Vocabulary 3

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Before you sign anything important, pay careful _____ to all the
73 conditions.
34. When I came through the customs at the airport I had to pay
74 ________ on a clock I had bought.
35. It was after dark when the two children were both ________ on the
75 safety-crossing by a lorry.
76 36. The rising _____ of living is as hard on country families as on city
77 37. When it was time for our tickets to be _______, I couldn’t find
38. Will you _______ my essay, please, to find out whether I made any
78 mistakes?
39. At the moment my car is at the garage being made ready for a
79 ________ across Europe.
40. He asked an artist to ________ some drawings to illustrate what he
80 had written.
1. When he was a student, his father gave him a monthly ________
81 towards his expenses.
82 2. It seemed as if all of a ______ the animal had smelt danger in the air.
83 3. What do you think would be the _____ of this ring, if I were to sell
84 4. Police officers working on the murder have _____ hundreds of
85 5. The thief was ________ to prison for two years.
6. He was a much older tennis player but he had the great ________ of
86 experience.
7. To get my travelers’ cheques I had to ________ a special cheque to
87 the Bank for the total amount.
88 8. He began to take politics ________ only when he left school.
89 9. Unless the workers’ demands are ______ soon there will be a strike.
10. The children thought that the cream was deliciously ________ and
90 they finished it all.
91 11. The two scientists disagreed and a ________ argument developed.
92 12. This theory _____ from the work of certain early 20th century
13. Fear showed in the eyes of the young man, while the old man
93 looked tired and ________.
14. As he had no friends or relatives in the town, the traveler tried to
94 find a ________ somewhere.
15. After his journey, Gerard hoped to find an inn in which to _______
95 the night.
16. In the central region the dry season is long and severe, and the
96 ________ annual rainfall is only about 70 cm.
17. George took an eager look at the ________ meal, which everyone
97 was looking forward to, and sat down with the rest of the family.
98 18. Owing to an accident, traffic had to be ________ to another route.
19. Well-mannered children have usually been properly ________ by
99 their parents.
20. He said he had every ________ in his secretary; she would do the
100 right thing.
101 21. Can you ________ me £5 until next week?
102 22. It is not ________ for you to eat too much.
103 23. The next ________ of the committee will take place on Thursday.
24. Many kinds of ________ animals are disappearing or have already
104 disappeared from the earth.

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