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Aster Public School, Greater Noida (W)


I.Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.

1. My house is near………..…..Max Hospital on Civil Road.
a. the b. a
c. both a and b d. None of the above
2. There are ............... friends in the city, so feels lonely in the city .
a. few b. a few
c. little d. any
3. We have ............. money, so we can go out for meal
a. a little b. little
c. a few d. few
4. Don’t pay… ...... attention to what that silly hag says.
a. some b. any
c. much d. many shape his own destiny.
a. Some person have b. Every person have to
c. Every person has d All of the above
6 ................... of the playground was waterlogged.
a. All b. Whole
c. Any d Both
7. care could have prevented the accident.
a. a little b. little
c. Any d. few

II. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which blanks are
given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the spaces provided.
Sentence Error Correction
(a) Doubt was not the new emotion. ……………………. ………………………
(b) It was mine oldest enemy. ……………………. ………………………
(c) Yet I had not expected it to come those way. ……………………. ………………………
(d) I had become accustomed to his presence in …………………. ………………………
(e) mine being. ……………………. ………………………

2. Fill in the blanks using suitable quantifiers.

(a) needs to be done to make India a Sporting nation.
(b) How .............. puzzles you can solve in given time.
(c) He didn’t show .............. interest in studies.
(d) There are too ……….….. good shops in this area..
(e) Have you seen recently?
(f) Although he was very ill, he didn’t take ........... rest.
(g) There is ................ egg on this plate.
(h) I didn’t have to buy the book.

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