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O Darcl
ct7* rt---, l .on to*t',.:I#tflr*ott ,ltn,'A
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't- tost,tic6 i ^. iconsignmentNo. !srtrr9rrrrrElr rrqr
c, toristics tirnited
,.o-ne , tnowndqDar.tloqsrft,,
Registered Office: Pioi No. 55P, institution !I
. ' 11.:',I
,,- '. j.,-
ll -' .t. ,
"t i
A'ea -euror
Area 44. Gurug am 122ao3
Seclor 44,uurugtam (Haryana)
tzzuu3 \,1aryana) r-unstgnmenr Date
Consignment udre
Pho1o.90 t5-02 t2 t 25-20 CIN: U6O222HR 19A6PLCo6aa I a
PAN : AAAcD2oa6r
: '
clstomer Support : Email : customerseruice@cjdarct.con, phone No. : 70u2.+2o1OO
common carrier L;cences No.Rr/3/2012 vat.drrom 12.oa.2o12to16.a.2o22. rSAPDeliveryNo.
lssued by (s.T.a.) New Delhi under carriase-by Road acr 2oo7 and Rutes 2011.
Work Order Detail: ._ .

WO No. I
I oate:
l-oading Station I xo. i. l_

Delivery Station :
I Transit Days : Loa d Type ;

_Consignor Details: I Consignee Details:. tEz

'' :. Name I
Address: 't :. "' ' Address ,o6
..,.. J-.j\i,!1,\.

Said to Contain : Weight in MT

Product No. of Pkg Packing value of Goods ({) Netweight | ! . 'iT
t. l ! Gross Weioht
1-:,:,_'."": ;.,.!

E M inimu m Guarantee Weignt

Freight Cha rge Amount

Freiqht :

R.t" PN4T, t
Adva nce

par[iDo-f iEent-6EIIirs- alance a

Document TypeType ' Document No. Document Date

Basis ol Booking
E'Way Bill No:-/ST Form t' ' , ,, ,, r r otl To be br ed at
.;- ri. _.r t is_#_^, ,.* ,5 ro euy
TheCompanyisnotresponsibleforanypenattyifinvoicewhichisessentiat s!pplied wrthout,E-w"y?,llI":tgir.l.,s.r.Eorm&Fut!Addressoic.nsiqn.r!c, ." :, f] paid
mdru !AccressorL.ns qn.rr,c,.s
. . :I Tr*r"it Insurance
Transit I"r,r._,* By
GST to be pala to Co-vernment Uy 1,1 Loading Detenti0n Details
E consislo - 5 .".r,n""" *","r,,"nr";;;;;",1-,.';t,-.,
't'.irr :! :.:1::',"- .--:j^'j::::,.
E GTA -_ E - Name of Ins_urance Company
Exempt ('") ,. r.r. .r
-Reflasing Oatelfime:
' r1 6ereoFLa.."l(eh\ " /
Reason for Deteniinn:
:t,l;-I:inrtrrii:',1t,ir.:;"iJ::";r.*:!Jri , ^,"J ) . e\1@9i--_-
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r'[fiff::.i,',l"Ti"-']4"rn'-@."+^(.N":.eo:*" Sienatur,gprcffudfit*nb4;ry --;Re<nnn<inr"r".n*,r.2^a^d2v2t

zr.l )< "

Consig nor D€tails
(see Ta Supe-rvisor Details
Name & s snatui,, I

\(;l;{e',r,2 :
'. '
Employee Code

tu ft #t-ra
1 J .i.l{'

.l*,1,', DTrcl . ""UffiH::" , "*'A

-; rr'-,r t;afl",of God. dLtrs/ 'rar !a oLerdtio''"
.dtLab.egood.d']or estat oraqerr.o-.are- a-e ror dur-o.-ed.o recerve or ; luL
(*elher var be de.lafed or rot), an act of flbrr' or nate enemics' d:rests'
. acceoranv suchqoodsfor carnage. 1r qi"a."'",;-?."pt"j
""v 'li "nor",
wlt be lncer ;;r1". or detainments srkes (legal & otheiarise)' riots & ci'ril cori-otion'
bookea forcaria!le, nadvertentLv or otnerwise, *i'ca,rter "" anv nerDefteo a-o'o_ unavooable erreroen(e5' rno "" ' hi
'espons o liw rtnaBoe e' reroe lhereor' oooe'' & oa'^ts' f'6 tsear' ain' loods eadnqJ"e u-drnarv b'ealda'r'
-oi a.'ept a1' oood' o_ dn r'1fla'r-naD'e e pos've canop'o-_
2. fhe Cdrr'er
^r: L-. c per nrte.b' love tl '"* p_i*'rt u"" '_"t *'' ol oa" a _ddeo 'aLv of aoL" or an' accdenr
damaortq naturF '11ei;u"a I .n,'' o o o booL ns "'r*" an
6o(bve' ""'*""t'
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ano :- u ,,
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rmo.o'rr.-rsnec(s, or dren repres€nlarve\sr, ,i dny.
indtre.ty, artsnq out of or resulting from ierms 0r the Doorrnq al;rc v/tth cur:r:rspoiGlon vehicle butwe consiae! and or request
rnar/ allo\,r,

3.;erishabe and/o, rraqrLe soods, razardous and/or erra hazardous soods/riquds

.'ea,agewi be a(,epteo io Ca-race o-L' I ..i..oroe,e.pons,bte,oranloarage.oss_1.'€o op.rr-cc o'
-oteroolea,;q"a"C "l ";",;,.a -r".v 1. ono'e,ongrnq s-cq .. ca'q.'- a '''g o-r o'dr)
*" ,i'"? o*.",. "no o co-;,q.o's en'd o, Lo-srqree's,
('rLoevel ,",ioa i- ,
o i1".u",", rF5erve.,o i6eh i.e.q.t./ nou_ ds-'qr,ng an! reasons ou(e'' .seofa
i, o:.- .,:--cnris.,.me.o oarrn-Len .lior:'"a.1
i" , oJ"i v ,. -" o cJ.'o"... or(.., dnoca'lqood.bra'vot-er ': ./.:. -. ero'ovee. o agEnrs o' t'. -r-.e' .-- "-.-.'I-"c'.0
".lli. b,/ r
de€rnea:ti _'ortre \ _ r dr ut.r,...' o" a"ai.",a uie the itect of or to . eg:ie or lo.orinl i cnlt..\' act
. in of qooat *n"1 'ave oee'
- conra^:Lr_\oltheaoo eco-oto-c'
of r0 nou.s ' '" :"it,.."lr.r:"C'o: Ccnsic;e€/sl ioirty anC severalY until the freight & other
unai*.ior" ut $" au.tinationTstaion named h;ein or at the expiry
ii"ri,- ti" lr," of arrival of the 'onveyance at ihe destinaiion whichele' t"e':isi-e'eorzrer;r;rrileCa' er'
anc i; : =:o': aqfs'.lenls Eri€re! ,'ilh
shal occur first. Thereafter, the gooos 'emain erurelv at the rlsk of own€rs i'o-'s a'e sLblic to
or liade for loss oI damage co:!;:: :r-'!ne'tstre:re=-e'
'ond b'' 'cr(ac!'
nd/or destruct on of such q.ods.
"s;re(s)-shallberesponsible t5 I 1.r., ji i,soL:.. a : -; out !r :F s Co.silnment shal be
.iq"" @1Rs per{g,CayifdetveD,otgood-sisnoi taken b} tl-:

S i:i"il"* Wirrc.t e.i:'::..i;niIreon.,,!\::3...raleCoi(s.lG,r'rq'.m

" ;;;#ij;;;;;; i, cri tur s r'o*,r"ar. or ai,,,uto'f soiasCt aest nat on. - --
16. Ii .s oo satory on theJEri .r :ie consisror co.srsree ic le'lare ine!'-
I I o"l."n or oooo s rare- o., .o. -o.ig-Fe/\r w-1i- J noarh' ro' t i.i-SCi-lGS' .-GS'De;.r" 0-\L' oe'a C -:-ro,c:'?io \j1ib€-
ihe rgl" t. !nde; CGST,SGST iGS-.,U--fGST & C,.rsiom act, iiclding:l\ \'
::'!eG b:i
tir" .l,r" 3i., nal destinat on ihe ca ffiefeierues t o rtself
."] "i,.llt,i .r,,*, .u,l"t price and to rea ize lrom the sale proceeds nY ar o!'!
Go"t' of ]rd ia ' ir : n'' nt are delained for ri' nr tf ii'ese lnformat on
,lil be solely liable ior ai .cnsecLre.:es lhatsoever
il:";'r;;;;;;;il"i tn*iJ h*" accrled by way or fre -ahi r.nd :' 5s65iqrcr Cons gnee 'onslgnme
Uemuirage and/or anv other amoLrnt o:n--9 ic9-!A! 0 cl trFrL! or othenvise
- -,iiFi
'-'-:';'-': :-:- -: - I
- cr ''' any
aumaq" to or de*;uciion oi lcoas 5aa{.. ana :.-:. .: r"'::'sk llea: -aa:!_:-5e: :a'::.4'c'i"sei:€'
.Lt* %r. .o.p"n.ution in re+ecr or'sirc' os,' d.i::e : ..,,:-:T-:---^if_g tS A subject to Gurugram lurisdiction only,
Care- re.Frues _o 1sef_
"'o-'" - ca_ci":' :a- ':' 'as'::
anv reason whatsoevet
and/or his agent(s)'
lil the above terms a conditions from Sr, Nos. 1 to 18 have been reaJ over/explained to and accepted by the consignot(s)

Delivery Acknowledgment to be provided on below given

qra qrfu-t d iift< =ffi fa+ =rt <e+rq fr a I

Consig nee's StamP & Signature

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