Enhanced Salinities, As A Proxy of Seawater Desalination Discharges, Impact Coastal Microbial Communities of The Eastern Mediterranean Sea

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Environmental Microbiology (2015) 17(10), 4105–4120 doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12979

Enhanced salinities, as a proxy of seawater

desalination discharges, impact coastal microbial
communities of the eastern Mediterranean Sea

Natalia Belkin,1 Eyal Rahav,2 Hila Elifantz,1 Introduction

Nurit Kress2 and Ilana Berman-Frank1*
Large-scale seawater desalination is an effective solu-
Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences,
tion to the freshwater shortage of many countries around
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 52900, Israel.
the world. Desalination in the Mediterranean Sea com-
Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research,
prises 17% of the world’s total desalination and is one of
National Institute of Oceanography, Haifa 31080, Israel.
three semi-enclosed basins with intensive desalination
activity that are anticipated to raise ambient salinities of
Summary the coastal habitats (Bashitialshaaer et al., 2011). In
Israel alone, seawater desalination by reverse osmosis
Seawater desalination plants increase local coastal
(SWRO) currently provides ∼450 million m3 (Mm3) y−1
salinities by discharging concentrated brine back to
of fresh water along the easternmost Mediterranean
the sea with ∼50% higher than ambient salinities. The
coastline. By 2025, water production supplied by five to
impacts of high salinities on microbial coastal popu-
seven large-scale coastal plants is forecast to reach
lations of the eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS) were
750 Mm3 y−1 constituting ∼30% of Israel’s freshwater
examined in two mesocosm experiments; first, during
supply or c. 80% of the domestic and industrial needs
the mixed-spring and second, during the stratified-
(Dreizin et al., 2008).
summer periods with average salinity of ∼39. Ambient
The main by-product of all desalination processes is the
salinities were increased by 5% and 15%. Higher
large quantity of concentrated brine that is discharged
salinity (15%) mesocosms induced rapid (within 2 h)
back to the marine coastal environment (Ahmad and
declines in both primary productivity (PP) and algal
Baddour, 2014). With typical water recovery rates of
biomass parallel to an increase in bacterial produc-
40–50% in the desalination process, SWRO plants dis-
tivity. Subsequently, for the duration of the experi-
charge brine to the sea with nearly twice the salt concen-
ments (11–12 days), both Chlorophyll a and PP rates
tration of the ambient seawater. This discharge generally
increased (2 to 5 and 1.5 to 2.5–fold, respectively)
includes other chemicals used in the process (e.g. coagu-
relative to unamended controls. The initial assem-
lants, anti-foulants and anti-scalants) (NRC, 2008; UNEP,
blages of the ambient microbial populations and
2008; Spiritos and Lipchin, 2013). Along coastlines, water
intensity of salinity enrichments influenced the com-
loss due to its utilization by desalination plants, combined
munity responses. During the mixed-spring experi-
with brine discharge back to the coastal environment,
ment, the composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic
increases the ambient salinity around the outfall areas
populations shifted only slightly, suggesting high
(Lattemann and Höpner, 2008). The temporal and spatial
functional plasticity of the initial populations.
dispersion pattern of the discharged brine differs among
While during the stratified-summer experiment, high
sites and seasons due to the discharge technology of the
salinity changed the composition and reduced the
plant, changes in local currents and annual physical–
biodiversity of the microbial communities. In an ultra-
chemical characteristics of the water column (Dawoud
oligotrophic environment such as the EMS, salinity
and Al Mulla, 2012).
induced declines in microbial diversity may provide a
The long-term environmental and ecological impacts of
tipping point destabilizing the local aquatic food web.
desalination plants on the marine ecosystem have been
poorly documented (Roberts et al., 2010). Yet, the
elevated salinity at discharge sites, frequently combined
with the chemicals applied during the desalination
process, may impact marine life and water quality as
Received 14 January, 2015; accepted 2 July, 2015. *For correspond-
ence. E-mail ilana.berman-frank@biu.ac.il; Tel. (+972)-3-5318214; changes in the physical and/or chemical environment are
Fax (+972)-4-6914842. often followed by shifts in the composition and production
© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd
4106 N. Belkin et al.
Table 1. The initial physical, chemical and biological properties as measured on the first day of each of the two mesocosm experiments
(mixed-spring and stratified-summer experiments), 2 h after brine additions.

Mixed-spring experiment Stratified-summer experiment

Measured parameter Ambient 5% 15% Ambient 5% 15%

Salinity 38.8 ± 0.0 40.5 ± 0.1 40.5 ± 0.2 39.3 ± 0.2 41.3 ± 0.4 45.5 ± 0.5
Temperature (°C) 22.7 ± 0.0 22.7 ± 0.0 22.7 ± 0.0 29.9 ± 0.2 29.9 ± 0.1 30.0 ± 0.2
PO4 (μmol L−1) 0.13 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.02 0.18 ± 0.04 0.02 ± 0.00 0.02 ± 0.00 0.05 ± 0.01
NO2 + NO3 (μmol L−1) 0.39 ± 0.11 0.55 ± 0.21 0.50 ± 0.06 BDL 0.21 ± 0.12 0.60 ± 0.21
Si(OH)4 (μmol L−1) 1.57 ± 0.11 1.69 ± 0.11 1.79 ± 0.09 1.78 ± 0.08 1.86 ± 0.01 2.37 ± 0.04
Diversity of bacterial species 1762 ± 513 1656 ± 212 1729 ± 179 939 ± 322 1173 ± 212 1299 ± 122
Diversity of eukaryotic species 528 ± 138 480 ± 11 651 ± 31 173 ± 74 108 ± 57 131 ± 19
Chlorophyll a (μg L−1) 0.24 ± 0.02 0.12 ± 0.03 0.17 ± 0.01 0.24 ± 0.02 0.25 ± 0.02 0.17 ± 0.01
Primary productivity (μg C L−1 h−1) 3.36 ± 0.42 3.89 ± 0.58 1.77 ± 0.24 2.86 ± 0.39 2.74 ± 0.60 0.86 ± 0.15
PSII quantum yield (Fv/Fm) 0.12 ± 0.01 0.13 ± 0.02 0.07 ± 0.03 0.13 ± 0.00 0.11 ± 0.01 0.06 ± 0.02
Bacterial productivity (μg C L−1 h−1) 0.89 ± 0.61 2.52 ± 0.21 2.26 ± 0.30 2.34 ± 0.37 2.91 ± 0.69 3.26 ± 0.80
Bacterial abundance (105 cells ml−1) 6.3 ± 0.7 6.3 ± 0.3 5.7 ± 0.3 4.2 ± 1.1 4.3 ± 1.0 4.3 ± 0.5

All parameters are averages ± SD of three mesocosms per treatment.

BDL, below detection limit; Diversity, effective numbers of species that were calculated from Shannon Entropy Index.

of biological communities. Sensitive coastal environments mented two identical experiments: one in early spring
may especially be prone to alterations in salinity gradi- when the water column is fully mixed and one in summer
ents, as observed for the low-salt tolerance Mediterra- when the water column is thermally stratified (termed
nean seagrass Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea hereafter: mixed-spring experiment and stratified-summer
nodosa (Sanchez-Lizaso et al., 2008; Garrote-Moreno experiment respectively).
et al., 2014). Alterations in biodiversity and succession of
different species may also induce harmful cyanobacterial Results and discussion
or algal blooms further affecting coastal water quality
Initial state and rapid physiological responses of the
(Zingone and Enevoldsen, 2000).
microbial community to salinity
Despite myriad studies discussing the potential for
adverse environmental impacts of desalination plant efflu- Following the salt additions, the water properties (tem-
ents, laboratory studies or field measurements assessing perature and nutrients) retained the typical seasonal
these impacts are scarce (Roberts et al., 2010; Elimelech values of the EMS surface waters (Table 1). Due to the
and Phillip, 2011; Liu et al., 2013). Moreover, scant infor- salt additions, inorganic nutrient concentrations were
mation has been published showing the impacts of desali- slightly elevated but not significantly different (P > 0.05) in
nation discharge on the autotrophic and heterotrophic the treated mesocosms relative to the control mesocosms
coastal communities (Drami et al., 2011; van der Merwe at the beginning of the experiment (T0) (elevations up to
et al., 2014). Yet, salinity is considered the most important 0.05 μmol L−1 PO4, 0.5 μmol L−1 NO2 + NO3, 0.59 μmol L−1
driver of global distribution patterns of bacteria as well as Si(OH)4) (Table 1).
other microorganisms (Lozupone and Knight, 2007) and Seasonality imprinted the initial nutrient concentrations
can regulate functional performance, growth rates and microbial assemblages of autotrophs and
and shifts in bacterial community composition (Bouvier heterotrophs, and these differences affected the subse-
and del Giorgio, 2002; Langenheder et al., 2003). Here, quent microbial community responses. At T0, both bacte-
we examined the impacts of increased salinity on the rial and eukaryotic representatives of the mixed-spring
structure and function of natural assemblages of plank- experiment were more diverse than planktonic communi-
tonic microbial populations from the coastal Eastern Medi- ties of the stratified-summer experiment (average effec-
terranean seawater (EMS) in 1 m3 mesocosms during two tive number of bacterial and eukaryotic species 1715
11–12 day experiments. To simulate the natural salinity versus 1137; and 553 versus 137 – during mixed-spring
increases near desalination plant outfalls along the Israeli and stratified-summer experiments respectively). In
Mediterranean coastline (Roberts et al., 2010; Drami summer, the bacterial community was a subset of the
et al., 2011; Kress et al., 2011), we enhanced salinities in spring community (Fig. S1) with a total overlap of 40.2 %
our experimental mesocosms by 5% and 15% above between bacterial operational taxonomic unit (OTU) from
ambient salinity (∼41 and 45 respectively). To account for the two seasons. A greater seasonal distinction was found
seasonal differences that influence the typical assem- between the diatom and dinoflagellate populations com-
blages of the ambient microbial communities, we imple- prising each experiment with only 13.4% and 16.2%

© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120
High salinity impacts coastal microbial populations 4107

respective identity in the composition of OTUs between were recorded that were not a result of dilution. These
the mixed-spring community and stratified-summer com- included suppression of photosynthesis and decreased
munity, with lower read numbers in the stratified-summer photochemical efficiency in the autotrophs and enhanced
experiment (Fig. S2). heterotrophic bacterial activity.
The seasonal difference we detected in the OTU abun- Salt stress can inhibit various aspects of the photosyn-
dance and composition of in-situ phytoplankton commu- thetic process (Sudhir and Murthy, 2004). Changes in
nities is consistent with published Mediterranean Sea photosynthesis were reflected in the photosystem II
data demonstrating an increase in species diversity with (PSII) photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) that decreased
the annual enrichment of nutrients from winter mixing significantly (P < 0.005) within 2 h in the 15% treatment
(reviewed in Siokou-Frangou et al., 2010), which pro- samples (Table 1). Salt stress can inactivate both photo-
duces, along the Israeli coastline, a community comprised synthetic reaction centres – PSI and PSII, and inhibit the
of diatoms, dinoflagellates (micro-phytoplankton) and de novo synthesis of proteins, specifically the synthesis
nano-phytoplankton (3–20 μm) (Azov, 1986). In the of the D1 protein in PSII (Allakhverdiev et al., 2002). Salt
stratified-summer experiment, the phytoplankton diversity stress can also enhance the oxygenase activity of
was lower (Table 1), reflecting the typical summer plank- ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase while
tonic assemblages of the coastal Levantine waters domi- curtailing its carboxylase activity and reducing carbon
nated by the small (< 3 μm) cyanobacteria and pico- fixation (Sivakumar et al., 2000). In cyanobacteria,
eukaryotic algae (Azov, 1986; Kimor et al., 1987; Herut acclimation processes to salt stress can extend from
et al., 2014). Although diversity indices were higher for the 12 to 24 h, during which the cells activate osmolyte syn-
mixed-spring community than the stratified-summer com- thesis (Hagemann, 2011). Our data suggest that the
munity (Table 1), the initial algal biomass (Chl a) and addition of brine induced an immediate (within 2 h) salt
primary productivity (PP) were similar in our experimental stress on autotrophic microorganisms and suppressed
controls (ambient mesocosms) for both experiments photosynthesis.
(0.24 μg Chl a L−1 and 3.15 μg C L−1 h−1, respectively, Moreover, the photosynthetic pigment and indirect
and Table 1) and may actually reflect the coastal origins of proxy of algal-biomass (Chl a) decreased within the first
the waters that are more uniformly mixed, receive terres- 2 h (0.24 versus 0.17 μg Chl a L−1, in controls and in the
trial and anthropogenic nutrient inputs and depend to a 15% treatments, respectively, both in mixed-spring and
lesser extent than offshore populations on up-welled deep stratified-summer experiments) (Table 1). Changes in PP
nutrients. paralleled those of Chl a. In the 15% mesocosms, PP
In the EMS, heterotrophic bacteria contribute signifi- decreased significantly (P < 0.05) after 2 h from 3.4 to
cantly to the food web structure and may compete suc- 1.7 μg C L−1 h−1 in the mixed-spring experiment and from
cessfully with phytoplankton when nutrients are limited 2.9 to 0.9 μg C L−1 h−1 in the stratified-summer experiment
(Thingstad et al. 2005). Moreover, during thermal summer (Table 1). The decrease in Chl a probably reflects the
stratification, a heterotrophic microbial food web sup- immediate death of salinity-sensitive phytoplankton
ported by intensive recycling of organic carbon and nutri- species (Brand, 1984) following the salt addition. Moreo-
ents dominates the Levantine oligotrophic waters (Tanaka ver, salinity elevation reduces cellular Chl a content in
et al., 2007; Ignatiades et al., 2009; reviewed by some algae and cyanobacteria (McLachlan, 1961) similar
Pulido-Villena et al., 2012). This was reflected in the to salt-susceptible plants. Yet, we could not find previous
heterotrophic bacterial productivity (BP) that was published records of such rapid changes as we recorded
initially significantly higher in the stratified-summer experi- here.
ment than BP measured in the mixed-spring experiment Higher salinity also induced an immediate response
(2.3 μg C L−1 h−1 vs. 0.9 μg C L−1 h−1 respectively; from the heterotrophic populations. Bacterial production
P < 0.005 – Table 1). rates increased in the 15% treatments relative to controls
Regardless of the seasonal difference in the initial (by 2.5 and 1.5-fold in mixed-spring and stratified-summer
diversity and composition, the salinity increases caused experiments respectively) (Table 1). Our results show
an immediate functional response (within 2 h of salt that under the experimental conditions, the abundance
addition) followed by subsequent changes in both the of mixed-spring and stratified-summer coastal Mediterra-
composition and function of the microbial communities nean bacterial communities was maintained at the
throughout the duration of the experiments. Moreover, elevated salinities and was in the range of previous reports
similar rapid physiological responses were detected in in the EMS (Mapelli et al., 2013), while BP increased in the
both sets of experiments. Two hours after the brine addi- higher salinity treatments (Table 1 – BA and BP ), indicating
tion, flow cytometry and molecular analyses revealed that higher cell specific bacterial activity. The rapid increase in
the microbial community structure remained unchanged BP may be related to the elevated organic carbon con-
(Table 1, Table S1). Yet, rapid physiological responses sumption required by bacteria to maintain the changing

© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120
4108 N. Belkin et al.

Fig. 1. Temporal changes in: A. Average Chl a concentrations normalized to controls; B. Carbon content of the ultra-phytoplankton community
at the outset and the end of the experiments (*denotes values are significantly different from other treatments P < 0.01); C. average primary
productivity (PP) normalized to controls. All averages include six biological replicates of mixed-spring and stratified-summer period
experiments combined ± SE; D. Average bacterial productivity (BP) normalized to controls, averages include three biological replicates of
mixed-spring and stratified-summer period experiments separately ± SE.

osmotic stress of cells and to regulate the internal pH as that was indicative of the adaptive capacity of the
well as changing the energetic potential of the cells’ mem- autotrophic community. The 5% treatment caused a fast
branes (del Giorgio and Bouvier, 2002). and significant increase in the algal biomass after 2 days
(Fig. 1A) in both experiments, while autotrophs exposed
to 15% salinity lagged for several days before a significant
Physiological changes throughout the experiments
elevation in Chl a concentrations was recorded by day 5
Salinity increases produced similar overall responses for (P < 0.001 and P < 0.005 for 5% and 15% respectively;
both experiments regardless of the season or initial micro- Fig. 1A). Subsequent increases in chlorophyll concentra-
bial inocula (Chl a; PP and ultra-phytoplankton biomass tions to values ∼5-fold higher than control mesocosms
composition) (Fig. 1). This similarity overshadowed some were measured at Tend (Fig. 1A).
microbial responses (e.g. BP) that were seasonally The increase in autotrophic biomass was especially
dependent. During the course of each experiment, the pronounced in the ultra-phytoplankton which are impor-
salinity remained unchanged from the initial values, while tant primary producers in the Levantine basin (Azov,
temperature changed (up to 1.34°C) due to daily weather 1986; Siokou-Frangou et al., 2010) with small (< 5 μm,
fluctuations. At the end of the experiments (Tend), due to pico-phytoplankton) cyanobacteria and larger (>5 μm,
biological utilization, inorganic nutrient concentrations nano-phytoplankton) eukaryotic algae dominant along
(PO4 and NO2 + NO3) were lower than at T0 and similar in the Israeli coast (Herut et al., 2012). By Tend, ultra-
all mesocosms (Table S2). Si(OH)4 concentration was sig- phytoplankton biomass increased significantly in the 15%
nificantly lower than T0 only in the 15% treatments indi- treatments (P < 0.01; Fig. 1B), contributed mostly by
cating changes in functional compositions (discussed larger (>5 μm) eukaryotic algal cell numbers (Table S1). In
below). the 15% higher salinity mesocosms these eukaryotic phy-
In both experiments, the elevations in salinity resulted toplankton were probably diatoms as the stimulation of
in higher algal biomass (derived from Chl a concentration) algal biomass was accompanied by silica consumption.

© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120
High salinity impacts coastal microbial populations 4109

At Tend silica concentrations (in the 15% treatment from day 4 to Tend (P < 0.0005; Fig. 1D). No increase was
mesocosms) were 50–90% lower than T0 values and were measured in BP for the stratified-summer experiment. The
0.94 μmol L−1 and 0.11 μmol L−1 for the mixed-spring and contrasting response in the metabolic signature of bacte-
stratified-summer experiments respectively (Table S2). ria between seasons may have occurred due to the dif-
The differential response in silica uptake is consistent with fering composition of the initial bacterial communities
the ability of diatoms to survive and thrive at the higher (Fig. 2) and their functional plasticity.
salinity treatments (Kirst, 1989; Schapira et al., 2010) and
with the compositional changes of eukaryotes derived
Temporal changes in community composition
from molecular analysis further described.
Concurrent with biomass changes, PP rates were 1.5- Compositional shifts within the different communities
fold higher in the 5% mesocosms throughout most of the derived from ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) genes
incubation period compared with T0 and parallel control were examined using principal coordinate analysis
mesocosms (Fig. 1C). The most apparent and significant (PCoA). The distances (calculated from beta diversity)
change in PP rates was observed in the 15% mesocosms. between the beginning and the end (T0 and Tend) of the
In these mesocosms, PP rates increased by 1.5 to fivefold experiment for each treatment indicate the extent of
compared with control mesocosms 5 days after the T0 the shift undergone by the communities (Table 2 and
and were two to threefold higher than controls for the Fig. 2). Throughout the mixed-spring experiment, the
next 7 days (P < 0.0005; Fig. 1C). In the first 5 days, PP composition of bacterial and eukaryotic groups was
was significantly lower (by 0.7–0.8) than the controls similar for all treatments and for the control mesocosms
(P < 0.05), suggesting that the autotrophic community (Fig. 2A and B). These results indicate that salinity
function was initially inhibited by the salinity elevation increases barely affected the composition of these com-
(Fig. 1C), similar to rates measured 2 h after experimental munities and changes were primarily dictated by the
induction (Table 1). These changes were likely caused by time of sampling.
osmotic stress that triggered species-specific metabolic In contrast, during the stratified-summer experiment,
changes followed by structural changes of the community salinity was a dominant driver impacting community com-
during acclimation (Sudhir and Murthy, 2004; Kaartokallio position as seen by the large change both in bacteria and
et al., 2005). phototrophic eukaryote composition from the 15%
The observed lag time of 5 days prior to the enhanced mesocosms (largest distances that significantly differed
photosynthetic activity in the 15% treatments (Fig. 1C) from the controls; P < 0.005). After 6 days (Tm), both bac-
may have also been due to the higher energetic demand terial and eukaryotic communities in the 15% mesocosms
of the phytoplanktonic community under elevated salt deviated from the control and 5% mesocosm (Fig. 2C and
conditions as reported from brackish water communities D). Further analyses demonstrated shifts in both the
(Pilkaityte et al., 2004). However, despite the enhanced direction and magnitude of bacterial and eukaryotic alpha
PP (after 5 days) in the stratified-summer experiment, diversity. This significantly changed from T0 to Tend
the PSII photochemical quantum yields (Fv/Fm) of the (Table 2). Thus, over the course of the experiment,
autotrophic community were significantly lower in the diversity of the ambient (controls) bacterial community
15% treatments than in the control mesocosms decreased by 51% while that of eukaryotes increased by
(0.09 ± 0.03 versus 0.21 ± 0.07 respectively; P < 0.05). 252% (Table 2). Concurrently, in the high-salinity (15%)
PSII photochemical efficiency decreases when phyto- mesocosms, both bacterial and eukaryotic diversity
plankton grow under stress, e.g. nutrient limitation or declined by 87% and 70% respectively (Table 2).
high light (Kolber et al., 1988), indicating that salinity- The three major phyla comprising 96–98% of all bacte-
induced physiological stress caused the decline in Fv/Fm rial OTUs from all stratified-summer mesocosms were
in the 15% treatments. Similarly, exposure of the green the Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidetes,
alga Chlorococcum cells to N-deficiency combined with which are consistent with earlier reports from the EMS
elevated salinities caused an inhibition of cell division (Feingersch et al., 2010). Significant shifts appeared
and a strong depression of photosynthetic activity in the specific composition of proteobacteria and
(Masojidek et al., 2000). cyanobacteria appeared during the experiment (12 days).
Excluding the rapid increases in BP measured during High salinity (15% addition) caused a 140% increase in
the first hours of the experiments (discussed above), the relative abundance of cyanobacterial OTUs, while
salinity elevations did not significantly alter bacterial cyanobacterial OTUs declined by 90% in the control
heterotrophic production in most treatments. Seasonality mesocosms (Table 2). In contrast, the relative abundance
impacted the bacterial production potential as significant of proteobacterial OTUs increased by 45% in the controls
elevation in bacterial production was measured only for and were negatively impacted by high salinity (15% addi-
the mixed-spring experiment exposed to 15% treatments tions caused a 30% decline).

© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120
4110 N. Belkin et al.

Fig. 2. Principal coordinate analysis based on beta diversity of species composition derived from analyses of bacterial 16S rRNA and
eukaryotic 18S rRNA genes in mixed-spring [A (16S) and B (18S)] and stratified-summer experiments [C (16S) and D (18S)]; The
communities exposed to 15% salinity elevation from the final day of the experiment of each experiment are marked by ellipsoids. T0: 2 h from
the beginning, T1: 1 day from the beginning, Tm: middle of the experiment, Tend: final day of the experiment.

The major cyanobacterial order in all mesocosms was

the Synechococcales (in particular Prochlorococcus Table 2. Temporal changes in microbial communities during the
stratified-summer experiment.
marinus), Oscillatoriophycideae and Nostocales. In the
15% treatment, P. marinus disappeared almost com- % Relative change Tend from T0
pletely after 1 day, while the abundance of filamentous
cyanobacterial OTUs, specifically Oscillatoriophycideae Salinity addition above control

and Nostocales, known to adapt to high-salinity conditions Treatment Control 5% 15%

(Hagemann, 2011; Jeffries et al., 2012), increased com-
16S True diversity −51% 82% −87%
pared with the controls (Fig. 3A, Fig. 4). Distance (median) 0.32 0.42* 0.59*
Among the heterotrophic bacterial groups, the Cyanobacteria OTUs −90% −45% 140%
alphaproteobacterium (Pelagibacteraceae) Pelagibacter Proteobacteria OTUs 45% 13% −30%
18S True diversity 252% 156% −70%
and the gammaproteobacteria Altermondales declined Distance (median) 0.33 0.39 0.60*
significantly after 6 days in the high-salinity (15%) Diatom algae OTUs −90% −86% 15%
mesocosms of the stratified-summer experiment, (Fig. 3B, Dinoflagellates OTUs 300% 400% 150%

Fig. 4). These were replaced by Rhodobacterales and Relative changes are recorded from the start of the experiment (T0) to
specifically Roseibacterium elongatum and Paracoccus the end (Tend = 11 days) and presented as % change from T0 of
marinus of the Alphaproteobacteria (Fig. 3B), which are true diversity for bacteria (16S) and eukaryotic (18S) species; calcu-
lated distances between communities are based on beta diversity;
aerobic, chemoheterotrophic, bacteriochlorophyll- and the relative changes (% change Tend from T0) in the relative
containing bacteria (Suzuki et al., 2006) and aerobic abundance of OTUs of the major representative taxa: cyanobacteria,
bacteria producing the carotenoid adonixanthin proteobacteria, diatoms and dinoflagellates.
*Significant community shift, relative to changes that occurred in
diglucoside (Khan et al., 2008). The disappearance of both controls (Bonferonni corrected unifrac Monte Carlo significance test
Pelagibacter (Pelagibacteraceae) and P. marinus from the P < 0.005).

© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120
High salinity impacts coastal microbial populations 4111
Fig. 3. Temporal dynamics in the abundance
of major microbial lineages as obtained by the
relative OTU abundance ± SD (of total A, B:
bacterial, C, D: eukaryotic OTUs) throughout
the 11 days of the stratified-summer
experiment for the 15% enhanced-salinity
mesocosms. A: cyanobacteria; B:
proteobacteria; C: diatoms and D:

15% treatments is notable as Pelagibacter comprises during the stratified season of the eastern Mediterranean
∼30% of the bacteria in the global oceans and dominates (May–Dec).
the heterotrophic bacterial community composition (Morris During the stratified-summer experiment, dominant
et al., 2002) including the EMS (Feingersch et al., 2010). autotrophic eukaryotic groups (diatoms and dinoflagel-
The cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus contribute globally lates) changed concurrently with the altered bacterial
from 9% to 18% of net primary production, marine carbon communities (Table 2). The initial populations of the
fixation and oxygen evolution (Partensky et al., 1999; experiment were consistent with the coastal waters that
DuRand et al., 2001; Flombaum et al., 2013). Adaptations are relatively rich in the number of diatom species
to high-salt environments have been documented in the (Gomez, 2003; Ignatiades et al., 2009; Herut et al., 2012).
Prochlorococcus genome, potentially encoding for In the 15% elevated salinity mesocosms, diatom OTUs
osmolyte production (Scanlan et al., 2009; Klahn et al., relative abundance increased by 15%, parallel to a
2010). The Pelagibacter genome encodes for transporters decrease of 86% to 90% in respective OTUs in the 5%
of several osmolytes (Giovannoni et al., 2005) along with and control mesocosms. Here, the chain-forming diatom
the ability to metabolize these compounds (Sun et al., Leptocylindrus spp. (50% to 60% of all diatom OTUs)
2011). Pelagibacter may actually consume osmolytes pro- dominated the OTUs throughout the experimental period
duced by Prochlorococcus and other phytoplankton as a (Fig. 3C) in contrast with the control mesocosms where
source of energy and nutrients (Thompson et al., 2013). their relative OTU abundance declined from ∼50% at T0 to
Thus, their sensitivity to high-salinity environments, such 0.2% at Tend (Fig. 5). Leptocylindrus spp. is the predomi-
as we observed here after 6 days (Tm), is intriguing and nant diatom in some waters along the eastern and
suggests a profound shift in the planktonic food webs that western coastlines of the Mediterranean (Ignatiades
may occur near marine outfalls of desalination plants et al., 2009; Aktan, 2011; Herut et al., 2011; 2014). At the

© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120
4112 N. Belkin et al.

Fig. 4. Temporal changes in the composition of major bacterial lineages (Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria) during the stratified-summer
experiment determined by the relative OTU abundance from 16S rRNA analyses at T0 and Tend – after 11 days for the control and 15%
enhanced-salinity mesocosms.

Fig. 5. Temporal changes in compositions of major eukaryotic lineages (diatoms and dinoflagellates) during the stratified-summer experiment
as determined by the relative OTU abundance from 18S rRNA gene analyses at T0 and Tend – after 11 days for the control and 15%
enhanced-salinity mesocosms.

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High salinity impacts coastal microbial populations 4113

15% salt mesocosms, Leptocylindrus was replaced by In contrast, a negative correlation between salinity and
increasing abundance of Minutocellus polymorphus (< 5% diversity may diminish the community resilience to addi-
at T0 to > 30% of eukaryotic OTUs after 8 days). This tional disturbances such as increased temperatures
pennate diatom is typical of enclosed and semi-enclosed or extreme weather events associated with climate
basins or estuarine waters, which may at times be heavily change (Solan et al., 2004). Thus, decreases in bacterial
eutrophied, and was previously found to bloom in a Medi- and phytoplanktonic diversities that can occur at the
terranean lagoon (Sarno et al., 1993). outfall locations of desalination plants, and were also
Dinoflagellates comprised the second most abundant exemplified in the high-salinity treatments of our stratified-
group of eukaryotic phytoplankton in the summer experi- summer experiment (Figs 4 and 5), may reduce the com-
ment with relative OTU abundances increasing by 300– munities’ ability to overcome additional stressors.
400% in the controls and 5% treatment communities and
by 150% in the 15% mesocosms from T0 to Tend (Table 2). Conclusions
The two main genera identified in the 15% mesocosms
were Gymnodinium spp. (1% OTUs at T0) and Gyrodinium Here, we demonstrated that salinity conditions similar to
spp. (1% OTUs at T0) (Fig. 3D, Fig. 5). Gyrodinium OTUs those produced along the EMS coastline by desalination
increased to 12% of all eukaryotic OTUs by the end of the brine disposal could be a driving factor shaping the
experiment (Fig. 3D, Fig. 5) and dominated the dinoflagel- composition and function of the microbial planktonic com-
late OTUs, while in control and 5% mesocosms their munities. We provide evidence for rapid physiological
relative abundance remained low (Fig. 5). Both these responses (timescale of hours) that may occur even when
genera are generally associated with warm and stratified the residence time of plankton at the discharge site is
waters (Estrada, 1991), defined as truly phagotrophic, and relatively short. Moreover, while brine discharges may
may constitute a main part of the microzooplankton (Sherr fluctuate temporally and spatially, their continual and long-
and Sherr, 2007). Several Gymnodinium and Gyrodinium term (chronic) input to the coastal areas probably main-
species form red tides and harmful blooms and are tains the phytoplankton and bacterial communities under a
eurohaline (Zingone and Enevoldsen, 2000; Nagasoe continuous state of salinity stress especially during periods
et al., 2006). Thus, their resiliency or increases under of low turbulence. Higher chronic salinity may reduce the
high-salinity conditions should be of special concern when number of species and thus diversity, which would pre-
monitoring outfall areas. dominately select for high-salinity resilient organisms.
Our results present two types of responses of the micro- Adaptation to salinity fluctuations is crucial for planktonic
bial community throughout the experiments. The microbial organisms and acts as a decisive factor regulating func-
community present during the mixed-spring experiment tional properties of communities inhabiting a constantly
went through minimal compositional changes yet fluctuating system as found in coastal environments
increased its metabolic activity in response to salinity (Brand, 1984). Thus, seasonal changes in composition and
elevations. This suggests a high functional plasticity of an flexibility in metabolic responses, as we measured, can
initially resistant community, while the structural shift ‘buffer’ against sudden environmental stress and increase
during the stratified-summer experiment indicates a func- acclimation over longer periods of time.
tionally redundant microbial community that was controlled Salinity-induced declines in biodiversity of primary and
by the salinity changes (Allison and Martiny, 2008). Biodi- bacterial producers in an ultra-oligotrophic environment
versity acts as a buffer against environmental fluctuations such as the Levantine basin may produce a tipping point
and maintains the stability of ecosystem processes and destabilize the local aquatic food web including
(Tilman, 1999; Loreau et al., 2001). These principles grazers that may be directly impacted by higher salinities
appear valid also for microbial systems (Bell et al., 2005; (Hart et al., 1998). Furthermore, desalination outflows
Saikaly and Oerther, 2011). Higher diversity increases the also frequently discharge brine containing coagulants and
chance that some species will be resistant to changes, anti-scalants (i.e. iron salts and polyphosphonates,
allows species to compensate for one another and facili- respectively) that could further modify the responses of
tates processes such as recruitment, thus enhancing planktonic communities to the altered salinity gradients
recovery over longer timescales. Maintaining the abun- and should also be examined.
dance of species with an adaptive capacity, i.e. a combi-
nation of phenotypic plasticity, physiological responses, Experimental procedures
distributional shifts and rapid evolution of traits better
suited to new conditions (Berga et al., 2012; Bernhardt and Mesocosm set-up
Leslie, 2013) can stabilize community function (functional Acid washed polyethylene bags (nine bags, each ∼1 m3) sup-
redundancy) in a varying environment such as that with ported by cylindrical plastic frames were deployed within a
altered salinity (McNaughton, 1977; Hooper et al., 2005). continuously circulating seawater 16 m3 pool to maintain

© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120
4114 N. Belkin et al.
ambient temperature and illumination. Surface coastal sea- minimize biases due to sampling frequency causing a reduc-
water was pumped to these mesocosm bags from Tel tion of water levels, the water level within the mesocosms
Shikmona (Haifa, Israel) at 2 m depth, approximately 300 m was retained above 90% of the total volume throughout the
from the coastline (32°49′34N, 34°57′20E). Bags were filled whole experiment (i.e. less than 100 L were taken out of
with water using plastic tubing by alternating the filling among 1000 L). To detect the community responses caused only
the bags every 2 min to achieve a homogenous distribution. by the treatments, we compared all our results to the
The entire filling procedure lasted for ∼3 h. Polyethylene unamended controls (incubated under the same conditions),
covers prevented evaporation or dilution as well as external reducing the changes that occurred due to the enclosure of
contamination (atmospheric inputs, etc.), yet maintained gas the community or natural succession (Calvo-Díaz et al.,
exchange with the atmosphere and allowed for ∼50% of 2011).
surface light to penetrate the water. The mesocosms were
located at the National Institute of Oceanography of the Israel
Oceanographic and Limnological Research IOLR in Haifa, Laboratory analyses
Seawater for inorganic nutrient analyses (ortho-phosphate,
nitrate + nitrite, nitrite and silicic acid) was sampled into acid-
Experimental design and sampling washed scintillation vials. To prevent microbial decomposition
of organic matter, the samples were immediately frozen and
Coastal mixed-spring shallow waters are expected to be kept frozen until the day of analysis when they were thawed.
affected by the seasonal mixing processes of the open Nutrient concentrations were determined using a segmented
waters, reflected in mixed-spring and stratified-summer flow, Seal Analytical AA-3 System following the methods
periods, when oligotrophic and ultra-oligotrophic conditions described in Kress and Herut (2001). Quality assurance of
prevail as well as different microbial communities (Krom the methods was confirmed by the results of intercomparison
et al., 1991). These conditions influence the initial inocula exercises (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
of the ambient microbial planktonic communities. Two (NOAA), USA and the National Research Council of
mesocosm experiments were carried out: (i) 23 April–5 May Canada (NRC), Japan, Quasimeme). The precision of the
2013 and (ii) 7–18 July 2013. These experiments were char- nitrate + nitrite and nitrite, orthophosphate and silicic acid
acterized as mixed-spring and stratified-summer experiment measurements were 0.02, 0.003 and 0.06 μM, respectively,
respectively. Both experiments consisted of a control while the limits of detection were 0.08 μM, 0.008 μM and
(ambient water – no salinity amendment) and two salinity 0.03 μM respectively.
treatments (5% and 15% above ambient salinity), simulating Chl a concentrations were determined by the non-
relative salinity elevations found at nearby desalination acidification method (Welschmeyer, 1994). Mesocosm
outfall sites (Roberts et al., 2010; Kress et al., 2011), each in samples (250 ml) were vacuum filtered through GF/F 25 mm
triplicate mesocosms for statistical analyses. The 5% and filters (Whatman) with a nominal pore size of 0.7 μm. The
15% above ambient salinity (39.05 ± 0.35) represented an pigments were extracted from the filters in 5 ml of 90%
average salinity of 40.90 and 45.25, respectively, in the acetone, at 4°C, for 24 h in the dark. Chlorophyll a concen-
mesocosms. The salinity elevations were achieved by addi- tration was determined using a Luminescence Spectrometer
tion of artificial brine (80) prepared by dilution of seawater (Trilogy Laboratory Fluorometer, CA) at 436 nm excitation
salts (NēoMarine, Brightwell Aquatics) in ambient seawater. filter, 680 nm emission filter.
The salinity was measured with a Yellow Spring Instruments Photosynthetic carbon fixation rates were measured by
YSI 6000 probe (using the Practical Salinity Scale). To a modified 14C incorporation method (Steemann-Nielsen,
prevent experimental bias due to dilution of the microbial 1952). For each mesocosm, we filled quadruplicate
populations in the seawater, we prepared the salt additions polycarbonate bottles (50 ml; Nalgene) with water during
with the same seawater used in the mesocosms so that all morning (∼09:00), inoculated with 5 μCi of NaH14CO3 tracer
treatments and controls contained the same initial microbial (Amersham, CFA3), and incubated for 4 h under ambient
assemblage. irradiance and temperature (20.5–23.5°C and 28.5–30°C for
The nine mesocosms were filled and sampled 2 h after the spring and summer experiments respectively). After incuba-
brine addition to fully characterize the initial properties of the tion, particulate matter was collected on GF/F filter. The total
water and the community composition and function (time 0 – radioactivity in this fraction was determined by liquid scintil-
T0). At each sampling, the polyethylene covers were opened lation (Packard Tri carb 2100 TR liquid scintillation analyser)
and 5–10 L water was collected gravitationally from each and converted to rates of PP as described by Lagaria and
mesocosm using acid washed Masterflex Tygon tubing into colleagues (2011) taking into account dark incorporation and
acid washed 5 L plastic containers. Subsequent samplings zero time controls.
took place every 1–2 days at 08:00 am for a period of 11–12 PSII photochemical quantum yields (Fv/Fm) were deter-
days for salinity, temperature, chlorophyll (Chl a), bacterial mined using a Fluorescence Induction and Relaxation
and primary productivity. Inorganic nutrient concentrations, System (FIRe – Satlantic, Halifax, Canada) to analyse the
bacterial and ultra-phytoplankton abundance were measured photosynthetic characteristics of the autotrophic microorgan-
at the beginning and end of the mesocosm experiments. isms (Kolber et al., 1998). After 15 min of dark acclimation,
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) samples for bacterial and the samples were analysed with a FIRe system set to deliver
eukaryotic composition were sampled on four occasions saturation flash sequences of 100 ms−1 with 1 ms−1 intervals
throughout the experiment: days 0, 1, 6 or 7 (middle) and 11 between flashes with the maximum gain (2400) utilized for all
or 12 (end), referred as: T0, T1, Tm and Tend respectively. To samples. Fluorescence parameters measured were as

© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120
High salinity impacts coastal microbial populations 4115
follows: Fluorescence F0 intrinsic fluorescence [arbitrary units 0.2 μm pore size Supor filters (Pall Gelman, Ann Arbor, MI),
(a.u.)], the maximum fluorescence (Fm), when all PSII reac- frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at −80°C until DNA extrac-
tion centres are photochemically reduced. Based on these tion. Community genomic nucleic acids were isolated from
parameters variable fluorescence [Fv = Fm – F0 (a.u.)] was the filters, and media using a phenol–chloroform extraction
determined. Fv/Fm was calculated after blanks (0.2 um filtered method modified according to Massana and colleagues
seawater) were subtracted from the initial, dark, adapted (1997) and Brinkhoff and Muyzer (1997). For initial amplifica-
samples (Cullen and Davis, 2003). tion, the broadly conserved bacterial primers 27F and 1100R
Bacterial production rates were measured using the 3H were used to amplify the 16S rRNA gene region (Lane, 1991;
leucine incorporation technique (Kirchman et al., 1985). Dowd et al., 2008), and eukaryotic primers 360F and 1492R
Briefly, 1.7 ml triplicate samples and a control were incubated for 18S rRNA gene region (Edgcomb et al., 2011). Thermo
with a mixture of L-[4,5-3H] leucine (Perkin Elmer, specific Scientific Phusion high-fidelity DNA polymerase was used to
activity 160 Ci mmol−1) at a final concentration of 100 nmol amplify these segments. A secondary polymerase chain reac-
Leucine L−1. Samples were incubated in the dark at room tion (PCR) was performed for next-generation sequencing
temperature (∼25 °C), fixed and treated following the micro- (Ion Torrent Life Technologies, USA) using specially designed
centrifugation protocol (Smith and Azam, 1992). Potential fusion primers with different tag sequences as: LinkerA-Tags-
bacterial production rates were calculated using a conversion 27F and LinkerB-338R for 16S (Hamady et al., 2008);
factor of 1.5 kg C mol–1 with an isotope dilution factor of 2.0 LinkerA-Tags-528F and LinkerB-706R for 18S rRNA gene
(Simon and Azam, 1989). (Cheung et al., 2010). Polymerase chain reactions were per-
Ultra-phytoplankton and bacterial abundances were enu- formed under the following conditions: 95°C for 3 min fol-
merated by flow cytometry. Samples of 1.8 ml were immedi- lowed by 25 cycles and 20 cycles (first and secondary PCR,
ately fixed after sampling with 5 μl of 50% glutaraldehyde respectively) of 95°C for 30 s; 60°C for 30 s and 72°C for
(Sigma G-7651), incubated at room temperature for 10 min, 1 min and a final elongation step at 72°C for 5 min. After
subsequently frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at −80°C until secondary PCR, all amplicon products were purified using
analysis. Prior to the analysis, fixed samples were fast Agencourt Ampure magnetic purification beads (Agencourt
thawed at 37°C. Analysis was performed using a flow Bioscience Corporation, MA, USA) to exclude primer dimers.
cytometer – FACScan Attune, fitted with argon lasers (405 Products of DNA for the 16S and 18S fractions were
and 488 nm). Beads of 1 μm diameter (Polysciences) served sequenced to get a representative view of the bacterial and
as standards (Marie et al., 2005; Stambler, 2006). The taxo- eukaryotic community composition.
nomic discrimination was based on cell side scatter – a proxy
of cell volume; forward scatter – a proxy of cell size; and Sequence analyses. Sequences were processed and ana-
orange and red fluorescence of phycoerythrin and Chl a lysed using ‘quantitative insights into microbial ecology’ (QIIME)
(filters: 574/26 band pass and 640 long pass respectively). an open-source software pipeline (Caporaso et al., 2010).
Heterotrophic bacteria were stained (300 μl of the initial Sequences were removed if they were < 200 or > 400 bp, had
sample) with SYTO 9 Green Fluorescent Nucleic Acid Stain a quality score of < 25, contained ambiguous characters or an
(Marie et al., 1997) and enumerated by discrimination based uncorrectable bar code or did not contain the primer
on green fluorescence (530/30 band pass filter) and side sequence. Remaining sequences were assigned to samples
scatter. by examining the bar codes. Mean number of sequences per
Pico/nano phytoplankton carbon biomass was calculated sample passing quality filters were 2823 and 5919 with
from cell counts assuming 175 fg C cell−1 for Synechococcus average sequence length 265 bp and 255 bp for bacteria and
cells, 53 fg C cell−1 for Prochlorochococcus cells and eukaryotes respectively. Similar sequences were clustered
2100 fg C cell−1 for nanoeukaryotes (Campbell, 2001). into OTUs using UCLUST (Edgar, 2010) with a minimum cov-
erage of 99% and a minimum identity of 97%. A representative
Statistical analyses sequence was chosen from each OTU then was aligned using
PYNAST (Caporaso et al., 2010), the Greengenes (DeSantis
Prior to the statistical comparison, data were binned into two
et al., 2006) and Silva databases (bacteria and eukaryota,
groups: T0–T5 and T6–Tend, to reduce the effects of minor
respectively) with a minimum identity of 80%. Chimera check-
observation errors. To assess treatment-dependent signifi-
ing was applied to remove chimera sequences, followed by
cant changes for each physiological parameter one-way
Lane mask to screen out hypervariable regions after align-
analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with permutations were per-
ment. Taxonomy was assigned using the Ribosomal Database
formed for each group using the R software package
Project (RDP) [Michigan State University] classifier with a
(lmPerm, ver. 2.15). The permutation test allowed applying
minimum support threshold of 80% (Wang et al., 2007) and the
ANOVA with no assumptions about the data set normality or
RDP taxonomic nomenclature.
homogeneity of variance and corrected for the multiple com-
parisons. For comparison of each parameter between differ-
ent treatments, statistical analysis was done by post-hoc Quantifying and comparing diversity. Several metrics were
Tukey honestly significant difference test after ANOVA test. applied to test the communities’ compositional shifts in the
mesocosms. All parameters tested were compared with the
DNA isolation and high-throughput control communities. To evaluate the diversity within commu-
phylogenetic analyses nities (Alpha diversity), we employed rarefaction plots and
branch length-based phylogenetic diversity measurements
To analyse the microbial community diversity by 16S and 18S (Faith, 1992). Effective number of species (referred to as
rRNA genes, water samples (2 L) were filtered on 47 mm diversity) were calculated from Shannon index of entropy (H)

© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120
4116 N. Belkin et al.
according to Jost (2007) using the conversion equation: brine discharge from desalination. Int J Acad Res 3: 133–
exp(H), to examine and compare the diversity of each com- 140.
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We acknowledge the Israel Water Authority grant number
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4500445459 for partial funding to Ilana Berman-Frank (IBF).
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We thank Dan Miller for technical help and samplings
Caporaso, J.G., Bittinger, K., Bushman, F.D., DeSantis, T.Z.,
during the experiments. This research is part of the PhD
Andersen, G.L., and Knight, R. (2010) PyNAST: a flexible
requirements for Natalia Belkin from Bar Ilan University
tool for aligning sequences to a template alignment.
(BIU). Natalia Belkin (NB) was supported by a President’s
Bioinformatics 26: 266–267.
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Caporaso, J.G., Kuczynski, J., Stombaugh, J., Bittinger, K.,
Program for Marine Conservation in the Mediterranean.
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© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120
4120 N. Belkin et al.
Table S1. Changes in the abundance of ultra-phytoplankton mesocosms of each treatment at the beginning (T0) and the
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as obtained by flow cytometry. Detailed data are average cell stratified-summer experiments.
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of the mixed-spring and stratified-summer experiments. method for the comparative analysis of large datasets. Front
Table S2. Temporal changes in the average inorganic Genet 6: 1–8.
nutrient concentrations ± SD measured from triplicate

© 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4105–4120

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