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AotR 2.

9 Hotfix 3 Patch Notes

● Bug Fixes
○ Fixed massive errors regarding Light CR Turbos, that caused them to do 4.5
times their intended damage
○ Empire Endor Mission final mission objective can be completed again
○ Reverted Medic and Engineer healing,
○ Fixed heavy Corellian frigate not spawning fighters
○ Fixed Golan 2 Tractor beam
○ Fixed an issue, where prematurely conquering Ord Mantell in the Web
Campaigns wouldn't trigger the Zaarin story arc
○ Fixed high level upgrades on lower level starbases
○ Fixed Etti Cruisers turrets
○ Added some units to bombardement (Rebel/Underworld Star Destroyer, Andal
Sait, Kalani)
○ Changed respawn time of Zekka when buying stuff of the Black Market, so that it
does not cause a rescue
○ Increased scale of Moffs Palace in battle
○ Removed death clone animation from the Corsec Frigate, which was way too big
○ Text Fixes
● New Features
○ Rework in the "Deploy Death Squadron"-part:
■ Player is only supposed to spawn in the Executor now
■ After Executor spawned, 7 ISD/VSD/Gladiators are spawned at certain
locations from the reinforcement pool, 1 Allegiance is spawned in for the
○ Gave Dodanna Pursuit rather than Power To Main Batteries
○ Gave Bel Iblis remove corruption
○ Added a new warning for overwriting saves, added more explanations to the save
game screen, centralized the header
○ Gave Vader Sword Throw as his second ability
○ Gave Urai stun grenade, replaced Stun ability with Sprint
○ New Flora for Ground, such as trees and stones
○ Added Chimera Painting to Thrawns ISD
○ New Dreadnaught models
○ New space fires
● Balance Updates
○ Space Defense Structure prices and upkeep increased by 50%
○ Nerfed Bonuses the Black Sun and Minor Factions get
○ Lowered starting income for minor factions in Full and GCW campaigns
○ Reduced the amount of Corruption the Black Sun AI creates
○ Adjusted AI to build less Defense stations on planets behind the frontline
○ Extended range of repair of mobile support station
○ Lowered Black Sun station garrison
■ Removed 1 Mere from Level 2 and Level 3 Garrison
○ Made Tractor Beams not completely stop their target, but reduce speed harshly
○ Nerfed Point Defense abilities
○ Nerfed damage and penetration of Massdrivers
○ Nerfed fighter based ion cannon damage
○ Removed splash on miss from artillery rockets, lowered penetration of Artillery
Rockets, so Medium and Heavy Armor protect well against them
○ Increased the recharge of Space Structure weapons
○ Buffed Carrack Health, added 2 Light CR TLs
○ Added 6 Light CR TLs to MC75
○ Increased health on MC75
○ Increased Shield amount on all ISDs (ISD1, ISD2, Tector, Dominator and heroes)
○ VSD1 now has barrage rockets instead of assault missiles, lowered effectiveness
of Full Salvo
○ Increased firing arc of Venator sideguns
○ Increased effectiveness for Carrack/Strike Ion Barrage
○ Increased Shield amount of Alliance Assault Frigate
○ Replaced Recusant single CR TLs for dual CR TLs, Increased shield amount
○ Replaced MC80 Justice Supplement Drop for Power to Shields
○ Replaced Etti Cruiser Light LR TLs for 2-Burst Light LR TL
○ Nerfed HWK 290
■ Increased cost from 700 -> 1400
■ Increased popcap from 6 -> 8
■ Reduced speed, reduced turnrate,
■ Removed turbo
○ Globally lowered the damage of all Anti-Vehicle weapons on ground by around
25%. These include all Lasercannons as well as Rockets. The recharge of
infantry based rockets was also increased.
○ Lowered turret health and cost by 50%.
○ Made Vornskr hit Force users more reliable, making them more effective at taking
them out
○ Force Vehicle and Structure crush nerfed

AotR 2.9 Hotfix 2 Patch Notes

● Bug Fixes
○ Rebel Zhar Mission: Increased the distance you have to be towards the final
marker with the shuttle to make it easier to get out (maybe highlight-arrow is too
○ Fixed a Bug where the lua script of the empire endor mission would crash if you
destroyed all capital ships before getting the mission objective to do so.
○ Made Healer Units on Ground less prone to crashing
○ Fixed Space retreat, should now retreat on Normal again
○ Fixed Engine SFX presets in space, causing Assertions.
○ Removed Freerandom from Distributed List function for MP usage
○ Fixed Otana GUI Row
○ Fixed Liberation Radar Icon
○ Random Campaign Changes:
■ Fixing max count spawning, will no longer randomly spawn more than 10
ground companies and put them in space
■ Planets with no ground accessibility will no longer spawn random ground
forces in space
■ Increased starting forces per planet so the action can begin sooner
■ reduced starting credits
■ removed the advanced custom settings for random campaigns, would
cause weird tech problems (NR vs GCW era)
■ Decreased the chance for spawning a supporting space structure
■ Random starting forces will now correctly scale with difficulty (was broken
■ Added option to dynamically start with more planets
■ Fixed some secondary space structures to only spawn the space
dummies for pirates
■ Fixed edge case where putting a bad unit into the spawn list would crash
the whole script, now protects against a bad unit, logs error, and
○ Ackbar story was causing crashing on loading back into GC.
○ Fixed untargetable Mistress Shield Generator Hardpoint
○ Set Service Rate for Empire Endor Mission Lua Script to 0.5, to make sure all
Death Star shots at Capital Ships are being tracked.
○ If you haven't constructed the Death Star at the time the mission triggers, you're
losing the space station. The production speed reduction boost ability on
Jerjerrod apparently can't be activated, so we're just spawning the Death Star in
after a victorious battle for now.
○ You would get the Executor-defeated dialog before the tactical missions, when
we remove the Executor for Story purposes. Fixed that.
● New Features
○ Added Espo Shieldman Model
○ New Main menu overlay
● Balance Updates
○ Changing Damage type of HyperVelocity gun to Damage Heavy which reduces
damage increase against heavier armors.

AotR 2.9 Hotfix 1 Patch Notes

● Bug Fixes
○ Fixed untargetable/broken Mistress Shield Generator Hardpoint
○ Set Service Rate for Empire Endor Mission Lua Script to 0.5, to make sure all
Death Star shots at Capital Ships are being tracked.
○ If you haven't constructed the Death Star at the time the mission triggers, you're
losing the space station. The production speed reduction boost ability on
Jerjerrod apparently can't be activated, so we're just spawning the Death Star in
after a victorious battle for now.
○ You would get the Executor-defeated dialog before the tactical missions, when
we remove the Executor for Story purposes. Fixed that.
○ Adding missing units to filters
○ Adjusted incorrect space techs on certain space units
○ Empire Liberator fighter loadout spawns fixed
○ Bugfix (hopefully): AI wasn't able (or just very unlikely) to build stuff on
unrevealed planets
○ Performance: Added a Service Rate to the Zaarin Galactic lua mission, so that
Story Mode Service only updates every 10 seconds
○ The disabled reinforcements in the empire defeat scenario in the Empire Endor
Mission would carry over to the next battles for some reason, preventing the
player from bringing in reinforcements for the rest of the campaign.
○ Added safety checks to both ground and space retreat, maybe those caused
crashes before
○ Fixed C++ Error, cause was ground defensive rush perceptual
○ Fixed another issue in ground defensive rush (now it works actually)
○ Reverted FireDeathstar, exiting instantly if in Endor Mission via globalValue
○ Change: Disabled the Fire-Superlaser-At-Planet Button in the first part of the
Empire Endor Tactical Mission (up until you're supposed to destroy Endor).
○ Bugfix Zaarin Tactical Mission: The final dialog for Thrawn, talking about Zaarins
flagship burning doesn't show up because it triggered after the destruction of an
ISD3 (previously used as a stand-in for Zaarin before we made the hero unit).
○ Ackbar could spawn twice if the player completed the Bufferzone Mission after
the Endor Mission.
○ Hoth Mission was not doable (planets didn't reveal) on Web campaign.
○ Bugfix for an issue, where the Empire Endor Mission won't resolve if you lost all
units but progressed far enough to destroy Endor, while Home One was still alive
○ Victory will be enabled after Executor dies
○ Home_One_Story_Empire is now a superweapon killer (meaning: If it's still alive,
you're losing the battle.)
○ Zaarin Mission couldn't progress further than the objective to conquer Muunilinst,
Kalee, bastion and Mygeeto in GCW campaigns, since the empire already
controlled some of those planets (was triggered via STORY_CONQUER), added
a lua-check for planet ownership. Will not affect existing saves.
● Balance Updates
○ Balance Changes Rebel Bufferzone Tactical Mission:
■ Outpost 13 now has Anti-Turbo Shields
■ Imperial Fleet Composition now depends on difficulty level
■ Rebels are getting more and better units in second wave reinforcements
on lower difficulty levels
■ Rephrased Mission Objectives to make the player aware that he has to
attack the engine hardpoints of a Star Destroyer to progress in the

AotR 2.9 Patch Notes

● Bug Fixes
○ Fixed Missile Skiff deploy animations
○ Further optimized tactical space and ground AI behaviors for better performance.
○ Ships with heavy broadside weaponry will now correctly turn to the other side if
weapons are destroyed on the firing side.
○ Fix for generic bounty hunter not tracking assassinations in random missions.
○ Fixed Ground Combat AI getting air units stuck on ground attack.
○ Made Infantry Platoons stay at max range, AI will move in for grenades on
○ Fixed various Intervention system crashes for Rebels.
○ Fixed missing icons for Umbaran civilians.
○ Fixed an issue where Minor factions were unable to build special space
shipyards and Tibanna Gas Stations.
○ Fixed glitched Stormtrooper crouch animation.
○ Fix for BS Hunter move animation glitches.
○ Taking Kuat in the NR GC now does not spawn the Mandator.
○ Space Casinos now appear in planet encyclopedia text.
○ Bounty Hunter 1 Credit Assassination on corrupted planets fixed
○ Doubled Assassination Cost for all Ground Heros fix with a workaround.
○ Unit SFX for Needa now in English
○ Fixed PointDefense on ground to trigger when rocket units are near. Should
make autocasting of this ability more consistent.
○ Master Luke buildable in Random Campaign, ESB era Luke is not buildable.
○ Fixed dancing trees on Yager Miner
○ Fixed Rebel One's team color
○ Fixes in Hoth Mission Chain
■ Vader Dialog text after conquering Allyuen should now be removed after
the background music-speech ends
■ Boba Dialog text after conquering Hoth (leading you to Bespin) should
now disappear if you do an Intervention mission at the same time
■ Putting Vader on Bespin during the Hoth/Bespin-story arc should now
advance your progress
○ BS space mass driver turrets: fixed shadow mesh issues
○ Orbital structures no longer get destroyed if used for corruption
○ New ground map for Jabiim (still crashes tho)
○ Repair drones autofire now includes space structures as a valid target.
● New Features
○ Brand new Hull Hardpoint system added to space units with hardpoints.
■ Targeting Hull Hardpoint will damage other hardpoints on the unit
■ Targeting Individual hardpoints will disable those subsystems and lower
remaining hull health of the unit.
○ New Hardpoint Icons for Ion Weapons, Laser Weapons and Hull Hardpoint.
○ Every space unit has been rebalanced, and has received visual improvements.
○ Space Units have been all rigged to have fires for overall health, stun effects, and
blinking lights for various ability tells (Power to weapons, Full Salvo, Ion Barrage).
○ New Space Units:
■ FireStar Defense Station - Siege Space Station platform with long range.
Can shoot at targets almost map wide.
■ Fondor Shipyards - New main starbases for the Empire.
■ Various new Starbases
■ Ye-4 and X-4 Gunships - Gunships designed to counter enemy fighters
and ordinance.
■ Space U-Wing - Supports friendly fighters by applying combat buffs
during battle.
■ Imperial Raider Corvette - Advanced anti fighter and anti corvette unit
■ MC-75 Profundity - A space tech 0 Heavy torpedo capital ship for the
alliance. (Old MC-75 Barracuda is now the MC70).
■ Hammerhead Corvette - Enemy corvette and frigate hunter, can take a
heavy beating during battle.
■ MC60 Redesign - Completely new Model
■ Cutlass-9 Fighter: A mid tier Rebel Interceptor
■ Tie Experimental Series - All sorts of fun stuff here
■ Tie Brute - A heavy imperial fighter
■ And many more!
○ Space Unit Descriptions are completely reworked. Each space unit will now have
the following information:
■ Ship Class: Useful for determining what buffs/debuffs will apply to a unit
■ Ship Role: Roles have been created to better describe the overall
purpose of a unit. Additional info on roles can be found on the wiki.
■ Manufacturer: Company that designed the unit, useful for identifying
planets that will discount units.
■ Lore Description: Short flavor text to describe the unit in the universe.
■ Combat Stats
● Speed, Turnrates, and Acceleration
● Shield Type, Shield Amount, and Shield Recharge Rate
● Armor Type and Health
● Weapons: Total loadout of the unit
○ weapons inside brackets [] indicate untargetable weapons
○ Weapons will follow a specific naming convention:
■ <Caliber> <Range> <Burst> <Property>
■ Examples:
● 8xMed LR 4-Burst Dual TL
● Hvy 6-Burst Proton TRP
● Lt Repeating Dual Laser
● Fighter Loadout: Additional loadout the unit carries.
○ Numbers indicate Active/Reserve counts of units.
● Abilities: Provide a short description of the unit’s abilities.
■ Space Tech: What tech the unit requires.
○ New Storyline Missions:
■ Added Endor space tactical mission for Rebels and Empire.
■ Created a new Bufferzone mission with an accompanying planet.
■ Empire Zaarin Mission
○ New types and calibers for space weapons.
■ Heavy Laser class for small ships, similar to a Laser Cannon.
■ Repeaters and Flak for most Laser Cannons/Lasers
■ New Point Defense projectile for large ship anti-fighter weapons.
■ Stun and Turbo variants of Ion Cannons
● Stun Ion Cannons will stun ships fire rate, movement, and will
disable retreat if shields are disabled
● TurboIon Cannons will not stun, but do a lot of damage against
● Both kinds of Ion weapons now do very small hull damage.
■ Close Range, Long Range variants of TurboLasers
■ Light, Medium, Heavy calibers of TurboLasers
■ Light, Medium, Heavy calibers of Proton Torpedos.
■ Large variant of torpedoes of each caliber for non-starfighter units.
■ Light, Medium, heavy variants of Mass Drivers. Mass Drivers also have
Repeater and Single Shot variants.
■ Many new additional missile types with unique effects.
● Plasma Missiles - disable large chunks of shield
● Assault Missiles - lower defense of small ships
● Concussion Missiles - anti-fighter missile that tracks small targets
● MagPulse Missile - Slows fire rate of units.
■ Heavy variants of each missile type for non-starfighter units.
■ New Rocket variants each with a unique role
● Cluster Rockets: Mass spray of low damage aoe, good against
● Barrage Rockets: Quick firing rockets used against lighter armor.
● Artillery Rockets: Slow firing, high damage AOE rockets useful
against heavy armor.
○ New types of Armors and Shields for space units
○ Certain space weapons now have additional debuffs similar to ground combat.
Affected units will have particle effects to signify the buffs/debuffs.
■ Repeating lasers will suppress small craft, lowering firerate
■ Ion Weapons will stun movement
■ Assault Missiles will lower defense of gunships and corvettes
■ Flak will lower defense of enemy small craft.
○ Primary starbases have been turned into shipyards for each faction.
■ There are 3 shipyard levels, each allowing for the production of the main
space tech 0 units.
■ More advanced units still require additional shipyards to be built, and can
only be built on specific planets.
■ Advanced Shipyards can have multiple built on one planet to speed up
■ Each main starbase will come with a defense fleet to defend the planet.
○ Defense Structure Update
■ The previous starbases have been turned into secondary defensive
■ Multiple of these can be built per planet and each cost upkeep.
■ Each planet will have a Defense Level which indicates what types of
defense stations you can build.
○ First balance pass of Space Maps
■ Defense structure positioning updated so that Combat stations sit in front
of the starting defense fleet. Support structures remain behind the
■ Updated some planet visuals.
■ Updated some obstacles.
○ Underworld Plasma Cannon Station has been retired from service, it is now
replaced by the ground based Hypervelocity Mass Driver Gun.
○ Empire Hypervelocity gun has been changed to the Planetary TurboLaser.
○ New skirmish defense satellite models.
○ Additional variants of the single placeable satellite turret.
○ Black Sun ShipTraders and ShipDealers have been moved from ground buildings
to space builds. New models have been given to both.
○ Ground warehouses have been changed to two types. One to speed up
production of infantry, one to speed up vehicle/air production. Both provide a
large amount of population.
○ Unique model for Trandoshan Hunter
○ New Black Sun announcer VO.
○ Space Combat AI will now use its units more efficiently.
■ Each unit now has a targeting priority set related to its class and weapon
loadout and will prioritize targets based on how good a unit is versus its
■ Prioritizes specific hardpoints based on combat situations and unit
weapon loadout. (i.e. Units with Shield Piercing weapons will target
important subsystems if enemy shields are up).
○ Ground Combat AI will be more mobile on defensive battles.
○ Space Beam Weapons now look more natural with longer duration.
○ New Uwing landing animation for various Rebel Infantry.
○ Planets in GC now specify their manufacturer bonuses to building certain units,
which will match space unit descriptions.
○ Added Magma variant Field Trooper, Changed Anti-Armor Shocktroopers to
Artillery Troopers w/ Field Troopers
○ Replaced Relby with Trandoshan Hunting Rifle for Trandoshan Hunters
○ Bribery Corruption is now Pirate Raid: Allows for a large boost in credits but with
the tradeoff of corruption being disabled for some time for this planet.
○ Otana now buildable after Zhar mission, Sabra despawned.
○ Unique Radar Icons for ships longer than 900m and structures.
○ Story Mission Updates
■ Zhar
● Added highlight arrow to freighter you're supposed to follow
● Scaled up some Zhar mission units for better visibility.
■ Endor
● Luke is now being replaced by Jedi Master Luke after successfully
doing the Rebel Endor Story Arc
● The Empire now gets a Death Star II spawned if you lose the
Endor Tactical Mission as the Rebels.
○ New build pad model for skirmish space turrets.
○ Replaced "Pirate Fleet" and "Pirate Garrison" with "Local Fleet" and "Local
Garrison". “Pirates” changed to “Independent Faction”. Changed Independent
Faction color to white.
○ Added Santhe Security Forces, Herdessan Guard, and Hapan Home Guard
○ Added Description to Global Space Tech telling the player what this GST building
○ Added Idle animations to Skyhooks (They rotate now? They rotate now!)
○ Added Bombing run warning audio line.
○ Changed the names of Imperial Factories:
■ Standard Imperial Factory = Imperial Factory
■ Medium Imperial Factory = Automated Factory
■ Large Imperial Factory = Specialized Factory
■ Heavy-Vehicle Foundry = Heavy Factory
■ Large Heavy-Vehicle Foundry = Advanced Factory
○ Added new Howitzer projectile models to ground.
○ Rebel Warehouses and Empire Prisons now improve build time of Infantry and
Vehicles. New icons to represent what they buff.
○ Population granted from most buildings has been removed, there are now
dedicated ground buildings that will increase population.
○ Added Game Message and SFX to Underworld Sabotage Corruption to make
players aware of the retreat prevention
○ Enemy bombing run tactical announcer (and corresponding objectscript)
○ Fighter Flights will now be represented with an F on their squadron icon, to better
distinguish the difference between Squadrons when units are selected.
○ New texts for freighters with better description of income. Structures that increase
freighter income also have a special description describing this behavior.
● Balance Updates
○ Many space units have been given untargetable hardpoints, only the most
important weapons and subsystems are targetable. Weapons that are
untargetable are indicated in the unit descriptions between brackets [ ]
○ Drastically reduced the space unit collision for pathfinding, units will be able to
take up less space and path easier in close formations.
○ New Carrier Balance - We have designed new types of space carriers which will
each behave differently.
■ Strike Carriers
■ Endurance Carriers
■ Battle Carriers
■ Combat Starbases function as Endurance Carriers, Support Stations
function as Battle Carriers.
○ Overall ranges of space weapons have been expanded.
■ Close Range weapons have quicker fire rate
■ Long range weapons have slower fire rates but more accuracy.
■ Space Stations outrange every space unit but also have the slowest
○ Complete Overhaul of all Space Units balance, weapons, health, movement, and
fighter complement stats.
○ Secondary Shipyards will no longer have the upgrades for additional defense
○ Chandrilla will now increase costs of structures instead of limiting the types of
structures that can be built.
○ Standardized space armor passive repair amounts and rates. Repair amounts
are defined by the armor type, repair rates by the ship class.
○ Added proximity detonation to dumb fire rockets on ground.
○ Heavy space weapons (such as turbolasers) have a minimum firing distance and
no longer shoot at starfighters. Each ship now has some form of dedicated AA
○ Space Casinos now provide population increase, small credit income, and are
the new place for Underworld to recruit space heroes.
○ Random Pirate spawns in GC mode will now take into consideration the value of
the planet and spawn more units if it is of higher value.
○ New ground vehicle categories have been added (SmallVehicle, BigVehicle) to
better balance buffs/debuffs around the different sizes of vehicles. Large
weaponry should now hit small vehicles a lot less.
○ Freighters can now be assassinated by heroes.
○ Interdictor units will no longer infinitely use its ability, will now have a time
duration and cooldown before being able to use again.
○ Adding a wait time between removing corruption for AI, so they take a break
before removing subsequent planets based on difficulty.
○ GC AI adjusted to attack players more frequently, and target other AI planets
○ Core Overload ability fire rate has been increased, now that units are damaged
properly with the hull hp.
○ Units in bunkers will now have an Increased firing range.
○ Many outer-rim GC planets have had their ground and space structure limits
increased, as well as additional space structure slots.
○ Increased maneuverability of V-Wing Airspeeder, T-16 and T-47
○ Allowing ATDT cannon and Turbolaser to shoot through terrain
○ Thanks to the petroglyph patch, Unit Projectile inaccuracy is now fixed: MZ8,
MLC5, SPMAT, AT-DT, Dathomir Nightsister Hunter, Mortar Trooper, Grenade
○ Ground unit reserves for defensive buildings now function like space stations.
They will have low active counts but a high reserve for infantry and small
vehicles. Large vehicles remain at only one wave.
○ Reduced build time of repair/bacta/sensor stations.
○ Adjusted Space AI which should make fighters used more effectively
○ Interdictors will now have an initial cooldown before they can use their interdiction
ability of 30 seconds when they are hyper spaced in. Interdictors also can not
indefinitely use interdiction and must recharge the ability. Interdictor Star
Destroyer can interdict while moving.
○ Ground Defensive AI should be much more mobile and may also rush your
landingzone if they detect you have less forces than them.
○ Reduced trade route income (50% reduction to low/medium credit income trade
routes. High income trade routes remain the same). You must now rely more on
credit income buildings and other methods of income.
○ Major buff to income for Rebel supply depot and manufacturing base. Because of
the tradeoff of not being able to build units, these buildings are now the most
○ Made engines targetable on MC60, 70, 75, most MC80s.
○ Removed countdown from Independence/Allegiance
○ Pure percentage income structures changed to also include flat credit amounts
as a base to make them more worthwhile on planets with low income.
○ Cantina no longer requires Black Sun Outpost on a planet in order to be built.
○ Reduced Black Sun Outpost upkeep
○ Fixed Intervention Reward function (uses price instead of combat power now).
Any missions revolving around conquering a planet now gives larger rewards.
Missions to build structures had their rewards reduced.
○ Increased reserves of militia/civilians
○ Lowered frag grenade speed reduction from 0.8 to 0.25
○ ATAT health increase by 100 for all ATAT varrients
○ Super Heavy Armor type buffed slightly
○ Changed the encyclopedia text box and text sizes to fit all the brand new walls of
○ Adjustments to planet locations to control hyperspace skipping: Yavin, Toydaria,
Aridus, Atzerri, Thyferra, Intersection 1.
○ AI Cash Grants now have a correct delay between income drops. Nerfed
skirmish cash drop amounts
○ AT-PT Armor changed to medium, max attack range increased to 500, grenade
range increased to 550, grenade fire rate set at 13-14 seconds, removed autofire
script and ability.

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