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Choose the correct answer

1-Amir [ uses to – used to – using to ] live in London years ago .

2-He used to [go – going – goes ] cycling , when he [ was– were–is )


3-I didn’t [ use to – used to – using to ] drink milk.

4-Tourists [ use – uses – used ] to come to Egypt years ago .

5-I didn’t [ use to – used to – using to ] eat chocolate after lunch , but

now I

[ eat – doesn’t eat– ate ] it .

6-When she was young she didn’t use to [ wear – wears –wearing ]


7-I didn’t use to [swim – swims – swimming ] in the pool, but now I

(do – does –did) .

8- [ Do – Does – Did ] you use to go to the beach last summer ?

9-Mona [ doesn’t – don’t – didn’t ] use to study hard last year .

10-Did he[ used – uses – use ] to play hockey at school ? No , he [

don’t – doesn’t – didn’t ] .

11-We [ uses – used – use ] to play tennis last year ,but now we [ doesn’t –

don’t – didn’t] play it anymore

12) I used to (make – makes – making ) a cake

13) When I was four I (didn’t – don’t - doesn’t ) use to run fast ,but now I

(can – could – can’t)


• I used to ride a bike (neg)

• When She was toddler , she ate vegetables
(used to)
• You go to bed early when you were ten
(used to )
• My father used to takes a lot of photos
5-Mark use sleep early in the past . [ Correct ]

6-John wrote his homework when he was young . [ to ]

7-George used to drive a car .[ not]
8-No , I didn’t use to eat fast. [?]


9-Samir visited the Eiffel tower when he was in London . [ used to ]


10-No , he didn’t exercise a lot . [ Did ]


11-Samy used to played tennis . [ correct ]

12-Sally didn’t used to cook in the kitchen . [ Correct ]

…………………………………………………………………………………113-Did you use

to get up early? [ Answer ]

14)When I was baby , I cried many times . [ used to ]

15)I used to ride a bus when I was teenager . [ negative ]
16) Soha had a long hair 2 years ago , but now she has a short hair .
(used to)
17)I always sleep a lot when I was a little boy (used to )

18)You used to study a lot when you were at school (didn’t)



Mona: Hello Mark what did you use to do when you was child?

Mark: ………………………………………………

Mark: What about you ?

Mona: I used to ride a bicycle.


Mona: I used to ride my bicycle in the garden.

Look and write
Used to – child

Football – didn’t used


Market – parents


Toddler – chocolate

Reading comprehension
In summer, my friends go to different places for fun Amir goes to sharm
EL sheikh because he has a good time there. He goes swimming and diving
every day Sam goes to Luxor with his family They go by train.He visits his
grandparents and they aslo watch many wonderful places there .Our
friend Nour doesn’t travel . She stay at home and goes to the club with
her sister Sally in the afternoon.

1-What do friends do in summer ?


2- where does Nour go ?

• day Sam goes to …………………….. with his family
• He goes ………………….. and …………………. every day

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