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N\Srrn,\r- 3\6+,,t"1 "+1 rr

PSN:I 294375
-Tercl Consignment No.

, tr"iiiGg i"tics

(Formerly known as Darcl Logisti.s Limlted)
Registered Ofrice:

i ."". '. ,':t i* L.--l

No 55P lnsttunonalArea.
sector 44. Gurugram 122003 (Haryana)
Cdisilnmeit oale I
Phone 9O1 5202121 -25-26

srfi"S".vrf. !
crN No U50222HR1986PLc068818 Phorie No ! 7o8242olol

work Order Detai ls

Date: t
Loadinq Station

Tra nsit Days

consig nor Details Consignee Details
Name : _. l -. "i.- !'jt t, i ,
' i) !

Said to Contain

Minimum Guarantee Weiq ht

. r i ods as per details above for carriage subject to the conditlons given overleaf.
Party Docu me nt Details
Doc, Type Doc. Date
To be billed at
E-Way E,il l'lo:rST Form

Invoice llo.
El To Pay
Thec--:a.. ! fot responsible for afi, dendlty iJ i
C.S.T \-i'!', ! E W.yBill No.,GSTNo.,S.T.Form&FullAd Transit Insu ra nce
GST to be paid to Government by*1 Loading Detention Details E Ca.rier , E Customer
E Consignor fl Consignee Name of Insurance Company
.: a GrAgMe prdide,
. "-o \dh doD &l r \c.ntd
- - @iat d d a,tJi,re pd*-, !,r',

13 Debrat o^ rc here br d{ are


Consignor Details (see aerms overlear)

Name & Signature of Rep. :


t Srofug VCW sSTn-ve(

i. i'iieCarT bru,jllnot receive oracceDtfcrcar.iage, gold, sitver,.jewe e ry, p recio u s
stooes, secufi ties, valuable do.uments and other t.r p e s f
c p re c i o us and/ or
\rdluable goods and the staff or agenE of canier are not. authorized to receive or any goods arising out of or resutting from force majeure mndibon inctudin
acceptany such goodsfor cnrriage. if any such goolCs ere a.cept€d and/or but not limited to act(s) of God, act(s) of war hostitibes and war operation
booked forcaniage, inadverte'tly or otherwise. the (amtr will be undef no (whether war be declared or not), an :ct of pubtic o. state ene[jes; anests
responsibi ia/ whatsoever in resp€€t thereol reslrains or detainments drikes (legal & Otherwise), riots & civil cofimobbr
2. TIle Carie' wil nd acres any qoods of an inflammahe/ edod,E.darEsurs/ any unexpected and/or unavoidabte emergencies, the act(s) of thieve!
darndliE wd€s pefmithd by Govemment and unt€ss Eoperty and seorefy I robbers & dacoits, fire, heat cds, ear6quake, ordinary breakag€
pad€d h @dance with exiqirE regutationvrrcrms, if any. prix to
bool(iE I

aslothenatureandchaGc'ieroisudlgoocsolner}trse,rJirosmayiler3nae.:i:-. _,
pldce en rouLe or be oestroyed/rendered ,nnocuous or be dez,t win as I
the came, rnav *':l *consi_onor orsuch oyII1,.* I::]:,p odre o' boo<ir a. o o-. n. r: .j... -..,.*i.,p,.S--
i"9 T:
ndiredy, aEirE out of or resuhing ftorn terrns of tfte b@king and caniag€ of
i:l wou d be settled ai Delhl subl-.ct fo the ".-
rutes. regutahons and condition:

3. Hrde d/c fragib goods, hedous dd/or exEd hmrdotls goodyl(uirs
adilgoods[af,EtDhbge d/6leo]agery0be O. caniee,i"ti at
ii*downersand/nCo.!*Ircr(s) ad/s CordJneqs).
4. The (arlir reserE to isdf tE ridt wl}ui eig;ilg ary reasorts yltEtsoever,
bd€|Yiabfrornarryucidorolstfisytqds)adcarygE*by y€dErcrJE(s) if
deEned ftbyiL
5. I! Espatofgarda whic+lavebeen €overed by iri$ranceftofi ttle carrier,s insurer,112.
the insrdnce ceases immediately on delivery of ttte qoods into the finat warehouse I
and/or store al the destjndbon/sbtion named herein or at the €,Qiry of l0 houE J
ftom the time ol anival of the conveyance at ttte destination rvhidrerer llJ.
shall occur firsl. Ihereafter, the goods remain entirely at the risk of o,vners and I
. neithertle Caniernor its rnsu,e( s) shati be r€spqfErbte or tiable hcr tG or damao€
'| I 14. Al
in ar-.C/or destsuction of s{rch qoo,is. Z abore conditbns are subjed to cot-adgagret'nenE enE€d wfi
6. Demurrdge wii: k darged @ I P.s. per kg/day if delvery ofgoods is r}ot bken by Elei ConEigffieclEE E as Ule caie may be.
consignee(s) dfter exprry oi; days fton da re oi anivat ol gmds at destinabon. 15- All types of di$rtes arising out of this Cdxrgffil€rt *EU h
7. Il delruery of goods ii not bter lr, J|e codtgnee(s) within 3 months hom the enEtainedandt edoa{ybyappropriatecourtsatgrugrdn.
time oftheir ani\.alat final destination the canier reservesto itself the
rioht io 16. Itis obligatory on the parl of the Consigncr, Consignee to declare thei
se{l goods ai o.rreflt ma*er f,rice and to realpe from tl"e sdle CGSI/SGST/IGST/UTG'f Registration Number ind their Registration Numbe
_Droceds any amount
dua and/or anv al1noJnr w. icj s+routd tlave acdued by way offreiqht and/or under CGSI/SGSI/IGST/UTGST & Custorn Act, inc{udinq pAN No. issued b
demurrage and/or tsny other afiount on account of any Go\,t. of India. If any consignment are detain€d for want of these informatior
dBrq€s/o@enditure incuned, Consignor/Consagnee will be solely liable for all consequences whatsoeve
8. nle Gnia,r will nol under arry cir$mstances. be responsible or liable fo. loss or fr nancially or otherwise.

danrag€ to or-deshrctio{ ofutoods booted and owner riE& or for ant r lq-aly !t!a&Is relaulg tq ccsrsc_ql/Icsr/urcst the responsibility restssotet'
.larm for .orpencation in rcsped or such to.s damagp or destruclon and rhe witt the Consignor/Consignee and the Transpori Opeiator shal{ ,n no way b(
C.anier rcse €s to itself dle nght to repudiate any such crtairn wiBbut assigning liable, accountableor penailzed forthe same,

Allthe above terms & condilions from Sr. Nos. 1 to 17 have been read ove. / explained to and accepted by the and/o. his agent(s).

A qra srfk Delivery Acknowledgment to be provided on below given space.

d gS-< ff fad q-$ szlpq qs S A I 0
CI > Darcl qr ta Darcl ct Darcl

cr; ,, ly I CJ
C' Darcl cr lcr
a"J cl
Consignee's Stamp & Signature
Exide lndustried Limited-
Survey No.246,Chichurakanapalli'sevaganapalli
HosJr Tk,Krishnagiri Dt,TamilNadu-6351

Ticket Printing Dale 20-01'2021

Truck No : uP79T5877
Plant Code : HOSR

Trans code : 3000115068

Entry No : 21271
0000102037 Transporter: LIMITED
TyPe :

Tare Weight :
Gate Entry Time : 1g-O1-202'l 14:45:44 Gross Weight :

r Net Weight : 12910.00


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