Sharad Coaching: Excretory System

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MOBILE NO: 94122-93054, 93586-12000, 7599004164

Previous year question

Q1. Given reason urine is slightly thicker in summer than in winter. 2004,2011
Q2. Explain the term osmoregulation . 2005
Q3. Name the two main stages of urine formation . 2005
Q4. Name the organ that produces urea. 2005,2012
Q5. Glucose is normally not found in urine. Explain briefly. 2006
Q6. Name the structural and function unit of the kidney. 2011
Q7. State whether true of false . if false, rewrite the correct form of the statement
By changing the first or last word only. Urethra carries urine kidney to urinary
Bladder. 2011
Q8. Give below is the set of five term rewrite the terms in logical sequence as directed
At the end of each statement . renal vein, renal artery , afferent arteriole, efferent
Arteriole, glomerulus (pathway of blood through glomerulus.) 2012
Q9. The renal cortex has a dotted appearance, why? 2013
Q10. Differentiate between the following about what is given in the brackey.?
Bowman’s capsule and malpighian capsule. (parts included) 2013
Q11. Write special functional activity of the ureter. 2013
Q12. Name the following
knot-like mass of blood capillaries inside the bowman’s capsule. 2013
Q13. Given below is the set with four term in which one term is odd and cannot be
Grouped in the same category to which the other three belong. Identify the odd
One in the set and name the category to which the remaining three belongs.
Urethra , uterus, urinary , bladder, ureter. 2014
Q14. Mention the exact location of the following structure: loop of Henle. 2015
Q15. Give the biological /technical terms for the following : 2015
(a) Pigment providing colour to urine.
(b) The removal of nitrogenous wastes from the body.
(c) The hormone increasing reabsorption of water by kidney tubules.
Q16. Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below:
The nephrons discharge their urine at the 2016
(a)urinary bladder (b) uretha
(c)renal pelvis (d) renal pyramid
Q17. Give biological reasons for the following statement : 2017
There is frequent urination in winter than in summer.
Q18. Differentiate between the following pair on the basis of what is mentioned within
Bracket: 2017
(a) Renal cortex and renal medulla (parts of the nephrons present)
(b) Bowman ‘s capsule and malpighian capsule (parts included) 2013
Q19. Choose the ODD one out of the following terms given and name the CATECGORY
To which the other belong:
Bile, urea, uric acid, Ammonia 2017
Q20. Choose between the options to answer the question specified in the bracket for the
Following . 2018
(a) Blood in the renal artery or renal vien (which one has more urea.)?
(b) Blood in the pulmonary artery or pulmonary vien( which one contain less
Q21. Differentiate between the following of the basis of what is indicated in the brackets
(I) Uretes ‘s urethra (function ) 2018
Q1. Draw a labelled diagram of the longitudinal section of the kidney. 2005
Q2. Briefly describe the formation of glomerular filtrate. 2005
Q1. (I) draw a neat diagram of a single malpighain capsule(body) and label the following
Parts. Glomerulus, bowman’s capsule . afferent arteriole and efferent arteriole.
(ii) Name and define the process that occurs in the glomerulus. 2003.
Q2. Given alongside is the diagram of a part of the nephron of the kidney. Study
The same and answer the question that follow
(i) Name the parts labelled A,B and C.
(ii) What is the collective term used for B and C?
(iii) Why is term homeostasis . what is the role of the kidney in this? 2006

Q3. The diagram given below shows the excretory system of a human.
Being study the same and then answer the question that follow. 2012
(i) Name the parts labelled A b C and D .
(ii) Give the main function of the parts labelled E, F, G and H.
(iii) Name the endocrine gland which could be added in the diagram and state its
Location /position .

Q4. The diagram given below represents a nephron and its blood supply. Study the
Diagram and answer the following question . 2014
(i) Label parts A,B,C and D.
(ii) State the reason for the high hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus.
(iii) Name the blood vessel which contains the least amount of urea in this
(iv) Name the part of the nephron which lies in the renal medulla.

Q5. The diagram given below shows the section of a human kidney. Study the diagram
Carefully and answer the question that follow: 2015
(i) Label the parts numbered 1 to 4.
(ii) Why does part 2 have a striped appearance ?
(iii) What is the fluid that passes down part 4? Name the main nitrogenous waste
Present in it.
(iv) Mention the structural and functional units of kidneys.
(v) Name the two major steps in the formation of the fluid mentioned (iii)
(b ) draw neat labelled diagrams of the following malpighian capsul.

Q6. (a) the diagram given below is that of a structure present in a human kidney.
Study the same and answer the question that follow. 2018

(i) Name the structure represented in the diagram

(ii) What is liquid entering part ‘1’ called?
Name two substance present in this liquid that are reabsorbed in the
(iii) What is the fluid that comes to part ‘2’ called?
Name the main nitrogenous waste in it.
(iv) Mention the tree main steps involved in the formation of the fluid
Mentioned in (ii) aboves.
(v) Name the substance which may be present in the fluid in part ‘2’ if a person
Suffers from diabetes mellitus.

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