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! Darcl , D river Copy
Consignment No.
Darcl Logistics Limited
(Formerly known as Darcl Logistics Limited)
ti " ,JitL t, I
Registered Office: Plot No. 55e lnstituiional
Are;. sectoraa.Gurusran'-122ooJ (Harvana)
t:r' - ] Consignment Date
Phone : 9015202121, 25-24
-crn, ueozzzini&opicooeels
paN : AAAcD2oa6J 'l'l- *t. :l
customer supPort : Email ! .ustomerervice@ddarcl'com. Phone No' | 7OA242O7Oo SAP Delivery No.
c.--Ji. c"*i". r-i"n.""s No.Rrr/3/2o12 valid from 17 0a 2012to 16A'2022'
ls:s9girl9J4]!!vgg!g!-d9r q:r999!v-191!-Act 2io7 and Rures 2o11.
Work Ord er Deta ils
W0 No. :
Distance(Kms): vehicle No' if':. '.li -l"^l
Loadingstation: -!i.iiji ,i\!
Delivery Station
Consignee Details :
Name I I :s
Adclress-; ,T," ' : ' :il (o6
l. ...:.


said to Contain : i
I"= weight in MT
N;. of Pk, -- Packin, --- value oi oi*J!Q- t:t*ggnt j
Gross Weight :
lf] Minimum G ua ra ntee Weight

Freight Cha rg e Amount

D-r6 ot.iT I
Aovance I :

P. P,.el Eo^o< a. _' oeta ,, rl: o co,, .o) s.o''_ to ' c:' : I oTs o rel o\e- "r j
Ba',a'c' :

6--!,. h^-,. Deta ils

'6ahl rrairil.
Party Docu ment
Ba sis of Booking
Document Type
,oculrlcrrr r vPE Document No. Document Date ^ ^^ at
^^ brlled -t
--,t^ be
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E-Way Bit No:-'s'I Fo-n ' Bra.r-- [.- tr r,5;
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I*oii.No, it*: --:..,.,_,1': ,iE ro puy
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rtv if rnvo'ce which ic-:r':j'i:.'
e(<ell suDpr'eo wrrnouE
E Paid
ir'e com I i. rot ecP6nsible ior aav
pa v pe na ra I rs
csrto u. paid to Government by (*) I Loading

i.s-.i.siiN rri"r., e waye 'lo.,csr[o.,s.T.Form&FullAddressolconsrqnor&consi9nee . i.
Detention Details
iE carrier
Insurance B

E Customer
I coniignor E Consignee Reporiinq Date/T me: ': r.'l ,Name of lnsurance Company
L_l I
Ll Exempt
ExerrrlJL t1 ./
1 DaieiTime:
Reteasrng Uate/
Releaslng I ime: Ir ; --'- /
-- i";'"''a rd
- ' R".ron lol- oetention: - - laffi.y ru<i. - -
,sth r,* , ,or7 (beriq t,a*p;frd -

Consignor Details (see Terms
Name & Slgnature of ReP. & Signature :

I " i rr^^-r '!

Designation: tmployee Looe l
c, Conditions

1. The Cafiier will not receive or accept lor caniage, gold, silver, j e w e I I e r y, precious 9. The Carrier.wijl not be responsible for loss or damage to or des(uction of
stones, securiti€s, valuable docurnenls and other ty p oes f p reci o u s and/or l any gdd5-arising out of or resulUng from force majeure condition includinq
valuable goods and the stafl or aqents of carrier are not authorized to recelve or l but'not imiied to act(s) or God, act(s) of war hostilitjes and ,4ar operations
acceptany suchqoodsfor carriaqe. IF any such qoods are accepted and/or . (whether war be declared or not), an act of publlc or stale enemies, afiests,
bookdd forcarriage, inadvertently or otherwise, the caffier will be under na restrains or detainments strikes (ieqal & Otherwise), riots & civil commotioo,
-e.porsibliry,^/hatsoev.'n.e.pefi the,eo'. any unexpected and/or unavoidable emerqencies, the acr(s) of thieves,
2. The Carrer lylll not accept any goods of an inflammabld explosive/ dangerolrs/ robbers & dEcoits, fire, heai, rain, floods, eadhquake. oid nary breakage,
damaglng nature unless permitteo by Government and un ess properly and securely leakage, nsutriclenuy of packing, inadequacy of make or any acciderft
packed in accordance with existlng regulations/norms. if
any. Prior bookng to I
however arisrng.
of such loods, the consiqnorsha lqive not ce tothe carrier and shallmake declaration 10. Allclaims for compensation in rcspect of loss/damage to or destruction of goods
o-rolrel.LJredroLnd-dce o s-c^ se qoods"ld! oe ldndl€ dn. dl caded by the carrier should be subnritted to ihe carrief withln 15 days lrom the
place en{oute or oe oestroyea/reroereo rqnocuor< o oe oeJt wrrh a. date of booking, along with orlginal invoice and consignee's copy. Such claims
the Grrier may think fit and the Consignor of such goods shall be liable to the wou d be sett ed at Delhislbject io the carrier rules, regulations and conditjons
carrierfor all loss/ damage/ destruction or expenses, directly or ' of carriage.
indiredly, arising out of or resuitinq from terms of the bookng and carriage oa 11. We do never allow consigno(s), consignee(s) or their representative(s), if any,
along with our transporiation vehicle but we may conslder and a low, on request
;. Pershable and/or fragile !ooas, lrazardous and/or exlra hazardous goods/llquids onlyin specialcase, a caretaker, e-iLheroftheConsigno(s) orConsignee(s)totrave
and all goods liable io breakage and/or leakage wi I be accepied for .arriage on y ai in the vehicle but l4ls, Cl Darcl Logistics Limited Or its agent(s) or its bonafide
ihe risk of owners and/or Consig no(s) and/or Consig nee(s). employee(s) shallnotbe responsible for any damage/loss io and/or desiruction of
person End property including belonging such as caretaker arisinq out of any
4, The carrier resewes to itself the right, without assigning any reasons whatsoever,
accident or otherwise in the course of and atthetermination oftrdnsit,
to deviateftqnr any lsual or cLrstoma ry route(s) and carygoodsbyanyother route(s) li,
oeen-ed fL by it,
12,'The officers, entployees or agents of the carrier are not authorized to
aiter/override/deduce/dilute the effect ofor to negate or to commivomit any act
5. In rcspect of goods which have be€n aovered by insu ra nce from the ca rrie r's insurer,
conrrarytoaryof theabovecondir o.l:,
the ns! rance ceases immediately on deliveryofthe goods nto the flnal warehouse
13. The Carrier shall have the righi to wlthhold and detain lhe goods at the risk of the
afld/or store ai ihe destination/siailon named herein or at the expiry oi 10 houF .
Consignor(s) and/or Consignee(s) jointly and severally until the freighl & other
from the of arrlval oF the conveyance at te destinafion lrhichevef chargesthEreon arepaid to the Carier.
shall occlr first. Thereafter, the goods renrain eniireyoi ihe rsk oF owners and 14. All above condiiions are subjed to contGcts/agreements entered with
neither the Carrler nor its insure(s) slra I be responsible or able lor oss or damage Cons qnorconsigreaslhecdse Fray be.
toand/ordesvuction oisuch goods. 15. All types of disputes arising out of this Consignment shall be
6. Demu irage Vviil be charged @i Rs. per kg/day il de ivery of !6ods ls not iaken by ihe entertalned and tried only by appropriate Courts atGurugram.
consignee(s)gft€rexpiryol4 daysfronr dateofar val of goods at destination.
16. It is obligatory on the part of the Consignor, Consignee to declare their
7. If delivery ot gaods is not taken by the conslqnee(s) within 3 months from the CGST/SGST/IGSr/UTGST Reglstration Number and their Registration Number
time of their arriva I at
den: nation lhe carrier reserves
fl na I ltse io f the right t. undef CGST/SGST/IGST/LITGST & Custom Act, includi[g PAN No. issued by
sel goodsatcurrentmarkeipriceand lo realize irorn Lhe sale groceeds any amouri Go!t. oflndia. ifany consignment;re detained for want of these information
dueand/oranyamountwhich should have accrued by way of freiqht andlur
l' demurrage and/or any other amount on account of any
fi nancially or otheMise.
Consignor/Consignee will be solely iiable for all consequences whatsoever
'harqes.e pe^o tu ei'(u'reo.
I7 Tl any -arers.elatinq to CGST/SG5T/IGST/rGSI, I l_e _espois'biliiy restsible'y :Rf
8. The carrler w lnoi, under any circumstances, be responsble o: able icr css or with the Consigno/Consignee and Lhe Transport Operator shall ln no !,vay be
dEm.qe to or desiruction of goods booked and carriea ai o*ner risk cr ior ary i
liable, accountable or penalized forthe same,
claim for cornpensation in respect of such oss, damaqe or r€snuciicr and $e I
Carrier reserves to itsell the rlght to repudiate any such cElm wltholi assigning , 18. All subject to curugram Jurisdiction only.
any reasoa whatsoever

I All the above terms & conditions from Sr. Nos. 1 to 18 have been read over/explained to and accepted by the Consignor(s) and/or his agent(s),

iveiy Acknowled g ment to be provided on below grven space.

qTer slfh fr Yfr< # fr€ TrS ssrT=r q< fr e-l

73 f3o > J ?' 1 .-)


Consig nee's Stamp & Signature

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