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EXAM II--100 points (Biol.

1603 Section 001, Fall 2012)

Name: ____________________________________________________

A. Choose the one, best answer for all multiple choice questions by circling the correct
B. Good luck.

1. The union of cells (but not nuclei) in Ascomycota and Basidiomycota is referred to as ______. The
term can also be used to describe fertilization (union of sperm and egg). (1)
a. binary fission
b. mitosis
c. plasmogamy
d. clonal growth
e. genetic drift

2. The Apicomplexans possess an “apicoplast” whose function was, until recently, largely unknown.
Molecular evidence has revealed that the apicoplast is descended from a plastid. This has been cited as
evidence of _____? (1)
a. viral infection
b. genetic drift
c. gene flow
d. assortative mating
e. secondary endosymbiosis

3. Influx of potassium ions into guard cells results in ______. (1)

a. uptake of water into the plant through the stomata
b. uptake of water into the plant through the leaf epidermis
c. closing of stomata
d. increase in turgor pressure in the guard cells
e. loss of water through the roots

4. The synchronous development of parasitic cells (from a protozoan protist) in human erythrocytes
(red blood cells) and the subsequent synchronous release of these parasitic cells leads to several of the
classic symptoms of _________. (1)
a. African Sleeping Sickness
b. Chagas Disease
c. Malaria (best answer)
d. Hansen’s Disease
e. Lyme Disease

5. The mature female gametophyte resides inside the mature sporophyte in the ______________ (2)
a. Chlorophyta (green algae)
b. Monera (prokaryotes)
c. Hepatophyta (liverworts)
d. Anthophyta (flowering plants)
e. Apicomplexa (Plasmodium) ______/6 (6)

6-22. Matching I. Match the organism or the term with the appropriate description. (1 pt. each)

6. __K__ Collenchyma A. Specialized DNA found in mitochondria of some Excavata

7. __M__ Pentamerous B. Programmed cell death

8. __G__ Crystalline Rod C. Human blood parasite; agent of malaria

9. __F__ Hyphae D. Floral parts in threes or multiples of three

10. __A__ Kinetoplast E. Site of meiosis that results in spore formation

11. __C__ Plasmodium F. Fungal filaments

12. __L__ ABA G. Flagellar component unique to Euglena and Trypanosoma

13. __Q__ Entamoeba histolytica H. Sushi

14. _B__ Apoptosis I. Form extensive fossil record in marine sediments

15. __I__ Tests of Foraminifera J. A unicellular, dikaryotic protist that is covered with cilia.

16. __J__ Paramecium K. Structural plant tissue that is living at maturity

17. __O__ Companion Cell L. Abscisic Acid; stress hormone in plants

18. __D__ Trimerous M. Floral parts in fives or multiples of five

19. __P__ Embryo (plant) N. Structural plant tissue that is dead at maturity

20. __N__ Sclerenchyma O. Phloem cell; supports sieve tube member

21. __H__ Porphyra (Nori) P. Immature sporophyte stage

22. __E__ Sporangium Q. Agent of amoebic dysentery in humans

______/17 (23)

23a. Matching II. The life cycle of Laminaria sp. (Phaeophyta) is presented below. Match the terms
(by letter) to the appropriate empty rectangles. (4)

A: sperm
B: egg
C. meiosis
D: sporangia

23b. True or False: The life cycle pictured above exhibits heteromorphic alternation of generation. (1)
a. True
b. False

______/5 (28)

24. Some members of the kinetoplastids are responsible for Sleeping Sickness and ____; the latter is a
disease that Darwin may have contracted in South America. (1)
a. malaria
b. late blight of potato
c. amanita toxicity
d. Chagas Disease
e. amoebic dysentery

25. True or False: Mitosis plus cytokinesis in plants could result in two, haploid daughter cells. (1)
a. True
b. False

26. Charles and Francis Darwin (1880) demonstrated that the receptor for phototropism resides in the
______ of coleoptiles. (2)
a. vessels
b. pericycle
c. tip
d. base
e. pith

27. The photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll a is a typical component of the photosynthetic machinery
in ALL of the following EXCEPT _____. (1)
a. Bryophyta (Mosses)
b. Chlorophyta (Green Algae)
c. Ascomycota (Sac Fungi; Kingdom Fungi)
d. Bacillariophyta (Diatoms;Stramenopiles)
e. Pterophyta (Ferns)

28. The Ascomycota and Basidiomycota are distinctive from the land plants in that the Ascomycota
and Basidiomycota ______ . (2).
a. have chitinous cell walls and the land plants don’t
b. lack mitochondria and the land plants don’t
c. are prokaryotic and the land plants aren’t

29. The _______ have cell walls comprised of silica (1).

a. Bacillariophyta (diatoms)
b. Rhodophyta (red algae)
c. Phaeophyta (brown algae)
d. Bryophyta (mosses)
e. Dinoflagellata (dinoflagellates)

____/8 (36)
30. The synergids, polar nuclei, and the egg are part of _______? (1)
a. the bundle sheath
b. the pollen grain of gymnosperms
c. the pollen grain of flowering plants
d. the megagametophyte of gymnosperms
e. the megagametophyte of flowering plants

31. All of the following EXCEPT ____ are regarded as plant adaptations to terrestrial living. (2)
a. Cuticle
b. Vascular Tissue
c. Stomata
d. Sexual reproduction
e. Jacketed Gametangia

32. Plant spores are produced by ______. (1)

a. antheridia
b. archegonia
c. meiosis
d. mitosis
e. the gametophyte

33. The fixation of carbon dioxide initially occurs in the ______ of C4 plants. (1)
a. upper epidermis
b. lower epidermis
c. mesophyll
d. phloem
e. bundle sheath

34. Microspores develop directly into ____. (1)

a. pollen grains
b. microgametophytes
c. male gametophytes

35. The presence of both micronuclei and macronuclei in a cell would suggest that such a protistan
organism was a member of the ______. (1)
a. Stramenopila
b. Excavata
c. Rhizaria
d. Amoebozoa
e. Ciliata

36. The ____, which include some of the largest protists, may also be among the only protists to bear
transport tissue. (1)
a. Kelps (brown algae)
b. Alveolates (Ciliates)
c. Pterophyta (Ferns)
d. Charophyta (e.g., Chara) _____/8 (44)
37. The antheridia of plants like the hornwort, Anthoceros, produce _____. (1)
a. sperm
b. eggs
c. zoospores
d. anthers
e. megaspores

38. The Foraminifera and Chlorarachniophyta are allied in the Rhizaria, at least in part, because they
both possess _______. (1)
a. green plastids
b. filose pseudopodia
c. alveoli
d. lots of really hairy flagella
e. red plastids

39. In the monocot root, the water-conducting tissue is largely composed of _________. (1)
a. sclerenchyma fibers
b. sieve tube members
c. tracheids or vessels
d. parenchyma fibers
e. gametangial cells

40. Chara (a green algal member of the Charophyta) lacks all of the following EXCEPT _____. (1)
a. cuticle
b. pollen production
c. vascular tissue
d. seed production
e. apical meristems

41. The _____ is a system of microtubules that forms during cytokinesis (cell division) in the
Charophytes and the Embryophytes (i.e., all Streptophyta). (2)
a. apicoplast
b. symplast
c. phycoplast
d. phragmoplast
e. kinetoplast

42. The structure at left (arrow) facilitates the delivery of

_________. (1)
< a. sugar to the root
b. sperm to the egg
c. egg to the sperm
d. water to the leaf
e. water to the root

____/7 (51)
43. The ovule of seed plants normally develops into _____. (2)
a. a fruit
b. a seed
c. a pollen grain
d. an archegonium
e. a microsporangium

44. The figure at left is missing a label (?) for the

_____. (2)
a. embryo
b. integuments
c. sperm
d. pollen tube
e. endosperm

45. The cells of the ________ all share air spaces just below the cell surface. (1)
a. Excavata
b. Archaeplastida
c. Alveolata
d. Stramenopila
e. Opisthokonta

46. In many dicots, the cotyledons function as ______. (1)

a. seed leaves
b. the future root axis
c. the future shoot axis
d. the megagametophyte
e. the stalk on which an embryo develops

47. A ______ is capable of both heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolism. (1)

a. mixotroph
b. maxitroph
c. megatroph
d. millitroph
e. morphotroph

48. The ______ of fungi is/are comprised of a mass of mycelia. (1)

a. cuticle
b. basidiospores
c. ascospores
d. fruiting body
e. conidia

______/8 (59)

49. Matching III. Match each of the following structures to its chromosome status: N (haploid), 2N
(diploid) or 3N (triploid). 1 pt ea.

Example: ___N___: Gametophyte of moss

a. _2N__: Spore mother cell of moss

b. __N__; Sperm of conifer

c. __N__: Egg of fern

d. __N__: Spore of moss

e. __2N_: Zygote of conifer

f. _2N__: Megaspore mother cell of conifer

g. _3N__: Endosperm cell of flowering plant

h. __N__: Antheridial cell of moss

i. _N___: Gametophyte of fern

j. _N___: Archegonial cell of fern

k. __2N__: Megasporangial cell of conifer

l. __2N_: Sporangial cell of moss

50. The scanning electron micrograph shown below illustrates a(n)

______, which is the site of meiosis in mosses. (1)
a. male gametophyte
b. female gametophyte
c. archegonium
d. antheridium
e. sporangium

____/13 (72)

51. Members of the Kingdom Plantae possess all of the following EXCEPT _____. (2)
a. a phragmoplast system of microtubules
b. starch as a storage polysaccharide
c. phycobilin pigments
d. alternation of generation
e. a cuticle

52. A flower with 4 sepals, 4 petals, 4 stamens and 4 carpels is likely to be a _______. (1)
a. monocot
b. dicot (best answer)
c. polycot
d. eudicot (this answer was not supposed to be included, but it was so it is acceptable)
was included, this became a reasonable response)
53. Vessels and sieve tube members differ from one another in that ______ .(1)
a. vessels are dead at maturity and sieve tube members are living at maturity
b. vessels conduct sugar and sieve tube members conduct water
c. vessels are alive at maturity and sieve tube members are dead at maturity
d. vessels have cell walls and sieve tube members lack cell walls
e. vessels conduct sugar “up” and sieve tube members conduct water “down”

54. Photorespiration represents an inefficiency of carbon fixation due to _______. (2)

a. the conversion of C3 photosynthesis to C4 photosynthesis
b. the uptake of malate by the guard cells
c. the uptake of bicarbonate by RUBISCO
d. competition between oxygen and carbon dioxide for the active site of RUBISCO
e. the activity of contractile vacuoles

55. Fossil pollen is shown to have a single opening (pore). Leaf impressions from the same collecting
site show broad leaves with reticulate venation. True or False: These two sets of fossil plant material
are unlikely to be from the same plant. (2)
a. True
b. False

56. Which of the following is regarded as a tissue comprised of cells referred to as “initials”? (1)
a. vascular cambium
b. endodermis
c. primary xylem
d. secondary xylem
e. pith

57. ______ has the potential to produce a new branch root for a root system. (1)
a. The pericycle
b. An axillary bud
c. The palisade mesophyll
d. The spongy mesophyll
e. The pith

____/10 (82)

58. _______ involves H2O moving from one living cell to the next without crossing a plasma
membrane. (1)
a. The vessel route
b. The tracheid route
c. The apoplastic route (the wording in the question is ambiguous so this answer is acceptable)
d. The symplastic route (best answer)
e. The transmembrane route

59. _______ transduces the signal from a plant growth regulator that binds to a receptor at the cell
surface. (1)
a. The endoplasmic reticulum
b. A ribosome
c. A second messenger
d. DNA
e. RNA

60. The uptake of carbon in ____ is temporally separated from the Calvin Cycle. (1)
a. C4 plants
b. CAM plants

61. Which of the following is regarded as a secondary meristem? (2)

a. apical meristem
b. vascular cambium
c. fibers
d. collenchyma
e. sieve cells

62. The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis _______. (2)

a. occur in the roots of C3 plants
b. exclusively rely on light passing through the stomata in a leaf
c. generate light energy that breaks down CO2
d. provide CO2 for the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis
e. supply ATP and NADPH (reducing power) to the Calvin Cycle

63. Solve the following water potential problem: Given that a root hair cell has a solute potential
(s MPa) and a pressure potential (p = 0.2 MPa), what is the overall water potential (w = ?
MPa) of the root hair cell? (2)

w  MPa
64. In an oat coleoptile, what cells are targeted for auxin? (1)
a. cells nearest the light source
b. cells furthest from the light source
c. cells of the aleurone layer
d. cells of the plumule
e. cells of the coleoptile tip
_____/10 (92)

65. During cell elongation, enzymes called expansins are activated by _____ which, in turn, is a
consequence of pumps that shuttle protons from the cytosol into the cell wall space. (1)
a. Gibberelic acid
b. blue light
c. artificial light
d. a decrease in pH
e. an increase in pH

66. The megaspore mother cell (megasporocyte) in Zea (Anthophyta) ______ to become four
megaspores? (1)
a. leaves the archegonium
b. fuses with the polar nuclei
c. leaves the liver
d. undergoes mitosis
e. undergoes meiosis

67. Boysen-Jensen and Went demonstrated that the coleoptile tip produced _____ that induced cell
elongation. (1)
a. chloroplasts
b. mitochondria
c. ethylene
d. a diffusible substance
e. a meristem

68. _________ is converted to the Pr from the Pfr form by exposure to far-red light. (1)
a. Auxin
b. Calcium
c. Phytochrome
d. A neurotransmitter
e. A monocot seed

69. In the image at left, the unidentified feature

(?????) of the endodermal layer is thought to play a
direct role in ______. (2)
a. forcing water into the symplast
b. preventing water from entering xylem
c. stimulating branch root development
d. producing sperm
e. producing eggs

_____/6 (98)

70. Solve another water potential problem:

Given that the solute potential (s) in a root hair cell is -1.2 MPa and the pressure potential
(p) is 0.1 MPa, what is the overall water potential (w) of the root hair cell? (1)

w = __-1.1__ MPa
71. Which of the following soil water potentials (wwould be the most likely to PREVENT the root
hair cell described in question #70 from TAKING IN water? (1)
a. w-0.1 MPa
b. w-1.2 MPa
c. w-1.5 MPa
d. w-4.5 MPa
e. w-10.5 MPa

Instructor mistake in wording this question. No best answer. Everybody got 1 point.

_____/2 (100)

Extra Credit

Fill in the blank labels for this tissue cross-section. Then, identify the plant organ and the type of plant.





Plant Organ:


Plant Type (Monocot, Dicot, Moss, Liverwort, or Chara):


______/6 (EC)



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