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ESE 601 Week 1 Assignment Historical Timeline for

Students with Exceptionalities

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ESE 601 Week 1 Assignment Historical Timeline for Students with Exceptionalities

Historical Timeline for Students with Exceptionalities


[WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 4]

The history of special education has included a long and arduous path for parents, teachers, and
children as exemplified in Celebrating 35 Years of IDEA  (Links to an external site.), but this
process also has generated some very positive outcomes. Beginning in 1954 with the Landmark
Cases: Brown v. Board of Education (Links to an external site.), the Supreme Court ruled that
separate is not equal, and therefore educating children with special needs in isolated
environments does not provide an identical education to that of their non-disabled peers
(Expanding Civil Rights, n.d.). Since the passage of this groundbreaking legislation, other
individuals and activist groups have followed suit, fighting for the legal rights of individuals with


Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

 Read Chapter 2 in your Inclusion: Effective Practices for All Students

 Read Why America is Better Off Because of the Americans With Disabilities Act and the
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act.
 Read History of Special Education: Important Landmark Cases(Links to an external site.).
 Read The Every Student Succeeds Act: Strengthening the Focus on Educational Leadership.
 Review the course and weekly learning outcomes.
 Review these examples of a historical timeline for students with exceptionalities:
o ESE601 Week 1 Historical Timeline(Links to an external site.) .
o Historical Timeline for Students With Exceptionalities(Links to an external site.) .
 As you read, begin selecting three landmark cases to summarize and analyze.
 Select an online timeline format; although you can use any online timeline format for this
project, Visme(Links to an external site.), Tiki-Toki  (Links to an external site.),
and Timetoast  (Links to an external site.) are recommended.
 Locate the in your online classroom.
 Review the Week 6 final paper (Resource Manual for Educating Students With Exceptionalities)
description to see where this artifact fits into your final paper.

Success Tip: Start preparing now for the Week 6 final paper! Review the Week 6 Resource
Manual for Educating Students With Exceptionalities  and description to see where this artifact
fits into your final paper. The Week 6 assignment involves creating a resource manual for
students with exceptionalities to support Mr. Franklin and other colleagues. Preparation for this
assignment must begin early to make certain you are thinking ahead and saving your work.


This assignment will allow you to better understand how relevant court cases and outcomes
impacted the development and evolution of special education processes and policies over the
years. As you navigate this assignment consider:

 How these landmark cases impacted the education and treatment offered to exceptional
 How these court cases and outcomes influenced federal legislation that guides the foundation of
special education laws and regulations.
 How special education legislation and policy have progressed over the years and what changes
are still needed in order to meet the needs of exceptional learners in today’s educational

Take Action

Content Instructions: Using Visme  (Links to an external site.), Tiki-Toki  (Links to an external

site.), Timetoast  (Links to an external site.), or a timeline creation tool of your choice, you will
create a historical timeline related to students with exceptionalities with a minimum of five

Identify at least three influential landmark cases specific to the development of 21st century
special education practice beginning as early as 1960. For each of the three cases, complete a
timeline entry that will

 Identify the case by name and date.

 Paraphrase in two to three sentences a description of each party’s stance for each of the three
selected cases.
 Restate in your own words, a two- to three-sentence summary of the final court ruling for each
of the three selected cases.
 Explain in two to three sentences, using your own words, how the historical legal rulings you
selected have supported the needs of students with disabilities.
 Embed a relevant resource link to a website or video that describes each selected case in user-
friendly terms.
 Provide a list of all references.

Include two additional entries in your timeline: Americans With Disabilities Act and Individuals
With Disabilities Education Act. For each of these two pieces of legislation, complete a timeline
entry that will

 Identify the legislative act by name and date.

 Paraphrase in one to two sentences a description of the legislative act.
 Explain in one to two sentences, using your own words, how the legislative act has supported
the needs of students with disabilities.
 Provide a list of all references.

Create a document using this Week 1 Assignment Template to submit your assignment that
includes a title page, the link to your online timeline, and a screenshot of your timeline overview.
An important point is that you must make your timeline website “public” in order for the
instructor to access your work.

The Historical Timeline for Students With Exceptionalities assignment

 Must be five to six timeline entries in length (not including title and references and formatted
according to APA Style(Links to an external site.) as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA
Formatting resource.
 Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of timeline
o Student’s name
o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
 Must include a hyperlink to the timeline and a screenshot of your work. Consider using
thistemplate for submission.
 Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice(Links to an external site.) resource for
additional guidance.
 Must use at least three credible sources in addition to the course text.
o The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources(Links to an external site.) table
offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about
whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your
instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific
source for a particular assignment.
o To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Ashford
University Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty(Links to an external site.) tutorial, which introduces the
Ashford University Library and the research process, and provides some library search
 Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing
Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper(Links to an external site.)
 Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in
the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List(Links to an external
site.) resource in the Writing Center for specifications.

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