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c, Darcl 'Driver coPY

6-Da Logistics Limited

rFormerlv \nc+n as Ddr'l Loqrstics Limited)
hegistered oftice: .
Pi;iNo. 55P. lnsnrdron4Area(Haryana)

frt z / !
Secror 44 Gurugram_122003
?hone : go152o2121 25'26
,*rJ".,9n"1 tt)*-l
Work Order Details
Distance (Kms
Loadinq Station

Consignor Details
Name ,
Name , $$yli #/-!i,,-,{ i.Srx.!'{/.
*,i{.-; Address: ".1
l, ii .' \ 'i,! ,,',t
Address: t /; :/ lr.
/t.' . ''," ! ' '..i !,- ,r';:*t', r .-, " .r ,1

Said to Contain


ill^: :cods as Per details

Fiiiy Document Details

Doc. D
tr To be billed at
Do(, TYPe
E-Way E'll iJo:rST Form
Involce llo.
'=' -
' resoon'rble lor any nen lLy 6 inioice which"ls'Es
i1';i.-r. . ' ^r woue,rr
i ro',csrro' s' .Form & F u llAdd re 5s or
tr C"!to'g
GST lo be Paid to
ti"n",E"f l"*r*;ce ComPanY

:- - :-:46u6i.ajl.d G@y, csr bbirib/ farE

Reason for Detention:
' ;-" rcrA**apd@
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SignituiE of consig nor ReP'
ka.aiEi re hqe bv &.lrrc thd € ha€iiii,t
'3 H#'f}iiffi"a.*#fi;i"irli
r't &itsd
a'iu. Any Other Remarks

<, | 71 ,":/{ $ {,
of Rep. :

?!.5 7 /r/ f '7


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r e w e e.y. precious
wrll not reaeive or a€ae{tfor cafllale, goH, si\,ef, i es, valuable do6rmenE and other ty pes
anyreason whaEel/E :
of p rec o u s a n dl o r 9- IIE cani, will nd be rc*orEib{e fur loss or daiage to d_de*uction of
any goods arigng out cf or legrlting fiun force mai:r*e coi4ion irdudirE
valrEbk goodsandilEffoa4€nisd calrilf .are rct arlffi tD reeive or{any $!d} q@.istur eniage. If anY gm& ate a@ted and/or hrt rd limikd to ads) of God, aqs) d war ho6tiliti5 afld war operations
b*,eO ro.a"iaSe, i.Ed,-t-it o. cafE.t{., sE A.rb wfi be 'ltder m (rt/ffiEr rEr be dedared tr not), an ad of B rig or sfr enemies, an€sb,
whaEoevEinrcspedttEr€of- rEsEains or detaifine,ts shtes oegEl & OdEwise), rG & cMl .ommotion,
z ni Ari:r rd rfr ert aty qod d -r iftmdfd €,dd"q ddEdEttl
'ESoGr_bIily .a!U 4:ege# i,|dld tfla\/q(iaHe m€tgerEies, t le ads) of thieves,
funalig nAre ufess peffi by Gl,rc,rllErf ad uJes FEpedy dtd seorety robbers & dacdts, fire. heEt, rdin. floods, e6rtqtEke, odimry breakage,
rtdedh#ne y{ih edsEE rE$biims/rHnR f ary. PIir to booldtg lealcge, irsffidef|0y of peding. itEd4lact cf fiEiG or any accident
cas.dr gpodE tlEdrigrE dE[ gite rbti=totE @Ilitai d m& declaration tur{ever ariirE.
astDr't.drqdddE_acErcflrdrgoodsdErise goo&mayhelanded at arry O. All dairns for cornperEdirr h rcqed of h6qda.ragP tD d desbuctlon of goods
fu sr-rurie 6 be d€sbo\€d/rE dered irrErEE ff be & rvft E canbd b the @ni:r drcttH be glbirithd to ttE 6lrb, vr lin 15 da)4i fi'Dm Ble

addg@6[af&tDtrEaxagea.d/orteaXagEwrlhea@ fa cdnAqory d
tfEriska, d{r and/or CotnEignor(s} and/orcoltigE{s). ,
,1. llrq
945 1s1;5 5 ,ssr" 6e riFi. c#I'-t etq i? sdr''tsoever,
'E@rs r
tDderbtefiornarryusualorc6tundyru*qs)dd E rYgdbydtyoarE'-u#(sl
deented ft byft.
S. Inr€+edc#goodswl$dthahbeencoer€dbrhsrdEftflnthe cr]rier's insurer.
*Ein$.arbcesimrned'atelyon ddft€rydthe g.b& hto the tud *ate*|qrse
aid/or store at Sle Hinatodstati$ narned herEin or d ttc €rqiry of 10
iiuri ilE tirne of atri\rdl of the (DrneyarE at ltE d€srhdin whidla€r
siall (Er' fiIsL Tffi, the goods IE nr*l ent €lY at the rist d arllEs ard dEgesttrcreon are pai! to the Cani.T-
o€rtE thecanirno its irsrrer(s) ftdl hl€SrEt& tr EaHe tu lc 6 d |age 14. All &re cond-rtbrs are $bjed tD @nt_aG/agr€€merlts entered wi&l
tD ad/6deEtrudin d $dt qoods' Con*lrEr/Cocignee as-the (a6e nray be.
6. DelruragewnibedEged @ f Rs- perE/eyfdefi,etYdg@dsE mt B€n by OE 15. All types of disputes afl_sing out of this Consignment shall be
qlilne<s) #teqnY of 4 dals n(rn datE da!i!d dgdat de#itt. ertertained and tsied only by appropriife Courts atcun qram.
7- lf de5r€ry_ d g.od; aa nc ta*en uv te origne<s) Y,iiln 3 lrEdis frqn ti€ 16. It i9 of ilBbry on Ele part of itle Oofistnor, Cor6&nee to dedarc thek
ElEoidFiarirdjatfiialdc{hdixltfEc ritr*Eto itself the right to CGsr/SGSI/ICSrArfC,sI Regist'atirt Number and S|eir @6t-ation Number
sell goods at cureot price and to r$lDe fror tE sal€' proce€s erI amo{Jnt
'-r:(et should have a.crues 5v rva"' :' isqhi and/o' una* cesi/sesflesf/tffesr & or$om A.t' irdudirE PAN No. issued by
i: of GorL of India. If any cDnsunrE'lt are delaiaEd fs wart cf tlEse infoImation
dem!rr.age and/or any olher amoL.i cire::c any
be q*ty Edle ft. dl torEequ€nces whaboever
.jrarge!,/,e(p€rdnu, e ,n. ur -- E.E+!fi4b:1qSAE'{I-
frfd rjdly or dlerwrse.

8. rhe canrei tillr noi. $ade. anv .El:rlstari:es. t? rE<8n':!!e 3 r€bre frr'lcs oi
17. rn any nEtlers rdatirB to ccsr/scsrfl6sr^rTcsf, the GsporEibility r6tssolely
daflBge to or desudion d good6 b@l€d ard @rraid it 8wE ri* tr tor any Cot iEro.tC-.*nee and tl|e TrarEport OpeGtor *|all in no wdy be
&an fur cofipengdon ift r€+ect d sidt bss, &maqe or Hrrlin arld th€
liable, a@uttabhdpeifu fortlEsrE
turir reseri€s tD *=:f :iie i{hi h rEp$di* dly erdr dim Rn ult c{flirE
lios. i io

./|\ Delivery Acknowledgment to be provided on below given space' I

1S ; ;rf€ d r€< ffi rad rr8 qq;rrq qs fi ? r Y

cI?* Darct cr:


Exide lndustried Limited
survey No.246,Chichurakanapalli,sevaganapalli Panchayath,
Hosur Tk,Krishnagiri Dt,TamilNadu-6351 03

Ticket Printing Dale 24'01'2021

HOSR Truck No : GJ27X6793

Plant Code :

21662 Trans code 3000115955

Entry No: :

Type : 0000102037 Transporter :

COMM GATE Tare Weight: 10270.00

Gate No:

Gross Weight 28490.00

Gate Entry Time : 21-0112021 17i41;35 :

I 18220.00
Net Weight :


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