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Date Name Class

Time Preposition
Complete the sentences

1. My birthday is ___ the 16th of May.

2. She was born ___ 1993.

3. It happened ___ June 2018.

4. she will come ___ Monday.

5. He will come ___ 10.A.m.

6. They like to ski ___ winter.

7. We moved to this city ___ 2016.

8. I will finish work ___ an hour.

9. They will meet ___ Sunday.

10.She will go to aboard ___ winter.

Date Name Class

Time Preposition
Complete the sentences

11. I was born ___ autumn.

12. We will be ___ time.

13. Snowfall ___ winter.

14. The Shop close ___ 4.P.M.

15. He is playing basketball ___ Sunday.

16. The birds return to home ___ sunset.

17. We went Paris ___ summer holidays.

18. Tim will move to the new office ___ Friday.

19. My parents got married ___ spring.

20. He goes to school ___ 8.A.M everyday.

Date Name Class

Time Preposition
Complete the sentences

21. My grandfather died ___ the World War II.

22. Let’s meet ___ midday on Sunday.

23. Tina will be back ___ half an hour.

24. Our class ends ___ 4.P.M.

25. Our class starts ___ an hour.

26. I’m busy ___ the moment.

27. We eat lunch ___ noon.

28. Tim will move to the new office ___ Friday.

29. He will go to his hometown ___ yearend.

30. Nurses often work ___ night.

Date Name Class

Time Preposition
Complete the sentences

31. I usually wakeup ___ 6 o'clock.

32. Let’s meet ___ Sunday.

33. Let’s meet ___ Christmas.

34. She left from work ___ 6.P.M.

35. We celebrate Christmas ___ the 25th of December.

36. We celebrate Christmas ___ winter.

37. ___ 1914, the First World War was broke out.

38. Tim always come home ___ weekend.

39. I meet Ron ___ the morning.

40. We can see stars ___ night.

Date Name Class

Time Preposition
Complete the sentences

41. Leena got married ___ 1999.

42. I saw him ___ the evening.

43. I get gifts from my parent ___ Christmas.

44. The party begins ___ an hour.

45. David reached the railway station ___ 3 o’clock.

46. We will be there ___ Tuesday.

47. ___ Sunday Morning I usually go for a walk.

48. Tim usually in home ___ Sunday.

49. Let’s meet ___ the morning.

50. We can see snow ___ the winter.

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