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University of Pretoria

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Operations Research BOZ 312

Internal examiner: Mrs Wilna L Bean
External examiner: Prof Johan W Joubert

This paper comprises 2 questions. Please answer all the questions.

Marks for each question, or sub-question, are indicated in a square frame next to the question
in the left margin.

You are allowed to use variables or parameters explicitly given in the test questions without
defining them in your own answers. However, you should define additional variables you use

that are not explicitly given.

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This is a closed book test.

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Calculators are allowed.

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Complete 2 questions for 42 marks
Total time: 90 minutes
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BOZ 312 1 of 5 Semester test 2 Memorandum
Test questions

18 1. A South African automotive company assembles five different types of vehicles and sells them to independent
automotive dealers throughout the country. The estimated demand for different vehicle types during the
next six months is given by dit where i refers to the vehicle type and t to a particular month, such that
i ∈ I = {1, . . . , 5} and t ∈ T = {1, . . . , 6}.
The company currently has three assembly lines available at their facility with a maximum capacity of cj
vehicles per assembly line j per month, where j ∈ J = {1, 2, 3}. At present, the variable cost to assemble
one vehicle of type i ∈ I on assembly line j ∈ J is given by vij and the fixed cost incurred by the company
if any vehicles of type i ∈ I are assembled on line j ∈ J in a month is given by fij . Due to inflation, these
costs are estimated to increase by 0.4% per month from month two onwards.
The company can use vehicles assembled in earlier months to satisfy demand in later months but vehicles
held in inventory incur an inventory holding cost of hit per vehicle of type i ∈ I per month t ∈ T . The
company currently has no vehicles in inventory.
Formulate an Integer Linear Program (ILP) to help the company satisfy the estimated demand during the
next six months at the lowest possible cost.



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1 if vehicle i ∈ I is assembled on line j ∈ J during month t ∈ T .
yijt ,
0 otherwise

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xijt , the number of vehicles of type i ∈ I assembled on line j ∈ J during month t ∈ T .
sit , the number of vehicles of type i ∈ I in stock at the end of month t ∈ T .

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The problem is then formulated as follows:
min z = hit sit + fij (1.004)t−1 yijt (1)
i∈II t∈T
T i∈II j∈J
J t∈T

+ vij (1.004)t−1 xijt (2)
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i∈II j∈J
J t∈T
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subject to
xijt ≤ cj ∀ j ∈ J,t ∈ T (3)
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xijt ≤ M yijt ∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ J, t ∈ T (4)

si1 = xij1 − di1 ∀ i∈I (5)

sit = si,t−1 + xijt − dit ∀ i ∈ I , t ∈ {2, . . . , 6} (6)

sit ≥ 0 ∀ i ∈ I, t ∈ T (7)
xijt ≥ 0 ∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ J, t ∈ T (8)
yijt ∈ {0, 1} ∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ J, t ∈ T (9)

The objective (2) minimises the inventory holding cost, fixed assembly cost, and variable assembly cost
incurred to meet the demand over the next six months. Constraint (3) limits the monthly assembly capacity
on the different assembly lines and constraint (4) ensures that the binary and quantity variables for assembly
operations are linked. Inventory levels are calculated and demand satisfied in (5) and (6). Lastly, the variable
definitions are added in (7) through (9).

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BOZ 312 2 of 5 Semester test 2 Memorandum
The following criteria are assessed using a 0-1-2-3 rubric:

1. Definition of decision variables.

2. Objective function.
3. Limit monthly assembly line capacity.
4. Linking of variables.
5. Determine inventory levels based on production and demand.
6. Accessibility of information.

2. You have been tasked with helping a music production company to plan the contents of a well-known music
artist’s latest album. The album should be a double album (2 discs) containing the greatest hits of this
artist over the last decade. The maximum duration for songs included is 60 minutes per disc. A list of the
30 songs that can be included and their durations is provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Potential songs and their durations (in minutes)

Song Duration Song Duration Song Duration

1 4 min 11 4 min 21 7 min
2 5 min 12 5 min 22 5 min

3 3 min 13 3 min 23 4 min

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4 8 min 14 5 min 24 5 min

5 5 min 15 6 min 25 5 min

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6 5 min 16 4 min 26 6 min
7 6 min 17 5 min 27 3 min

8 4
rs e min 18 4 min 28 7 min
9 3 min 19 4 min 29 4 min
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10 6 min 20 5 min 30 5 min

Let I be the set of songs, such that i ∈ I = {1, . . . , 30} and J be the set of discs in the album, such that

j ∈ J = {1, 2}. The following variable can then be defined:

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1 if song i ∈ I is included on disc j ∈ J of the album.
xij ,
0 otherwise

15 (a) Formulate an Integer Linear Program (ILP) that can be used to determine the songs to include in
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the album, whilst maximising the playing time of the album. Define all additional variables and/or
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parameters necessary to formulate this model.

6 (b) What additional constraints will you include if the artist has the following requirements?

i If song 4 is included on a disc then only one other song with a 6 minute or longer duration may
be included on that particular disc.

ii If song 12 is included on a particular disc in the album then songs 17 and 28 must be included on
the other disc in the album.

3 (c) Let pi be the given popularity rating of song i ∈ I (a value between 0 and 10). What constraint(s)

will you add to ensure that average popularity ratings of at least 9 and 7 are achieved for the songs
included on discs one and two, respectively?

Below are the answers to the various subquestions in this question:

a. Let:
di , the given duration of song i ∈ I .

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BOZ 312 3 of 5 Semester test 2 Memorandum
The problem is then formulated as follows:
max z = di xij (10)
i∈II j∈J

subject to
xij ≤ 1 ∀i ∈ I (11)
di xij ≤ 60 ∀j ∈ J (12)
xij ∈ {0, 1} ∀i ∈ I , j ∈ J (13)

The objective (10) maximises the playing time of songs included on the album. The introduction of
(11) ensures that a song is only included once in the album (if included). To ensure that the total
playing time per disc does not exceed 80 minutes, (12) is included. Lastly, the variable definition is
added in (13).

The following criteria are assessed using a 0-1-2-3 rubric:

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1. Definition of parameter and variable definition constraint.
2. Objective function.

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3. Ensure a song is only included once.
4. Ensure that maximum playing time is not exceeded.

5. Accessibility of information.
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b. The following additional constraints must be included:

i To include the first condition of 6 minute songs, an if-then construct is required.


required logical
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if: f (x) > 0 if: x4,j > 0

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then: g(x) ≥ 0 then: x7,j + x10,j + x15,j + x21,j + x26,j + x28,j ≤ 1
The resulting constraints would then be

x4,j ≤ M (1 − uj ) ∀j ∈ J (14)
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x7,j + x10,j + x15,j + x21,j + x26,j + x28,j − 1 ≤ M uj ∀j ∈ J (15)

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uj ∈ {0, 1} ∀j ∈ J (16)

It may seem as if the following constraint will be more elegant,


x4,j ≥ x7,j + x10,j + x15,j + x21,j + x26,j + x28,j ∀ j ∈ J ,


but it will in fact force songs 7, 10, 15, 21, 26 and 28 to not be selected if song 4 is not se-
lected. So it is actually incorrect and an if-then construct is required in this instance.

ii To ensure that songs 17 and 28 are included on the other disc if song 12 is included on a disc, (17)
and (18) is introduced.

2x12,1 ≤ x17,2 + x28,2 (17)

2x12,2 ≤ x17,1 + x28,1 (18)

The following criteria are assessed using a 0-1-2-3 rubric:

1. If-Then construct for 6 minute and longer songs.

2. If song 12 is included on 1 then songs 17 and 28 must be included on 2.

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BOZ 312 4 of 5 Semester test 2 Memorandum
c. The following constraints must be included to ensure that the average ratings of the songs on discs are
pi xi,1
P ≥9 (19)
pi xi,2
P ≥7 (20)

The following criterion is assessed using a 0-1-2-3 rubric:

1. Enforce minimum required popularity rating.

??? end of paper ???

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BOZ 312 5 of 5 Semester test 2 Memorandum
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