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Neo 4j:

What is cypher?
Cypher is a declarative graph query language that allows for expressive and efficient querying,
updating and administering of the graph. It is designed to be suitable for both developers and
operations professionals. Cypher is designed to be simple, yet powerful; highly complicated
database queries can be easily expressed, enabling you to focus on your domain, instead of
getting lost in database access.

The Neo4j Cypher Manual v4.3

Documentation license: Creative Commons 4.0
This is the Cypher manual for Neo4j version 4.3, authored by the Neo4j Team.
This manual covers the following areas:
 Introduction — Introducing the Cypher query language.
 Syntax — Learn Cypher query syntax.
 Clauses — Reference of Cypher query clauses.
 Functions — Reference of Cypher query functions.
 Administration — Working with databases, indexes, constraints and security in Cypher.
 Query tuning — Learn to analyze queries and tune them for performance.
 Execution plans — Cypher execution plans and operators.
 Deprecations, additions and compatibility  — An overview of language developments
across versions.
 Glossary of keywords — A glossary of Cypher keywords, with links to other parts of the
Cypher manual.
 Cypher styleguide — A guide to the recommended style for writing Cypher queries.
Who should read this?
This manual is written for the developer of a Neo4j client application.


Use the Neo4jOperator to execute SQL commands in a Neo4j database.

Using the Operator

Use the neo4j_conn_id argument to connect to your Neo4j instance where the connection

metadata is structured as follows:
Neo4j Airflow Connection Metadata
Neo4j Connection
The Neo4j connection type provides connection to a Neo4j database using the Neo4j
Python client.

Configuring the Connection

Host (required)
The host to connect to.

Schema (optional)
Specify the schema name to be used in the database.

Login (required)
Specify the user name to connect.

Password (required)
Specify the password to connect.

Extra (optional)
Specify the extra parameters (as json dictionary) that can be used in Neo4j

The following extras are supported:

 Default - uses bolt scheme(bolt://)

 neo4j_scheme - neo4j://
 certs_self_signed - neo4j+ssc://
 certs_trusted_ca - neo4j+s://
 encrypted: Sets encrypted=True/False for GraphDatabase.driver, Set
to True for Neo4j Aura.
 neo4j_scheme: Specifies the scheme to neo4j://, default is bolt://
 certs_self_signed: Sets the URI scheme to support self-signed
 certs_trusted_ca: Sets the URI scheme to support only trusted
Example "extras" field:

"encrypted": true,

"neo4j_scheme": true,

"certs_self_signed": true,

"certs_trusted_ca": false

When specifying the connection in environment variable you should

specify it using URI syntax.

Note that all components of the URI should be URL-encoded.

For example:

This is my Neo4j desktop
I click on confirm but it not accepting I tried many paths. Not closing the
window. I simply closed the window.

Module Contents
classairflow.providers.neo4j.hooks.neo4j.Neo4jHook(conn_id: str = default_conn_name, *a
rgs, **kwargs)[source]
Bases: airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook

Interact with Neo4j.

Performs a connection to Neo4j and runs the query.


neo4j_conn_id (str) -- Reference to Neo4j connection id.

conn_name_attr= neo4j_conn_id[source]

default_conn_name= neo4j_default[source]

conn_type= neo4j[source]

hook_name= Neo4j[source]


Function that initiates a new Neo4j connection with username, password and database

get_uri(self, conn: Connection)[source]

Build the uri based on extras - Default - uses bolt scheme(bolt://) - neo4j_scheme -
neo4j:// - certs_self_signed - neo4j+ssc:// - certs_trusted_ca - neo4j+s:// :param conn:
connection object. :return: uri

run(self, query)[source]
Function to create a neo4j session and execute the query in the session.


query -- Neo4j query

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