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CONSIGI{MENT NOTE esn =fi 7 2943?

Driver CoPY
I Consignment
cr Darcl Logistics Limited umllPd)
IFormerlv known as Darcl Logistics
F, rq5' ,t i

heoistered oflice: Consignment Date

g;):.i% Jlll';'l:i:lt6:'i,", yana) 1r-
.t\^^. gO15?O2 t?1 25-26'
.ir-^o uoozzzHntgaoPLcoosgta EX'3i""T""i1tEi6*i SAP DeliverY No.
03,,2018 valid I
iltsil',giH'i:r##-i?jrflfl rriaqe bv Roac lti"flt'*:r'e','un::'

Work Order Details Date:

W0 No. : i un"" tx*t) I vihitl" 1o' , ' ,
Loading station lla r+--- -d rl
Transit DaYs fr-Laa riire , --
Del iverv >tarrurr ,r
Consig nor Details
Consignee Det ei
r, I Name , I'06
Name ,- ,' i.
I lo
Address: I dE
Address '. I ]ri
I .,9
Weight in HT I
Said to Contain
No of Pkg Pacl ,'*_l Value of Goods Rs' Net Weight
Gross Weight

E Minimum Guarante 9 \^/9!l

---f'-+.-:------a . ". ...rr::;:
I Freight charge Amor ,r nt
I Rate PMT


ic ns given overleaf' Balance

tarty qocumenr r,erd Basis of Booking

oc. I Ype
-#-;- D oc. Date o To be billed at
-/ST Form Bianch : -ttssE-Eid
rr... -
--Wav E,il iJo.
L- E r. P--Y

,nvoice No.
noi resoonsrb'tE'rOrerv perdr Transit Insurance BY
=.^-' ' '
:;\r..' i i,1i a' t! tr9:jf trl Clltontg
"::l!I E Carrier
jST to be Par
me of lnsurance companY
tl Consignee Reoortrnq Datei Time:
f Consignor

r-1 FYpmnt* 2 Releasinq Date/Time:
Reason for Detention:
Policv No. :
Signature of consignor Kep Not Resrlonsib le for Breakage/Leak;
*..:.i', -*'*imm#lP5"mftIfrl l

" I Any Other Remarks

l,I #,i;#*,#;i,*ffiti$is;!"*'#'rffiY*#l
*x,q"ry---- Details (s€e remi*lgl
Isignor Details (s* t"'" o.,"t"ut)
Name & SigQature
Name & Signature of ReP'

Desig nation: 24lOPRN/08/2K19/1 2

j e w e e r y. precious
1. The Canier will not receive or accept f3i caniage, gotd, sitver,
stones, securities, \,?luable docun ents and other ty p es of precious
and/or 9. TtE C-anj€, yylll rEt be iE?onsfliie fu.. loss or damage to
valuable goodsandthest fforaqentsofGnier are not authorizd receive ary gmds aridng out of or resulting fom force majeure
acceptany such goodsfor Grriage. la any such goods are acceptea and/o' h-t nd limited to ads) of fu, ad(s) of war hostilities and
baoked forcaniage, inadvertendy or otherwise, SIe cnier
will be under no (r'ihdEr v@ be dedared or nct). an act of public or sbte
responsibility whatsoever in rcspert tbereof r$airls or detainm€flts strikes (,egal & Otherwise), rbts & civil
2. The Gnier will not accept any goods of an inflammabtd explosi\d danqsorv ary unceected and/or unavoidable enErgendes, tne a<s) of
damaging nafure unless by Govemnent and unless Eoperty and secudy robbers & dacorts. fire, heat, Gin, floods, earthquake. ordinary
packed in accordance witi) rcgulationvnorrb, _ if arry. Prior to bookjrE leabge, r ins.rrficiendy of pacldng, inadequacy of make or any acctdeflt

as to the nafure and in respect of loss/damage to or destruction of goods

place en-route or :-,:.,:n ir 15 days iroan irA
the carrier may think the Consignor of gldr goods shall be liable tc the .r'...'.l 1 J- . . :. .rl::: :iJrj::rreescDpy.sLr.hclaims
canier [or all loss/ damage/ destruction or expen*3, directly or
indirecty, ari$ng out d or r€sufting ffo.n ternE of BE ffi ard cmaqqdf
3- Perishab'e and/or
and allgoodsliable
tierisk of owners and/or Consignor(s)
4. The Grier reserves to itsdf the rohl wi$lottt
Lo devabe ftom any usualor ostomary rcute(sllnd GnyCods Wanyc{her rgtrc{s) f
,. ffi*"?J"-.
*no n a. *n -',$Q,aQ red^,fr
goods lnlo ttE finat warehorse
ceases immediately on delNdy 6f the
and/or store at the destinatio statiofl named herejn or at tire oq*y d 10 hourc
fiom the Ume of anirdl of tlrc corwwarE at ttr. ddinatien whid )dsatthe risk of the

'*$*;trrHffi ffi ,#&s#gf H 14. AII above condiirs are subject to

the freight & other

entered with
fi ,j;iiljtrllf
io arul 6crd
?r r.h <,

o. I-:rr.r,ag"rr.lo.('.,rqedo.r.i*:5r:. i'C '_ ";-d. Consionor/Consion€e

as $e casernav be. ,
laii qrOAS or disputes aH
consignee(s) afterexpirv of3 days froii dateo.all v3 .i!c.nsar l 4n I oth#-< onsignment shall be
7. If delivery of qmds is not taken by tl|e @.tsiE (s) wid*n 3 entedined aM hed onlv by applo twrtis alGun
timeof theiranival atfinaldestinatcn ili€ca1qi:-:it :isali iie rigilt to 16 lt . :: :::: ' to declare their
sellgoods at cunent fiarket andto rea,ize Irom the gle p:lcEeG any amount
dueand/oranyamountwhidr should have accued by way of freight and/or uncier CGS-y'SG5T/IGST No.
demurrage...and/or any other amount on ggcou-lt_gll+-a ny Gow. of India. If any
charges/exFnditrrc inc!rred.
8. The canier will not, under any circumstances, be respoosible or liable for lo6s or f iiancially cr o'.jr€rwis€.
damage to or destrudion of goods booked and Erri€d at owEer risk or for any 17. In any matters relalinq to CGST/SGSi
claim for compensation in respect of sudl loss. damage or destludion and the with the Conslgnor/Consignee and Operator shali in no way be
Camer rcserves to itself the right to repudiate any such daim y{ithout assigning liable, accountable or peatslized ior the same,

All the above terms & conditions from Sr. Nos. 1 :o 17 have been read over/ explained to and accepted by the Consigno(s) and/or his

A qra Delivery Acknowledgment to be provided on below given space.

qr&er fr vsI< ff H -ri =errq qq fr ? t

* Darcl c: Zarcl ct #*r*

gJ*0. p-Di N-s'o . 7,fi2r'/ eeak:.sbav Da,

iyg*-D,Vrcl cs tc-l c7
:,...,,, , t{o *it 3*:t.328.
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Darcl .ct Darcl ct

Darcl c, Darcl cI

Darcl c,
Consignee's Stamp & Signature

lztw*ryW4'ff""*ilrt vcu- tb O"-b?

Exide lndustried Limited
Su rvey N o.246, Ch ich u ra kanapal I i,Sevaganapal li Panchayath,
Hosu r Tk,Krishnagiri Dt,Tamil Nadu-6351 03

Ticket Printing Date 20-01-2021 00:00:00

Plant Code : HOSR Truck No: TN24K4455

Entry No : 21172 Trans code: 3000114852

Type : 0000102037 lransponer , LtrulTEo

Gate No : COMM GATE Tare Weight '. 10950.00

Gate Entry Time : 18-01-2021 14:12:13 Gross Weight : 31150.00

Net Weight : 20200.00



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