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3. Core JAVA

This section covers FAQs of Core JAVA.

All programs on Core JAVA for practice are listed here.

Assignment programs to get prepared for an interview.

Write a Java program to display Hello World on the console ?
Write Java Program to allow the user to input two integer values and then the
program prints the results of adding,subtracting,multiplying and dividing among the
two values?
Write a Java program to find Maximum of 2 numbers
Write a java program to reverse a given number?
Write a Java program to allow the user to input two float values and then the
program adds the two values together.The result will be assigned to the first variable.
Write a Java program to find Fibonacci series of a given number (Ex: Input-8, Output-
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21).
Write a Java program to allow the user to input his/her age. Then the program will
show if the person is eligible to vote. A person who is eligible to vote must be older
than or equal to 18 years old.
Write a Java Program that determines a student’s grade using if else.
Write a Java Program to determine whether an input number is an even number.
Write a Java Program to find SUM AND PRODUCT of a given Digit.
Write a Java Program to swap the values
Write a Java Program to find whether given number is Armstrong or not.(Input-153,
Write a Java Program to Find whether number is Prime or not
Write a Java Program to whether number is palindrome or not (Input-12521, Output:
Write a Java Program to print 1 to 10 using for loop.
Write a Java Program to print 10 to 20 using while loop.
Write a Java Program to print 20 to 30 using do while loop.
Write a Java Program to print 40 to 50 using for each loop.
Write a Java Program for a Factorial of a number
Write a Java Program on Sum of N numbers

OOPS Concepts
Write a Java program using inheritance
Write a Java program on overloading
Write a Java program on Overriding
Write a Java program on abstract method.
Write a Java program on Interface
Write a Java program on Constructor
Write a Java program using static and non static blocks
Write a Java program using this keyword
Write a Java program using super keyword
Write a Java program using final keyword

Write a java program to store and print 5 values {10,20,30,40,50} using an array
Write a java program to sum values of an array
Write a java program to find the maximum and minimum value of an array
Write a java program to print all values using for each loop in an array
What are the differences between Array and ArrayList in java
Write a program to Removing duplicate elements from the sorted array
How to write an array of strings to the output console?
How to extend an array after initialization?
Program to return the number of words in a String using split()function package
Two Dimensional Array?

Java Program to calculate length of the string.
Write a method to check if input String is Palindrome?
Write a Java Program to demonstrate string trim method.
Write a Java Program to demonstrate string startsWith and endsWith method.
Write a Java Program to demonstrate example of string replace method.
Write a Java Program to compare two strings using String.compareTo() method.
Java Program to get substring of a string using String.subString() method.
Java Program to convert string lowercase and uppercase using String.toLowerCase()
and String.toUpperCase() methods.
Write a Java program to demonstrate String Concat() method.
Program to return the number of words in a String using split() function
Program to convert Char into String.
Program to convert an integer to String.
Program to convert a string into integer.
Write a Java Program to count the number of Words in a String .

Exception Handling
How to append a string in an existing file using try and catch?
Write a program " if age is less than 18 then print not an adult else adult "using
custom exception
Write a program to print "C,C++,Java,.net" in vertical order using try and catch blocks
Write a simple division program 15/0 and giving a result of "rest of code" instead of
getting infinity of numbers
Write a simple program on java finally
Write a simple program on java exception propagation.
How to use catch to handle chained exception?

How to reverse the List in Collections ?
How to convert the array of strings into the list ?
Write java code showing insertion, deletion and retrieval of HashMap object ?
Write the code for iterating the list in different ways in java ?
Write java code to Get Size of Java HashSet ?
Write a code to check if a particular element exists in Java LinkedHashSet Example?
Basic Java program to Remove specified element from TreeSet example?
Sort ArrayList in descending order?
Java program to insert an element to ArrayList using ListIterator Example?
Basic Java Example program Check if a particular key exists HashMap?
How to reverse a string using stack?
How to search an element inside a linked list?
How to swap two elements in a vector?
How to update a linked list?
How to get the maximum element from a vector?
How to get elements of a LinkedList?
Program to count the number of characters in a String using HashMap.
Check Even or Odd without using modulus and division
Write a Java program on Comparator to sort Objects.

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