofbooking, along \,'/ith original invoice and co.signee's copy, Such claims
anirr for all loss/ damagel destruction or expenses, directly or would be setUed at D€lhisubject to the carrier rules, regulauons and conditjons
hne.tty. addrE ort d or resitirE hun terms of tlE boohrE ard Cmage of ofcarriage._
g@dr I 11. We do flever allow consigno(s), €ons;gnee(s) or their representative{s), if an,
3- Peri$able ad/or fragib qoods, herdous aff/or exEa haErdq.ts gEodsliquids along wi$ our transportation vehicle but we may consider and allow, on request
dal goodslbbbtD breakageaod,/orkBlGgewillbe acceged fu cani{e only at only in sp€.ial case, a caretaker, either of the Consignor(s) or C-onsignee(s) to trdvel
$e risk of owrss ard/or Conngnor(s) and/or Cor'sign€e(s). in lhe vehicle but l14ls. Cl Darcl Logistics Limited Or its agen(s) or its bonafide
4. The ari{ r€ser,Jes to tudf ttE righl irilhorrt assigning ary r€Esons whatso€4/er, employee(s) shallnot be responsible for any damagd{oss to aod/or destruction of
person and property inciuding belonging such as caretaker arising out of any
.todet iatefrorn dry ueralororstomary r.nit{s) and Grryg6dsby yattrer route(s) if
&6r€dlibyft. accident or otherwise in the course oi and at the termination of transit,
5. InrEspeddgoodsvrhirn harc be$cotred byirEuramefiomthe carrier's insurer, 12, The officers, employees or agents of the a.e not authorized to
theirErrdrE.-,*imrnediatelyon ddiveryof Sle goods into tf|e firld waretEuse alter/ovenide/deduce/dilute,the effect of or to negate or to commivomit any act
ard/tr slDre at the destirl3tiny'ffin named herdn or at the eqi.y of 10 hours contrary to any of the above conditions.
fi'o.n the tine of ariival of the cofteyance at tl€ de*indirl rdrki€'rer 13. The Carrier shall have the r;ght to wilhhold and detain the gmds at the risk of the
srrdl oco.r first lt'ereafur, dle g@ds remain efitirdy at tlle risk cf (,mers and Consigno(s) and/or Consignee(s) jointly and severally unul tfie freight & other
n€iEErthecaniernorilsirsrrc(s)shall berespooe_bk or liatle fE bs or damage charges ihereon are pad to I he Cdrner.
b and/or de*u.tion of sldr gi@(ls. 14. AII above conditions are subject to contracts/agreements entered with
6 Dern-griaa ii.illoe dlarq€d @ I Rs. per kq/day il di€ry ot gopds Is rd bken by tfi€ Consigr6a/Consignee as the case may be-
dnigneqs) atueQry oi4"ats ft6lldaieo{Hd .J gsc*:t Eificiixl. 15. All types of. disputes arising out of this Consighment shall be
7. lf ddirsy d goods 15 .td bkeo by 6|e co.Engn€{s) within 3 fi}oldls fisn the entertained and tried only by appropriate Coirrts at Gurugram.
tnEoa their aniydl atfinaldesrination the6nkr.Esen es to tself the .roht to16. It is obligatory on the part of the Consignor, Consignee to declare tfiar
se{ g@ds atorrertmark* prieand to reafae ftom * sft proeecs any -amounL CGSI/5GSI/IGST/UTGST Registrdtion Number and their Registration Number
d-eatd/oraryamoontwhidr drculd have acared by way of fieight andlor under CASVSGST^GST/UTGST & Custom Acl including PAN No. issued by
demurrage and/or any other Bmount.on account any ofGo\t. of India. If any consignment are detained for want of thes€ information
dEqqes/oQeiditure hr.un€d - Consiqllol/eq:rsjgnee-UL|L_qe solely liable for all con-sequen@s whatsosrer
& ihe @mer w]l nd, urd€r arry cir.urr'tanc5, be rEsporEiue ff
Eable far kEs or finanoally or otherwise.
darlage to 6 de.hrdirn cf goods boo*ed &|d (zlriJ d
6rrE ris* or tur any 1Z In any matters relating to CGST/SGST/IGST/UTGSI the responsibility restssolely
dim tur @rpe{dhn h rc+ed of srdr los, danagE o. desEr.rih ard the with the Consignor/Consignee and the Transport Operator shall in no way be
turis res;rv.+ tD itsdf tfle nght to repudate any sudt daim wi$rclrt asriJning Iiabg aocountable or penalized for the same.

All th€ above ierms & condiiions from Sr Nos. 1 to '17 have been read over / explained to and accepted by the Consignor(s) and/or his agent(s).

Delivery Acknowledgment to be provided on below given space.

qrqa g-rfQ1 fr vff< ff R-$ rrS serr;r qs qfr e I

€t B4ycl
4 t7 Diry.^?:i e .1-

c1 @
@ r+vslri ur/r
CI Darcl
F p, - i'r*j-
CI Darct cr@€ru
, li
larcl c,
Darcl cJ eE
Consignee's Stamp & Signatur€
Exide lndr.lstried Limited
Su rvey 246,Ch ich u ra kanapal li,sevagana pa
N o.
pa nchayath,
I li

Hosu r Tk,Krishnagiri Dt,TamilNad

u-6351 03

Ticket Printing Date 1S-01_2021 00:00:00

PIant Code : HOSR Truck No : uP78CN4915

Entry |\,lo : 2og2o Trans code : 3000114234
Type :
Gate No : COMM GATE Tare Weight :
1081 0.00
Gate Entry Time : 15-01-2021 01:51:53 Gross Weight :

Net Weight : 13320.00


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