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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallega St., Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
SDS: 744-6276 Globe |ASDS: 744-61-38 Globe
SGOD: 744-71-57 Globe | 388-37-21 PLDT
CID: 744-63-53 Globe | 388-83-23 PLDT
Admin: 744-62-77 Globe
Facebook: DepEd – Schools Division of Himamaylan City
Email address:



General Instructions: It is important to establish a relaxed attitude through some simple initial
conversation of interest to the child. The child should perceive the assessment
more as a game than a formal assessment.

To the Examiner:

 Show the learner the chart of letters (Chart 1).

 Say: Here is a page full of letters of the alphabet. Please tell me the NAMES of as many
letters as you can – not the SOUNDS of the letters, but the names.

For Example, the name of this letter (point to A) is “A”

Let’s practice: tell the name of this letter (point to V)
If the child responds correctly say: Good, the name of this letter is “VEE”
If the child does not respond correctly, say: The name of this letter is “VEE”

Now try another one: tell me the name of this letter (point to L):
If the child responds correctly say: Good, the name of this letter is “ELL”
If the child does not respond correctly, say: The name of this letter is “ELL”

Do you understand what you are to do?

When I say “Begin,” please name the letters as quickly and carefully as you can. Start here and
continue this way. (Point to the first letter on the row after the example and draw your finger
across the first line)
If you come to a letter you do not know, I will tell it to you. Otherwise I will keep quiet and
listen to you. Ready? Begin
 Start the timer when the child reads the first letter.

 Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect letters with a slash (/).

 Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked the self-corrected letter as incorrect,
circle the letter and go on.

 Stay quiet, except when providing answers as follows: if the child hesitates for 3 seconds,
provide the name of the letter, point to the next letter and say “Please go on.”

 Mark the letter you provide to the child as incorrect.

 If the learner gives you the letter sound, rather than the name, provide the letter name and say:
(“Please tell me the NAME of the letter”). This prompt may be given only once during the
Early stop rule: If you have slashed/marked as incorrect all the answers on the first line say
“Thank you!” discontinue this exercise.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallega St., Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
SDS: 744-6276 Globe |ASDS: 744-61-38 Globe
SGOD: 744-71-57 Globe | 388-37-21 PLDT
CID: 744-63-53 Globe | 388-83-23 PLDT
Admin: 744-62-77 Globe
Facebook: DepEd – Schools Division of Himamaylan City
Email address:


Examples: A v L

L I h R S y E O n T ___/10

I e T D A t a d e w ___/20

h O e m U r L G R u ___/30

g R B E I f m t s r ___/40

S T C N p A F c a E ___/50

y s Q A M C O t n P ___/60

e A e s O F h u A t ___/70

R q H b S I g m I L ___/80

L i N O e o E r p X ___ /90

N A c D d I O j e n ___/100

Total number of letters sounded correctly: _______ /100

If time remains on stopwatch at completion, record it here (# seconds):
Tick this box if the exercise was discontinued:

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallega St., Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
SDS: 744-6276 Globe |ASDS: 744-61-38 Globe
SGOD: 744-71-57 Globe | 388-37-21 PLDT
CID: 744-63-53 Globe | 388-83-23 PLDT
Admin: 744-62-77 Globe
Facebook: DepEd – Schools Division of Himamaylan City
Email address:



General Instructions: It is important to establish a relaxed attitude through some simple initial
conversation of interest to the child. The child should perceive the assessment
more as a game than a formal assessment.

To the Examiner:

 Show the learner the chart of letters (Chart 2).

 Say: Here is a page full of letters of the alphabet. Please tell me the SOUNDS of as many
letters as you can – not the NAMES of the letters, but the SOUNDS.

For Example, the name of this letter (point to b) is /b/

Let’s practice: tell the name of this letter (point to S)
If the child responds correctly say: Good, the SOUND of this letter is /s/
If the child does not respond correctly, say: The SOUND of this letter is /s/

Now try another one: tell me the SOUND of this letter (point to a):
If the child responds correctly say: Good, the SOUND of this letter is /aye/
If the child does not respond correctly, say: The SOUND of this letter is /aye/

Do you understand what you are to do?

When I say “Begin,” please SOUND the letters as quickly and carefully as you can. Start here
and continue this way. (Point to the first letter on the row after the example and draw your
finger across the first line)
If you come to a letter you do not know, I will tell it to you. Otherwise I will keep quiet and
listen to you. Ready? Begin
 Start the timer when the child reads the first letter.

 Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect letters with a slash (/).

 Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked the self-corrected letter as incorrect,
circle the letter and go on.

 Stay quiet, except when providing answers as follows: if the child hesitates for 3 seconds,
provide the name of the letter, point to the next letter and say “Please go on.”

 Mark the letter you provide to the child as incorrect.

 If the learner gives you the letter sound, rather than the name, provide the letter name and say:
(“Please tell me the NAME of the letter”). This prompt may be given only once during the
Early stop rule: If you have slashed/marked as incorrect all the answers on the first line say
“Thank you!” discontinue this exercise.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallega St., Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
SDS: 744-6276 Globe |ASDS: 744-61-38 Globe
SGOD: 744-71-57 Globe | 388-37-21 PLDT
CID: 744-63-53 Globe | 388-83-23 PLDT
Admin: 744-62-77 Globe
Facebook: DepEd – Schools Division of Himamaylan City
Email address:


Examples: b S a

V l h g S y Z W L N ___/10

l K T D K T q d z w ___/20

h w z m U r j G X u ___/30

g R B Q I f I Z s r ___/40

S n C B p Y F c a E ___/50

y s Q P M v O t n P ___/60

Z A e x f F h u A t ___/70

W G H b S l g m i i ___/80

L L o o X N E Y p x ___/90

N k c D d y b j R v ___/100

V M W q V l h g S y ___/110

Total number of letters sounded correctly: _______ /110

If time remains on stopwatch at completion, record it here (# seconds):
Tick this box if the exercise was discontinued:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallega St., Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
SDS: 744-6276 Globe |ASDS: 744-61-38 Globe
SGOD: 744-71-57 Globe | 388-37-21 PLDT
CID: 744-63-53 Globe | 388-83-23 PLDT
Admin: 744-62-77 Globe
Facebook: DepEd – Schools Division of Himamaylan City
Email address:



General Instructions: It is important to establish a relaxed attitude through some simple initial
conversation of interest to the child. The child should perceive the assessment
more as a game than a formal assessment.

To the Examiner:

 Show the learner the chart of inverted words (Chart 3)

 Say: Here are some made up words. I would like you to read as many as you can. Do not spell
the words but read them.

For Example, this made up word is “ut”

Let’s practice: please read this word (point to the next word “dif”)
If the child responds correctly say: Very good: “dif”
If the child does not respond correctly, say: This made up word is “dif”

Now try another one: point to the next word “mab”

If the child responds correctly say: Very good: “mab”
If the child does not respond correctly, say: This made up word is “mab”

Do you understand what you are to do?

When I say “Begin,” please read the made up words as quickly and carefully as you can. Start
here and continue this way. (Point to the first word on the row after the example and draw
your finger across the first line)
If you come to a word you do not know, I will tell it to you. Otherwise I will keep quiet and
listen to you. Ready? Begin.
 Start the timer when the child reads the first made up word.

 Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect words with a slash (/).

 Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked the self-corrected word as incorrect,
circle the word and go on.

 Stay quiet, except when providing answers as follows: if the child hesitates for 3 seconds, read
the word, point to the next word and say “Please go on.”

 Mark the word you provide to the child as incorrect.

 After 60 seconds say: STOP. Mark the final word read with a bracket.

Early stop rule: if you have slashed/marked as incorrect all the answers on the first line say
“Thank you!” discontinue this exercise.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallega St., Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
SDS: 744-6276 Globe |ASDS: 744-61-38 Globe
SGOD: 744-71-57 Globe | 388-37-21 PLDT
CID: 744-63-53 Globe | 388-83-23 PLDT
Admin: 744-62-77 Globe
Facebook: DepEd – Schools Division of Himamaylan City
Email address:


Examples: ut dif mab

fut lus dit leb gak ____/5

hus jod kib lek tob ____/10

nom rop hig reg san ____/15

tup ral wix nep nad ____/20

lut yod sim tat sig ____/25

en mon nup sen kad ____/30

taw lew paf sal zuv ____/35

ved kag vom riz gof ____/40

maz kol ver et beb ____/45

tib lef yag lim dov ____/50

Total number of words sounded correctly: _______ /50

If time remains on stopwatch at completion, record it here (# seconds):
Tick this box if the exercise was discontinued:

General Instructions: It is important to establish a relaxed attitude through some simple initial
conversation of interest to the child. The child should perceive the
assessment more as a game than a formal assessment.
To the Examiner:

 Show the learner the chart of words.

 Say: Here is a page full of words. I would like you to read aloud as many words as you

You will start here and move across the page. (Point to the leftmost word on the
top row of the exercise, moving from left to right.)
When I say, ‘Begin’, you will read the words as best you can.
Point to each word as you read it. If you don’t know a word, skip it.
Let’s practice first. (Point to the first example word to practice the instructions
given above.)
Ok, now we’re ready to begin. Put your finger on the first word.
Ready? Begin.

 Start the timer when the child reads the first word.

 Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect word with a slash (/).

 Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked the self-corrected word as

incorrect, circle the word and go on.

 Stay quiet, except when providing answers as follows: if the child hesitates for 3
seconds, provide the word, point to the next word and say “Please go on.”

 Mark the word you provide to the child as incorrect.

Early stop rule: If you have slashed/marked as incorrect all the answers on the first line
say “Thank you!” discontinue this exercise.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallega St., Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
SDS: 744-6276 Globe |ASDS: 744-61-38 Globe
SGOD: 744-71-57 Globe | 388-37-21 PLDT
CID: 744-63-53 Globe | 388-83-23 PLDT
Admin: 744-62-77 Globe
Facebook: DepEd – Schools Division of Himamaylan City
Email address:


Examples: pot bell

back came but look went ____/5

what did be got me ____/10

eat do like there little ____/15

with had are your make ____/20

put he see it the ____/25

all here no from tree ____/30

out an come will time ____/35

my you too cat she ____/40

have some away down a ____ /45

them we in that they ____/50

Total number of words sounded correctly: _______ /50

If time remains on stopwatch at completion, record it here (# seconds):
Tick this box if the exercise was discontinued:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallega St., Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
SDS: 744-6276 Globe |ASDS: 744-61-38 Globe
SGOD: 744-71-57 Globe | 388-37-21 PLDT
CID: 744-63-53 Globe | 388-83-23 PLDT
Admin: 744-62-77 Globe
Facebook: DepEd – Schools Division of Himamaylan City
Email address:



General Instructions: It is important to establish a relaxed attitude through some simple initial
conversation of interest to the child. The child should perceive the
assessment more as a game than a formal assessment.
To the Examiner:

 Show the learner the passage chart.

 SAY: Now I’m going to ask you to read this story out loud.
If you get stuck, skip the word and keep on reading.
When I say, ‘Stop’, stop reading the story.
I will next ask you some questions about what you have just read – so try to
remember the story you’re reading. You will start here. (Point to the first word of
the passage.)

 Start the timer when the child reads the first word.
 Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect word with a slash (/).

 Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked the self-corrected word as

incorrect, circle the word and go on.

 Stay quiet, except when providing answers as follows: if the child hesitates for 3
seconds, provide the word, point to the next word and say “Please go on.”

 Mark the word you provide to the child as incorrect.

Early stop rule: If you have slashed/marked as incorrect all the answers on the first line
say “Thank you!” discontinue this exercise.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallega St., Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
SDS: 744-6276 Globe |ASDS: 744-61-38 Globe
SGOD: 744-71-57 Globe | 388-37-21 PLDT
CID: 744-63-53 Globe | 388-83-23 PLDT
Admin: 744-62-77 Globe
Facebook: DepEd – Schools Division of Himamaylan City
Email address:


Jabu had a dog. (Q1) The dog was fat and ____/9

happy. (Q2) One day Jabu and the dog went out to ____/19

play. The little dog ran away and got lost. ____/28

Jabu was sad (Q3) but after a while the dog came ____/37

back. ____/38

Jabu took the dog home. When they got inside the ____/47

house Jabu gave the dog a bone. The little dog ____/57

was tired, so he slept. ____/62

When the dog woke up, Jabu took the dog outside ____/72

again to play. (Q5) ____/75

Total number of words read correctly: ________/75

If time remains on stopwatch at completion, record it here (# seconds):

Tick this box if the exercise was discontinued:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallega St., Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
SDS: 744-6276 Globe |ASDS: 744-61-38 Globe
SGOD: 744-71-57 Globe | 388-37-21 PLDT
CID: 744-63-53 Globe | 388-83-23 PLDT
Admin: 744-62-77 Globe
Facebook: DepEd – Schools Division of Himamaylan City
Email address:

Comprehension Questions:

 SAY: Now I am going to ask you a few questions about the story you have just read.
Try to answer the questions as best you can.

 If the child read only part of the story, only ask the questions related to the part that
s/he has read.

 Enter a dash ( -- ) in the boxes for questions not covered.

 Enter a tick (9) for each question answered correctly.

 Leave a blank for each question answered incorrectly.

 If the learner corrects himself/herself, accept the answer as correct.

 Count and record the number of questions that the learner answered correctly at the
bottom of the exercise.

Question Answer Correct

1. Who had a dog? Jabu ______

2. Was the dog thin or fat? fat

3. Why was Jabu sad? the dog ran away/

the dog got lost

4. What did the dog do after he

got the bone? he ate it; he slept

5. Did the story have a happy ending? Yes:

Why? the dog came back;

they went home together;
the dog got a bone; he slept;
they played again

Total number of questions answered correctly: /5

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