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The world’s governments and organizations are facing a lot of issues.

Which do you think is the most

pressing problem for the inhabitants on our planet?

In today’s world of advancement, the authorities and societies are dealing with numerous issues in
which depletion of natural resources is always a burning topic. This essay is about to explicate how
stressful that most challenging trouble is for mankind on our planet.

The rising use and dependency of fossil fuels in a variety of fields to produce energy have led to the
exhaustion of natural resources. Declination in the level of those not only relates to the consumption of
fossil fuel, but it also poses several other appalling effects that consist of greenhouse gases emission.
The discharge of these gases is resulting in two of the significant matters faced by our planet Earth:
global warming and climate change.

To lessen reliance on natural resources for energy yields, human beings are now shifting towards some
alternative methods. These replacement sources include solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy,
ect. The phenomenon of using energy provided by the Sun, among aforementioned substitutes, is
gaining through global popularity. The way of producing the energy required high investment
expenditure from the consumers for its installment. However, in the recent ages, its cost has
diminished. Higher governments need to enhance the advantages of relying on alternate means, hence,
more and more people should choose for use instead of using fossil fuels.


According to the literature, the history of vaccination can be traced back to as early as the 7th century
when the monks in India tried to —(immunize/locate/prevent/force/stop)— themselves by drinking
snake venom. The first vaccination was inoculation with human smallpox, a practice widely —
(applied/carried/took/figured/utilized)— out in ancient India, Arabia, and China. This method of
vaccination consisted of collecting pus from a patient
(getting/suffering/undertaking/generating/diagnosing)— from the mild form of smallpox virus infection
and inoculating the sample to a healthy human, which later led to a minor infection.This method was
first introduced in England by a Greek named E. Timoni. —(However/In
addition/Therefore/Otherwise/Similarly)––, this method had a risk of spreading smallpox in the
community and even worsening the health condition of the person who received the inoculation. While
the use of human smallpox vaccine was controversial, E. Jenner came up with bovine smallpox vaccine in
1796; this new method also faced controversy but continued to be universalized. Smallpox became a —
(preventable/serious/normal/terrible/contaminated)— disease by injecting pus extracted from a human
infected with cowpox virus. Jenner named the substance “vaccine” after the Latin word “vacca” which
means “cow,” and thus the process of giving vaccine became “vaccination”.

Multiple choice question – choose single answer

Chọn 1 đáp án phù hợp nhất cho câu hỏi sau

It’s easy to understand why some managers shy away from the risk involved in any planned, radical
change. But don’t assume that the unplanned do-nothing strategy is any safer. In Britain some entire
industries have disappeared or passed into overseas hands because successive managements blundered
on along the same unclear paths that had served (badly) in the past.

Which of the following statements is the best summary if the writer’s main point?

[ ] British industry suffers from poor management.

[ X] Basic changes in business strategy are dangerous.

[ ] Failure to act can be as risky as making changes.

[ ] In business, any strategy is better than one.


According to the speaker, which is correct about “learned helplessness”?

It makes people work even harder at difficult tasks.

It stops people repeating positive experiences.

It causes people to lose hope in their abilities.

It affects people in many unpredictable ways.

Stem cells are the body’s master cells, the raw __MATERIALS_____ from which we are built. Unlike
normal body cells, they can ______REPRODUCE___ an _____DEFINITE____ number of times and, when
manipulated in the right way, can turn themselves into any type of cell in the body. The most
___VERSATILE____ stem cells are those found in the _______ at just a few days old. This ball of a few
dozen stem cells eventually goes on to form everything that makes up a person. In 1998, James
Thompson announced that he had ___ISOLATED____ human embryonic stem cells in the laboratory. At
last, these powerful cells were within the ____CROWDS___ of scientists to experiment with,
understand, and _DEVELOP______ into fixes for the things that go wrong.


Non-english speaking minorites are discriminated against the educational system.

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