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Improving the quality of Traveling with my

family, volunteering
worship, Lots of alms, Go
SPIRITUAL PASSION for health workers in
Haj with Family and
Qurban Every year Africa, etc

Make my parent happy, Top graduates, continue

take my parent on vacation What I Plan for undergraduate studies in
and refresh, married and FAMILY the next 15 EDUCATION Germany, establish a
be a good mother in the years ? school for underprivileged
future children

Successful, Young and rich,

MENTAL CAREER & Unlimited money, be an
I Believe in Myself inspirational woman, hard
worker and passive income
from investment

You dont need to be great to

How do you start something. Do it now and
make it dont ever put off because the
Do you best at every
chance may not come twice.
happen? oppurtunity that you have
Struggle that you do today is the
single way to build a better future

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