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I. Learning Competencies
Analyze the nature of elections and political parties in the Philippines. HUMSS_PG12-
1. Define elections and political parties in the Philippines.
2. Perform a mock election and make an electoral map of the previous Vice
Presidential result.
3. State the importance of election by interpreting a video.

II. Content Topic

Philippine Elections and Political Parties

III. Learning Resources

Philippine Politics and Governance. 2020. Self-Leaning Module. Department of

IV. Procedure
a. Motivation
What is?
Students will be asked for a word or concept about the result of People Power to
the Filipino nation. The students will then enter their answers as a survey form in
the word cloud category of the Wooclap application. It will look somewhat like in
the picture below:
Answers will be elicited among students based on the following questions:
1. What was the result of People Power to the Filipino nation?
(Democracy, election, freedom, rights, etc.)
2. Are the concepts related to one another? (Yes)
3. Are we affected by these concepts? (Yes)

b. Introduction
The class will define election based on the picture below.

c. Activity
Task 1. Mock Election
Using the poll category of the Wooclap application, students will participate in a
mock election. The following are the guide questions:
1. Whom do we vote for? (Name seen in the poll.)
2. What characteristic/s of an election should it primarily possess? (Fair)
3. How candidates are voted by the people? (Fame, party, etc.)
d. Abstraction
Task 2. Map Activity
Students by group are tasked to map the 2016 Vice Presidential result per
province using the Padlet application. Each group will have someone to present
the map and discuss the effects of a political party.

Answers will be elicited based on the following questions:

1. How a political party influence people’s votes? (By the party’s influence
on specific boundaries)
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a political party? (Having
and without having an alliance, etc.)
3. How can a candidate further influence people’s voting behavior?
(Political dynasty and gerrymandering)

e. Application
Students will analyze the video. It is expected to gain the value of responsible
voting as it is essential to an election.
f. Generalization
Students will make a mind map at the Mindmeister application to make a
summary of the topic discussed.

V. Assessment
Students will participate in a live quiz presentation via the Quizizz application.
From the following phrases, identify if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
1. An election is a formal decision-making process by which a population
chooses an individual to hold public office. TRUE
2. The 2016 election was the first national election that utilized an automated
election system. FALSE
3. Suffrage is the right and obligation to vote of qualified citizens in the
election of public officers. TRUE
4. NAMFREL enforces and administers all laws and regulations relative to the
conduct of an election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and recall. FALSE
5. A political party is a group of people who seeks positions through the
process of elections. TRUE

VI. Remarks
1. There are 20 in the class that undergoes the ODL-MDL modality.
2. Rubrics for the activity:

VII. Reflection

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked by: Noted:


SHS Focal Person Principal

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