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Visitor Management

app and admin portal

Web system. (ADMIN portal)

System needs to capture data from the App that is collecting data on the ground.

System needs to have dashboard for quick data review

System needs to be deployable on multiple buildings under one account

System needs to be able to assign app users building names, shift and entrance name

System needs to capture key data:

- Building Name
- Building Location (google maps or Gps)
- Number of floors or buildings
- Number of entries and exits (visitor data)
- Number of devices/app users
- Number of guards assigned
- Tenants log or per floor (layout key)
- Number Parking’s – Assigned vs visitor.
- Number of parking’s available – Live to allow assigning visitors
- Billing models – 1. Direct to client 2. Property manager (commission calculated)
with balance and due date showing with alerts of those paid for and those hotel
paid for in red. – register payment with transaction code and payment type.
- Report export in graphs and data – PDF and CSV

System Keep data on visitors for quick access on other visits – single visitor verification – all
buildings access with account or QR no matter the building name or company.

System admin levels

- System owner – can view all companies
- Companies (guard companies and property managers) super admin
- Admin – those working within guard companies
- Accounts module
- Building owner


We need a visitor management app that scans ID cards and collets/captures data onto the
system with little error such that there is no manual input of name, date of birth, age, id
number and ID image

App needs to include contact details and where they are from (company), reason for visit,
office/house visiting, person visiting
App needs to be able to add vehicle number plate to the system linked to the driver

Drive in option needs to have – number of passages in vehicle.

ID number of driver must be linked to the number plate.

App needs to submit the data to the Central DB

App needs to be deployable to multiple devices for one building locations.

App needs to have check in time and check out

App needs to have Verified visitor (those who have ID card scanned and image uploaded)

App needs to have visitor code and QR for easy access once a visitor has been registered
one time.

App login option for house/office owners to verify that visitor came to their office.

App admins
- Guard module – register visitor, verify visitor, scan ID, allocate parking, checkout
visitor (time in/timeout), log driver, log vehicle details, log passenger number, log
driver Details
- User module – personal details, alerts, QR code for express check in
- Office/house owner module – verify that visitor came to the premise and
departure time (time log)

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