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PART IL PROPERTY AND MODES OF ACQUIRING OWNERSHIP ‘A. PROPERTY, OWNERSHIP AND ITS MODIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL CONCEPTS, {UOL, DEFINITION, Property ina ting wehich sor may be the object of aprriation’ Uo. CHARACTERISTICS OF PROPERTY. 2) Uillty means the ably to serve ata means to ‘ais human wants. Heneeves the value te thing nced not he ecenomic 2D) Substantivity means that the abject mast exist indspendenty of other things. It mut hove separate and avtonomousexnce (0) Pars ofa thing crmnct be cnuidered a separate eopety i lathe at fae of ele hing, Ae they ae {aches fen the compsiewhole tebe parts in some instances maybe coniceed Ss prope. Example) & sear of it amo be consid property whe sil atache tothe ods) An ss ln isnot propery «kg asi nei altace teehebeaye Si esd ar Pan, tas Ct Lan. bs ant rnresry MODCR ACOLURNG ORNEASP 7 ©) Property can be tangible ar Iotan Hence even sights —sehich areintanables tan have substan © Appropuiabitity means the thing can be the ‘object olajucidislelation. Appropriation sao consideredas thal characteristic of being capable ‘of oexapation oof beng conta by man. Ik Jsacharctenisc of properiesas dey ae meant to rata the necesito ef mon. However is ot nacesary that ube thing ese tly props mere suscepti scnuph, (1) Res.Cononunes — hinge that Belong feveeyne) theo thing Tike the wale in the ocean and the air sound i their cgi andl unxontelled whole sbfusd wate, ne not ppt (2) Res Nils — chings that donot hawe ‘owners. They can Be considered property boca they oan be appropri PROBLEMS: 1. Stef he oning canbe cnn proper: ems; 3) Mbt oft anna amy A: 6h NaLCENSE tot property hemo iis eal api Y epatangioas wit laos nah bee Te omen pope 1) Nova FUBLIC OFFICE & Rw not prem. A public Dees pact rage MMA ct ced ey he es ‘legis Arnot be thease any ah A pvr hs snap nd cn mote tt Sn y fy toe ‘Sim th ate sume hese eh wl anc he THR vic rota sem ta, ‘Spam Fen roc a ey SERA ‘cus at PL 1) Personal Right i the power af one persion 40 demand of another as ¢ deine passive subject the falfllment of prsiaton to gi todo or not todo cmos om pers eens Ye pe "yhsomnoi liens sietato san ines [No, HUMAN BODY cannot ako be coneend proper there theses outset enmeeot na toe en a pra he Wy ay Be a ‘Bpoeda" TLNLOL, Real sights distinguished from personal right 1103. PROPFRTY AS OBJECT OF RIGHTS. The existence [- Reavmicerrs Ss ct right presupposes he existence ofan eect er which such night can be wera. All the gs (A mal right eercied |G) Aptana nt ised ‘sa meetng pin etween a eds and the ings sbivedy over thing sunt antes peo, the Wilh are destined ro sas) therm masta a hi, That would serve as their object? These objects ca (2) Arealeighthasaspeciic[(@ A personal right atfees all citior be the acs of ancther perm or things” fbjecr tr alere toa] present and futore property 4) Property as Right. tn other jriicons ike the apache props setae Unuted States, the tenn “property” rene to 8 f “right” rather than a “thing” Ta ene ese, oa | Supreme Court explained that property in doi law comprehends every specie ile, inch | aie or complete eval br equitable» Heweret, (A nol eght follows ta] 8) A pesenal Tight i en object in the hands of forceable gatas a spect | ees. person/s (subject) ar not Sforceable again suse ‘quent trate with | Huonap eoleoasetin Croan mie [property under Art 4d of the New Civil Cod. le =e = ere tre fe ks Ne ke @ Analighistinied by @ A penoal fake enor tas eee he Neate thevaitofGeapecer| eel wt ale of ~ pelt ec 201, CLASSIFICATION OF RIGHTS Riser A sal ght oti) Poona eis sare be real rights (Jus in Re) and personal rights {Jus ta | guished by the destruc: destruction of the object wr [Benne 2) Rol Right the power boning peron ’ = - es L.OACO. Classification af Real Rights. specific thing, without a passive subjet Individilly determined against seam sch right may be excised” 9) Ret sights may eithor be (1) Dn Pla be powers lo enjey an to dispose ited) 2) noone Pen (he pavers t enjoy and in dispose ate separated), oe () Dowio Linas (powers to enjoy and to dispose though united Sg at 1, 06 ad in Capi, Cones frown ‘i utr E e e, 1) Thus al sights maybe: (1), OF tl! contol — Ounership and Possession, 2} OF enjoyment Fesons! Movable pmperties are not covered by the egy of propery: eee more than a yesr although woven angie Secton IB of Rule 39 ofthe Revised CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTIES IN GENERAL. ampaisieaiil erty (Arts, 415, 416, and 417), orngh ; Seen = (2) Tangible (corporeal) and Intangible fincorporeal) (ieee ater property, 0 (4) Fungible and Now-fungble proper (©) Propetty of public dominic and property of palate ownership. (6) Kes Nudie ant Res Communes 2 INIMOVABLE (REAL) AND MOVABLE (PERSONAL) PRO- Property anes provided for der the Lac Gorerameet Collen Howeven, te sence of gery uaterth al Coverament Cae Innate cx th nan a the New Chl Cade Fer oample lee equlpanen sayin proper Cauce becansieed el prey fr por ‘lone ven iy ae menses och tee the evr CG Cod. PERTIES. 20M, IMPORTANCE OF CLASSIFICATION OF IME 202 CLASSIFICATION OF IMMOVABLE PROPER: "TIES. The following ane immovable property under MOVANLE AND MOVABLE PROPERTIES, The spplicable rules are aire (1) Formas front foemalition ae egied in some cases. Exar: Donation of land mnt sna pac insirement (8) Regitrtion Tile over immovable propery, ‘Ar 415 ofthe New Chall Code Land, bung roses and consections of al lends acheed tothe so (2) Trac plants and growing fits while they are atts othe lng or form a nel pan sh aninmovable, sitet scorn Eevee atta I Boras @)_Hverything attached to an movablein Hed manner inauch aw that canot he separated Aheretnom without Deakin the: mateval oe deterioration of the object (als knowin as Rex Va 4) Storues, its, paintings or other objets foe ser orramentation, ples in bulge or 0 lands by the ewer ofthe laumovable in uh manner tht itrwveals the intention to ailac thom permanent othe nem (6) Machinery, receptacles, Inserts or imple rents intonded by the owt the fencer foran industry oF wotks which may be exit ‘nina bul orm a pte of anand which lend directly w mee! sees of the at nc tayor works, (8 Animal hows, pigeon houses, bechives, fk ponds or boeing places of stir nature in fase their owner has placed them or psn ‘tem withthe intention to have them perma nenty attached fo the lad, an forming por ‘manent pat oh animals nthe places te feel )_Fentlieracualysed ona piece of and; (8) Mines, quarsias, and slag. damp ashile_the smaller theo fms ito the st and wate ether running orstagnant G1 Docks an strctureswhich, though loating are lnenced by their nate ant oe to rematn at axed place on river lake, ar eoast and states elie, punting machinery, pans £7 and 9, At AIS) (3) Inmate by icarpritin (Cea: boilings contractions pas, 1-3, Ar 4155 and Inox by aslo (Examples: watt, eaiement pa 10, At 08, 2203.01 Bling. Yo be consider mal props ung ust bernore os lem permanent incharacter Bln that are merely superimposed ver the land anc ‘which ae meant ferimmetiatesaeor demolition are poe rama properties a) A building i a eal property sepamte fom the Irn. The owner of one bailing may Le Aire from the ener ofthe land I [property whether wes bul on rte Tana {Grn andl ehothor bul by the omen arnt Its immovable or mal property even i woe ceosarcted by assur 0: On Fes.” 2.0L. Cansteneions. Adherence of construction unde pa [may etter be mediate or immediate, en if te “onstruction Is meely esting ona plas forinzance the thing ill wel propeets™ Feng. (1) Siva jest of eecriccempaise that are merely ole on Platforms on the aed of sete azo not eonekleed al property under paragoph Tf Ar 5, 20303, Tes. Theos are real properties if they are adhered to the soil Wile anupmoted tre ie generlly tensiiened armnovable peperly when i conetihe thomatural produc ofthe lnc it dows not ees ite ‘hamactera an mmovable lil al pat ut the fone (AM) Contes for public warks, and srvitaes and eae Rela i ther eal ghts over immovable prop ‘nt Gra Ne ot ry 203. GENERAL CLASSITICATION, In gener, mmoy- oe epee a Ne 18 OOHCAL CAZETE. CAG Ne able properties may be cle! 9s fllons. (1 ft Seoemteran vtoseann rele hy ate (ps Ld mines ars. rE et i A eg Ne 2nd ArtA1}: (2) fmt iy destination emp serine RC CsCl th ?gin Cnn Ans 2.00.04 Rex Vina fp 3). Regus (1) The prope thin he ted tama mv at the property mos atch va fe manner | the fame canoe soporte fom th nme ‘out baking the eter] steer ot he Sbjct ot segue that hing aac by thence fthe femerabie to whi the propery Sah? Pa (i bouler thats cetened on thetlons Buta water pap ht atch the for ony tgh tno vole pon” 2) Unde pages 3 when hinge a mone: } tay sepa fom the mos proper, | th nant deen } replete 20305, Statues, ells, panting ete 4pat 3). Requisite {G) The propea involved must be a satu, sel, painting ov eth objects for we or ornamentation: (2) The objet wat be places in a bullding ola () The objet mmo be pled thereby the owmer ofthe tlio land anal) The abet mast be placed thre in a manner that reveals the intention tate thom permanent othe bang or land 8) Under parayrarh 4, the starots, relist. may be considered weal property even if bey {5 be separated without damage to tel or Taking fo which they are attaches 2.0. Machinery oeeptates, instruments or implements (par. 5) Requisite (1) Machinery, recep nate ‘ent or iamplestent are placed in a building oF piece ff land: @) The sme must have been placed thereby The owner ofthe butlding or the piee of tnd) The ‘ner mast have been inened bythe owner for an indus oe work; () The indy or wore nual be arn onthe amebanlding or paceed tae where Leach Hou itd Moy tens OR NOL WH oy HI PSE OnE Sie NO AEMEDIERTON ‘he machinery ai the bee we plac snd (5) The machinen;reeplace,instrumentor implement ut tend to meet ditetly the needs ot the industry or wot 4) Tx (2) Work animale ae exetucedy 2) “Machine instrument aa iperent vere bythe mee tthe tenants forte cullivaton fhe lane sine) Furie of an ina fad the furnishings and machinery ofa theater ‘machinery lest hy the fat ie 2 Machinery maybe installed by the agent ofthe foxener BUT NOT Ty the tenant trae ay other person having ony tempocary eight tnless rch persons acl aan ogent of the ‘omen Exton: The ana can be ese nagent ofthe one forinstancs ifthe contact ‘fleas provides that any machine intl! by the tenant the loxen promis shall Belong forthe ower spon the expiration ofthe ee without enmpensation= LIMIT. Docks, Docks although thes are looting arexpressy tecngaized ae immevables Thea inuds: power Bangs that are more ina bay® 213.08. Estoppel. Parsee to the contact ate estopped fon ‘lang thal an invncvabe likes balding eral the treated the same inthe contract as personal” Example: A house which i odes nels mae rudy of chattel mortgage ame. “Gipttna ‘lps hi of Sa TSSCRAB.CRN L2H Po 26 8 anger TTA PRE ign we sr of ag, Ge. hy 9} Limitation The sgseemen! o teal sl propety aspersonal does notbindinnent third persons, 2) Senator Tolentino is ofthe opinion that parties fannat by agreement eat a Imma tat which is logy movable" However the com luary view is sappored by Paytes Haak Dr Coney and tani Cu &r Paste Compan Dale Luo” account ytich partis are ‘bouna through estoppel i tae tea meals ssimmovable, PROBLEMS: Tosecre he payne Bola a ts ae alent 2 cate eto te ula he eed theca neama now bought mahiney sketch Thee, Argon es sensed asin A infants Feng and machin evel pent tay he ‘fanning on Ct Ea 0 a 2 the cht mongage sting on Chu ody with nape {Sn meiner Th hel pone oll wile ee The machinery oul be easier perond prpmty teva t dos ape tt wart sma aby On the ther hand » bull amoral ov pope by mtareunie Ac. fsef Ge Rew Cel Cade Hea ‘Gonot behest ef achat anrape Whi iwi teste ards oy ectppe hy tat linge mvs coe {mia bind ar peor i tC Hens Me Cc hve ie Faith the cncundeaes Sat transit, alo Mbt a nae ‘nh he pocsns aga ste sir Ame Ap (hardware fcr ad by NIRAMT of ‘ehh leadracamapriy che NARRAMI eee pace Inthe ware hore pled fe utr aking maior St How woo you ey he uitursnaing machey ‘pert under tbe il Co? Eni Suppo tw bit ete Salado nd NARRA- Daigo eof ete sac hal ca th property he lc et your arr He ae sw Fpl 0958 ear 8) The fatusemsing ssehiny did be soit movable oper The machinery ameter! al pet cr An (3) he News Cl Code exe ocr tales by the cone of the eaten Towne he wnt k NATBAAI» spon with oobi que inn meee Soumya nt iT my te amor al progr er Ar bonne {be deemed a hoe bey tly the owe ‘ene Sic the plo th rs ois fr ‘cut inknwn ae aude cts wry tet Teche the oer he isle mache the ee ‘hentai al cnet 8 et tea pang witha me wy be ‘dairy ithtoeys nase then ornghr anda Bh tr sed ‘ising tx mute tt be gone ewan’ home What not pope te png he ‘mthome st Bi ar ber) “Te pintingperal poy, A AS of he Ci Cae Ie we fg ee ‘moran uh ae th hint ah {ho permanente the rent arn pope nt he ptien wasnt mere ped he fbn te Reeling tn pn neta epg I onl poet vse tn tthe sti the shoets bang coms ‘Ar Ava comsnicting cont ung a bi a Beso ‘est wander sags cn wha pander ad expert ‘Bust ins. Nhat Kinde oper ante watdensedinge aan ‘Te sonden elsing pts proptis. Te vatlings ‘Suoteat bemateaey deren tg oe alge Sern lear ly rr ie er bg dae Te tang em Beam - FanArt joer te Ci Co Peer hi iy tah ack 20101. Tess to: Determine if Property fs Movable. Tl 204, MOVABLEPROFERTTES. The following ame person aor miovablepropenties= (A) Those movables susceptible of appropriation | ‘which aenot ecules in the preceding alice: {@)_ Real property which by any special provision of nw i ansideved as personal property same fgeoing crops under the Chattel Macigage Fay: @) Fores of natore which are brought under ‘canto by scence (Exnmple electri and gash (8) tn general all things which ean be transported from place to place without impairment of the ‘eal property which they ate fixed () Obligations and actions which have for their bjt movableror demandable sun and © Shares of stock of aprculturl, commercial and industria entities, although they may have eal primary tet ale the Test by Exclusion whic ‘oniemplated under paragraph (I) of Ar. 416 — to determine f the property aluded in enumeration te Art 41, IF the property fe inclnded in Art 413, the property i eal an ifthe property b not one of ‘host enumerated under Act then the papery peronal or movalte. 8) Another ts a the Test by Description under ‘which a property s considered personal i, by itsnatureteanbemove from plceto place and can be Yemoved fram the real property without lenplement ef the real property Foe, the Testy Exeusion isthe more SUPERIOR test 2.0402. Shates. Shares of patcipation in an enterprise ane Intangibles and should be distinguished fun the crtetes or documents that rpuesent the The ART PRORERTY AND MODES OF ACUMEN QweRsi Interest of the sharholder in the properties of te ‘corporation stmerelylnchcat. This the reason why ‘shakes themssves are personal prpezties ever i the comport that eto Hoehne prope 2O0LIS, “Muebtes” oF furniture” They shall not be deemed to ince inoney, crits, commercial seers, stocis and ‘bonds, jewelry, scentiie or artic collections books, incase thing, horses aiges and dele accmscre, grains, ligeide and ‘aichandlse of othr things which do nt have 3 thie principal obj the fuming oe oonethenting ‘of «bring, exept hers fon the notes of the lave orth individual declaration the contrary clearly spaces 220404. Consumable and Non-Consuanable. Movabies that fave consurnable ae those Bhat connote wel im a banner appropriate to thei narore without thelr being consinat: non-consuimables belong all The thers Eunice Klee ls eansumable because it anaat he used acconling as nate without being consumed, A stoue is nec-eomaimable Beesuse fan he wed aosnding £9 8 matte without Beng conse 4) Fangible Things The terms "Consomable” and “Hungible” are romtines ned interchangosly However, Bungle” ae thoee properties hat oot be coplaed by snailer property of the fame ind quantity and gual, Owe unit of ‘he property suite toc deemed fob the equivalent of and replaceable with anther luni of the same kind, qa and quality. The Fungibiity of property isa question of invent of the pares" he tezm *Nonungbles” I as the opposite of angie. Bamps CHA sack of ‘gv ote particular kind and gunity hinge Jnoems tis equivalent {aan ean be nea) Stunt bry another sack of ice of the same kind ana ‘quality (2 The ablation to deliver the pote that is hanging int mpeciic room involves 2 portage ding, 13. PROPERTY IN RELATION TO THE PERSON TO WHOM IT BELONGS. Proporty maybe: (1) OF private ownership: or @) fpublie Domiion 301 30 sen 42) Prosumption- fit cimot be determined Hf the iroperty i of private emnership or of pele mini, the property is presumed to be ‘t public domo. Reason: The. Regalan ‘Bodine under which “al lands of the public ‘domain pertain tothe State an the ater the foundation any aecerted right to ownership inland. According the Sate presutably cvs All ands not otherwise appearing 0 e Healy Ssthin private ownership = PROPERTIES: OF PRIVATE OWNERSHIP. These inelude: 0] Patrinonial Property: and (2) Pi longing te private persons, either individually or collectively 8) Foreigners are nat allowed to become owners of lands except-lf the acquisition itr Aerostar suceoion PROPERTY OF ‘PUBLIC DOMINION OF THE STATE. Kinds. (1), Tor Public Use (Exaies: roads, canal, rivers torent, ports and bridges constructed by the ‘State, ans, shores, oadsteads) (2) Fur Public Service (Eumples: government ‘ies) [ART —EROPRRTYAND MOMS ACER OWSFISIIP am. sume. (8) For the Development ofthe National Weal (Ese Fost and) [Nature-of Public-Dominion. the ownetship of property of public dominion i a special vuilecsve Sovnerhip at sides yn cl top fr general Sov md enjoyment» Stay spesbing the property ‘not owned by the Sate bi potans 0 the Sa ‘which, a terri) sworn everson cela Jul pueogatives over rach property” 1) Peaseat Use, the present aa se i nt the stile determining factor, Ths, fo public use tr for public servis, the propery mains to bre property of poblie conan even i 01 ‘ing actualy ss ssc te meante, For ‘sep, # patel of land tht supposed tobe 2 pul park fs consisted propery of pale ‘dominio evn if sil eannot Be wed sch inthe meantime, 8) Collection of Fees Not-Detemiative. The cailetion of toll-and_olher fees doce ot ‘convert the property of public douiion int Datzimunial properties, Eromple: airport lands a butlngs ae properties ot public dminion land the erection of terminal feos for thee tse ‘dose not ake then: private propertien™ characteristics 2 Propeity of public dossinion outside th com rors of aad hence (0) congo be alienated or eased or horse bre the subject malir of contac; (2) cant be acquit by prescription again the tate (9) isnot subject toattachment or executions ston Ai Arty Cow Apa, GH No 586 ay | ‘rary moriey xO MEEISOF ACauMCOWREAED 15 t 7 ©) NOTTThe orm “river ea compe ‘te term that inclodes the flowing ements (1) the running watery, (2 ‘the bed and Q) the bans Article 70) ofthe Law of Waters of Auge, T8565 ‘whic fl he applicable w= pr ide thot the nara bed wr eae be crek or veri the youn em fed by is waters ding the highest Fook" (@) Banks — Anice 73 ofthe Spanish Lave [Water oF August 3,186 provides that unl of 9 iver” are nesiand to be ‘thaw eeal trips zones oft which fare washedby thesream any during sich figh Hoods af do noteanse inansations (6) Bay and ther portions of the navigable ste a kere propery of pe (2) exempt fom el esta tax and ane exempl from sale st pabeeucion and (8) cannot be burdened by any voluntary 1) Cannot be Registered, A propery of pli Gomirion cannot be reseed onder te and Segitton law and Bethea of Tones ete ADIN. Property forpubticnse Iheseproectie angel pen athe paket eg ue cy nace ‘eyoltons they can be used snderininaely bythe {bic m accordance wilh thir rues er purpose {The meat this property “is noted tpretoped indica, bo on othe defeat publ” ©) Examples of Popetis for Public Use: Roads — It inn way cotablsed ond ; _xlpte by proper ature forthe we the general public and over which very vot 9 ig to pss or purpss icael er tatepontion whch ts scp onc dew” (2) Canals—Ie ean sia waterway and {or navigation drainage sn ation of han The cass cememplai se hose constructed by the State (9) Rivers — A natu sar of wate, of fest volume than ¢ ccck or rival fowring a me o es permanent bed fr channel Petwoen dein bans oe cy witha euet wtich nay aie be ‘eitnses in one seeton orale By eatin fowolthetde:” (Shores — 1 is wncersood a that epace fevered ant uncer ty the muvement ff th dino or ters ie ‘he line reached by the hight equinrtal des. Where the ties are ol appreciate, thethorebegine onthe lant eget th in reached by the sea ding ondiaary aloes fortempest (©) Tortenis — 4 fast, yoluminous or vilent stream of water (8) Ports — A place, ether cn the seacoast of tena iver there ships stp firth purser ang ard urlonding carga ft he ory aan a “roa Sth nina te a es of We ag poe of taking om oF letting passen- Fer tom whenceto depart cx haze they Za thas voyager The em "por $9 hice spon (9) Greck — It is recess of aut extending ‘nor svur ant parslpating in the a> and low oF he sen (QU) Lake — A body of fresh wate fou in depressions ofthe earth, Onin oh ‘patercomes rom rivers, brook oF epegs anc comncced ith Ue ea by therm (01) Lake Bed — This, propery_of public dominio ines the ft ofthe Laguna eBay" The lake maine a property of public dominion even if portinn there oes not have any water in te mest. ‘he lake bed cancer Atl. 74 of he Law of ‘tess of Iss» which defines the extent of a lke bed as "the ground eovered hy Aste waters chen a thvirhighestondinay Heri (22) Lagoon — A rma ake erdinaiy of fin water and not very dep, fat by Hoods, the hollow bed of which fe hour by vations olan (48) Foreshore Ind has been dain “at partof the ltd which between Nigh and Tow uater Tet diy by the fw ant neh Seed po tyson ahs 6.2807 on Cin deat J SL 8, ng egg a ans ‘ofthe ses” anel a “sep and between the igh and lve waler marks and that allematively wet and dry according the Ble of thei (04) Dred-up River Bed or Crock Bea — they ae properties of pubic dominion under ‘Aue 151) aoe {0} of the New Ci Code." 3.205. Propeny’of pubtic dominion for publi serve. — ‘This puopecy isnot open for wseby epublica lange bas generiy mas for authori petrons on Example goverment offeee an aiary camps 302.0, Properties of public dominion fo the development of national wealth, — These include forest lnc fe Umber land, miner] lads one other nara SURU7. Conversion. An abundonment of intention to use property fr public service makes property of pic ominion into patrimonia property under Ar 42206 the Cul Cade. HOWEVER, the abandonment ss bedeie and must be madeby theautherzed person rent 8) Who" Makes the Conversion, Non-use does not immediately convert a properly of pubic ‘nine itn patrmonil penpety Conversion teas done (I generally by Congreso) by ‘he Present through Presidential Frolamation ineases authorized by aw (Q}- Sections 2nd, A tof theConstitaton dele that all nofural resources an asi ae See mg ee tae Se hc ‘vwned by the State and they cannot be senate excep! for alan ogricutral lands of the pubic domain, Gow ef the States natural resoancer ans Ln of pubic domain whi inelade scimeal fond “[rfhone canst be alae or president proclamation offclly castying. mse 2ecloimed lds os alenable wr dijonale and open to cisperition ae eurcession = 1) Acquistive prescription Is oly eb alien ble nl disposable an ancespressytlred by he Sate to be ro longer inte for pubic service or for the development ofthe national went that the Tana ete seed ough gulvive prseipaon” 1) "Therockoning forthe period of possesion lor purposes oF pesptn is Uw sts pusesonotthe property anditissufisen foc te propenty Sought to be replete be already alienable and dispel tthe time ofthe appliation for rgitation of tile filed Coven ifitwas nota the ive the tart posession, ingshed from Political Law Concepts. the (hui ta closet of properties ote at to [rupert of public aminen end palrinonal poe fey should be cicngtahe fur es Poe ssifeation of propestinc he sate inn preps ; eld inthe Sat'ssoveretga capacity ae Po ‘Setar capacity Ths here cane properties tae in iv ta can be eosin patanenal propery othe Stat that a casera propeny ed soveeg capacity ofthe Sate for Cape ae rath i patel property the Sue Che sepatcatee Hate "hoi ine Kn. Na 8047 ne. PART mone AND YOO ACQUIING FPN Law although its el ns sweep enpacity for sosermetalftions 383. PROPERTY OF PROVINCES, CITIES AND MU Nicraumis, ‘30801, ‘Kinds. The propesties of local goverment units 01 uri corporations ane divide a (1) Propecty for publicse— sonst of roads sets, squat ouains, public story omens aril public wore or public service paid fry the unitsconcerea (2) Pottimenial Property — all ther property Possessed by" ulnlepal corporations Sra proj poss a ape 2) Limited to Public Use- Only properties for p> Tiews are propetios pie damien oes sgovuminent Units under the New Cll Cade: “Ther isn clsifcatanof properties nt pop erties or public orice Feresampi they poe tain io local gaverement nits shel bugs fare deemed putinenia properties under the Gril Code although te aloe public seve ‘they pertain tothe State), HOWEVER, ene it the properties are considered patria tse popes cannes alan be disposed without the consent of Congress hace the Civil Law am ‘opis is waht to re tht Congas conte properties that are Eng fel bythe local pow, ‘cent uni ints governs expeiy 0 I of Zang 2 of Zaming the Supreme CCoutt eagerly sted tha it ts not inlined to hold that municipal peoperty held art devoted to public servis he same eategoryasondinay private properly ‘he cassisticn of municipal property devoted lor dninctly government pote os pic should preva over Uk re Caden thc prc cae 4. OWNERSHIP. 1s the right to enjoy dispose, and cover a ‘hing withoot father lintotions than theme etal yw ‘or the will ofthe owner In ane ease, it war defined os se indepencent and genezl power of a penon ver» thing for pes ogrize by and win hs ime ese , so. sou. ou, gh tndaded in Cor Consaguences of Owner ‘shi = ight to enjoy. This incudes the sight: a) toposes us pssien By ware as ae ©) tothe rus fu fend and acosions, 4) wedudeothens Right to spose (us diponendihThis inches the sight a) to detey orabuse (ur abut ») twolienae, © tutransfor 4) toencumber Foie mextgagel Right Recover {js abulcaedie This covers the right to le he illowing cases: 19) Real Property: (0) Arion unto or Eectment; (0) Fable entry Getta) — the de ferant's poseion ofthe property isegl ab tin once Ena ana PN RGeERN OOTENSEIRANDASSHDDBENEENS ©) Walawhul detainer tdsineio) — where the defendant's, possesion frat orginally nial But ceased fo Tees ty the expt i is ight poses, (2) Avion Paicins — a plenae’ ation for recovery of the right posts and whie ‘Should be heht in the proper reponal ealcount whem the disparate has listed formonethan one yer (0) Avie eon or acion de eon ‘cine — eernvey of posnession aed ‘yrmeship and includes hea uo aa Uh fact Requisite Identity of prepastys an 4) Ovneship NOTES Proof of ownership indus Toorene Tie, Tox Deslaration by Hcl hat pmol of exenershiy les coped thih other decurnstances, 1) Pessoal Property: Kepivia, 4.02 Diskingniahed from Possession, Ownership exits sehen 2 hig pertaining hone person is competes ubjected tos wllinamannsrnot prohibited by Tae find vansistent wth Oe rights of ethers Oenership afer cera rights to the ose one of which fe the right to possess, On the other hand, prsession etn as te ling ofa thing oF the engyment ‘of aighttalerly to pores means 0 aetalty and Phys occupy’ thing with ce without igh 440201, Powetson part of ownership. If 2 corti ompetntjuseletion declged tnt a pot i the cwororolapropertitfllows hat heownerieentiled te porsesont the delivery uf pasion fs nctuded= ‘Thecourt can onter te delivery of possesion of the properly to the owner by wit of exertion even if TER nna {P40 = IMUPERY MP gCORSO ACCES ONEASY—) the dispesitive portion merely declares the party as aus, SeLestr erpnens fn ouuest io eetrat ean ae AUD01. Requisite. Sethe e based un the principle of ©) “ees” ot atts of ownership, nsuding possesion, fe exppled evnes dleerse, the scope of which i eimingl Iai alo texted tis ase» The REQUISUTES aze= 4 Charterites of Ownership (1) Theremusta acta testre psi! (1) latic — The power/s ofan owner may be haematite - refusal that cute ssoene . eat tpn the ation he ting ©) Reasonsble rein neon 2) Goveral — The right w» make use af all the ©) The fore 6 exer by the owner o poi ort ofthe tng ened nce lal pone diese sued fe ete) Heke iets (6) There day in eon 0) When Fore Can Be Buses, Foce cn oh (2) Perpetual — Ownership ats a tong a8 he wh i {hing ent fut be exingued by nea Sete atte when penn ts ‘herb only by adverse poses te mest ater acta seposecson, it (6) npendnce ~ Weide without neasaty oF er oes sean aah a be ne ee Example: The usurper’s possession ix not yet Y Diiains — Than carves te ananetat complete because they are in the act of building Soret ies fine Tee ear ie Oe ‘ise ch ana tht coil foe nose owen thw only ances [Ni cea entice 401 Lavtations of Ovneshipe iwi he eer to hop the ava even by (0) Specie initatins imped by Tas tons of bolo bec ey sed fe (2) Genera imitations imposed through the Ine the owner's resume appeal rent power the Sate pbc pe, endnent 405, RIGHT-T0 ENCLOSE. — The nner can excl losin sao aber erectinglenasin thebeats 6 (© Linton imposed bythe graior or Tene Into ie those Brough bt by essere eee Pe eee te epee IE a) Examples: (1 1 theres. easement, the owner sae amet oehy nal 7 of a building can erecta fence even if his (©) nsens inton ing om ens wis -nghboes ase the poopy fx pasage his ia other Rights — Esanple: confit with rghis of asc zc aur nora) The ovener of ‘nighbor or poi SSipond in abwaye under yous ovapet (©) Liosations impos by the Owner hist — the aattoryemsoment of wats charged up Tangle Resta imposed eave crack his propety and had no GH 1 le te Go ayn nd Kt: Pe, An Pista WL. | roger Mei CASE Ne a 72 pessage and outlet of te waters Hting from theland and the ake." PT ROTEL ANP ANDES 4.0801. Limitations: (1) Reasonable requirements of sil _nvigaion (2) Limitations imposed under the Rega an Docs and ming aw om, SICUTPRETUOUTALIENIMNON LALDAS the ‘owner ofa thing cant take ime tae in sah 2) Th ied Undone may cre, fe Stuaoer a oj the igh of ath pes cect of ovmeship and pomniln fe Ratbone Te tet tose the aia ono proper nth vet he ater reese the elder ot prope Exp CTs owner iiRineal ands been vel properties a ‘cannot allow a pond in his property to overflow to ‘haractestcaly indiviable. Foe the lose st the dango a nhs) The me fg ected one pecan sae {sical farm wat totaal Comper unde tering Laws (prejudice of the commurity.* appropriate expropriation proceedings. 4m DOCTRINE OF STATE. OF NECHSSHEY Om IN- ; 410902 fate. he andre righ xe sc gh COMPLETE PRIUTLEGE Ax. fe dep whee pons hr thon obin 2) eguiker: Lone seth sgh teow belo eye a bis otngaaied Propet allowed ithe owing coe) Eeyore ites eve wou be oon itt Mitel necesry taunt Snr poet y t= fi thenned damage nl the ang 0 BUR Natineechpiiaarite Sie ‘other isch grater than damage ft Gitta Ne omer Aint Se Se rover terete wat Enmple ear of ope ae ieee tee es ee ae eee ret ‘Rewnllbengs he eso thy aoe Same on ‘depths. Under this rule, the owner of the land srt te ie ft onl of 1) Data fe ete ar pst damages ‘ccwmton, pn and ees ace. nay bedemand ny the mnt propery ter Oda athe et ine Intertered with from the party benefited. between te sutiace ofthe land and the celer of 0, SURIACE AND SUD-SURIACE RIGHT (45 tbe cath blog fo the owner oF tem The owner oF land i entitle to exrsae Hight shestae, the space ahowe stand thes face 2) Andivisible The ght ove the surface and the ssloterainoreni fone’ eperty adv uble hic old ae NO TONGER being followed in this aration os wel as other jurichoms >) Examples (0) In Nato! Pane Carnation Lent. Brahim ef si te Supreme Cost roles pe tae ea aly {Sop [WP mer tc ee a ver oe selec "ph Cnet pp eR 76 Nese 68 ‘Roma rp wt pa eR ee ot 28 ‘Neto eet ann: on cs fa 1008 at the urement sane to we sed are ston eng Tinie pein ws pope ond ur go compton Tanne as cnet span rt ti tat ahead at hat Felton ony acorior te mivtvan eon tery et meso Ec en eee al comp finer lng Tsien oem west fe cra peel Fn the ner ron (2) Take Conon Ea ied te Cornet ae tty he sae ope fan ‘craton and hemo the secundaria ud at nd snl De ed soya tent IMpOEN TREASURE, Tors odes Tart purge oh an hen doen ae Perey rain oie eniou op tov oonestp ich separ Genera Rat Hien ts sings 10 SARUM tig oe or popes be Peseaen his a 2) eet: hn Sner ent te wm: he dv mty ONETALE G73o inde ented oe aber /2 pra oor {0 Dhcovery was made an be ppt of rote oot ats oro pte Ratio fumuettn 0 Na ee Sepa nen par Te Me Yani Fone AND NOES ACQLTENG OMAR a ©) The bring was made by chance (or by she of nd lack asforexample one who Tooke for hidden treiuns en the property of anche with th ner’ pormision (9) Thetinderisneta cone ofthe property where found snd (2) Thosinder once tespsiser by No known osener tis nscesory thar mo knows fener appeams, “Hence hat money loud in Hira, When the books were diver tothe legates ina tstamentary proceeding, could nt bbe considead a magure Boenss ae shone ‘hutthe Worry hod been use te test a "hat mana cursed: nygeatr as of te kind Inveetca during he ite of hereon” 1 Special Rules (1) 1 the ders arsed Linder the aloha comnty c te conpgal prlership stn, his shoe tangs the Community, Q) Ht ihe Bnd is am age or Employ of he andawee Re eae 12 Shs incon ae uch ot oak ees tenet ny ink 3 oa he Kn occur In te caf igeig) But he le NO end fs ton na ie al poco lok for bw, The tse shed on 2 seanger He Bs Feta othe pay atthe ote 8) Theatre Hunting, In the case uf tosoure Inuntng in both government ane privat lnc pets be secre fom the Depactine ff Envitonment and Natural Resources DENK} The esception pertains permite to oe the: haat “exclave of mati of etural bind historical wales” which shal he under the National Mau RULES AS TO SHARING: "The sharing of the NEF PROCBEDS of the scored tarsal be ag oles (0) For Tins Hunting within Pe Land, 273% to the government and 295 to the Pesmi Hele ©) For beasie Hueting within Public Land, 0% to Uae goverment and 70, Ine ohare by he Peat Helder and he Landowner: and 9) For Shipwreck Sunken Vase Recovery, [0s tothe povernenent and SD to the Ponmit Holder" PROBLEMS: ker ip th den tame rd i th and of A {ever foprtyandeoaace encanto nthe ‘tec co fn n Bene tes? pln C806 esa) ‘AP Yeu whois ra naps nay be ete oneal 2) eeting tet he cg om ed Sham Altos ts "yan waa iy Spinonwaralvuned bys mney ete Co Coma nich {Tt Cr Coe tat wok aby ce” ae irc scan toe aby od ck ens ty do mt poche er wo puro ht foe Hiden moa In howe a at thee wa acer of unesin {i dvorery Eee tee mos cy no sare at 3 Soul find stare on thd 8 2. etheonner fa pc find whew dda trees es folie baal Yonge one a-dave wed ct Iie Thora nar gven pein 9 ne the sme ta. Pn pearenr Bane aNDISANTOIESTIONS drome nm raat et Segoe Gata oe tse Xe ak se Mite tena eso auaeeay Si! Soldblaneieitatieyncepate eben rua eee ei lars etic caucnctncs pee eiemae wet seer eirendirpmtnada ceca cima animes tase rie ed eae ear ea eees Sete ee nee Reever eee Se ee a aoe Saami oe ow eli te oy se pr jee Vint wea beets Sie cee Mie pede jer ae kes '5. ACCESSION. I svt by witue of whieh the owner of {hing Beaenes the owner of everything thatthe thing may produce or which may be isepaciby united or incorparted Aro, either naturalty orate” 2) Across emits made aquising omer itisan ATTRIBUTE ofovmenhip Sol KINDS. A) Arcsin dre othe fits of the Mig — “everything procuce by the property 1) Astsson nti —incorpend orattachea to tse prncipal ing SSO, Accession Discre, 2) ee (0) Natura rite — spontaneous procs of these and fhe eng and oie products of alma, Examplr Suceoga call puppy ‘vlesmesiooms, unculisate grss Sa axee is asnnwig once Le yes raceme axowonesov acqomncowERsY 2} Wo the owner of a thing belongs the extension or increase of such thing (6) Bad fith of one porty neutralizes the kad ‘sith ofthe othe (©) Indurtrst fits — thoee produced by Jans of any kind through culation or Isbor Exes cultivated vegetables, ©) Goo frsits — rents oF buildings, price of Jeases lands an thesmountofperpetal (4) ‘There should be oo unjust enrichment at lle snnsities or other ipa eon o i theexpenseof others 1) Theigeera is tha the owner ofthe pen (6) Bo ith eats in ably for damage: cipal thkewise own the natura, industrials and {ul frat By ay of exception he frat pe {hin to) Poevesion of psooar In good faith (2) Usuractary) Tewee of ual land Pee wo can apply tothe db (5 [Anlchetic ecto 30102, Accession Continua is the ight peraining 10 the ‘ner ofa thing over everything Of incorprated for attached thecto either natraly or tfc by extemal fore. The diferent hinds of sereicn inti ae a fellows: 10) Accession Contin with respect to zeal pro- (6) Aewsnory fallen the principl: () Accesionexsts only i thelncomoraton’s Such hatseparation would etherseriowsy omage the ting or diminich value 502, INDUSERIAL ACCESSION. lndszia) accession ‘with spelt mal propesty includes anything tha is bul planted cr sven on the lan 8) allng asin xa gamer rm forall archi= tertura worke wth ma bul forthe purpore fbning end as man dwelling or fo ofr, lob, Cheater of, Manresa citnguished hore Dulldings sehich ane important and thos ef can seanent of thee smal eave vale emain (0) Accesso dus) — bung, planting ce posed Starr tai nlegt x sowing ‘sot inciaded in the ter balling" 2} Accession. tira! — alkaium, asin, ‘ange of river cour, ad formation af SIRO, Septet oe Pepductin, Citing and Seserra: tiem, Ale 143 of the Nev Civil Cede provides that ans Ihe who receives the fruits has the obligation to pay 1B) Accession Continua seth respect to personal the expenses mide by a thied peso in thule prodoe- ropes tion, gathering an! preservation Thin le applies te ‘possessor inbad faith where as ower of tho and Jats scesded in rooering the lan afer the se ‘possessor in bad faith has harvested the cop planted thereon. The possess in bad uth must en over to theewener what he produced and gathered but the ‘ner must reimburse ofthe amounts fe spent for procition,gehering and preservation. 1) Adjunetio ce conjuction: @) Commivton or contusion 2) Specification ©) Basie Principow sonceesing. Accrssion Conti- (0) He who is in good faith may be hed ss ponaibe ft wil not be penalize (aby i for damages) a wp Crt i (0) Thisprovsion DOES NOT appli the possessor RULES | snl ath hs na er gather Ue ras en the owner recovered te nd Ts Ar 49 that TARDOWNER() WHOS TIE OWNER OF TIE MATERIALS Spree the ponesor as not yet gies SUILDER PLANTER SOW om ihe tt before the roeneny bythe over of GES) tne lan The pores les what ho plat RSTCASE vont nce ont ai Good ait {2) ‘The owner connote his sigan o py hs 10 shal fom the aght to]. TheOMhatherght me under A. 45 the soning cops ave Det rite baling tear ping | mune mar ith ‘Geraged by Suttons event and the ene Indes foevshie of mate | hry towers o wht tars maybe lee han te expen. alee aimee Fg deem 9 Ifthe owner allows the possessor in bad faith to finiah the cultivation and gaer and to [sppeupsate the Iris for hinwell (poseesan, 2. Recee Indemnity for ‘tie af materia thrower shal have no ligation topay under RONDA AH Bas Fs 00d Faith __| 30202, Rales:ifthe landowner: himpelf the buides, he ight a anpine ema] 1. Remnne ates In any planter-cr-anwer and be.aved the materials of ster paying vale of maton] even. Soother. () The landowner i in good faith at the time he ttc indemty for dames set to the pera ight wf|2 Be indemnified for dar used the materials he believed that he owns the cakeosaenors. ages. Eaeanh iat ae eae of tae THIRD case Misti ove th el He hd ath lee aii aa Benet mala be Feet Acquire the rataials Wheat] Lose he materials without gt thea in his tie over the materiale yng inden toe nome, my i. FOUR CASE (2) the nner of he mae sik god tah i ee a he was not aware tha the landowner wed his materials orithe as aware thereat, he asserted Iie ight or objected 1 the ue of the mates The wwser ofthe material en bad fith ithe sae aware thathis material were Being sed bat heck not object, ‘Apple priciest he bad nth of one party meataaas Uw Uh ih fe other party: hone, bots chal be comer ving ated pd ah 50240% Rules fa person «Builder Planter or Sower or [BY or 8) buds, plants or sows ona ft of anoter 2) Beller, Planter Sower A bullet planter or ower ingood faith irone whos aware ofthe foro defect is his it, He believes or thinks er rnovngny AND Won ACCUIRNITONO Is e rym ow creas a thot be is the-owner and asserts ownership. (Contrary he sin ad ath he acted koi, {hat he ie ool the owner of the ec ane tenowing that thon slaw ins files (1) Not-applieabte Af BPS 4s real owne Aaile 18, of the Cail Code efor 10 pee of land whos owner is lame by nwo a more ports, one of ham fas Dut some works (or sown or planted something) and not to a case where the ‘owner ofthe ands the bute sores or planter who then later loves onenership of fhe kind by sole or ceri for elseso tated, “where the trie owner himsele ‘he builder of works on his own land, the src of gown faith oh faith i ertely jnlevan"™ asessor was not 2 possessor in the Eoncep ofan owner when he esc as 3 cower, ut only case othe SPECIAL circumstances in he mid cases In Ded Compo e Abs, Art 48 we applied to one whore hoe — de fpite having been bul af the time fe wear ail coxowner — avetlapped th the land ef acter In Saroto-m: Agr, the builders ‘re foun 1 bm good ttc pite thei reliance the consent nether, seo they hos mistakenly Talloved to bet own othe land (Gi) tn Sponces Macatwet »Sjouns, ‘Mace Ant 448 was appied net ‘withstanding she toc thatthe Bul fess thewin knew they were noe the ‘vets of the land. Ion cae, the parents whom! he land allowed these sen and his wife to bul hie residence and business thereon. As found by the Cou, their occupation ‘os not by meee tolerance bat upon the lwtaion wf and wilh the con plete approval of their pants) v0 Siesied that their children would eeupy the premise seer fon Familial we and dese fr fy solidi 9) InGormmaities Cage Ta. Sper Nah AN 48 wae applied cause sulbvision developer had given the buyer ofa subdivision low peers to femence asl undertak The stor Stason of a building. The Court (2) ‘Co-owner — Arti 448 of the Ci Code canna apply where a co-owner buds, oF wows on the land cd in Eman for then he ed ot bu pant tort ap land dt excusiely Belong to another but of ich he 9 eoewmer The co-owner nna atid pes under he Seve sd Cor ata overeat ul of coownenti (0) Lessee, Usaractuary or Tstee— Arie {Gi sun not applicable i the bude Planter or sover fea ean, ufrocy be trstee who tecognizes that another person isthe ane ( €xceptons: There are exception cases then the Supreme Coat appt Ar {8 in clot by slog) although the aol a YC Apes ae GN -0, e EE Renee SA BROrI ona AnD MS EPACATIONS (8). The owner ofthe land on which anything fasten bal plate row in Bad Flt ‘may demand the demotion of the work, ‘oral the planting or sowing be moved, fn order to replace thie in their foro alton al the expense athe pein io bral plane or seed: ore may compe the telder or panier to pay the priae of the and and te soe the proper ent alo decane thatthe presumption of spo Taha not eat By Landowner A landnenee fin good ft be sot aware thot smnetdy «balding panting for sowing ols lander if ho was aware he tijcted or did what 6 teqsonable under the fireumstaneas fo prevent the builder, plate forsee fom snvacling his pepe. He sin tra faith i he wa aor othe actions ofthe biker, planter wr mer ond he did ot abject TANDOWNER(LO) | BUILDER, PLANTER, SOWTR thet ANT ©) Rales when the-tand ts claimed: by two ie = Parties: @) The Landownes, and 42) Builites, aac Planter, Sower Arts. ab $49, 450. wea —_ (0) The owner ofthe land on which anything on Fite a thos been bull, sown or planed in pod LO her the gon t= faith, shall have the sight to appropriate ac his own the works, sowing o panting ‘ter payment of the indemnity provided for in Arta, 546 and 588, orto oblige the ‘one who boil planted to pay the pice fof the and, and the ene who sowed the Froper tent. However, thecbullder or ‘lamer cannot be obliged tw buy the land {ate wale celery more shan that ff the bling oe tres, such eae, he ‘Shall pay reasonable ret the owner of theland des tot coo to appropiate the bullding oe tues attr proper inderni: 1. ge theland to BP or col ect rat from unas Ue vate ofthe nd onsidertly greater fan bulldog cles In Srl cas, B shal pay etude the tems fea by thepaais or 2 segue improvements | Incase 10 esercaen (2), 1 fas he Sor paying indemy | righteous untindonsty spd svhich ald elther | ral cannot be regi tp et ae begralica cei, provements The partis shall ager upon the terms oF the teaee and in cate of agreement, the nczase in he vale ‘outta x the ern then ofthe whole NOTES: (1) The cholo be longs. to. the landowner 2) However, the balder or Planter in goed faith can (2) He who bulls, plants or sons av ba faith on the Ina uf anther, lees what Js bull sow velo gh ARI pnoraRTY AND MOISO ACQUINGOWNERSIMP 37 ‘compel the landowner (too ease = ] oe tmattoee me Pectin Sea tps Torco Ne 1 10 wt indo BS] 1, Rte aglaw wnowe Oe Sn compel hee {ar be. inpmverans |" dnpecnemcl anyon onal SS ig ely nips damage | teow a bang a pant +2. Cannot compel BPS to & stconDeae Yi Sin toast ft Fat B voumieae | 4 T oie 1 ie & pom wl sea at atte ae Tn ee a 2 Sica snc thigh ohn pond aia provements thon paving indemnity |2. Rear nossa expenses for rca damaga | prseevatom ind os 3. Phy dpe to saevte and et [ NOTE: The sight ofthe oxmer of ‘Eetonoeeror | Oe inal sore Genes ee OF | io into any prov & et demotion of] Cri a othe Chl Code oT met | gh A 31 dsl liorate 4» Krmer contin | th ba or damages the Cou snsotos samon | eed tt shod scaly 2 fy mS moma rep ith ale hat peran | prperias tot or Syed ate nig full othececpation na a 6 ‘tel ote ae atl inst eal fom thse proper tt the owner of tela anaiy et pose to bta™ Spe tn Hn Cnet Ne HS Sete sisreanondusnn Spe UGH No Wi er 24 00 5104, Rulesif THREE personsare involved (1) Landowner 3, ) Bailder, Planter or Sewer (@, 5, oF 8). and 6) Ovinerafthomatevals—The,SorP bul panies ‘ork soa an the lato Leg the mater oS r urs om A ERETCAT oui Fee Good Faith Got Fst 2 aequirerentae Aapirsthein [1 Rigotwier 1, Collet yhwer prorementsater_ | tan unt pay- | rates pt yma fin rmentot inde: | Fae om BPS emmutytonts | ty fornas | and aidan fndbwsubsidi- | Sry and usta | Gem LO for iy fabieto OM Gor] expeanes mers inalvent sllthelandto 2. Pamariy able [2. Remove mater Brexeptitie | topayvatue | aon he value eon | ofmateialnto | San widut ine SMeably nom | OM iy toms A exticar cana AND AEGON ee aes fm stan [naa Sich cao | tee | ee 1, seem | Sacta| ton paste |F iereuee | ees cand pay in oor ‘right toindem= “remove mati. bi) Sell to BP jee 1. No action Bently against LO and ae D. -ROURTH CASE x niin justine |i Race saaoer | meee | Ree soaus ae ie susraon [nasa cd ip rer ae ry 2 es aa te see | trland pe | pdt sly om LO es, oe nani coi ae mak T Acie tei] Gi eee | pee | ome es = ose nn more 48D MOOISOF ACUMINGCHENESI a . SCN Nee eg aS Se 2 aay ati [Pa vtueot Cal daw anon ‘Sexton mate | aia a = Bad Fie Cov Path Bod Faith mm Aspe nro]. indonniy for] Ne inderay 2m tae | 8 RTs spine fndgeyindemiys | Samoyed hectare Seite ‘noon ep cr inna score Sone BPS unlstthelaer |* Hemowelin eb ore fae dciistormave | Pewee brent tS ayes SVEN CASE iin at ood ats Gobi Faiths are ae J. Ain the owiner of 2 prove of mango tees, some ofthe branches of Opn Recwras |1. Call ae SRST ‘a, acquire with: eo pecape ad al) Does 8 have the right to gather the marge fruits on the ae primary orn Iran ead mohshenn Geese ‘deny ant iS ib dom. 1) tthe an con ease 3 qu ato A a coms de sags ore ‘oui nes baba ey S “ely hom Strahan ne esp yes Sia da ec sanaaghe atten sent to ane al oe Ss Wak you ne ii id ting ot thepedig bce Bhcleat a ass ets oo wicipowindatsn theta eat te demo Ie rap an Sect 8 rnin ha ond fe tae Are Sl eo tages ets fa ye ly ae op 2 taymemagyer [2 Lm impo [2 mone mae ‘ect od agente peewee” |" memethar | abieayercat 2) Sesh i dara fm re le Cd a Soeancar tate | Sguatimme | Strvataes Sipe ear etc Suid ie | Sivan” | mal oreihahasegeme nono pleat corre aoe tne Titi fave gn atin Sct os a cay mop er ey Pte ioe istic teat ? st Yee ny: anewer would be dierent. Article G80 of the Crit tay dampsto Enaponts Se Piet eat is west prne nt wae es i ayia econ Sf csvomn ia poy Pees Ss ee mllteltin supe 2 ped vin 6 ef igo LN diag Ringo fan uanopstned ines Noh G9 3h vad a 8500 behing 107 and een BE thtledan infos the pret np of conan, ‘enersn th and dhe ig? 8 Br Ena) rl ight over he ig nd he a Expand fat wb ume he ath apn Xa Piers eles 1 in yon ath sneha Soaks Pus ono Hews Ame 80 Be ee Co Ce pps: Arik pide he nee bes De ar ttt Ed on whch aun to eo el, pla som at un fa scr to npg a: hs tn vis, ot rr pment indcmly proved Awe tnd Eis oro cbige fone ws lor pled to pay he po ot {lnc see the ow we ae he proper i ence Zw (rere cee peed gt over the and the oa heat [hlcveriehlgbecaue of hs gh choos ospropeate Pers 2) ese of akin a to the bourdarie of he aring for ta ey bowglt rom theme site compar ‘Piaterunel sei ne aing bref Vin hee teeter that eta es he son Sey, io ts ah an te same a ed ah tot eX nt Sonstige Ch aa bt snp hep gt ab Thing poe tot hcl pws own ae Wate theming od Yt me Xs? (on tar bum 1}, Under Ar, U8, ¥ ene, as the opin ether popes the ee oe tol te nde Me X Me eit competed oy teal corey ne iN ease 16 cones aproplate the use, MX th ‘ght ney contigo te payment my ‘hye a wl penis that e apn {rl tenet exer forme sary Stas to anthem le Khar eight ol eon ons 11Y dooseio compe! Me. Xe pce hela the Me int Ha a Yo Jani cosy meant ao fn Me Fonsi cinpel Me © sppmpit nt eprope I NSE pene asseMeRNe ove altar proper inden, X sol py anal “Thepa lige wn a omel Hene snd nc abaya coal eee 1) Thorac inlees Me, lr n gu ah and Mice landowoe ino fh enc Xho te eras ‘iv io ome the uc nce damages MN hou ee MX [ect impaweners an er dmaps Me Vent opel nv ans te 8 tn oe 4 NCCI 503, NATURALACCESSION. Nitra accssioninlades allvion avulsion natal uprooic tee, iver bel lefichange inthe cose ofthe evo ila. Acreton ithe poses rough which sol deposited in the banks of rivers. 50301. Alieion or atacixn Is de ncroment which lands toting seers ganda reoolve os a result of the Cheat of the waters, The increment belong to the ‘tuner of thefan to which the sedimentsareatacest {tthe flowing REQUISITES ae present 12) The deport ie gradual and impose (©) The atiachment of the saliments is the result of the acto of the waters of the yer and (9) “The Jand whens accretion takes place is ajo othe his thee 2) Other sues regarding Allovion. 40) Accson operates jo ji However {Be mlional aren 4 not covered by a {Fornell and the riparian ovener must ger the aditional area, oerwise, the ‘adltona-aea-ean be aequed. hy other ersona though prescription: 42) Where the depesit is by sea water, ik Ibelongsto the Site" (9) bedepost isin the bens ake, cxeek ‘rsa the riparian one likewise gels ‘he Incoan in he are in acondance with [An of the Spanish Lave of Mates of nugust 160; (@) A geadual and impevepiibe change in the ‘our of he river ako govemes by the pubs ofalluvtums= (©) The niles on allovion cannot apply if she deposit occured ough human Jnlereention — Ie srust be through the ‘current’ meaning the participation ofthe tbody of waterin teh and dow of waters due to high and low te. Example, ‘The riparian owner wil nt tthe actions) pvion whe: the acetone Gomme by the dumping af boulders salad other fling mateils on porons ofa cxesk ant theriver bounding the land of fe ripanian (0) ‘The rules on alloion do not apply ifthe river simply does up. The river bed is retained by the Sate if the ver dies up. ‘he bed will not goto the riparian owner” SSOR02. Avufsfon. tis the transfer af s knawn portion ofa from me tenement ta another by the fore ofthe ‘curent."The portion of land must be sch that can be ideried as coming fom a deine tenement The REQUISITES ae as follows (AY The segregation and transker must be cused by the curtent ofa river cxek ot stipes. to neemnnienenne {5368, Distinctions between All rar moray Nomoto acuuMRONNRESHIE 6 (2) “The seempation and tansfer must be ssnlde or abrupt and (9) The povtion of land trmsposted must be iene ident, 43) Removal. The original ower remains to be the ‘viner ofthe parson tht aslached Hove, the said over must manave the tener portion within wo 2] yeas tovetsinenenesbp, nd Avalsion ‘ALLOVION AVULSION 1. Theatachment grad’ [1 Theattachmentis ssl and imperceptle sander or bra proces, BThessurce ofthesoll [2 The source ofthe cant be denied, parton of and ‘sealable and verifiable, [i Thensivarea longs [8 Ovnerhip ofthe tothe owner of the postion tached property lowhichitis | tained by the owner Mache from howe property i sas dtc Fi Sednenicawaliacke [A lon postion ide men tached and te sore Is therefteratachec to another patel olan. 500.04, Uprooted Trees. he over reins oveneeship if he inakes a elim within six () mon This refers ory {o uproled tees and does no ince tes hich remain plane on «knoe postion and carries by Ahstonoe of he eater fds air case the res ae regarded accensions ofthe end = syns. sun. ‘Change nthe Course ofthe Rivet.—Theshrnconed river bec pw few belongs tthe owner of the propery ectupiod by the river, The REQUISITES or fhisrule apply are () There must be e natural change in the coun ofthe waters ofthe rive and (0), The change mast abrupt orden 8) Thenew bel becomes part of property of public slominon It the iver simply rit, the ipatian fuer wl not gether Bed he sae ill publiedominion. However the Government has the option of returning the ever tn criginal Formation of Islands Rules os to who ones the isla 9) Betomned by the sea: (1) formed wethin tertril waters — ste et sar (2). If formed ouside tnitoria waters — the list occupant owns the island 1) IF formed in lakes, or navigable or flatable riverm Slate Af formed on non-navigable or non-flostsble (1) Ateatr to one margin or bank — toosenee ofthe nearer propery will own th ln 2) WF cquiistnt fom both banks — the ‘ipsa ovens cn both tes of the reer willbe the ewes and they shall vale the ian engitudialyin halves 4d) Wislnde are formed by the branching of 3 river, thelandownerrsins ownership the ‘slated pew ofan, navi rover Ano Manse ACOEMNCENNERSE 36 PROBLEMS: Sune ie in tin ner te Fs sen cece Heng bem sued shear ode gaat Proconiige ridden outed heel SSS ett yo ena te Ye the inn ‘woh allie tonsa erie to te ever trl sain dated he ihe Foner entry sven iy crs te Be oe 12S porter yet couse ba tones i ea ike ‘oie hy psepon yams CL PECAN ‘Ste wheto the long tom ly ora Eb et nae tc boon Ate eee ono he ean nde toe ar sng Theat en theaters” 096) are ae Th pnts gh Se nt ty a al SF othe God Code atmos boast epot ‘Stina fh th waver nen Arte ei ry Thom Grea age 23 snd Bend eye spart pars fan opt ks ofa tice thou cange esas aca pee hugh ana nt (ehuning oor fs Ano tang eur Dat Stores hs ada hl th he sara sete tne th nde far Bn hc wi ‘aed he cranny? 950 Dar sa) iene he emi, et of Koy Cl Coe fonintuevearaithon soni ena Fuaiaoeaa eten penis cia aren tae ibaconinein ener cure\nppmraie Fa iene prons thet the“ ol he ni ig, SSSR GIa Et uit amet gs ie hl nt vo as Suc Aer wc isl sin SECO Reloar be unetart sence te re Stim Satara netics 35a SELES RAs por se mine Soecede aclinprpe tres ea noe agg ‘ADJUNCTION OR ‘CONJUNCTION {ht dome care band eco ee hi demanded {sare bat wo hat previo ken pcs em, sxe ching ut fv wn ey hse feo to hm ath Aha lt ih Lec {met eats hed nthe toe incense ‘ond Blot aero fi andend econ Wl aon ‘pepe? Sheila efor anes HBS Ee ‘Te action forthe nsovey ote tnd wl prosper bt eset ‘eth pet othe san el at pnfoe Rea nee ‘etched prt ef anger GOB cco ns Be {ui sind thon ice 18 ofthe Coe Cae pone he Severe cen fer er tre eat Sheth estas the ewer othe ln to which De mpi ise wae hal fe oad haenat pa apedia coe acne hope ton nt wea oo lpg ms pied sn cnn aay by thee tenants rf oe akan ha thy ‘went fe donot nas then ii non [Res malonger ene 501, ACCESSION ON MOVANLE PROPERTIES, Basic [Rule aorssion exists only ifrepartion sn feasible Separation may be demand Useparation posible without injury or damage; in such ease, thet a no ral ens aecesion SGLOL Kinds of accession continua as to-movables: ‘Adjunetion or Conjunction, (2) Mistute, and C2) ‘Spiticaton DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN THE THREE KINDS ‘OF ACCESSION CONTINUA WITH RESPECT TO PERSONAL PROPERTY mncrure | SPECICATION This abwaysin-|[T_Thisalwaps |]. May involve volves tio oF lnnvolves two or| one thing or sore things somethings | tone} but form, is change Fr Tingetiat ae ing te pnctintiee |” wectned may |" snationed E Asageneralrule [2 Asagenaral [2 Aca general accesory follows | leverowner | rule accessory the principa hip res fetes the principal Fhe ojos ature fitherrtain | but he material frlometheir | used tsinsits mapective pte Taare ature. ‘won resins wood) 50412 Adinnetion or Conjunction. Is the usion of te things belonging 10 diferent owners, in such a ‘manner tht they cannot be separated without Iu, thereby forming angle objet. 8) Requisites. (2) Two things must belong 0 Afro owners, and (8) te to things foom t single objector that their separtion woukd snmp hee nota 1b) Kinds (1 nelson — engraftment (2 alitadura = tolderng, @) excita — vesting, (9 pire inti (3) do — weaving. 1) Test 0 determine which isthe principal ae which isthe aeossory tobe applied inthe order given el 4) “Rule intention — the principal the fone to which a thing, attached for formameniation use or peefection; (2) Thavofgeae value isthe principal: 8). Thatof greater volume‘ theprincpal: ae @) That of greater merits is the pring pal {21 PROTEATY AND Mewes OF ACQLIRRNGUNNEESIP 17) ‘Atneomen ni sstr ands oon 4) mons ANB osuucaTions oF rum pax. fi vou case — TES DENSON | paprann pap arm OWNER OFPRINGPALIOR | OWNEROFACCENORY ] fumerictingesiih —_|sewenertingsa, | ‘om SSesemiiineeith _[sweniaiingostats | A. FIRST CASE, ies — 50603, Mixtere. It is the aan oF materials where the com- ceonee oon mnt oot | weserarariowiswor |). gspearaniow is nor 9) pte commaon— mine ts nd Fosse niout stoanario sw Bicentennial jin isa utes ARTE gc GENERAL RULE: OA is (1) ‘The agreement of the pactice regarding. coco ‘entitled to eimburvement, ‘their rightsto the mixture shall gover. | Excerrion: tthe PRETO sce | 2) In the absence of agement enc owner accessory is muuch mose ‘is much more precious, acquires an interest in pmpurtion to the ieeepaupie | deni | otucot ic ster ineyulteeare the accessory ix subject to “separation, @ if mixtuw is by will of both owners, or eager rammors | M {stones tee lace 2 wsepapaniowis [2 tesenanano rbot arin gpd iat Pox MOU FOSSA nHOUT Lo i faeee Baoan © pein bd thy tases rights to his oom materi, an Gi he te Hable or amagen, 50404 Specification Iti the transformation of another's material by the aplision of abe Joren emand for separeion. | OA can demand the seperation ofthe acetary. [i ficonoease ~ 4 C000 Farm: BAD PATH: | 4) RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE 1 Right ioretain the 1. Holes the soso, PARTIES IN SPECIFICATION sccessry L 2. Mesetiablefor damages | § “MAKER | owNEROF MATERIAL | [2_ittetin donn (he ene wh applied abo (ox | © mmpeass ‘A RWSTCARE | oo | wap sara coop rama: coon numa: GoD earm, J Mewtticeaimmes 1 Trin 1 crveeuame = |e centearaue — | et —— CFs tins he mte |) OAs oi isp to retin sijet 2. The ihn dar a wince | tothesuperorrightarOa |” remmeslevet thee | Dr eamcsasiig| | Skee = | © Bee mit) |

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