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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of Iloilo City
Q. Abeto St., Mandurriao, Iloilo City

March 4, 2019


I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the 60-minute discussion, the students are
expected to:
-discuss emotion and emotional intelligence;
-explains the positive and negative emotions and how one
expresses or hides them.
-performs different emotions in understanding the role of
emotions in adolescence stage;
- feels the intensity and differentiation of different

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate in understanding the concept of

Emotional Intelligence.
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to:
1. Identify ways to communicate and manage emotions in a
healthy manner.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
Competency/Objectives 1. Discuss that understanding the intensity and
Write the LC code for each. differentiation of your emotions may help in
communicating emotional expression; (EsP/PDIIEl-
2. Explore ones positive and negative emotions and
how one expresses or hides them ( EsP/PD11El-li-j-
3. Demonstrate and create ways to manage emotions
II. CONTENT Emotional Intelligence
A. References Curriculum Guide
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages 54-56
3. Textbook pages 54-56
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource
DepEd SHS Personal Development Module
Personality Development by Maria Gina Garcia- Cox
Personality Development by Ricardo Rubio Santos


A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review of the past lesson. (5minutes)

presenting the new lesson
a. The teacher will let the students watch a
presentation that reminds the students of the past
lesson “power of the mind”

b. After watching the presentation, the teacher will

randomly picked a student from the fishbowl and
ask a questions:

1. Tell something about our lesson previous lesson…

B. Establishing a purpose for the

lesson a. The teacher will let the students WATCH a video…
b. The teacher will ask the students the following
1. What can you say about the video?
2. What have you observed?

C. Presenting examples/Instances of The teacher introduces the lesson…

the new lesson a. Introduces the objectives of the lesson.

D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher discuss to the students the following:
practicing new skills # 1 a. What is emotion?
b. What is emotional intelligence?

E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher discuss the following:

practicing new skills # 2 a. How to improve emotional intelligence…
i. Being aware of emotions…
ii. Understanding How Others Feel and Why…
iii. Managing Emotional Reactions…
iv. Choosing Your Mood…
v. Under Construction…
b. Different negative and positive emotions…
c. Localization, literacy and numeracy skills inserted
i. Localization:
1. The teacher will show to the student’s
different emotions of Ilonggo parents…
ii. Literacy and numeracy?
1. The teacher present the result of
Gallup Emotions Survey worldwide…
a. What is the total positive
percentage of the Philippine
b. What is the rank of the total
positive percentage of the
Philippine emotions in Asia?

F. Developing mastery (leads to Activity:

Formative Assessment 3) a. The teacher will group the students into three…
b. The presentation will have the following
1. Each group will create an intense
presentation showcasing the different
negative and positive emotions they have
experience at their adolescent stage.
2. The presentation should bear the ideas of
the following guide questions:
i. What did you feel after you portray
the roles of negative and positive
ii. Why do you think we have to
control our emotions? Why these
emotions must be controlled as
early as in adolescence stage?
iii. What do you think are the ways
how to manage emotions in
healthy ways?

G .Finding practical application of a. The teacher will ask how negative and positive
concepts and skills in daily living emotions may affects one-self and the family?
b. How does emotions and Emotional Intelligence
affect our society?

I. Making generalizations and

abstractions about the lesson a. The teacher asks the students the following:
1. What are the different positive and negative
emotions you can recall?
2. How would you manage your emotions?
3. How would you express and hides them?

J. Evaluating learning Essay: (10pts)

1. Among the Emotions being discussed both the
positive and negative.
2. What are your top 3 emotions that you would like
to practice to be a productive individual and a good
citizen of this society?

K. Additional activities for Assignment:

application or remediation The teacher will let the students create a video through the
following ideas:
i. Being aware of emotions…
ii. Understanding How Others Feel and Why…
iii. Managing Emotional Reactions…
iv. Choosing Your Mood…
v. Under Construction…

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Criteria Exceptional 5 Admirable 4 Acceptable 3 Attempted 2 Score

Understandin . Factual Information . Factual Information . Factual Information Information is

g of topic is accurate is mostly accurate is somewhat accurate inaccurate
. Indicate a clear . Good . Fair understanding Presentation is off
understanding of the understanding of the of the topic topic
topic topic

Cooperation Accepts ideas of .Accepts most ideas .Unwilling to . Group does not
others; able to without negative compromise work together
compromise comments; able to . few members . One person does
All members compromise contribute all the work
contribute . Some members

Presentation . Shows confidence . Shows confidence .Unsure of Portrayal stalls

. Informative . Informative responsibility Lacks information
. Entertaining . Entertaining . Somewhat Audience bored
. Speaks loudly and . Speaks loudly and Informative Mumbles
clearly clearly . Entertaining Body Language is
. Appropriate use of . Appropriate use of . Engage audience lacking and in
body language body language intermittently appropriate
. Hard to hear

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Facilitator HT- III, MAPEH Department

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