Thysanoptera Species of Selected Plant Communities of The Jaworznickie Hills (Silesian Upland, Poland)

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Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 39 (1-3), pp. 281-299 (2004) Thysanoptera Species of Selected Plant Communities of the Jaworznickie Hills (Silesian Upland, Poland) W. SIERKA! and E. SIERKA? Deparment of Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Bankowa 9, 40.007 Katowice, Poland, e-mail: *Department of Geobotany and Nature Protection, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Jagiellonska 28, 40-032 Katowive, Poland, e-mail: The paper presents the results of investigations into the thrips fauna of plant communities of the Jawworznickie Hills, The study was conducted in selected forest, shrubby, xerothermic and meadow areas. The relations between thtips and their host plants were also observed. Three main associations of thrips were dis Linguished on the basis PCA and thrips abundance, species composition, domination structure and ecole elements. 84 species were recorded, Keywords: Thrips, Thysanoprera, local fauna, faunistis. Most of the research on thrips conducted in Poland has so far been concerned with the qualitative and quantitative composition of thrips fauna in agrocenoses as well as its influence on the growth of cultivated plants and cropping (e.g. Mostowska and Sadej, 1990; Zuratiska and Wiadyko, 1991; Zawirska and Walkowski, 2000). The dependence of the species composition of thrips fauna on the structure of plant cover has been investigat- ed, among others, by Kucharezyk and Zawirska (1994), who studied xerothermic grass communities of south-eastem Poland, by Kucharezyk and Seczkowska (1990), who examined dry-ground forests of Roztocze, and by Pokuta (1997), who investigated ther- mophilous grass communities of Olsztyn area. Relatively little research has been done on thrips living in various plant communities, which encouraged the present study conducted in the Jaworznickie Hills (Silesian Upland, southern Poland) (Kondracki, 2000), an area representative enough to determine relationships between the structure of thrips associa- tions and plant communitie: The Jaworznickie Hills, geologically highly diversified (Dylikowa, 1967), cover an area of 510 km?, with an average altitude approximating 300 m above sea level. Most habitats potentially suitable for dry-ground forests, beech woods and mixed coniferous forests are now taken over by impoverished xerothermic grasses of the class Festuco-Bromete, arable lands and meadows (Arrhenatherion, Calthion and Molinion), and pastures (Cynosurion), which degenerate as a result of drainage and transform into grass phytocenoses (Tokarska- Guvzik, 1991). (0238-124918 20.00 © 2004 Akadémiai Kiads, Budapest 282 Sierka, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland Material and Methods Material for the study was collected in selected plant communities of the Jawor- znickie Hills in the years of 1998-2000, Detailed analysis was carried out in seven types of plant communities (in 17 areas altogether): I — Tilio-Carpinetum typicum, WM — Querco roboris-Pinetum, I~ Pruno-Crataegetwm, IV ~ Trifolio-Agrimonietum, V — Koelerio-Fes- tucetum sulcatae, VI ~ Molinietum medioeuropaeum, and VI — Arrhenatheretum medio- europaeun. For quantitative analysis, insects were collected from each area with a scoop every 10-14 days from the beginning of May till the beginning of October. One sample consisted of 4 series of 25 strokes each along a transect. Slides were prepared from collected thrips using methods proposed by Zawirska (1994) and Bisevac (1997). Material was identified to the species level on the basis of Priesner (1964), Schliephake and Klimt (1979) and Zawirska (1994), Every species of Thysanoptera found in the studied area was related to particular ecological and chorological elements. For particular types of plant communities, Simpson’s species diversity coefficient was calculated (Simpson, 1949) from the following formula: 1 > i where p;— fractional contribution of species in the community. ‘To determine the similarity of species composition in various zoocenoses, Sorensen’s coefficient (Sys) was used, calculated from the following formula (Sorensen, 1948): 26 A+B where Svs ~ similarity coefficient of compared communities; A — the number of species in one community; B - the number of species in the other community; C — the number of species that occur in both communities. In order to arrive at a more comprehensive and objective interpretation of the relation- ships between groups, Sorensen’s formula was additionally modified by substituting the number of species with the number of specimens (Gérny and Griim, 1981). In this way the total mathematical similarity between two sets was established, taking into account the num- ber of individual elements, which occurred in both sets, The results of the analysis of groupings were presented graphically in a dendrogram (Spellerberg, 1991), Moreover, the data were ordered by means of the principal component analysis (PCA) (Kovach, 1998) using MVSP 3.0 software. Additional material was also collected using sacks, by shaking selected herbaceous plant species and twigs and branches of shrubs and trees, as well as manually, “on sight”. Sys = Acta Phiytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 Sierka, Sievka: Thysanoprera species of Silesian Upland 283 Results During the three-year study, 84 thrips species were found in the examined area. As ‘many as 71 species were collected, by scooping of which 53 (22786 specimens) represented the suborder Térebrantia, while the remaining 18 (2028 specimens) ~ the suborder Tubu- lifera (Table 1). ‘Table 1 Results obtained by various collecting methods No.of Samples Specimens ‘Species Method nly with this method Scoop m4 24814 m1 10 Sacks, shakin = “on sight” 329 2189 15 3 1033, 27003 84 - Thrips and the diversity of plant communities Table 2 presents the percentage of thrips species in the examined types of plant communities. * Individual thrips species were found in the material with varied frequency. Some were very poorly represented in the material collected by scooping (Fig. /). As many as 13 species were reported from all types of plant communities, these included: Aeoloshrips intermedius, Chirothrips manicatus, Limothrips denticornis, Anaphothrips obscurus, Frankliniella intonsa, Odontothrips loti, Thrips atratus, Thrips flavus, Thrips fuscipennis, Thrips major, Thrips physapus, Thrips tabaci and Haplothrips aculeatus. Three species Aeolothrips intermedius, Chirothrips manicatus and Frankliniella intonsa — constituted more than 50% of the collected material. Representatives of 8 species — Limothrips denti- cornis, Aptinothrips stylifer, Odontothrips loti, Thrips flavus, Thrips fuscipennis, Thrips tabaci, Haplothrips acanthoscelis and Haplothrips aculeatus — accounted for 30% of the material (Fig. 2). The proportion of thrips species in the examined areas differed with the type of plant community, The largest number of species was reported from shrub communities and xerothermic grasses (43 and 40 species, respectively), the fewest in continental mixed coniferous forest (24 species) (Fig. 3). The largest number of specimens was collected in xerother and fresh meadow communities (6052 and 5515 ins from continental mixed coniferous forest and subcont 1880 insects, respectively) (Fig. 3). ic grass communities cts, respectively), while the smallest nental dry-ground forest (1461 and Acta Phiytopathologica et Entonologica Hungarica 38, 2004 284 Sierka, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland ‘Table 2 Dominance [%] of the thysanopterous species in chosen plant communities (scoop method; JH — Jaworznickie Hills; I ~ Titio-Carpinetum typicum, I~ Querco roboris-Pinetum, ML ~ Pruno-Crataegetun, IV ~ Trifolio-Agrimonierun, V — Koelerio-Festucettan suleatac VI - Motinienun medioeuropaeum, VI — Arrhenatheretwn medioeuropaeum) Communities 1 w i v Vv VI vir Species ‘Metanthvips fuseus (Sulzer, 1776) - ~ - - 002 OS = Avotoshrips utbicinetas Haliday, 1836 4260 198 LD 1.36 Lo - Acolothvips evicae Bagnall, 1920 - ~ 0.06 = oo. = ~ Acolothrips faseianus (Linnaeus, 1758) on 0.03 - 003 = - Avotothrips intermedius Bagnall, 1934 Avolothrips melateucus Haliday, 185: Aeolothrips propingus Bagnall, 1934 - ~ - O10 = Acolothrips versicolor Uzel, 1895 oso - O08 - - - Acolothrips vittatus Halliday, 1836 m2 - - - 0.07 Dendrothrips omatus (Jablonowski, 1894) - - oss = - - - Neohydlatothvips graciticoris (Williams, 1916) - - ou - - - - Chirothrips aculearus Bagnall, 1927 - - 064 049 SR - Chiroshrips anbutans Bagnall, 1932 ~ - 003 = - - 7 Chirothrips hamatus Teybom, 1895 218103 = - ost = 0.16 Chirothrips manicatus Haliday, 1836 84 Limothrips cerealiun Haliday, 1836 - - 7 - 06 - - Linoships consimilis Priesner, 1926 - - om 02% = - Limothrips demticomnis Haliday, 1836 Anaphothrips atroapierus Priesner, 1920 0.08 Anaphothrips euphorbiae (Uzel, 1895) - 1230.25 213063 - Anaphothrips ebscurus (Milles, 1776) 282554 3.97 1g 2. 16.70 1L67 17.82 17.25 25.79 KS oss - - 002 = 0.02 379 1370147 17 Tad 1981.99 out - oo = - Acta Phytopathotogica et Entomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 Sierka, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland ‘Table 2 (cont.) Communities w tT W v vi Vil Spevies “Aptiuothrips elegans Priesner, 1924 = = 330 180 O38 = 7 Aprinothvips rufcs Haliday, 1836 027007 - - om 038 Aptinothrips sivifer Trybom, 1894 016 Belotivips acuminarus Haliday, 1836 - - 006 - - 7 = Osstirips ajugae Uzel, 1895 = oes = = * = Oxsilvips bicolor O.M. Rewter, 1879 1a = = ~ = - Rubiothrips ferrugineus (Url, 1895) = - = 0020020024 Rubiothrips silvarwn (Priesner, 1920) 043 - 075 019 = 2 - Rubiothrips vatidus (Kary, 1910) - - - = 00 = Batioshrips dispar Holiday, 1836 - - - - - 0300.16 Franklinielta intonsa : (Tryhom, 1895) 016 00700800 = Franklinilta tenuicornis (Uzel, 1895) - - 028 «133131149236 Stenothrips graminun Ure, 1895 120223071351 MIG H4S4 19.36 25.19 Tenothvips frit (Uzel, 1895) 07 = 008 - - - Mycterotivips salicis (O.M, Reuter, 1879) - - - os = = - Odontoshrips biuacus Jolin, 1921 ou - 7 = 00s 0.02 Odontothrips confusus Priesner, 1926 - - - - 7 129 0.80 Odonothrips ott (Haliday, 1852) 1331300077346 OTE LBS Platytrips tunieatus (Haliday, 1852) 080027 ods 0070.20 - Rhaphidonhrips longistlosus Uzel, 1895 7 Taeniothirips inconsequens (Urel, 1895) 282253 OL = 7 - Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt, 1828) - Theilopedothvips pitosus (Ure, 1895) 1.00 10s 12h = = 003 = = = - Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 286 Sierka, Sterka: Thysanoptera spectes of Silestan Upland Communities 1 Spe Thrips angusticeps Uzel, 1895 0.90. Thrips atratus Haliday, 1836 9.10 Thrips conferticomis Priesner, 1922 ou Thrips flavus Schrank, 1776 0.88 Thrips fuscipennis, Halliday, 1836 3.99 Thrips major Urel, 1895 0.64 Thvips minutissinus Linnacus, 1758 181 Thvips physapus Linnacus, 1758 0.43 Thvips tabaci Lindeman, 1889 5.69 Bolothvips bicolor (Heeger, 1852) - Bolothrips demtipes (0. M, Reuter, 1880) - Bolothvips icarus (Uzel, 1895) - Haplothrips acanthoscetis (Kary, 1910) ~ Hoplothrips aculeatus (Fabricius, 1803) 3.78. Haplothvips crassicornis (ohn, 1924) - Haplothrips distinguendus Urel, 1895 - Haplothvips niger (Osborn, 1883) - Haplothvips peopinguus Bagnall, 1933 7 Haplothvips setiger Priesner, 1921 7 Heaplothrips statices (Haliday, 1936) - Haplothrips subrilissionus (Holiday, 1852) 6.65 Hoplandvothrips bidens (Bagnall, 1910) 0.16 Hoplandrothvips williamsianus Priesner, 1923 - ‘Table 2 (cont.) 5.68 4.10 430 0.72 09 158 0.08 6.88 0.03 0.06 0.06 0.28 0.03 Acta Phiyropathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 1 0.05 1.96 0.13. 4.10 0.03 0.93 Lol 061 0.08 635 2.30 0.07 0.03 vi 3.07 079 0.30 0.94 asa 10 vir 018 887 0.05. 5.08, 11.9 1.07 0.22 03 5.40 0.05 Sierka, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland 287 ‘Table 2 (cont.) ‘Communities 1 A im Ww v vi Vir Species Phiaeoshrips coriaceus Holiday, 1836 Ol 027 - - Cephalothrips moniticornis (0. M. Reuter, 1880) - - - 002. Lig 0.07 Liothvips setinodis (0. M, Reuter, 1880) 00s 0.48 - - Thorybothrips unicolor (Schille, 1910) = - 0.03 0.02, - - 70 65.65 £5) woe oF sercies 0 Hl Parts OF SPECIMENS [%] 50 40 30.84 30 20 10 11-100 101-1000 RANGE OF SPECIMENS Fig. 1. Species composition and number of specimens, Simpson's species diversity coefficient was found to be the highest in continental dry-ground forest (0,92) and lowest in thermophilous communities in the outskirts of forests (0.82) (Fig. 4). On the basis of Sprensen’s similarity coefficient, three groups of thrips were distin- guished which inhabit specific types of plant communities. Group A (areas of plant com- munities I and IT) comprises thrips of forest communities; group B (areas of plant commu- nities III, IV and V) includes thrips from the outskirts of forests, shrub communities and xerothermic grasses; and group C (areas of plant communities VI and VIL) ~ thrips found in meadow communities (Fig. 5). Acta Phytopathotogica et Enromologica Hungarica 39, 2004 288 erka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland OTHER 60 SPECIES Limothrips denticornis Aptinothvips stylifer Odontothrips loti Thrips flavus Thrips fuscipennis Thrips tabaci Haplothrips acanthoscelis Haplothrips aculeatus Aeolothrips intermedius Chirothrips manicatus Franklinieila intonsa Fig. 2. Domination structure of particular species PLANTS OF VEGETATION " Mm Vv v vi vil [DINUMBER OF SPECES Il PARTICPATION OF SPECIMENS [7] Fig. 3. Number of collected species and percentage of specimens in particular types of plant communities The principal component analysis (PCA) produced three distinct types of groupings connected with different plant communities and habitats (not shown). A chorological analysis of the collected species shows that in all groups (A, B, C) the holarctic element (HOL) was prevalent, ranging from 21.7% in group C to 30.3% in group A. The sub-Mediterranean element (SBM), represented by two species Anaphothrips cuphorbiae and Aptinothrips elegans, was found only in forest communities (A) and in xerophilous communities (B), where it ranged from 2.1% to 5.5% (Fig. 6). There were 10 times as many stenotopic species in group A (8.5%) than in group B (0.8%). No such species was found in meadow communities (group C) (Fig. 7}. Acta Phytopathologica et Enomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 Sierka, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland 289 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76 PLANT COMMUNITY supson’s species diversity coefficient of om 088 ove ona om i Sorensen's coefficient Fig. 5. A dendrogram of the thysanopterous insect communities ‘An analysis of feeding habits of thrips shows that in all the groups (A, B, C) flori- colous species were the most numerous. In group C (meadows) they comprised as much as, 60.2% of the thrips fauna. Gramicolous species (most numerous in group B, where they constituted 39.1% of the thrips fauna) always dominated folicolous species. Corticolous onnected with the bark of trees and feeding on fungi, were found only in group A .8% of the fauna) and in group B (with shrubs), where they comprised only 0.8% of the thrips fauna, which is 6 times less than in group A. No such species was found in meadow communities (C) (Fig. 8). ‘Acta Phytopathologica et Entomotogica Hungarica 39, 2004 290 Sierka, Sierka: Thysanopsera spectes of Silesian Upland 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% A B c [ICOS MHOL EIPAL OW-PAL MEUS OEUR SSBM Fig. 6. Chorological elements in the examined plant commu 50 45.5 40 30 [%) 20 10 Fig. 7. Ecological elements in the examined plant communities Acta Phytopathologica et Emomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 Sierka, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland 291 A B c COFLORICOLOUS FOLIICOLOUS i GRAMINICOLOUS miCORTICOLOUS Fig. 8. Ecological elements (feeding area) in the examined plant communities The highest percentage of species connected with trees was reported from group A (forests) and B (26.8% and 11.4% respectively); however, in group C such species were also present (9.0%). In group C ubiquitous species (56.4%) were the largest group of thrips, although in the other groups they were also well represented (B — 43.0% and A - 40.9%) (Fig. 9). 60 56.4 i 45.6 43.0 40.9 40 20 10 So A B c IIUBIQUITOUS FOREST AREAS IFORESTLESS AREAS Fig. 9. Ecological elements (occurrence) in the examined plant communities Acta Phytopathologica et Emomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 22 Sierku, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland Most species in all the groups were polyphagous, although in meadow communities the percentage of monophagous species was higher than in groups A and B (9.1%) (Fig. 10) Mesohygrophilous species were predominant in all the groups, ranging from 84.5% in group A to 68.7% in group C. Xerophilous species were relatively frequent in group B (25.8%), while mesohygrophilous species dominated in meadow communities (9.5% in group C) (Fig. 11). 80 728 70 oe 66.7 60 50 40 31.6 30 25 20 18.4 a1 10 50 * 17 0 A B c DPOLYPHAGOUS LIGOPHAGOUS |ONOPHAGOUS Fig. 10, Ecological elements (feeding preferences) in the examined plant communities Thrips and the flora of the examined area Additional material (2189 specimens) was collected from 117 plant species using sacks and by shaking branches of shrubs and trees. In this way 75 thrips species were found, 13 of which were absent from scoop samples (e.g. thrips connected with arborescent plants and with very specific feeding habits): Dendrothrips degeeri Uzel, 1895; Dendrothrips saltatrix Uzel, 1895: Franklinietla pallida (Uzel, 1895); Iridothrips iridis (Watson, 1924); Pecothrips dianthi (Priesner, 1921); Ceratothripoides frontalis (Uzel, 1895); Thrips hk neni Priesner, 1937; Thrips sambuci Heeger, 1854; Thrips validus Uzel, 1895; Cryptothrips nigripes (O. M. Reuter, 1880); Haplothrips arenarius Priesner, 1920; Haplothrips dianthinu Priesner, 1924; and Phiaeothrips bispinoides Bagnall, 192 Acta Phytopathologica et Emomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 Sierko. Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland 293 A B c MESOHYGROPHILt Fig. 11. Ecological elements (site preferences) in the examined plant communities ‘An analysis of the relationship between thrips species and their host plants in the studied area shows that Galiwn mollugo was the plant most frequently inhabited by the insects, with Achillea millefolium and Cirsium arvense immediately following (Table 3). The floricolous species Frankiniella intonsa proved highly polyphagous — it was reported from more than 80 plant species. Many thrips were found on only one plant species, e.g. Iridothrips iridis on Iris pseudoacorus and Pezothrips dianthi on Dianthus carthusianorum (Table 4). The plants most often inhabited by thrips were species of the families Poaceae, Aste- raceae and Fabaceae (Fig. 12). Discussion The study conducted in the area of the Jaworznickie Hills shows that the local Thysanoptera fauna is relatively rich (almost 40% of the thrips fauna of Poland; Zawirska, 1988). The most complex species composition of Thysanoptera was found in shrub commu- nities (43 species), where apart from Rhamno-Prunetea species there were also many plant species typical of neighbouring areas (forest, meadow and xerothermic communities), which was then reflected in the species composition of the thrips fauna of the community (Sierka and Sierka, 2003). Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 204 Sierku, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland Table 3 Number of thrips species on a particular host plant opt species ‘No. ot tv species Honoplant species Nov of hips species ‘Anemone nemorosa H Galion aparine 2 Catia palustris 4 Galiun mottugo B Fagus sylvatica 3 Galiun verun 8 Betula pendula 2 Saynbucus nigra 3 Carpinus betutus 4 Knute arvensis 7 Dianthus carthusianorwn 4 Seabiosa ochroteuca 1 Melanrian atbum 9 Catystegia sepivon 7 Saponaria officinalis 6 Convotvutus arvensis 7 Silene vulgaris 5 Echium vulgare 9 Hypericum perforatun 5 Symphyaun officinale 9 Arabidopsis thaliana 3 Euphrasia rostkoviana 2 Bertevou incana 6 Linaria vulgaris 10 Cardamine pratensis 4 ‘Melampyrin arvense 5 Exysinun cheivanthoides 5 Plantago lanceolata 7 Raphanus raphanistram 9 Ajuga reprans 2 Rovippa sytvestvis 5 Betonica officinalis 6 Sinapis arvensis 3 Galeobdoton iuseun 5 Euphorbia exparissias 3 Glechoma hederacea 2 Cattana vulgaris 6 Lamnivo town 4 Lysinachia vulgavis 1 Lamiwn purpureun 6 Prunus spinosa » 10 Prunella vutgaris 5 Rosa canina 10 Stachys palustris 6 Sedum acre 6 Thymus pulegioides 8 Anti wutnevaria 6 Thymus serpyliun 6 Chamaceytisus ratishonensis 4 Campanula patuia 2 Coroniita varia 8 Campanula rowndifolia 5 Lauhyrus pratensis 2 Jasione montana 5 Lembrotropis nigricans 4 Aurhemis arvensis 6 Lows comiculans 5 Achilea millefotiun u Lupinus polyphyltus 4 Comaurea eyanus 1 Medicago feleata 10 Centaurea jacee 3 Medicago sativa 7 Cirsiur arvense u Melilotus alba 7 Girsiuen rivutare 7 Melilotusofficinatis 7 Eupatoriwn cannabinun 5 Ononis arvensis 7 Hieraciun murorans 4 Robinia pseudoacacia 6 Hypochoeris radicata 10 Trifotiun medium 3 Inula britannica 2 Trifolium pratense 6 Leontodon hispinus 1 Trifoliun repens 3 Senecio fuchsit 5 Vicia villosa 8 Solidago virgaurea 6 Hippophaé rhamnoides 3 Sonchus arvensis u Lythrur salicaria 6 Sonichus oleraceus 9 Chamaenerion angustifolia 6 Taraxacun officinale 5 Ocnothera biennis 3 Tragopogon pratensis 3 Fraxinus excelsior 2 Tussilago farfara 3 Ligustrum vulgare 5 Leis pseudoacurus I Acta Phiytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 Sierka, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland 295, ‘Table 3 (cont.) Hostplant species No. of dvips species Host plant species No. of thrips species Luzula campestris 4 Fesiuca rubra i Holeus fanatus 9 Holeus mollis Molinia coerulea Phlewm pratense Poa pratensis Poa nemoralis Alopecurus pratensis Aventla pubescens Catamagrostis epigeios Dactylis glomerata Phragmites australis Carex hirta Cares evicetorwn Carex nigra Agrostis capitlaris Arrhenatherumn elatius Brachypodiun pianatwn Bromus hordeuceus Bromus evcetus Corynephorus canescens Deschampsia caespitosa Deschampsia fleswosa Festuca gigantea The species composition and proportion of thrips in the studied area are not typical of stable phytocenoses, since they are associated with plant communities to a considerable extent transformed by antropopressure (Cabala, 1990). Changes in phytocenoses result in a distortion of the related zoocenoses, which may be reflected in decreased number of species, especially those rather rare, and the emergence of one or two dominant species, which prevail in the structure of the group (Trojan, 1992). In the studied area three dominant species were found: Chirothrips manicatus (associated with grasses), Acolothrips inter- medius (predacious) and Frankliniella intonsa (floricolous).. The value of Simpson’s species diversity coefficient is influenced by common species, which occur in dense groupings. The coefficient was highest in dry-ground forests (0.92), which might be attributed to the relatively few common species found in the area and the presence of specialized forms. The largest number of representatives of various species was found in xerothermic grass communities (21%), where there was a large variety of plant cover and therefore abun- dance of food. According to Oettingen (1942), the presence and number of thrips in a given area depend mainly on the type of soil, then on humidity and temperature and, finally, on the presence of a suitable host plant. Physical properties of soil influence humidity conditions, while temperature has a strong impact on physiological composition of sap, on which thrips feed. These factors determine whether a species appears in a particular plant com- munity. If one of the factors is inadequate, the species does not appear Seczkowska (1957) observes that ecological factors (temperature, humidity and soil conditions) may influence the composition of thysanopterous fauna to a considerable extent. However, assuming that these factors are adequate, if there is no suitable host plant, that is if there is no food supply, not only will the number of insects not grow, but there will be no species which develop, breed and feed on this particular plant, except polyphagous, ubiquitous and predacious species. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Heargarica 39, 2004 296 Sierka, Sierka: Thysanoprera species of Silesian Upland ‘Table 4 Number of plant species inhabited by a particular thysanopterous species Tiysanoptera species [No.of plant species Thysanoprera species [No.of plan species Acotothrips albicinctus 6 Haplothrips subtitissinus 2 Acolothrips ericae 1 Hoplandrotheips bidens 1 Acofothrips fasciatus 2 Iridothrips iridis 1 Aeotothvips imermedius 7 Limothrips cereatiwn 7 Acotorhrips melateucs 2 Limothrips denticornis 3 Acofothrips propingues 1 Neohydatothvips gracilicornis 2 Acotothrips versicolor 2 Odontothrips biuncus 1 Acotothrips vittatus I Odontothrips confusus 1 Anaphothrips atroapterus 3 Odontothrips fori 7 Anaphothrips euphorbiae L Oxythrips ajugae 1 Anaphothrips obscurus 7 Oxsthrips bicolor 1 Aptinothrips elegans 7 Pezothrips dianthi 1 Aptinothvips rifts 9 Phlacothrips bispinoides 1 Aptinothvips stylifer B Plarythrips tunicanus 1 Batiothvips dispar 4 Rubiothnips silvarun 1 Batiothrips graninon s Rubiothrips vatidus 1 Belothrips actuntnatus 4 Tuentothrips fuconsequens 3 Bolothrips bicolor "2 Taeniothips picipes 1 Bolothrips dentipes 1 Tenothnips frici u Bolothrips icarus 2 Thrips angusticeps 13 Cephalothrips monticorsis 4 Thrips anvatus 31 Ceratothripoides fromalis 2 Thrips flavus 38 Chirothrips aculeatus 5 Thrips fuscipennis n Chirothrips ambulans 2 Thrips hukkinent 3 Chirothrips hamatus 3 Thrips major 1s Chivothrips manicatus 8 Thrips minuissinus 1 Cryprothirips nigvipes 1 Thrips physapus 2 Dendrothrips degeeri 2 Thrips sambuci 1 Dendrotrips omatus 1 Thrips tabaci 43 Dendronrips sattatrix 2 Thrips validus 1 Franklinielta intonsa 81 Franktiniella pattida 3 Franklinietta tenuicornis 2 Haptandvothrips wiltiamsian 1 Haplothrips acanthoscetis 6 Haptothrips aculeutus 36 Haplorhvips arenarius 2 Haplothrips crassicornis 2 Haplothvips dianthinus 1 Haplothvips distinguendus Haplothrips niger 1 Haplothrips propinguus Haplothrivs setiger 8 Haplothrips statices 2 Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 39, 2004 Sierka, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland 297 Fagaceae Ranunculaceae 3 Betulaceae_—Coviaceae Poaceae_* 2 4 Cyperaceas 31 Caryophyllaceae Hypericaceae 4 12 ° Juncaceae, Brassicaceae vedacodt 12 nm . Euphorbiaceae Ericaceae? Asteraceae, 6 22 Primulaceae Pr" Rosaceae Compares Em 14 3 EEE. crnsouiocoee 6 Lamiacese menaceee 13 ac | Plantaginaceae, Etacagnaceae 8 Lytliraceae Scrophulariaceae, 6 12 , Onagraceae Oleacoad~ Boraginaceae, Rubiaceac® 14 Comolwiaceae | Saeritoliaceae 16 9 Dipsacaceae 9 8 Fig. 12. Number of thrips species on a particular plant family Undoubtedly, the number of thrips species, in a particular area, depends to a larger extent on the diversity of the plant community while the number of representatives of a species is determined by the weather conditions and other organisms present in the area (Lewis, 1973). The mathematically calculated pattern of relations presented in the dendrogram and the PCA graph (not shown) = three groups of thrips (A, B, C) associated with specific plant communities — is reflected in the ecological analysis. This pertains in particular to ‘group A (forests), where there was a considerable proportion of stenotopic species associated with bark and feeding on fungi (e.g. Hoplandrothrips bidens and Phlacothrips coriaceus). ‘Thus, it appears that the type of plant community is the main factor influencing the formation of thrips groupings in the area of the Jaworznickie Hills; however, the develop- ment of the plant community depends on many biotic and abiotic factors. Acta Phyropathotogica et Emomologiea Hungarica 39, 2004 298, Sierka, Sierka: Thysanoptera species of Silesian Upland All thysanopterous species, like other animal taxa, have specific ecological, morpho- logical and physiological properties, which enable them to inhabit certain habitats and areas. Moreover, species probably spread to biotopes, which are most similar to their optimum habitats (Lewis, 1973). The relatively large proportion of the European element in the collected material (up to 20.4% in group A) can be attributed to the geographical position of the studied area (Central Europe). Species representing the sub-Mediterranean (SBM) element (Anapho- thrips euphorbiae and Aptinothrips elegans) were found only in forest communities (A) and xerophilous communities (B), and their percentage was relatively low. The character of the studied area and examined phytocenoses determined the lange proportion of oligotopic species found in the material. Local plant cover has been tran: formed by anthropopressure; these man-induced changes have impoverished plant commu ties and are conducive to expansive plant species, which make phytocenoses more uniforn Almost all known thrips are overground insects. Most species live and feed on live higher plants (Lewis, 1973), which is why so many species found in the area of the Jawor- znickie Hills represent floricolous and graminicolous insects. Although trunks and fungi the examined area provide suitable habitats for the development of many species, the col Jecting methods used in the present study have shown only small numbers of such insects. A large part of the examined material comprised species connected with open areas, which is probably related with the proportion of forest surface in the studied area, In forest communities species typical of forest areas were more frequently collected. e. Phlaeothrips bispinoides and Hoplandrothrips williamsianus. Although most species in the three groups of thrips were mesohygrophilous, xerothermic species were reported more frequently from xerophilous communities (B), where they constituted 25.8% of the thysanopterous fauna. In group C (including damp meadows) there were more hygrophilous species than in the other groups (9.1%), e.g. Baliothrips dispar. Single flowers and inflorescences, which provide suitable habitats for some thysa- nopterous species, draw insects — a phenomenon observed also on the analyzed plant species, e.g. Galium mollugo and Achillea millefolium. These plants were home to more than 10 species of thrips. he study of species composition of thysanopterous fauna of various plant communi- ties in Poland and similarities between insect groups connected with these communities is still under way. Detailed quantitative analyses of Thysanoptera contribute to our knowledge of long-term processes and spatial and temporal interactions within thrips fauna, ‘To make such comparisons more reliable, further research on thrips is needed both in other regions of Poland and in Europe. Acknowledgements | thank Prof. Dr, hab. Waclaw Wojciechowski for his helpful comments und Dr hab. 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