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Claret College of Isabela

Senior High School

P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines
Tel. No. (062) 200 - 7697 / 200 – 7009 Telefax: (062) 200 - 3865

NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: ___________________

COURSE AND YEAR: ______________________________ OUTPUT NO: _____5_____

Advance Presentation Skills

 Use hyperlink to improve the slideshow(s)
 Embed files and data to the slideshow(s)
 Maximize slideshow(s) as an effective visual aid tool
Values integration


True or False: Write T if the sentence is correct; otherwise, write F.

____________1. Use as many slides as you can so that the audience can clearly understand your message
____________2. PowerPoint Presentation is a form of visual ais.
____________3. Most of the contents of your report through your PowerPoint and not from the speaker
____________4. To insert a hyperlink, go to the Home tab then click the hyperlink option.
____________5. To embed an object, go to the Insert tab and under the Text Group, click Object
____________6. There are two options when inserting an object. Create new from file and create new from
existing file.
____________7. Action buttons are found in the Insert > Smart Art
____________8. Use dark font on dark backgrounds to gain proper contrast.
____________9. Use bullets to simplify your message
____________10. Insert artwork in each slide of your presentation. It may not be related but at least it would
draw the audience’s attention

There are plenty of tools you can use to present data. Whether it is scientific data, statistical, or a book report, a
presentation tools has you covered.

Claret College of Isabela
Senior High School
P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines
Tel. No. (062) 200 - 7697 / 200 – 7009 Telefax: (062) 200 - 3865

Presentation Software -is an application that allows users to create visual aids from presentations to
communicate ideas, messages and other info to a group.

To Open Microsoft PowerPoint, Press “Windows Logo” + R then Type “powerpnt” then enter.
Key Terms in MS PowerPoint
1. Slide- is a single page of a presentation, Collectively, a group of slides may be known as a slide deck.
2. Design Template- pre-designed graphic styles that you can apply to your slides.
3. Slide Show- a collection of pages arranged in sequence that contain text and images for presenting to an
Pres “FS” – display slide show.
4. Animation - is a set of effects which can be applied to text or graphics within a slide.
5. Transition- are motion effects that when in slide show view add a movement to your slides as you
advance from one slide into another.
6. Hyperlink- allows you to jump to another location.

Type of Views in MS PowerPoint

1. Normal view- simplified layout of the [page so you can quickly key, edit, and format the test.
2. Notes Page View- displays your slides in
the top portion of the page, with the speaker
notes for each slide in the notes pane on the
bottom of the pane.
3. Outline View- displays all the text in the
PowerPoint slide show in outline form
regardless of the design, objects and
4. Slide Sorter View- displays mini versions of slides and allows you to re-arrange them.

File Insertion:

1. Image
2. Illustrations
3. Links
4. Texts
5. Media

Claret College of Isabela
Senior High School
P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines
Tel. No. (062) 200 - 7697 / 200 – 7009 Telefax: (062) 200 - 3865

Creating an Effective Presentation

Designing your presentation is the fun part of creating a report for it gives you a chance to be creative. Placing
animations, transitions and art could be on your mind right now. But whether or not these features would help is
generally up to you. Sometimes, these things could actually distract your audience rather than help you. Here
are some quick tips in creating an effective presentation.

1. Minimize: Keep slides counts to a minimum to maintain a clear message and to keep the audience
attentive. Remember that the presentation is just a visual aid. Most information should still come from
the reporter.
2. Clarity: Avoid being too fancy by using font style that is easy to read. Make sure that it is also big
enough to be read by the audience. Once you start making your presentation, consider how big the
screen is during your report.
3. Simplicity: Use bullets or short sentences. Summarize the information on the screen to have your
audience focus on what the speaker is saying than on reading the slide. Limit the content to six lines and
seven words per line. This is known as the 6 x 7 rule.
4. Visual: Use graphics to help in your presentation but not too many to distract the audience. In addition,
instead of using table of data, use charts and graphs.
5. Consistency: Make your design uniform. Avoid having different font styles and backgrounds.
6. Contrast: Use a light font on dark background or vice versa. This is done so that it is easier to read. In
most instances, it is easier to read on screen if the background is dark. This is due to the brightness of
the screen.

Claret College of Isabela
Senior High School
P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines
Tel. No. (062) 200 - 7697 / 200 – 7009 Telefax: (062) 200 - 3865

Using Hyperlinks in Microsoft PowerPoint

Using hyperlinks in your presentation is an easy way to navigate slides during your presentation. 
 1.  In Normal view, select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink. 
2. On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Hyperlink.

Claret College of Isabela
Senior High School
P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines
Tel. No. (062) 200 - 7697 / 200 – 7009 Telefax: (062) 200 - 3865

3. In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, under Link to, click Place in This Document.

Link Options: 

 Existing File or Web Page- creates a hyperlink to a website or a local file saved in  your hard  drive.
Just browse your file in the dialog box or type the web address.
 Place in this Document- creates a hyperlink that once clicked, creates a new document on your
specified location.
 E-mail Address- creates a hyperlink that opens Microsoft Outlook that automatically adds your
specified recipient on a new email.
4. Do one of the following:

 To link to a slide in the current presentation, under Select a place in this document, click the slide that
represents the hyperlink destination.
 To link to a custom show (a select group of slides) in the current presentation, under Select a place in
this document, under Custom Shows, click the custom show that represents the hyperlink destination.
Then, select the Show and return check box.

Embedding Objects in Microsoft PowerPoint

Embedding objects is easy using Microsoft PowerPoint. With this option, you can insert an Excel file that
would look like a table to a presentation.
Embedding an Excel File to your Slide Presentation
1. Go to the Insert Tab.

2. On the Test group, click on Object.

Claret College of Isabela
Senior High School
P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines
Tel. No. (062) 200 - 7697 / 200 – 7009 Telefax: (062) 200 - 3865

3. The Insert Object dialog box would appear.

a. Creates New- creates a new file from scratch. You can select on a wide variety of files listed.
b. Creates from file- creates a file from existing file saved on your hard drive, simply browse the file to use it.
Putting a check on the "link" option will allow you to modify the Excel file inside your presentation.
4. Once you are done. Click OK.

Claret College of Isabela
Senior High School
P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines
Tel. No. (062) 200 - 7697 / 200 – 7009 Telefax: (062) 200 - 3865

NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: ___________________

COURSE AND YEAR: ______________________________ OUTPUT NO: 5
Extend and Elaborate

Below is a list of presentation tools. Research about them, write their advantages and disadvantages and create a
Presentation/slideshow afterwards.

Presentation Tool Advantages Disadvantages

1.Microsoft PowerPoint
3.Apple Keynote
4.Google Slides
5.Haiku Desk

Your teacher shall grade your output using the rubric below.

Category Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Score

4 3 2 1
Skills All Skills Most skills the Some skills in Few or no
from the topic is applied the topic are skills from the
topic are applied topic is applied
Content The output The output is The output is The output is
exceeds the complete somewhat incomplete
expectations complete
Correctness The output is The output The output has The output
error free contains several errors contains many
minimal errors errors
Efficiency The student The student The student The student
was able to was able to was able to used the least
finish the finish the task complete the effective
task in the in the task but used methods in
most projected methods that finishing task.
effective way amount of time consumed
without more time or
wasting time resources.

Claret College of Isabela
Senior High School
P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines
Tel. No. (062) 200 - 7697 / 200 – 7009 Telefax: (062) 200 - 3865

ands effort
(Submit on


PART 1: Reflection:

Directions: Explain each question, before you begin writing, read the passage carefully and plan what
will say. Your answer should be as well organized and carefully written.

1.What is the significance of using hyperlinks that navigate around your presentation instead of just using
keyboard shortcuts? (10 points)

2. Cite 3 instances where objects can help you improve your presentation. (10 points)

PART II: Hand-on Activity

DIRECTIONS: Adapt a Filipino legend story and create a storyboard using PowerPoint presentation. Place
pictures and animations in your story. Place texts as descriptions for the storyboard or dialogue cloud for the
Claret College of Isabela
Senior High School
P.O. Box 8692 Roxas Avenue, Isabela City, Basilan Province, 7300 Philippines
Tel. No. (062) 200 - 7697 / 200 – 7009 Telefax: (062) 200 - 3865

conversation of characters. Save your file using this file name: PPTSTORYBOARD_FULLNAME. Check the
rubrics on how you will be graded. Send your work through the link that your teacher will send you.

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Creativity and The work The work The work The work
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
superior good use of average use of little evidence
creativity and creativity and creativity and of creativity
originality in originality in originality in and originality
the selection of the selection of the selection of in the selection
the visuals. the visuals. the visuals. of the visuals.

Composition and Artwork Artwork Composition Ideas are

exhibits exhibits good demonstrates expressed with
masterful execution of limited no unity in
execution of animations. knowledge of presentation.
animations. Proper use of execution of
Skillful use of entrance, exits, animations.
entrance, exits, emphasis, and Entrance, exits,
emphasis, and motion paths emphasis, and
motion paths are shown. motion paths
are shown somewhat in
through its proper timing
proper timing.
Color Color choice Artwork Color choice Ideas could
and application exhibits good and application have been
enhances the choice. Color is shows some expressed better
effective in knowledge of with other color
idea being
expressing the color theory choices and
expressed. idea. and better
The use of relationships. application.
color is
attractive and


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