Lesson Plan 01: Mushrooms, Guinea Fowl, Rabbit, Farming, Poultry

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Lesson plan 01

Bispo Handerson Secondary School - Muxungue Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to:

Date: 19th July 2021 = define the term self-employment;

Teacher’s name: Jermias Mateus Nhamigare = Name different local self-employment activities;

Subject: English language, grade 12th class A, time: 60minutes = explain the importance of self-employment activities;

Topic: Self-employment activities. Page 78 = describe starting business tips

Aids: textbooks language: Present and Past simple of irregular verbs (review):

Vocabulary: self-employment, keep records, owe, coop, grit,

mushrooms, guinea fowl, rabbit, farming, poultry

Time Stages Contents Skills

 Checks students attendance

7  Writes the topic on the board and tells the students that there are going to read a text Listening

Minutes Introduction about self-employment activities on page 78. Speaking

Before reading


Tt: Pre teaches new vocabularies: self-employment, keep records, owe, coop, grit, mushrooms,
guinea fowl, rabbit, farming, poultry,
While reading
 Tells students to get in group of 5-5
 Hand in the texts to students;
 Tells them to pay attention and then the teacher reads the text.
 Tells students to read the text silently.
Minutes Presentation Self-employment: means anyone who works for him/herself as a freelancer or independent
E,g. earning income through work at home jobs, making money by selling products or running
a home-based business, subcontracting.
Getting started is as simple as finding work and finding clients. But before getting started there Reading
are things to consider:
Financial system: having the correct credit management system and payment procedures in
place is essential to ensure the smooth running of any new business. Efficient cash flow is vital
and systems need to be in order to ensure that money is coming into the business.
Legislation: being aware of the legislation that has direct effect on business. E.g. employment
and health, and safety regulations.
Professional advice: experienced professional advice can provide essential financial
management procedures to your business. Seeking professional advice during turbulent
economic times, will allow you to develop your business without working.
Keep records: it is necessary to keep full and accurate record from the start, it will make your
easier to work out what you owe in terms of tax and national insurance. All records must be
kept for six years.
Types of self-employment activities
There are many different self-employment activities that people can do, such as:
Mushroom farming: mushrooms are high in nutritional content and are relatively easy to
grow. Mushroom farming doesn’t require a lot of space and can even be grown in the comfort
of your home with waste organic matter.
Guinea fowl production: there are three types of it; the vulturine which is from semi-arid
regions of East Africa;
The crested from South Africa and The helmeted, the most common species of guinea fowl.
Poultry production, this type of activities is very common in Africa, especially in countryside.
Rabbit production.
The importance of self-employment
Well, talking about the importance of self-employment, we can see that there is a great
importance on it, such as: poverty reducing, becoming self-independent, contribute to family
diet. Earn money that can be used for different things as for education, transport, health, etc.
After reading: Speaking
Tells students to say the words and point to the right person on the photo
1. Based on the text above, identify the item it refers to.
a) You should have enough money and management systems. It is vital to have enough Speaking
money to buy things at the beginning of your business:_______________________
b) It is good and important to loom for a trustworthy person or institution that can advise
you on how to run your business:_____________________________
c) Store necessary documents and relevant papers for your business:__________________
20 d) It is always good to be aware of the rules and regulations concerning your business or
Minutes Practice any matter related to it:_________________________________________
e) Writing

2. Read the text again and Answer the following questions

a) Where are guinea fowls original from?

b) How many guinea species exist?

c) What are?

d) Investing is chicken’s coops is important, too. Why?

1. Speaking
a) Financial system;
b) Professional advice;
c) Keep records and
d) Legislation Speaking
2. Reading and Writing
a) Guinea fowls are from semi-arid regions of East Africa.
10 b) There are exist three types of guinea fowls species.
Minutes Production c) They are: the vulturine; the crested and the helmeted.

On paragraph d, students must give his/her opinion about it.

Homework Writing

1. Name at least four different types of local self-employment activities.

2. Choose one and describe it.

Lesson plan 02

Bispo Handerson Secondary School -Muxungue Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to:

Date: 19th July 2021 = Define citizen, right, duty;

Teacher’s name: Jermias Mateus Nhamigare = Name some rights and duties;

Subject: English language, grade 11th class A, time: 60minutes = Explain the importance of participating in civic activities

Topic: Citizen’s rights and duties. Page62 Language: the use of modal verbs: must, have to, and ought to

Aids: textbooks Vocabulary: citizen, citizenship, ancient Greece, rights, duties,

Time Stages Contents Skills

Review: Corrects the students’ homework about bank services. Then Speaking

8 Tells students to get in groups of 6;

Minutes Introduction Hand in the texts to the students Listening

Asks the students to find difficulty words in the text.

Before reading: pre-teaches the vocabularies: citizen, citizenship, ancient Greece, rights,


While reading Speaking

Tells students to read the text silently on page 62, once.

While they read the text silently, tells them to find the answer of the following questions.

What is citizen? ___________________________________________________________

What is active citizenship? __________________________________________________

What do other countries provide to their citizens? _______________________________

28 Notes

Minutes Presentation Citizen is the designation of a person who lives in any place, community or country.

Citizenship is the state of being citizen. Rights are moral claims of individual recognized by

society. Duties are moral obligations, on the part of other individuals, to respects those rights.

The importance of citizen’s right and duties: Discipline: respect for citizen’s rights and duties Reading

bring about a disciplined society. Peace: it brings about peace in the society. Patriotism: it

brings about love for one’s country. It brings about social control; people operate their

legitimate businesses without fear. Consequence of failure of citizens to perform their

obligation: threat to security of lives and property; delay in infrastructure when citizens do not

pay taxes;

Citizen’s rights may not be safe guarded; environmental degradation and epidemic of disease if

the environment is not neat; it might lead to break down of a law and order leading to violence.

Some examples of citizen’s rights and duties

Rights Duties
To have a school To take care of it
To have parents To respect them
To be respected To vote

Modal verbs: must, have to, ought to, we use them to express obligation.

e.g.; all Mozambican citizens must obey the constitution.

People who travel abroad have to carry their passports with them.

We ought to vote in the elections at our community.

After reading
1. Fill in the blank spaces with: must, have and ought to Reading
a) All children ___________ go to school.
12 b) If you live in this country illegally, you __________contact the immigration office
Minutes as soon as possible.
Practice c) In Mozambique, drives ______________drive on the left.
d) Parents ________________ look after their children.
e) Before you travel abroad you __________ ask for a visa permit. Writing
Exercise correction
a) All children must go to school
b) If you have live in this country illegally, you have to contact the immigration office as
soon as possible. Speaking
12 Production c) In Mozambique, drivers must drive on the left side.
Minutes d) Parents ought to look after their children. Writing
e) Before you travel abroad you have to ask for a visa permit.

In ten lines, write a list of citizen’s rights and duties.

Lesson plan 03

Bispo Handerson Secondary School- Muxungue Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to:

Date: 26th July 2021 = Identify reflexive and reciprocal pronouns

Teacher’s name: Jermias Mateus Nhamigare = Describe the use of reflexive and reciprocal pronouns

Subject: English language, grade 12th class A, time: 60minutes = Do the exercise using reflexive and reciprocal pronouns
Topic: Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns. Page 89 language: I/you/we/they cut myself/yourself/ourselves

Aids: textbooks Vocabulary: myself, yourself, ourselves, himself, herself, each other, and
one another.

Time Stages Contents Skills

7 Corrects homework about starting business tips; Listening

Minutes Introduction Asks students to list personal pronouns(i, you, he, she, it, we, you, and they) Speaking

Asks students the meaning of: He cuts himself


Pre teaches vocabularies related to the topic:

myself, yourself, ourselves, himself, herself, each other, and one another.

 We use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the object are the same.
e.g.: I made this skirt myself. That is nobody helped me She cut herself when she was
peeling a clove of garlic.
Structure of reflexive pronouns
30 Presentation Reflexive pronouns is formed by adding –self (singular) or –selves (plural) to my, your, Speaking
our (possessive adjectives) or him, her, it, their (object pronoun)
Minutes Writing
Reflexive pronouns
Singular Plural
Myself Ourselves
Yourself Yourselves
 And we use reciprocal pronoun each other, when the action is between two people, not
reflexive. E.g.; They kissed each other;
He connected the computer to each other.
 But we use reciprocal pronoun one another, when the action involves more than two
e.g: the team shook their hands with one another.
1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate pronoun
13 a) Ingrid, Paul! Behave ___________________ Reading
Minutes Practice b) He hurt ____________ when he was playing soccer. Speaking
c) Make _____________at home, John. I’ll be right back.
d) We send letters to __________________ regularly. She is in fact my best friend.

Corrects exercise
Asks the students to give the answers of the exercise Speaking
a) each other Reading
b) himself
c) yourself
10 d) each other/one another
Minutes Production Gives homework
write 5 sentences using herself, itself, myself, each other and one another Writing
Lesson plan 04

Bispo Handerson Secondary School Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to:

Date: 26th July 2020 = Define or explain the meaning of democracy

Teacher’s name: Jermias Mateus Nhamigare = Point out the origin of democracy

Subject: English language, grade 11th class A, time: 60minutes = Identify different types of democracy

Topic: Democracy. Page 80 language: democracy is…was, there are ….

Aids: textbooks Vocabulary: political system. Ancient, democracy,

Time Stages Contents Skills

Checks student’s attendance.

10 Before reading Speaking

Minutes Introduction  Asks students some questions related to the topic, for example: have you ever heard the Listening

word “democracy”? What comes in your mind when you think about democracy?

Can all people contribute to democracy in our country? How?

While reading Reading
 Tells the students to find, in the text, the answers of the following questions:
a) What is democracy?
b) When was it first used?
c) What are the different types of democracy?
d) What type of democracy is implemented in your country?
Meaning: democracy is defined as political system in which all members of a given society
25 Presentation have equal share of formal political power.
Origin: democracy was firstly used in ancient Athens, Greece, in 508 BC .
Types of democracy: there are five types of democracy.
1. Direct democracy: is the one in which all citizens participate in the decision-making.
There is neither a president nor a prime minister. The power of the voters is exercised
through referendums which can change laws.
2. Representative democracy: is the one that the head of the state and the government
officials are elected by voters.
3. A Parliament democracy: has the government appointed by parliamentary
4. Popular democracy: the freedom of speech is less relevant. No associations are neither
accepted, nor multiparty political systems. There is a unique party, which is responsible
for the nation’s government.
5. Christian democracy: is a plural one in all aspects. It is tolerant and respects other
political trends. It is against monopoly and power concentration, ait tends to be
After reading
Tell students to do the task on page 81
Make noun from the following verbs, speaking
Govern elect oppose represent vote participate
Verb Noun
15 Practice Writing
Minutes e.g.: represent representation
____________ _____________
____________ _____________
____________ _____________
____________ _____________
____________ ______________
Make noun from the following verbs
Asks students to give the correct answers of the exercise

Govern elect oppose represent vote participate

10 Production Verb Noun
Minutes Speaking
e.g.: represent representation
govern government Writing
elect election
oppose opposition
vote voter
participate participation
Lesson plan 05

Bispo Handerson Secondary School-Muxungue Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to:

Date: 27nd July 2021 = define oral literature

Teacher’s name: Jermias Mateus Nhamigare = name different types of oral literature

Subject: English language, grade 12th class A, time: 60minutes = describe the importance of oral literature

Topic: Oral literature. Page 90-91 Language: the use of present simple; a….is …that …tell

Vocabulary: fiction, poetry, legend, oral, written, songs and chants

Aids: textbooks

Time Stages Contents Skills


10 Revises the previous lesson through correcting the homework. Listening

Minutes Introduction Then, presents the topic: literature by writing it on the board.
Before reading

Asks students if they have ever heard the word literature, and what they think about it..
Presents different texts ask asks the students to identify literary and non-literary text.

While - Reading
 Tells students to get in groups and gives them texts. Orients them to read the text silently
and find the answer for the following questions.
 What is oral literature?
30 Reading
 What types of different oral literature?
Minutes Presentation  What is the importance of oral literature?
 How Mozambicans’ ethnic group used literature?
Oral literature
literature is a spoken or sung as opposed to that which is written
Oral literature is a broad term which may include: chants, epic poems, musical genres, folk
tales, songs, myths, legends, proverbs, riddles, etc.
Mozambican ethnic groups used oral literature as a means of communication as well as
retaining information about the past and present aspects of live. It was through oral
literature, oral traditional stories, that many communities were able to pass on their customs
and traditions from their generation to the next, emphasising certain virtues.
These stories could take the form of legends, sayings, songs or chants.
Story telling goes beyond more entertainment and is based on the premise that knowledge
and expertise is in the minds of elder members of the community,
Minutes Practice After reading Reading/
Tells the students to present the answers of the questions presented in presentation phase. speaking
Homework Reading
Minutes Production Write any story related to literature.

Checks attendances
Lesson plan 06

Bispo Handerson Secondary School-Muxungue Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to:

Date: 27th July 2021 = Identify different direct and indirect objects

Teacher’s name: Jermias Mateus Nhamigare = Reverse the position of indirect object to the position of direct object

Subject: English language, grade 11th class A, time: 60minutes

Topic: verbs with two objects. Page 68 language: the use of present and past simple.

Aids: students’ book

Time Stages Contents Skills


10 Corrects homework about starting business tips; Listening

Minutes Introduction Asks students to identify the elements in the sentences: He bought an orange; I gave Herold a

new book
Looking to the above sentences we see that, in the first sentence we have: subject +verb
+object; while in the second sentence we have: subject + verb + object + object.
The difference between them is that; in the first there is one object whilst in the second there
are two objects.
Verbs with two objects
When verbs are followed by two objects, the first object (the indirect object) is usually the
person or a group of people and the second object (the direct object) is usually a thing.
e.g.: I peeled her an orange.
Indirect object
Minutes Presentation

Direct object speaking

If we want to reverse the order and place the direct object first, then the indirect object has to be
converted into a phrase beginning with either to or for.
e.g.: I peeled an orange for her / He lent his pen to me.
Note: if the indirect object comes before the direct object, there is no preposition. Writing

e.g.: They gave Herold a new car.

If the indirect object comes after the direct object, there is a preposition
e.g.: They gave a new car to Herold.
If the direct object is a pronoun (it, this…) it comes first and we must use a preposition.
e.g.: I bought it for my sister. (not: I bought my sister it).
Reorder the words in order to write correct sentences
1. Promised / I /the parcel /to her /to deliver
_____________________________________________________________ Reading
2. Have /we /already / shown /to Mr Clark / the project
15 Practice _____________________________________________________________
Minutes 3. To /John / we / write / will / a letter Writing
4. They’ve /daughter /their /a / new flat / bought

Corrects the exercise by asking students to presents their answers, and then clarify the
1. Promised / I /the parcel /to her /to deliver
10 I promised to deliver the parcel to her. Speaking
Minutes Production 2. Have /we /already / shown /to Mr Clark / the project Reading
Have we already shown the project to Mr Clark?
3. To /John / we / write / will / a letter
To John we will write a letter.
4. They’ve /daughter /their /a / new flat / bought
They’ve bought a new flat to their daughter.
Comments on my three lessons plan

First of all I would like to say that it is not easy to have a good plan, as well to teach a very good lesson. All what I needed, was to
achieve the goals. Then I had to keep calm and think about my students then find suitable materials according to the students’ level.
So looking to my all six plans, they are very different in terms of the topic and the way they are have been approached, it means that I
found myself in a good mood during my teaching. As I have said before, that I did my best and during the teaching process I followed
all what I have learned from teaching practice. Though some parts might seem a little bit unclear, but the main used techniques in
presenting vocabulary and text were those that taught me, such as pre-teach vocabularies, where I had to write the words on the board,
read them clearly and drill with students, in while reading, as the main goal is to get students understand the information, I adopted
silent reading which is so good for learners to understand the message of the text. In some lesson I had to get students in group as to
perform the role-play in the classroom, this was done in order to make them practice and be able to grasp the contents.

As I cannot see all mistakes on my own, I leave it to you my dear Master Simon, to make a final feedback

I finish saying that it was a wonderful experience I got from these three lessons plan.

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