Baryta Carb Souda Beevi

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• Carbonate of Barium
• Chemical formula - Ba CO3
• Proving by Dr Hahnemann, Dr Hering
• Baryta carb. is remedy which can be prescribed at all stages of life -
childhood, adulthood, old age
• But it is most commonly indicated in children. Especially adapted to 1st
& 2nd childhood.
• This remedy brings aid to scrofulous children, especially if they are
backward physically, are dwarfish, do not grow and develop.
The appearance of Baryta carb - Vithoulkas
• They are not fat, but they may have enlarged bellies with an otherwise marasmic appearance -
like Calcarea carb.
• The skin is not fresh as it is in most children; it appears older, as if it is about to become
• The glands may be swollen, and especially the tonsils may swell to such an extent that it
interferes with the child's appetite.
• Because of this adenoidal and tonsillar swelling, the child may breathe through his mouth, which
adds to the generally "stupid" look on his face.
• Baryta carb. children, have a very serious look on their faces. There is an unintelligent
seriousness to their mind.
• They lack brilliance, so they appear as if they are always trying to figure out what is happening.
It is as if the mind is completely vacant.
Delayed development in general is a strong, element in
Baryta carb.

• Physical

• Mental plane
• MIND - DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN - arrested: (1) Bar-c. +

• GENERALS - DEVELOPMENT - arrested: (1) Bar-c. + (32)

• GENERALS - DEVELOPMENT - complaints of: (= ... ) (1) Bar-c. +


• The dwarfishness is seen not only on the physical level but on the emotional and mental levels as well
• Children are slow to learn - to walk, and especially to talk. They may not learn to talk until the age of 3
or 4 years.
• You stand them on their feet, to teach them to walk, but they simply do not seem to comprehend that they
are supposed to put one foot in front of the other.
• In a normal school, these children fall behind quickly; it is common for them to hold back a year every
three or so until they receive Baryta carb.
• In Greek, there is a word, MICRONOUS, which means "small mind" or "simple-mindedness". This is
an accurate description of the Baryta carb.
• Intellect - Their minds seem completely incapable of handling complexities - any problem involving
more than 4 or 5 factors.
• The dwarfishness is seen not only on the physical level but on the
emotional and mental levels as well
• Baryta carb. dwarfishness on the physical plane refers more
specifically to conditions in which specific organs have not fully
developed, especially the genitalia.
• The testes and penis may be very small and relaxed. Or the uterus may
remain child sized even into adulthood.
Mental symptom
• The easiest way to describe the characteristics of the Baryta group
would be to call them a stronger version of Calcarea.
• Whilst Calcarea is afraid of what others will think about them, Baryta
is convinced that others will think them to be worth nothing.
Rajan Sankaran’s View
• There is a feeling of total incapacity to take on responsibilities or do
one's own work.
• Baryta carbonica has anticipatory anxiety because of this feeling of
• These patients can perform their routine daily functions quite
adequately, but they cannot cope with extra complications
• They can be very responsible especially about family affairs: "Anxious
about domestic affairs", "Cares about domestic affairs", "Anxiety about
friends at home", "Anxiety for others".
• MIND- FEAR - undertaking anything; of: (1) BAR-C. + (12)
• MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence: (1) BAR-C. + (204)
• MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence - self-depreciation: (1) Bar-c. + (36)
• MIND - ANXIETY - others, for: (1) Bar-c. + (46)

• MIND - CAREFULNESS: (1) BAR-C. + (42)

• MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anticipation: (= ... ) (1) Bar-c. + (96)

• MIND - ANTICIPATION: (1) Bar-c. + (90)

• MIND - ANXIETY: (1) Bar-c. + (690)

• MIND - ANXIETY - fear; with: (1) Bar-c. + (123)

• The patients are totally irresolute and depend completely on
someone else to take decisions for them

• MIND - IRRESOLUTION: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (233)

• MIND - IRRESOLUTION - acts, in: (1) BAR-C. + (21)
• MIND - IRRESOLUTION - projects, in: (1) BAR-C. + (11)
• MIND - IRRESOLUTION - trifles, about: (1) BAR-C. + (16)

• It is this inability to handle complexity that leads to the IRRESOULTION which is so characteristic of
Baryta carb.
• Suppose a man and wife are looking for a new house, and one is offered at a bargain. It is a perfect sized
house, located in a very nice area, and the price is the only one quarter of the usual marked value for such
houses. The husband asks, "What do you think"?
• The wife realises that this is the moment for a decision : they have saved their money, but now she is
afraid of the magnitude of the decision. So she says "Yes, but that mountain nearby is so big; it may cut
off the air? And there is dirt on the porch".
• She has no ability to put things in their correct perspective, so she cannot come to a decision.
• It is like asking a child to make the decision on buying a house. Whenever irresolution is the major
expression on the mental level, Baryta carb. is one of the main remedies to consider.
• Baryta carbonica is totally dependent on others, almost like a cripple
or an imbecile.
• "Delusion that he walks on his knees" and "Delusion that a beloved
friend is sick and dying" show the crippled, dependent feeling of
Baryta carbonica and his fear of losing this support.

• MIND - DELUSIONS - walking - knees, he walks on his: (1) Bar-c. + (2)

• MIND - IMBECILITY: (1) BAR-C. + (141)

• There is "Fear of strangers" which extends to the fear of facing any new
situation and anything that is out of the routine, especially the kind of situation
that forces them to make choices or take decisions.
• They can be resistant to any changes in their lives, for example they would try
and avoid any changes in job or residence
• They don't like being noticed or brought into prominence, and would hesitate to
wear anything that stands out, for example a shiny shoe.
• They are the last people to accept new fashions and are quite conservative in
their way of dressing, living, etc.
• They avoid giving their views or opinions easily for fear of being criticized.
• MIND - FEAR: (= ... ) (1) Bar-c. + (683)
• MIND- FEAR - undertaking anything; of: (1) BAR-C. + (12)
• MIND - FEAR - children, in: (1) BAR-C. + (13)
• MIND - FEAR - people; of: (= ... ) (1) Bar-c. + (131)
• MIND - FEAR - people; of - children, in: (1) BAR-C. + (5)
• MIND - FEAR - strangers, of: (1) Bar-c. + (53)
• MIND - CHANGE - aversion to: (1) Bar-c. + (28)
• MIND - CHANGE - aversion to - children; in: (1) Bar-c. + (20)

• They can be extremely hard-working (industrious), very organized,
conscientious, and they take pains to make sure of everything
• They consequently occupy quite responsible, dependable positions in
their work and society.
• They are very methodical and reliable but lack imagination, art and
• MIND - CAREFULNESS: (1) BAR-C. + (42)

• MIND - CARES, FULL OF: (1) Bar-c. + (106)


• MIND - INDUSTRIOUS: (= ... ) (1) Bar-c. + (157)

Jan Scholtan – Homeopathy & minerals
Laughed at
• The Baryta's think that all they are worth is to be laughed at, and this is
what usually happens.
• They feel ridiculous and this is a word they often use when they talk
about themselves. They also dream about being ridiculed.
• ‘Delusion she is laughed at and mocked; therefore hides behind the
furniture' and 'delusion that everyone is looking at her'.
• MIND - DELUSIONS - laughed at and mocked at; being: (1) BAR-C. + (22)

• MIND - DELUSIONS - watched, she is being: (1) Bar-c. + (22)


• For fear of being laughed at they are inclined to hide

themselves away. If other people can't see them, they also won't
notice how stupid they are.
• They start to avoid company, especially the company of
• Their own family may be all right, but even the company of
grandparents might be too threatening for them. When they are
still a child they will hide behind the furniture.
• When they are a bit older they will quickly go to their own
• They don't like to talk, because it draws too much attention.
They are afraid of strangers and large groups of people.
• MIND - HIDING - himself: (1) Bar-c. + (49)
• MIND - HIDING - himself - children - strangers, from: (1) Bar-c.
• MIND - HIDING - himself - children - visitors laugh at them and they
hide behind furniture; they think: (1) Bar-c.
• MIND - SUSPICIOUS: (1) BAR-C. + (147)
• MIND - SUSPICIOUS - talking about her, people are: (1) Bar-c. + (9)

Small, futile, backward
• They think that they will be laughed at, because they can't do anything
• They feel small and useless
• They often use the words 'I can't do it'.
• They feel that they are only capable of very little, even when they try
their hardest.
• Sometimes they are actually very small physically, as in the case of dwarves, or
they might be mentally retarded. They often behave in a silly or childish
• This might be real, or they might fake it to avoid having to take responsibility
for something.
• They try to avoid having to do any task, because they feel that they can't do it
• This is often the situation of a physically or mentally retarded person, for
instance the 'idiot', who can't do anything by himself and who is ridiculed by
• MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence: (1) BAR-C. +
• MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence - self-depreciation:
(1) Bar-c. + (36)
• Baryta carbonicum shows his insecurity by his great shyness. But this is due, mainly, to the Carbon
• These children are very shy. In the interview, a Baryta carb. girl will hide behind the chair and cling to
her mother, peering out at you with that dull, serious look. You cannot coax her to come out. If you go
over and take her by the hand, however, she will not resist. (Vithoulkas)
• It is a shyness that comes from a lack of comprehension and an instinct to remain in familiar
circumstances and with familiar people who can protect her.
• It should be pointed out, also, that this shyness may persist until the age of 8 or 10 years. It is natural for
children 3 or 4 years to be shy, but in Baryta carb. it persists to a much older age and exactly the same
• This is why Baryta carb. is listed in the Repertory as having a fear of strangers and aversion to company.

• MIND - TIMIDITY: (1) BAR-C. + (223)

• MIND - TIMIDITY - bashful: (1) Bar-c. + (74)
• MIND - GESTURES, MAKES - hands; involuntary motions of the - covering - face with their
hands, but looking through their fingers children; in: (1) BAR-C.
• MIND - CLINGING - persons or furniture; to: (1) Bar-c. + (10)


Lack of comprehention
• Mind is vacant, it cannot comprehend easily, cannot retain things.
• These children realise that they don't understand all that happens in the world around
• This is why they tend to stay by themselves, in familiar and safe surroundings.
• They will no play with other children.
• They will not make new friends.
• This also is the reason why they have anxiety about others; they are fearful of losing
their protectors, their familiar relations.
• Baryta carbonica patients will give a history of being extremely shy in childhood and
being unable to mix with others or make friends easily. They feel laughed at and
• MIND - COMPANY - agg.: (1) Bar-c. + (49)

• MIND - COMPANY - aversion to: (1) BAR-C. + (296)

• MIND - COMPANY - aversion to - alone amel.; when: (1) Bar-c. + (58)

• MIND - COMPANY - aversion to - desire for solitude: (1) Bar-c. + (94)

• MIND - COMPANY - aversion to - strangers, aversion to the presence of: (1) Bar-c. + (31)

• MIND - PLAYING - aversion to play - children; in: (1) Bar-c. + (17)

• Baryta carb. children are slow to learn - to walk, and especially to talk.
They may not learn to talk until the age of 3 or 4 years.
• You stand them on their feet, to teach them to walk, but they simply do
not seem to comprehend that they are supposed to put one foot in front
of the other.
• In a normal school, these children fall behind quickly; it is common for
them to hold back a year every three or so until they receive Baryta
• This description of Baryta carb. carried on into adulthood as well, but
usually these people have learned to compensate for their lack of
• In social gatherings, they remain silent while everyone else speaks.
Generally, they shun society and stick close to their own family.
• MIND - ABSENTMINDED: (1) Bar-c. + (284)
• MIND - CONCENTRATION - difficult: (1) BAR-C. + (432)
• MIND - CONCENTRATION - difficult - children, in: (1) Bar-c. + (22)
• MIND - CONCENTRATION - difficult - studying: (= ... ) (1) Bar-c. + (108)
• MIND - DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN - arrested: (1) Bar-c. + (25)
• MIND - DULLNESS: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (511)
• MIND - DULLNESS - children, in: (1) BAR-C. + (34)
• MIND - DULLNESS - mental exertion, from: (1) Bar-c. + (37)
• MIND - DULLNESS - old people, of: (1) BAR-C. + (8)
• MIND - DULLNESS - thinking - long; unable to think: (1) Bar-c. + (20)
• MIND - FORGETFUL: (1) BAR-C. + (345)
• MIND - FORGETFUL - words while speaking; of: (= ... ) (1) Bar-c. + (93)
• MIND - IDIOCY: (1) Bar-c. + (62)
• MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory: (1) BAR-C. + (404)
• MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory - do; for what was about to: (1) Bar-c. + (62)
• MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory - done; for what he just has: (1) Bar-c. + (59)

Childish behaviour
• It is in adulthood, the CHILDISH behaviour becomes most evident.
They say things that seem to have no relation to the topic being
discussed - silly things, ridiculous things.
• They seem to lack perspective altogether, so their minds make only the
simplest of connections, which seem ridiculous and childish to other
• MIND - CHILDISH BEHAVIOR - old people; in: (1) BAR-C.
• MIND - IDIOCY: (1) Bar-c. + (62)
• MIND - BITING: (1) BAR-C. + (110)
• MIND - BITING - nails: (1) BAR-C. + (74)

Baryta carb - Mind

• Slow Development

• Comprehension lack

• Incapacity, dependent,
routinist, laughed
at,hiding, shy, childish
Physical Generals
• Swelling & induration, or incipient suppuration of glands, especially
cervical & inguinal.
• Offensive foot sweat, toes & soles get sore, of the heels, throat
affections after checked foot sweat
• Great sensitiveness to cold – chilly patient
• Aversion to sweets, fruits especially to plums.
• FACE - INDURATIONS - Submaxillary glands: (1) BAR-C. + (18)

• FACE - INFLAMMATION - Parotid glands: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (90)

• FACE - PAIN - Submaxillary glands: (1) BAR-C. + (70)

• FACE - SWELLING - Lips - Upper: (1) BAR-C. + (56)

• FACE - SWELLING - Parotid glands: (1) BAR-C. + (97)

• FACE - SWELLING - Parotid glands - right: (1) BAR-C. + (16)

• FACE - SWELLING - Submaxillary glands: (1) BAR-C. + (121)

• FACE - SWELLING - Submaxillary glands - painful: (1) BAR-C. + (22)

• FACE - SWELLING - Glands in general: (1) Bar-c. + (67)
• GENERALS - CANCEROUS AFFECTIONS - lymphoma: (1) Bar-c. + (25)
• GENERALS - COLD - agg.: (1) BAR-C. + (301)
• GENERALS - COLD - air - agg.: (1) BAR-C. + (265)
• GENERALS - COLD - bathing - agg.: (1) Bar-c. + (73)
• GENERALS - COLD; BECOMING - after - agg.: (1) BAR-C. + (114)
• GENERALS - COLD; BECOMING - agg.: (1) BAR-C. + (143)
• GENERALS - COLD; BECOMING - agg. - Part of body agg. - Hand: (1) BAR-C. + (9)
• GENERALS - COLD; BECOMING - agg. - Part of body agg. - Hand - bed; out of: (1) BAR-C. + (7)
• GENERALS - COLD; TAKING A - tendency: (1) BAR-C. + (168)
• GENERALS - FOOD AND DRINKS - alcoholic drinks - agg.: (1) BAR-C. + (227)
• GENERALS - FOOD AND DRINKS - bread - agg.: (1) Bar-c. + (76)
• GENERALS - FOOD AND DRINKS - cold food - amel.: (1) Bar-c. + (72)
• GENERALS - FOOD AND DRINKS - food - aversion: (1) Bar-c. + (243)

• PERSPIRATION - ODOR - fetid: (1) BAR-C. + (83)



• Inability to swallow anything but liquids
• Person subject to quinsy, take cold easily, even the least cold
precipitates an attack of tonsillitis, prone to suppuration. Tonsils
inflamed, with swollen veins.
• Smarting pain when swallowing; worse empty swallowing.
• Feeling of a plug in pharynx.
• Can only swallow liquid
• THROAT - INDURATION: (1) BAR-C. + (38)
• THROAT - INDURATION - Tonsils; of: (1) BAR-C. + (37)
• THROAT - INFLAMMATION: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (339)
• THROAT - INFLAMMATION - cold; after: (1) Bar-c. + (61)
• THROAT - INFLAMMATION - Pharynx - swallowing - empty - agg.: (1) Bar-c. + (12)
• THROAT - INFLAMMATION - Tonsils - accompanied by - salivation: (1) BAR-C.
• THROAT - INFLAMMATION - Tonsils - acute: (1) Bar-c. + (39)
• THROAT - INFLAMMATION - Tonsils - chronic: (1) BAR-C. + (21)
• THROAT - MUCUS - tenacious: (1) BAR-C. + (142)
• THROAT - OBSTRUCTION - Tonsils; from swelling of: (1) BAR-C.
• THROAT - PAIN - swallowing - agg. - burning: (1) BAR-C. + (26)
• THROAT - PAIN - swallowing - agg. - raw; as if: (1) BAR-C. + (20)
• THROAT - PAIN - swallowing - empty - agg.: (1) BAR-C. + (76)
• THROAT - PAIN - swallowing - empty - agg. - burning: (1) BAR-C. + (4)
• THROAT - SWALLOWING - difficult: (1) BAR-C. + (286)
• THROAT - SWALLOWING - difficult - solids: (1) BAR-C. + (40)

• Haemorrhoids protrudes every time he urinates
• Constipation, with hard, knotty stools.
• Crawling in rectum.
• Oozing at anus.
• RECTUM - DIARRHEA: (1) BAR-C. + (685)
• RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - protrude: (1) BAR-C. + (49)
• RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - protrude - urination - during - agg.: (1) BAR-C. + (7)
• RECTUM - ITCHING - Anus; around: (1) BAR-C. + (130)
• RECTUM - URGING - chilliness in hand and thighs; with: (1) BAR-C.
• RECTUM - URGING - frequent: (1) BAR-C. + (93)
• RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - pinworms: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (80)

Respiratory system

• Chronic cough in psoric children, enlarged tonsil / elongated uvula, < after slight cold

• EXPECTORATION - COPIOUS - old people: (1) BAR-C. + (8)

• COUGH - NIGHT: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (234)
• COUGH - ACCOMPANIED BY - salivation: (1) BAR-C. + (17)

• Apoplectic tendency in old people
• Complaints of old drunkads
• Headache of old people, who are aged
• Baldness young people.
• HEAD - APOPLEXY: (1) BAR-C. + (38)

• HEAD - CANCER - Brain; of: (1) BAR-C. + (4)

• HEAD - CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE: (1) Bar-c. + (67)


• HEAD - COMPLAINTS OF HEAD - External head: (1) BAR-C. + (111)


• HEAD - HAIR - baldness: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (41)

• HEAD - HAIR - baldness - young people: (1) Bar-c. + (4)

• HEAD - HAIR - bristling - chill; during: (1) BAR-C. + (12)

• HEAD - HAIR - falling: (1) BAR-C. + (186)

• HEAD - HAIR - falling - Vertex; from: (1) BAR-C. + (12)

• HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - Eye - complaints: (1) BAR-C. + (45)

• HEAD - SWOLLEN - Glands of head - Occiput; glands of: (1) BAR-C. + (1)

• Alternate dilatation and contraction of pupils.
• Photophobia.
• Gauze before eyes.
• Cataracts.

• EYE - PAIN - light; from - agg.: (1) BAR-C. + (52)

• EYE - PHOTOPHOBIA: (1) BAR-C. + (269)
• VISION - DAZZLING: (1) BAR-C. + (53)

• EAR - COMPLAINTS OF EARS - Behind the ears:
(1) BAR-C. + (89)

• EAR - NOISES IN - roaring: (1) BAR-C. + (245)

• EAR - PAIN - Below the ears - sore: (1) BAR-C. +
• Hardness of hearing. (3)

• Crackling noise.
• EAR - SWELLING - Below the ears: (1) BAR-C. +
• Glands around ears painful and (12)

• Reverberation on blowing nose. • EAR - SWELLING - Below the ears - Glands: (1)
BAR-C. + (10)
• HEARING - IMPAIRED: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C.
+ (313)


• Dry; sneezing; coryza, with swelling of upper lip and

• Sensation of smoke in nose.
• Discharge of thick, yellow mucus.

• NOSE - SWELLING: (1) BAR-C. + (157)


• Awakes with dry mouth.

• Gums bleed and retract.
• Teeth ache before menses.
• Mouth filled with inflamed vesicles, foul taste.
• Paralysis of tongue.
• Smarting, burning pain in tip of tongue.
• Dribbling of saliva at dawn.
• Spasm of oesophagus when food enters.
• MOUTH - BLEEDING: (1) BAR-C. + (237)

• MOUTH - BLEEDING - Gums: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (195)

• MOUTH - DRYNESS: (1) BAR-C. + (434)

• MOUTH - DRYNESS - morning: (1) BAR-C. + (94)

• MOUTH - INFLAMMATION: (1) BAR-C. + (183)

• MOUTH - OPEN: (1) BAR-C. + (80)

• MOUTH - SALIVATION: (1) BAR-C. + (405)

• Hard and tense, distended.
• Colicky.
• Enlarged mesenteric glands.
• Pain in abdomen swallowing food.
• Habitual colic, with hunger, but food is refused
• ABDOMEN - DISTENSION - children; in: (1) BAR-C. + (17)

• ABDOMEN - ENLARGED - children; in: (1) BAR-C. + (27)

• ABDOMEN - HARD: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (129)



• ABDOMEN - TENSION: (1) BAR-C. + (187)

Male Symptoms

• Diminished desire and premature impotence.

• Enlarged prostate.
• Testicles indurated.


• MALE GENITALIA/SEX - ERECTIONS - delayed: (1) BAR-C. + (14)

• MALE GENITALIA/SEX - ERECTIONS - wanting: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (200)

• MALE GENITALIA/SEX - SEXUAL DESIRE - diminished: (1) BAR-C. + (190)


• PROSTATE GLAND - SWELLING - old people; in: (1) BAR-C. + (12)

Female symptoms

• Before menses, pain in stomach and small of back.

• Menses scanty.
• Atrophy of uterus


• FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PREGNANCY - during; complaints: (1) BAR-C. + (149)


• Every time patient urinates, his piles come down.

• Urging to urinate.
• Burning in urethra on urinating.
• BLADDER - URINATION - frequent: (1) BAR-C. + (348)

• BLADDER - URINATION - frequent - night: (1) BAR-C. + (169)

• BLADDER - URINATION - urging to urinate - frequent: (1) BAR-C. + (258)

• Pain in axillary glands.
• Cold, clammy feet.
• Fetid foot-sweats.
• Numbness of limbs.
• Numb feeling from knees to scrotum; disappears when sitting down.
• Toes and soles sore; soles painful when walking.
• Pain in joints; burning pains in lower limbs.
• EXTREMITIES - DRYNESS Hands: (1) BAR-C. + (91)
• EXTREMITIES - DRYNESS - Hands parchment; like: (1) BAR-C. + (3)
• EXTREMITIES - PERSPIRATION - Foot: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (180)
• EXTREMITIES - PERSPIRATION - Foot - cold: (1) BAR-C. + (71)
• EXTREMITIES - PERSPIRATION - Foot - offensive: (1) BAR-C. + (66)
• EXTREMITIES - PERSPIRATION - Foot - suppressed: (1) BAR-C. + (37)
• EXTREMITIES - PERSPIRATION - Toes - Between - rawness; causing: (1) BAR-C. + (9)
• EXTREMITIES - UNSTEADINESS, JOINTS - Lower limbs: (1) BAR-C. + (27)

• Talking in sleep; awakens frequently; feels too hot.
• Twitching during sleep

• SLEEP - POSITION - side; on: (1) BAR-C. + (86)

• SLEEP - WAKING - frequent: (1) BAR-C. + (294)

• SLEEP - WAKING - heat - from and with: (1) BAR-C. + (58)

• DREAMS - ANXIOUS: (1) BAR-C. + (301)

• Moist crust up on scalp
• Dry eruptions upon the scalp.
• Falling off of the hair.
• Baldness
• SKIN - ERUPTIONS: (1) BAR-C. + (701)

• SKIN - ERUPTIONS - dry: (1) BAR-C. + (94)

• SKIN - ERUPTIONS - eczema: (1) BAR-C. + (222)

• SKIN - EXCORIATION: (1) BAR-C. + (77)

• SKIN - HARD: (1) BAR-C. + (59)

• SKIN - PAIN - scratching; after: (1) BAR-C. + (77)

• SKIN - STICKING: (1) BAR-C. + (110)

• SKIN - WARTS: (1) BAR-C. + (135)

• SKIN - WENS: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (46)


• Palpitation and distress in region of heart

• Accelerates the heart's action at first, blood pressure much increased,
contraction of blood vessels.
• Palpitation when lying on left side, when thinking of it especially;
pulse full and hard.
• Cardiac symptoms after suppressed foot-sweat
• CHEST - PAIN - Axillae - Glands: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (22)

• CHEST - PALPITATION OF HEART: (1) Bar-c. + (515)

• CHEST - PALPITATION OF HEART - lying - side; on - left - agg.: (1) Bar-c. + (49)

• CHEST - SWELLING - Axillae - Glands: (= ... ) (1) BAR-C. + (70)

• CHEST - PALPITATION OF HEART - thinking of it agg.: (1) Bar-c. + (11)

According to Dr J T Kent
• Dwarfishness in body and mind; mental dwarfishness, and
dwarfishness of organs.
• Late Development
• Children are late coming into usefulness; or activity; late with their
studies; late learning to talk; late learning to read; late learning to make
the combinations that enter into life; late learning to take in images,
and form perceptions; to take on their activities; to do their work.
• Childish manner of doing things, and childish behavior. Playing with
dolls and saying foolish things
• Lymphatic gland affection – enlarg & indurate
• "Swelling and induration of glands - Inflammation of glands with
• Premature old age
• Bashful, timid, hiding behind the furniture when strangers come in;
will hide as for shame of something, or as if afraid - It imagines all
sorts of strange things, that it is talked about, or laughed at
• They either cannot comprehend, or they cannot memorize, or they
cannot maintain a thought

• Worse : while thinking of symptoms; from washing; lying on painful

side, after meals.
• Better : walking in open air.
Calcarea Baryta carb

• Development delay • Development delay

• late in learning to walk, due to • late learning to walk – lack of
weakness of bone
• Baryta is convinced that others will
• Calcarea is afraid of what others think them to be worth nothing
will think about them • Chilly
• Chilly • Sweat offensive , especially on soles
• Sweat increased

• Frequently useful before or after Psor.., Sulph & Tub

• After Bar c, Psor. will often eradicate the constitutional tendency TO quinsy
• Complementary : Dulc.; Silica; Psorin.
• Incompatible : after Calc. in scrofulous affection.
• Antidote for poisonous doses : Epsom salts.
• Third to thirtieth potency, the latter to remove the predisposition to quinsy.
• Baryta is slow in action, bears repetition.

• Case Analysis: A single man, aged 28 complaining of male type baldness was visited at his home in
February 2013. He expressed ideas and beliefs about God and Satan that seemed rather illogical and
unbalanced. He is an architectural engineer who usually works on private projects at home. He lives
with his mother and is still single. He could hardly come to a clear decision on various subjects. His
brother and two sisters are living in Australia and two sisters and two brothers are residing in Tehran.
He was very much concerned about being bald. His main rubrics led me to Baryta carb.
• alopecia
• A dramatization
• MIND – IRRESOLUTION, indecision
• HEAD – HAIR – baldness
• MIND – MEMORY – weakness of memory
• MIND – CONCENTRATION – difficult
• One single dose of Bar-c 30CH was prescribed. He was instructed not to take anything 30 minutes
before and after taking Baryta carb.
• After 40 days he was asked about the changes he had experienced. His hair looked to have grown more and he looked much happier
than at his first visit. He used an interesting expression about his experience with the remedy: “I have come out of a nightmare”. His
energy had increased for his daily activities. He could decide much easier about various subjects and was more confident. He felt
happier than before. His unbalanced thoughts on God and Satan had changed and he now had clear ideas on moral and religious
subjects. His behavior had improved remarkably, as well. Another dose of the same remedy was prescribed.
• I met him at a social ceremony recently on Aug. 1st 2013. He looked happy and pleased with his treatment and had not experienced
any aggravation after the remedy. He was willing to be visited for the 3rd time. His mother was also pleased with the changes in her
son, both mentally and physically. No recurrence was observed in the patient six months after taking two doses of Bar-c 30 CH.
• Conclusion
• Baryta carbonica helped the patient mentally by taking him out of a nightmare-like life, and making him happy, confident, and
decisive. His baldness improved by about 40% after about 6 months of taking the remedy. Thus we can consider the remedy in
intellectual people with keynotes of the remedy to help them out of their crippling mental condition. Baldness is a very common
problem in young men. Clinical trials are suggested to evaluate potential effects of remedies such as Baryta carb and Silica in helping
young people grow hair naturally to enjoy their lives more and feel happier
Case 2
• This is the case of a 20 year old girl, complaining of irregular menses and scanty flow. She was
married for 1 year and problems increased after she took hormones to postpone her menses
during her wedding. Her last menstrual period (LMP) was on 08/03/2016. Emotionally, she
had become disappointed at being forced to marry, as she had dreams of studying further and
having a career. The ultra sound scan report from 1 year back showed bilateral PCOD and
hypoplastic infantile uterus and minimal collection in the Pouch of Douglas.

• Prescription: Baryta Carb 30C twice a day for 1 wee

• Follow up
She conceived after this and delivered a healthy baby in
December 2017.
• CASE 2
• A 3-year-old boy arrives with his parents because of atopic dermatitis, which he developed half a year ago and which is localized on his buttocks, legs, and
abdomen. The eczema is not very itchy, it does not react to water and the boy can sleep at night without problems. He also suffers from frequently recurring
laryngitis occurring once or twice a month. He tends to have rather higher fevers, 38.5°C. Psychologically he is very dependent on his mother and he does
not tolerate the presence of strangers (3). When he comes into contact with strangers, he hides behind the mother. When he was younger, he cried every
time somebody leaned over his bed. His mother had to take him out of the kindergarten as he did not tolerate being there alone. He isolates himself and
does not want to play with other children much. He started walking at 18 months of age, his speech developed normally, fontanelles closed in time, height
and weight are normal, and he has no complaints with teeth. His head is bigger than usual, compared to his body size. Perspiration is normal. Observation:
he is hiding behind the mother and he speaks about himself in the feminine gender.
• Analysis of the case and investigation of the information:
• The first thing that I observed during the interview with the boy was that he avoided direct contact. He did not want to talk and he hid behind the mother
and kept staying very near to her. Although it was my first impression, the mother confirmed this to be very characteristic for the boy. Therefore, the first
remedy that came to my mind was Baryta carbonica, which has these symptoms as keynotes and at the same time, it is one of the main remedies for
frequently recurring colds, when the symptoms agree, of course.
• When I was questioning about other confirmatory symptoms of Baryta carbonica, I was not able to find any further confirmati
• Choice of the remedy, potency, and dosing:
• Because there were very few symptoms in the case (or more precisely, I was not able to find more) and all of them were keynotes of Baryta carbonica, I
recommended this remedy in a single dose. With regard to the child’s level of health, I chose 200C potency. It is possible to start with a much higher
potency in the level of health B6, namely 1M, but since the picture of the remedy was not absolutely clear (I could not find any more confirmatory
symptoms), I opted for the 200C potency.
• Recommendation: Baryta carbonica 200C single dose
• Follow-up 1, August 28, 2014
• The boy took the remedy 2 months ago. After the remedy, his eczema got worse for about 2 weeks and then it got better. However, his psychological state has worsened. He
constantly wants to be with his mother and he is afraid of strangers. Both these symptoms were worse than before the remedy (3).
• Analysis of the first follow-up and investigation of the information:
• A reaction of this type is something that no homeopath likes to see. In spite of the short initial aggravation which occurred shortly after the remedy, further development
shows with certainty that the remedy has had a suppressive effect and thus, it was incorrect. Amelioration of local symptoms and aggravation (or emergence) of deeper
complaints, in this case, psychological ones, shows that the remedy has caused a suppression of eczema into deeper structures of the organism. The question remains what to
do in such a situation.
• We know from practice that a partially similar remedy can act in two ways, that is, positively or negatively. In the first case (the positive), original symptoms get stronger
after a partially similar remedy and/or they are joined by some new ones which, together with the original ones, create a clearer picture of symptoms compared to the state
before the administration of the remedy. In such a case, it is necessary to prescribe on this new (clearer) picture of symptoms. In the second case (the negative), the remedy
changes the symptoms and these new symptoms do not clearly point to a remedy. In such a case, it is necessary to study the original symptoms and to find a better suited
remedy based on the original (clearer) picture of symptoms.
• In this particular case, I did not observe any new symptoms, but some important symptoms of Baryta carbonica became stronger. However, Baryta carbonica had a
suppressive effect. The first thing that came to my mind was that I must have overlooked something important in the case or that I did not ask about something crucial. There
might be a remedy which also has the boy’s symptoms as keynotes (apart from Baryta carbonica) and I either did not consider it or I do not know it. In any case, the reaction
clearly shows that Baryta carbonica was not the correct remedy and it is necessary to look for another one, based on the original set of symptoms. Some of the original
symptoms have become more prominent after giving Baryta carbonica. It is favorable that there has not been any change of character of the symptoms after the remedy. The
ability to maintain the same symptoms in spite of the influence of a partially similar remedy points to a strong organism.
• When going through the original case record, I noticed that the mother
• spontaneously said this: “Already as a small child he started crying every time when somebody leaned over his bed.”
• This is a very important symptom, which can be interpreted as aggravation from being approached. The corresponding rubric in the Synthesis2 repertory is MIND –
APPROACHED by persons; being, agg. Although this rubric contains 7 remedies, only one of them has this symptom as the main keynote, namely Arnica montana. Arnica
is known for its aggravation from being approached by others, which can be the reason for the boy’s behavior and aggravation in the presence of people, especially strangers.
• The mother reported that the boy developed a cephalohematoma during the delivery and it took half a year to get absorbed. To my question about the time
when his aggravation from being approached started, the mother replied: “He did not tolerate when somebody
• tilted towards him or got closer to him already as a small child.” He started crying every time he saw somebody coming near to him and he still does not
• tolerate being approached or when somebody is close to him nowadays.”All these symptoms are keynotes of Arnica which also has a very specific
symmetrical appearance of eczema, creating identical shapes of the same size on both sides of the body. However, the eczema of this child was not
symmetrical. This does not exclude Arnica, though, provided that we are able to find some keynotes of this remedy in other areas, in this case, in the
psychological area and the personal medical history of the child (cephalohematoma).

• Intense symptoms:
• Hiding behind mother
• Fear of strangers
• Head injury in the personal medical history
• Peculiar symptoms:
• Aggravation when being approached
• Repertorization in RADAR with Synthesis 9.1 repertory
• MIND – HIDING – himself – children – mother; behind
• MIND – FEAR – strangers, of
• HEAD – INJURIES of the head; after
• MIND – APPROACHED by persons; being – agg.

• arn. con. phos. ign. lyc. stry. Bar c

• 19 14 12 10 10 10 8
• Differential diagnosis:
• Arnica is a remedy which covers most of the symptoms of the totality as keynotes. This remedy can be found in the rubric “Fear of
strangers”, together Baryta carbonica, but there is one essential difference between these two remedies. Baryta carbonica is not aggravated
from being approached, but it is a very shy remedy and it can, therefore, look similar. However, in the personal history of the child, we can
find strong reactions to situations where somebody approaches him, and this symptom that cannot be found in Baryta carbonica. The
history of the head injury is another important symptom. Of course, it is important to keep in mind that the possible link between the head
injury and the child’s current complaints has not been proven. However, both the history of the head injury and current complaints are
keynotes of Arnica. In other words, the current symptoms, as well as the symptoms from the past, are covered by one remedy, which
makes the prognosis of the case significantly better. Fear and aggravation from being approached by others can be perceived as an essence
of this remedy.

• None of the other remedies that have come up in the repertorization has this symptom, which is very prominent and long-lasting in this
child, as a keynote and that is why Arnica is the remedy of the first choice. It corresponds not only with this symptom and covers it as a
keynote but it also covers the history of the head injury and fear of strangers. Therefore, we can say that Arnica covers the totality of
symptoms, keynotes, the possible aetiology and the essence.

• Recommendation: Arnica 200C single dose

• Follow-up 2, September 12, 2014 (via e-mail)

• 2 weeks since the administration of Arnica, psychological state has improved.

• He started going to the kindergarten. So far, he has been there alone twice for about an hour, including a snack break.
It is a significant improvement that he does not cry anymore.
• Although he tends to cover his eyes, turns away, does not want to talk, he goes to play. He can say when he needs to
go to the toilet. He comes with the other children to the lunchroom and has a snack. His teacher says that he plays
nicely. Last night, he complained about a stomach ache. He woke up frequently during the night, gagged as if he was
about to vomit (the whole night), but he did not vomit. He did not complain about the stomach ache anymore then. In
the early morning, he developed some coryza and he started coughing. His cough is barking and wheezing. His colds
usually used to start like that. He always used to have nightly aggravation with such a cough. Within a few days, he
used to start expectorating. There is almost no cough during the daytime and he only has a runny nose.”
• Considering the psychological improvement which continues, it is
possible that the remedy was correct, but as it has only been 2 weeks,
we do not know whether the improvement is long-lasting. On the other
hand, we can use the current acute disease to assess whether the
remedy is acting correctly and whether it has influenced the child’s
immune system to some extent. Because the acute disease has only
started a few hours ago and its course is not serious, it is best to wait a
few hours and watch the further development.
• Follow-up 3, October 22, 2014
• The psychological level has still been getting better. The boy likes to
play outside, he does not have acute diseases, there was a strong
aggravation of eczema for a few weeks and it subsequently started
improving. Now his skin has a much lighter color. He does not have
any coryza or a cough, which was unthinkable before. He also stopped
using the feminine gender when talking about himself.
• Analysis of the third follow-up:

• It has been one month since the last follow-up and the boy’s psychological state has improved further.
The mother also reports that when the improvement of the psychological level set in, eczema appeared
again for some time but it has been improving recently. This is crucial information for us because the
eczema was suppressed by Baryta carbonica and the psychological level got worse then. The
psychological level should improve and eczema should reappear after a correct remedy (according to
Hering’s law “from within outward”) and it should then subside (in accordance with another Hering’s
law “from above downward”, thus from face towards lower extremities). Apart from this information, the
mother tells us that the boy has not had any acute disease since the first episode and he stopped talking
about himself in the feminine gender.
Case 3

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