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Province of South Cotabato

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Dajay, Surallah,SouthCotabato
Telefax No. 083-238-5143

Soc. Sci. 212 (General Psychology)

a. Heredity b. Soul c. Psychology d. Childhood e. Structuralism f. Experimental Method

g. Study h. Adolescence i. Irritability j. Observation Method k. Life

Give what asked in the following questions then write the letter of your answer on you test booklet.
(10 Pts.)
____________1. It is the scientific study of behavior of living organisms, with special attention to human
____________2. A stage of human growth and development that start at the age of 13 and ends at the age of 19.
____________3. This theory that proposed that mind is made up of building blocks in various types of sensation
and perception.
_____________4. It is the study of human behavior from prenatal until adolescent stages.
_____________5. It is the study of behavior inside the laboratory under controlled conditions.
____________6. It is the ability to react to stimulus.
____________7. It refers to movement, such as walking, swimming grasping, etc.
____________8. It is the most widely used method in the study of behavior.
___`_________9 In psychology, “Psyche” means___
____________10 In psychology, “Logos” means___

II. Arrange the following according to stages of human growth and development by Erik Erikson inters of stages and
age bracket put your answer in your test booklet.
STAGES (2pts. each)
*Babyhood *Adolescence *Early Childhood *Late Adulthood *Infancy *Early Adulthood *Late Childhood
*Middle Adulthood
AGE BRACKET (2pts. each)
* 35 – 65 years sold * 0 – 1 year old *13- 19 years old * 4 – 6 year sold *66 years and above

*7 -12 years old * 20 – 34 years old * 2- 3 years old


1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

III. Give what is asked in the following items. Answer in your test booklet (10 pts.)
1-4 (Methods used in psychological research)
5 -6 (Male and female reproductive cells)
7- 10 examples of movement/motor skills

IV. Explain the following items (10 pts. each)

1. What do you think is the application of psychology in your course or your future job?
2. What is the importance of studying the human growth and development?
3. Differentiate growth and development.

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