Int J Hydrogen Energy 2004

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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1471 – 1477

Conversion of hydrogen sul%de to hydrogen by superadiabatic

partial oxidation: thermodynamic consideration
R.B. Slimanea , F.S. Laua , M. Khinkisa , J.P. Bingueb , A.V. Savelievb , L.A. Kennedyb;∗
a Gas Technology Institute, Energy Utilization Center, Des Plaines, IL 60018, USA
b Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago IL 60607, USA

Accepted 4 February 2004

A thermodynamic model for the partial oxidation of hydrogen sul%de (H2 S) was used to study product compositions
attainable in the superadiabatic partial oxidation regime. Superadiabatic partial oxidation techniques permit attainment of
operating temperatures signi%cantly in excess of the adiabatic temperature of the incoming reactants. The superadiabatic partial
oxidation of H2 S is studied numerically by varying acid gas and oxidizer feed compositions with overall goal of optimizing
the hydrogen yield. These reactant parameters were varied as follows: (20% H2 S=80% N2 )=air, (20% H2 S=80% N2 )=O2 ,
100% H2 S=air, 100% H2 S=O2 , (75% H2 S=25% N2 )=air, and (75% H2 S=25% N2 )=O2 . The performed analysis predicts favorable
H2 and low SO2 yields in the region of ultra-rich superadiabatic partial oxidation at equivalence ratios above 6 for all studied
acid gas and oxidizer compositions. Pure oxygen as an oxidizer shifts the thermodynamic range to equivalence ratios ¿12.
Oxygen operation appears thermodynamically promising. With oxygen, high H2 and low SO2 yields are attainable in the
superadiabatic systems with lower degrees of heat recuperation.
? 2004 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydrogen production; Filtration combustion; Porous media

1. Introduction elemental sulfur, but wasting the hydrogen component as

water. Although modern Claus plants can recover sulfur
Hydrogen sul%de (H2 S) is present in the industrial world very eEciently, the process is uneconomical for small plants
mainly as an undesirable byproduct of fuel processing oper- and for gas streams containing low concentrations of H2 S.
ations, including sweetening of sour natural gas, petroleum Alternate processes, such as liquid Redox and scavenging
re%ning, and coal gasi%cation. In sour natural gas, H2 S is the systems, are used to recover sulfur from small-scale sour
primary sulfur component, along with lower levels of hydro- gas treating applications. However eFective, the operating
carbon sul%des, and must be removed to ¡4 ppmv before costs of these processes are substantial. Hence the opportu-
the gas can be transported in the interstate pipeline network. nity for an alternative sulfur recovery technology is forever
In petroleum, H2 S appears at various stages in the re%ning present, particularly if such a technology can reliably pro-
process, and it must be removed to facilitate the production cess small-scale, low-concentration H2 S streams.
of low-sulfur liquid fuels. H2 S also appears in coal gasi%ca- Hydrogen is currently needed in large quantities, and
tion and is generally removed prior to fuel gas utilization. is projected to be the fuel of choice for a number of ad-
For over a century, the Claus process has been the main- vanced technologies that are being pursued. The greatest
stay of the sulfur recovery industry, converting H2 S into need for hydrogen continues to be as feedstock in the syn-
thesis of ammonia and methanol, in the desulfurization
∗ Corresponding author. Tel: +1-312-996-2400; fax: +1-312- and hydrocracking in oil re%neries, and in the upgrading
996-8664. of various hydrocarbon resources such as heavy oil and
E-mail address: (L.A. Kennedy). coal [1]. There also will be a growing need for hydrogen

0360-3199/$ 30.00 ? 2004 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1472 R.B. Slimane et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1471 – 1477

as fuel cell technology is introduced into the utility and In this case, fuel is only partially oxidized in the superadi-
transportation sectors. Globally, the predominant method abatic wave and the total heat release could be kinetically
of hydrogen production is through the steam reforming controlled by the degree of partial oxidation. As a result,
of natural gas. Other established methods include partial chemical kinetics, heat release, and heat transfer are strongly
oxidation of residual oil, coal gasi%cation, and water elec- coupled in the ultra-rich wave, making it a more complicated
trolysis. Because of the increasingly important status of and challenging phenomenon than the ultra-lean wave.
hydrogen as a fuel, many other exotic approaches have The application of ultra-rich superadiabatic partial ox-
been investigated, such as high-temperature electrolysis idation in an inert porous medium for hydrogen gener-
of steam, thermal cracking of natural gas, thermochemi- ation is a novel area of research and technology. Ex-
cal water splitting, solar photovoltaic water electrolysis, perimental and numerical studies on the generation of
and plasma decomposition of water. These technologies hydrogen-rich gases from hydrocarbons by superadiabatic
can be classi%ed as thermal, thermochemical, electro- partial oxidation have shown the high potential of
chemical, photochemical, and plasmachemical methods. this approach. Premixed methane–air superadiabatic
A recent comprehensive review has been made to bring Mames have demonstrated conversions of methane to
to focus the possibilities and limitations in each of these hydrogen exceeding 60% [8,10]. In addition, stable
areas [2]. self-sustained Mames were generated using hydrogen sul-
Due to the signi%cant amounts of H2 S available world- %de (H2 S) as a feedstock in the range of equivalence
wide, eForts have been made in recent years for the produc- ratios from 2 to 5 with a hydrogen yield close to 20% [12].
tion of hydrogen, in addition to sulfur, from H2 S through a For numerical analysis, detailed heat transfer and a com-
number of approaches [3,4]. A large number of schemes us- prehensive chemical mechanism of H2 S combustion is re-
ing diverse techniques have been studied for converting H2 S quired for understanding and optimization of the process
to hydrogen and elemental sulfur. A compilation of these [18–20]; Moreover thermodynamic simulation can be a use-
processes was provided by Luinstra [5] and Funk [6]. Some ful tool to establish process parameters. The main objectives
of these processes have been evaluated at the pilot-scale. of the performed thermodynamic modeling include predic-
However, many of these processes require electrical energy tion of adiabatic partial oxidation temperatures, prediction
to decompose H2 S, and as a result, will not be suitable for of product gas compositions at given reactor temperatures,
large-scale hydrogen production because of the high cost of estimation of hydrogen yields, estimation of the superadia-
electricity [5]. It is widely recognized that the most direct batic partial oxidation limits, selection of appropriate matrix
process of converting hydrogen sul%de into hydrogen and for kinetic modeling and experimental eForts [20].
sulfur is through thermal catalytic or noncatalytic decompo-
sition. However, due to energy considerations, this approach 2. Thermodynamic model
has been considered impractical at temperatures exceeding
1200 K. In addition to being endothermic, the equilibrium The numerical model used in this study of H2 S super-
of the thermal decomposition of H2 S at these temperatures adiabatic partial oxidation is based on Gibbs free energy
is relatively low, and the reaction does not proceed to an minimization using the Stanjan computation subroutine de-
industrially important extent [2]. veloped by Reynolds [22]. The main advantage of the free
Superadiabatic partial oxidation of hydrogen sul%de in an energy minimization approach is the ease of obtaining the
inert porous media presents itself as a technology capable equilibrium composition using a list of chemical species, ex-
of simultaneously producing hydrogen and sulfur. Super- pected to be present at equilibrium, as an input. To perform
adiabatic partial oxidation techniques permit attainment of the calculations, a computer code using the Stanjan subrou-
operating temperatures signi%cantly in excess of the adia- tine was developed to perform extensive calculations over
batic temperature of the incoming reactants. This occurs be- the selected matrix of input parameters. The Gibbs free en-
cause of the inherent self recuperation as the reaction wave ergies and heats of formation for all species (O2 , O, H2 , H,
travels through the packed bed. Research interest in supera- OH, H2 O, S, S2 , N2 , H2 S, SO2 ) considered in the computa-
diabatic partial oxidation by %ltration combustion has been tional routine were obtained from JANAF Thermochemical
driven by numerous applications such as utilization of low Tables [23].
calori%c fuels [7], low emission burners [8,9], and pollution Thermodynamic reactor modeling was performed by
control devices. Recent novel applications by the UIC group varying input concentrations of the acid gas, H2 S, from
include fuel reforming and processing in the ultra-rich su- 20% to 100% and oxidant from 21% O2 (air) to 100%. The
peradiabatic partial oxidation waves [10–14]. range of equivalence ratios from 2 to 16 was investigated
Ultra-lean superadiabatic combustion [15–18] results in depending on the input mixture composition. These calcula-
complete burnout of the hydrocarbon fuel with the formation tions were performed to determine the equilibrium mixture
of carbon dioxide and water. Thus, both the composition of composition at constant pressure (1 atm) and at a constant
the %nal products and the heat release are well de%ned. In enthalpy equal to that of the initial mixture. The predictions
contrast with the ultra-lean case, the partial oxidation prod- of the adiabatic temperatures were used to estimate the typi-
ucts of rich superadiabatic waves are not clearly de%ned. cal operational range of the superadiabatic partial oxidation
R.B. Slimane et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1471 – 1477 1473

reactor. The equilibrium states of the reacted input mix- 2000 12

tures were determined at three selected temperatures (1300, 1800 (A)
1450, 1600 K). The selected temperatures are characteristic 10
1600 K

Concentration, %
high temperatures of the superadiabatic partial oxidation of 1600

Temperature, K
1450 K
H2 S. These temperatures also were achieved in experimen- 1400 8
1300 K
tal studies of Bingue et al. [11] and Slimane et al. [21] on
superadiabatic partial oxidation of diluted H2 S mixtures. 6
1000 T
3. Results and discussion S
600 2
After verifying the model, two sets of results were gener- 400
ated including adiabatic temperature predictions and prod- 2000 12
uct compositions at a given reactor (superadiabatic wave) 1800
temperature. The adiabatic temperatures and output com- 1600 K 10
positions were modeled for diFerent acid gas and oxidant

Concentration, %

Temperature, K
1450 K
feed compositions. The following acid gas compositions 1400 8
1300 K
were considered 20% H2 S=80% N2 , 75% H2 S=25% N2 , and
1200 T
100% H2 S. Air and oxygen were modeled as oxidants in the ad 6
feed mixtures. Selected thermodynamic modeling results are 1000
presented for reactant compositions (20% H2 S=80% N2 )=air, 800
2 4
(20% H2 S=80% N2 )=O2 , 100% H2 S=air, 100% H2 S=O2 ,
(75% H2 S=25% N2 )=air, and (75% H2 S=25% N2 )=O2 , 600 HS
respectively. 400
Fig. 1 shows the results of thermodynamic modeling for 0
2 4 6 8 10
the (20% H2 S=80% N2 )=air mixture with equivalence ratios
Equivalence Ratio
ranging from 2 to 10. The predicted adiabatic temperature
is shown along with the speci%ed maximum superadiabatic Fig. 1. Thermodynamic predictions of adiabatic temperature and
partial oxidation temperatures. The equilibrium concentra- equilibrium compositions for mixtures of 20% H2 S=80% N2 acid
tions of H2 and S2 , and desired H2 S decomposition products, gas feed and air. The equilibrium compositions are calculated as-
for the speci%ed partial oxidation temperatures are given in suming that superadiabatic partial oxidation temperatures are equal
Fig. 1A. The equilibrium concentrations of the main unde- to 1300, 1450, and 1600 K. (A) Hydrogen and sulfur concentra-
sirable products, H2 S and SO2 , are shown in Fig. 1B. It tions; (B) H2 S and SO2 concentrations.
should be noted that S2 was the only sulfur species consid-
ered. This is because virtually all elemental sulfur is in the
form of S2 at the temperatures of interest. sulfur concentration (Fig. 1A). Similar to hydrogen, the sul-
The relation between the adiabatic temperature for the fur concentration is seen to rise with increasing equilibrium
feed and the speci%ed partial oxidation temperature is the temperature. This is explained mainly by higher extent of
major factor determining the applicability of the superadi- H2 S decomposition in the initial feed. The concentration of
abatic partial oxidation concept. By de%nition, this ratio is “unreacted” H2 S in the product gas increases with increas-
above one for superadiabatic partial oxidation. It is usually ing equivalence ratio, but is considerably lower for higher
considered to be limited to 3 for a linear superadiabatic re- equilibrium temperatures as shown in Fig. 1B. The concen-
actor. However, temperature ratios up to 10 are achievable tration of SO2 drops exponentially with increasing equiva-
for reciprocal Mow burners [24]. Fig. 1 shows that in the lence ratio, approaching zero at equivalence ratios ¿6. The
considered range of equivalence ratios, the adiabatic tem- concentration of SO2 also shows low sensitivity to the se-
perature is always lower than all selected partial oxidation lected equilibrium temperature; SO2 concentration slightly
temperatures, implying that experimental realization of the increases with temperature that is likely due to the higher
partial oxidation temperatures is feasible only in the supera- stability of SO2 at elevated temperatures.
diabatic regime. The use of pure oxygen as an oxidant with 20% H2 S=80%
As shown in Fig. 1, hydrogen concentration in the prod- N2 acid feed leads to an increase of the adiabatic temper-
uct gas increases with increasing equivalence ratios, and as ature (Fig. 2). This eFect is especially strong at the range
expected, it is also higher for higher equilibrium tempera- of low equivalence ratios. It is less pronounced in the limit
ture. The sulfur concentration increases signi%cantly in the of high equivalence ratios where the presence of nitrogen
range of equivalence ratios from 1 to 4, reaching a maximum in the oxidant stream leaves the mixture composition prac-
near an equivalence ratio of about 5. Further increase of the tically unchanged due to the abundance of nitrogen in the
equivalence ratio causes slight reduction of the equilibrium acid gas feed. The region above an equivalence ratio of
1474 R.B. Slimane et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1471 – 1477

2000 15 2000 35
T (A)
(A) 1800 ad
1800 30
1600 K 1600 K

Concentration, %
Concentration, %

Temperature, K
1600 25
1450 K
Temperature, K

1450 K
10 1400
1400 1300 K 1300 K
1200 T
1000 15
1000 S
S 5 2
2 800
800 10
600 H
600 2 5
400 2000 0
2000 0
15 35
T (B)
(B) 1800 ad 30
1600 K

Concentration, %
1600 K

Temperature, K
1600 25
Concentration, %
1450 K
Temperature, K

1450 K 1400
1400 10 1300 K
1300 K 20
1200 T HS
2 15
1000 SO
5 800 SO 10
600 HS 5
400 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
2 4 6 8 10 Equivalence Ratio
Equivalence Ratio
Fig. 3. Thermodynamic predictions of adiabatic temperature and
Fig. 2. Thermodynamic predictions of adiabatic temperature and equilibrium compositions for mixtures of 100% H2 S acid gas feed
equilibrium compositions for mixtures of 20% H2 S=80% N2 acid and air. The equilibrium compositions are calculated assuming that
gas feed and 100% oxygen. The equilibrium compositions are cal- superadiabatic partial oxidation temperatures are equal to 1300,
culated assuming that superadiabatic partial oxidation temperatures 1450, and 1600 K. (A) Hydrogen and sulfur concentrations; (B)
are equal to 1300, 1450, and 1600 K. (A) Hydrogen and sulfur H2 S and SO2 concentrations.
concentrations; (B) H2 S and SO2 concentrations.

2.5 requires partial oxidation in superadiabatic regime. The to the previous case of (20% H2 S=80% N2 )=air mixture. The
overall trends for the product concentrations are similar to hydrogen and H2 S concentrations increase almost linearly
the trends observed in the case of air operation in Fig. 1. with equivalence ratio. The hydrogen yield increases with
The concentration of the products is slightly higher due to temperature and so does the sulfur concentration. The con-
the absence of nitrogen dilution. Also some variations, e.g. centration of SO2 again shows a signi%cant drop with equiv-
clearly de%ned maximum in sulfur output, are observed at alence ratio, approaching zero at equivalence ratios ¿6.
low equivalence ratios where dilution eFects are especially Fig. 4 presents results for the 100% H2 S=O2 mixture. In
strong. here, the area of superadiabatic partial oxidation is shifted
Fig. 3 shows the results of thermodynamic modeling for signi%cantly to the ultra-rich region. The superadiabatic par-
the 100% H2 S=air mixture. The increased H2 S content of the tial oxidation region exists at equivalence ratios ¿6 for the
feed gas increases the adiabatic temperatures of the gas mix- selected equilibrium temperature of 1600 K, and at equiva-
tures, shifting the area of superadiabatic partial oxidation to lence ratios ¿8 for the selected equilibrium temperature of
higher equivalence ratios. The intersection of the adiabatic 1300 K. Equilibrium concentrations of hydrogen and H2 S
temperature curve with the selected equilibrium tempera- increase with equivalence ratio; the initial linear trend shows
ture separates the areas of superadiabatic and underadiabatic some saturation at high equivalence ratios as it approaches
partial oxidation regimes. For example, the superadiabatic the thermodynamic limit for pure H2 S (Fig. 4). The sulfur
partial oxidation with a maximum temperature of 1600 K concentration demonstrates a well-de%ned maximum near
occurs in the region of equivalence ratios ¿3, while supera- an equivalence ratio of 4. The last represented case consid-
diabatic partial oxidation with the maximum temperature of ers the acid feed of 75% H2 S/25% N2 , typical for industrial
1300 K exists at equivalence ratios ¿5. The trends observed applications. The observed trends for air (Fig. 5) and oxy-
for the concentrations of major chemical species are similar gen (Fig. 6) are overall similar to the case of 100% H2 S
R.B. Slimane et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1471 – 1477 1475

2000 60 2000 35
T (A) T (A)
1800 ad
1800 ad 30
1600 K 1600 K

Concentration, %
1600 1600

Concentration, %
Temperature, K

Temperature, K
1450 K 1450 K 25
1400 40 1400
1300 K 1300 K
1200 30 1200
S 15
2 1000
20 2
800 800 10

600 H 10 600
2 H 5
400 400
2000 0 0
60 2000 35
T (B) (B)
ad T
1800 1800 ad
50 30
1600 K 1600 K

Concentration, %

Concentration, %
Temperature, K

Temperature, K
1450 K 1450 K 25
1400 40
1300 K 1400 1300 K
1200 HS 30 1200
1000 1000 HS 15
20 SO
800 800 2 10
600 10 600
SO 5
400 400
0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10
Equivalence Ratio Equivalence Ratio

Fig. 4. Thermodynamic predictions of adiabatic temperature and Fig. 5. Thermodynamic predictions of adiabatic temperature and
equilibrium compositions for mixtures of 100% H2 S acid gas feed equilibrium compositions for mixtures of 75% H2 S=25% N2 acid
and oxygen. The equilibrium compositions are calculated assuming gas feed and air. The equilibrium compositions are calculated as-
that superadiabatic partial oxidation temperatures are equal to 1300, suming that superadiabatic partial oxidation temperatures are equal
1450, and 1600 K. (A) Hydrogen and sulfur concentrations; (B) to 1300, 1450, and 1600 K. (A) Hydrogen and sulfur concentra-
H2 S and SO2 concentrations. tions; (B) H2 S and SO2 concentrations.

feed. The noticeable reduction of adiabatic temperature is Claus process, the oxygen enrichment again leads to an
observed along with reduced concentrations of H2 , H2 S and increase of the adiabatic temperature and slightly reduced
S2 . hydrogen yield at a given equivalence ratio. However, the
The hydrogen yield, de%ned as the molar ratio of hy- overall eFect is slightly less pronounced if compared with
drogen output to the initial H2 S concentration, is shown in 100% H2 S feed (Fig. 7A).
Fig. 7. The equilibrium temperature is assumed to be equal This suggests similar eFectiveness of air and
to 1450 K. The 100% H2 S feed is used in mixtures with oxy- oxygen-based processes in hydrogen generation from H2 S
gen and air (Fig. 7A). The calculated adiabatic temperature via the superadiabatic partial oxidation process. The clear
of O2 mixtures signi%cantly exceeds the adiabatic tempera- advantage of an oxygen-based process is the absence of N2
tures of the air mixtures in the range of equivalence ratios in the separation stage. Another important advantage of O2
¡10. However, the hydrogen output of the air mixtures de- operation is the wider range of equivalence ratios where
%ned based on the superadiabatic partial oxidation temper- the superadiabatic partial oxidation can be maintained
ature of 1450 K is about 10% higher than the output of the with lower heat recuperation eEciencies. An additional
oxygen mixtures. This is attributed mainly to a shift of the advantage of O2 over air, as an oxidant in the feed to the
equilibrium due to the N2 dilution. It is expected that at the superadiabatic partial oxidation reactor is that more acid
limit of the extremely high equivalence ratios, the hydrogen gas throughput can be processed.
yields from both the O2 and air mixtures approach the same The results of the thermodynamic modeling suggest
thermodynamic limit as shown in Fig. 7A. Similar trends that the range of optimal operation of a superadiabatic
in adiabatic temperature and hydrogen yield are observed partial oxidation unit is above an equivalence ratio of 6,
for the acid gas feed with composition of 75% H2 S/25% N2 where the H2 output is maximized and SO2 generation is
(Fig. 7B). For this acid feed gas, typical for the industrial minimized. The stabilization of the superadiabatic partial
1476 R.B. Slimane et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1471 – 1477

2000 2000 80
T (A) (A)
1800 ad 40 1800 T Oxygen 70
1600 K

Hydrogen Yield, %

Concentration, %
1600 60
Temperature, K

1450 K 1450 K

Temperature, K
1400 30
1300 K 1400 Thermodynamic 50
1200 S 1200 40
1000 1000 Air 30
800 800 20
10 H
600 H 600 2 Oxygen
2 10
400 400
0 0
2000 60 2000 80
T (B) T (B)
1800 1800 ad
50 Oxygen
1600 K

Hydrogen Yield, %
Concentration, %
1600 1600
Temperature, K

1450 K 60

Temperature, K
40 1450 K
1400 1300 K 1400
Thermodynamic 50
1200 1200 limit
1000 2 1000 Air
20 30
800 800
H 20
600 10 600
SO 10
400 Oxygen
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0
Equivalence Ratio Equivalence Ratio

Fig. 6. Thermodynamic predictions of adiabatic temperature and Fig. 7. Thermodynamically predicted hydrogen yield as a func-
equilibrium compositions for mixtures of 75% H2 S=25% N2 acid tion of equivalence ratio for mixtures of 100% H2 S (A) and
gas feed and oxygen. The equilibrium compositions are calcu- 75% H2 S=25% N2 (B) with air and oxygen. The partial oxidation
lated assuming that superadiabatic partial oxidation temperatures temperature is assumed to be 1450 K; the adiabatic partial oxi-
are equal to 1300, 1450, and 1600 K. (A) Hydrogen and sulfur dation temperatures for air and oxygen mixtures are provided for
concentrations; (B) H2 S and SO2 concentrations. reference.

oxidation wave in the highest possible equivalence ratio can Thermodynamic equilibrium modeling can be a fruit-
be bene%cial due to the increased hydrogen yield and re- ful approach for estimation of Mame temperatures and
duced SO2 output. The overall process diagram can include product compositions. It is well recognized however,
the subsequent recycling of the unprocessed H2 S stream to that the comparison of measured and thermodynamic
obtain zero H2 S output. Based on these considerations, the equilibrium conversions demonstrates a good agreement
area of high equivalence ratios is to be selected for kinetic only in the case of relatively fast chemical kinetics.
modeling of hydrogen output. Thermodynamic predictions are usually inapplicable at
low temperatures because of the slow rates of chemical
4. Conclusions

The thermodynamics of superadiabatic partial oxidation

of hydrogen sul%de was studied numerically for a number Acknowledgements
of acid gas and oxidizer feeds, varying equivalence ratio,
interstitial gas velocity, and temperature parameters. Equiv- The authors wish to thank the US Department of
alence ratios ¿6 are thermodynamically favorable for Energy for supporting this work under DOE Contract
hydrogen production for all studied acid gas and oxidizer No: DE-FC36-99GO10450 and the technical support and
compositions. Pure oxygen operation shifts the optimal guidance of project manager Mr. Doug Hooker. We are
thermodynamic range to ultra-rich equivalence ratios ¿12. also very grateful to Mr. Walter Kunc, Remon J. Dihu,
Oxygen operation looks thermodynamically promising. Mikhail Atroshenko, and Dave Bowen of GTI for their
With oxygen, high H2 and low SO2 yields can be attained valuable help during the experimental portion of this
at relatively low heat regeneration eEciencies. study.
R.B. Slimane et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29 (2004) 1471 – 1477 1477

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