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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

Revision History

Date Rev Author Comments

22/12/2003 1.00 Ronan Sylvester Original Workbench Release
12/01/2004 1.01 Alan Maguire Updated version following software

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

Table Of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................4

1.1 Purpose and Scope of this Document .................................................................................................4

1.2 References..............................................................................................................................................4

2. THE IEC60870-5-104 PROTOCOL................................................................................................5

2.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Application Layer .................................................................................................................................5
2.2.1 ASDU’s defined for IEC68070-5-104. ...................................................................................5
2.3 General features....................................................................................................................................6

3. IEC60870-5-104 SLAVE CONFIGURATION.............................................................................7

3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................7

3.1.1 IEC 104 Slave Gen Config......................................................................................................7
3.1.2 IEC 104 Slave Map .................................................................................................................7
3.2 Creating IEC60870-5-104 Slave Configuration Tables....................................................................8
3.2.1 Configuring the IEC60870-5-104 General Configuration Table. ..........................................9
3.2.2 IEC-104 Slave General Configuration Entry Fields.............................................................11
3.2.3 Configuring the IEC60870-5-104 Map Table.......................................................................14
3.2.4 IEC 104 Slave Map Entry Fields ..........................................................................................16

4. DOWNLOADING CONFIGURATIONS ................................................................................18

5. SAMPLE CONFIGURATION TABLES ...................................................................................19

5.1 Sample IEC104 Slave Gen Config Table ........................................................................................ 19

5.2 Sample IEC104 Slave Map Table .................................................................................................... 20

6. APPENDIX A – IEC870-5-104 SLAVE FRONT PANEL CODES .........................................21

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose and Scope of this Document
This document will enable the user to configure the XCell IEC60870-5-104 Slave interface in
conjunction with the Microsol Workbench Configuration Tool to transmit the required user
data, to a protocol compliant Master Control Station.

This guide will enable the user to map specific XCell data points or events to IEC60870-5-104
Information Object Addresses (IOA’s). The features and commands available in the current
Microsol implementation of the IEC60870-5-104 SLAVE protocol are outlined in both the
Microsol IEC60870-5-104 Interoperability Checklist and the Microsol IEC60870-5-104 SLAVE
Functional Description. .

1.2 References

[1] Document Title: Workbench Configuration Tool Users Guide.

Source: Microsol Ltd.

[2] Document Title IEC60870-5-3 General Structure of Application Data

Revision: 1992-09
Author: International Electrotechnical Commission
Source: Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique
3. Rue de Varemé

[3] Document Title IEC60870-5-4 Definition and Coding of Application Information Elements
Revision: 1993-08
Author: International Electrotechnical Commission
Source: Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique
3. Rue de Varemé

[4] Document Title Draft IEC60870-5-5 (57/200/DIS) Basic Application Functions

Revision: 1994-05
Author: International Electrotechnical Commission
Source: Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique
3. Rue de Varemé

[7] Document Title Telecontrol equipment and systems –

Part 5-104:Transmission protocols –
Network access for IEC60870-5-101 using standard transport profiles
Revision: 2000-12
Author: International Electrotechnical Commission
Source: Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique
3. Rue de Varemé

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

2. The IEC60870-5-104 Protocol

2.1 Introduction
The IEC60870-5-104 provides a network access protocol for the IEC60870-5-101 application
layer. It is an open and standard protocol defined for telecontrol applications and provides
the security and functionality required for such remote monitoring and control. It is based on
a subset of ISO 7498 (generally referred to as the “ISO Seven Layer Reference Model”) with
layers 5 and 6 (Session and Presentation layers) excluded. The TCP/IP protocol suite takes
care of the lower layers with IEC68070-5-104 specifically addressing the transport interface at
the Application layer and the Application layer.

2.2 Application Layer

The application layer of IEC60870-5-104 deals with messages that have one or two fields
(messages containing information for control purposes or messages containing information
for control purposes together with unit and object information data).
There are 3 types of control message namely I-frame, S-frame and U-frame messages, these
messages are referred to as the APCI field. All messages have an APCI field but only I-frames
have an ASDU component that follows on from the APCI. This ASDU component is the same
as for IEC60870-5-101.
There are a number of ASDU’s in addition to the IEC60870-5-101 standard.

2.2.1 ASDU’s defined for IEC68070-5-104.

All ASDUs as supported by IEC 68070-5-101 which do not include a three octet time tag as
defined by CP24Time2a are also supported by IEC 68070-5-104. Additionally the following
ASDUs for process information in the control direction with a seven octet time tag as defined
by CP56Time2a are also supported :
Type Identifier and name
58 Single command with time tag CP56Time2a.
59 Double command with time tag CP56Time2a.
60 Regulating Step command with time tag CP56Time2a.
61 Set-point command with time tag CP56Time2a, normalised value.
107 Test command with time tag CP56Time2a.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

2.3 General features.

The following general features are supported in the Microsol implementation of the
Application Layer of the IEC60870-5-104 Slave protocol:
• Event retrieval

• Full Database Read using General Interrogation

• Activation of Control Outputs

• Activation of Persistent Digital Outputs

• Set point Commands

• Event Buffering

• Time Synchronization

• Parameter Downloading

• Optional Time Stamping of process information data on a point basis

• Counter Freeze and Read

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

3. IEC60870-5-104 Slave Configuration

3.1 Overview
Two protocol tables are used to configure this implementation of the IEC60870-5-104 SLAVE
protocol. These are the IEC 104 Slave Gen Config table and the IEC 104 Slave Map table and
both must be configured on the IEC60870-5-104 interface unit.

A brief description of these tables are given in the following sections:

3.1.1 IEC 104 Slave Gen Config

This table defines the information relating to the XCell general configuration parameters used
by the Microsol implementation of the IEC60870-5-104 Slave protocol.

3.1.2 IEC 104 Slave Map

This table defines the data points that are to be read or written in the XCell system. Data
points are identified by unique user defined names (Tags). The table comprises a series of
individual table entries that are selected and filled out as described in the appropriate

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

3.2 Creating IEC60870-5-104 Slave Configuration

This section outlines how to set-up and configure the various configuration tables in the
Workbench Configuration Tool and a detailed description of all associated parameters and
their effects.

To define IEC60870-5-104 Slave configuration tables in the Workbench Configuration Tool,

create an RTU and attach an XCell unit node (this procedure is described in detail in the
Microsol Workbench Users Guide). Depending on the release of Workbench being used this
may be automatically completed. Once this is done, select the ‘Elements’ pane, followed by
the ‘Slave Protocol’ pane and ‘IEC 68070-5-104’ pane, all that is then required is to drag the
appropriate IEC-60870-5-104 Slave protocol table (IEC 104 Slave-Gen Config or IEC 104
Slave-Map) icons onto the Unit in the ‘Project’ panel as shown below.
Protocol Unit

The various IEC60870-5-

104 Configuration Files

Figure 1 - Adding IEC60870-5-104 Slave Configuration Tables

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

3.2.1 Configuring the IEC60870-5-104 General

Configuration Table.
The standard XCell system allows only one instance of IEC60870-5-104 slave protocol per Cell
and therefore only one row is defined.
Parameter configuration is done using the Workspace Project grid as shown in the diagram
below. If the number of parameters in the record exceeds the width of the available view the
additional fields are available using the scroll bar at the bottom of the view.

Project Grid View

Figure 2 - IECGEN Table Showing Table Properties

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01 Quick Reference

This section provides a table for quickly setting up the IEC-GEN table, for a more detailed
explanation of the individual fields see the paragraphs in the IEC-GEN Entry Fields section of
this document.
Table 1 – IEC-GEN Quick Reference Table

Field Name Limits Remarks/Default Value

Tag 15 Alpha-Numeric This is the XCell identifier for this IEC-60870-5-104 slave
Characters protocol unit. Although Workbench will accept Tag’s
greater than 16 characters the configuration download to the
XCell unit will fail if this limit is exceeded.
Description 40 Characters Description of this IEC60870-5-104 Slave, this is only
informational, it is NOT downloaded to the RTU as part of
the configuration.
Common Address 1 to 65535 (2-byte) Common address of ASDU (default 1)
Short Pulse (ms) 1 to 65,535 Short pulse length in milliseconds (default 500)
Long Pulse (ms) 1 to 65,535 Long pulse length in milliseconds (default 2000)
Clock Sync Period (min) 1 to 65,535 Period in minutes within which Clock Sync should occur
(default 10 minutes)
Clock Sync Source Master, GPS Clock, Identifies the master time source. The ‘Master’ option is via
Master on GPS Fail the IEC protocol (default ‘Master’)
GPS Unit Number 0-254 This field is only relevant if the ClockSyncSrc includes GPS
Clock. This defines the XCell unit number to which the GPS
clock is connected (default 0). As 0 is an invalid unit number
in the XCell system setting this field to 0 means there is no
GPS clock connected.
Analogue Threshold 0 - 10,000 Defines the default IEC threshold (as a percentage of the
(100 = 1%) full scale analogue value) that must be exceeded before
analogue changes are reported. See Note on percentage
input (default = 0%)
Analogue Deadband 0 - 10,000 Defines the default IEC Dead-band (as a percentage of the
(100 = 1%) full scale analogue value) that must be exceeded around
the alarm limit before an analogue value will be reported as
coming out of alarm. See Note on percentage input (default
= 0%)
Digital Packed Message Enable/Disable Defines whether GI digitals can be sent as packed messages
(default = ‘Disable’)
Command Delay (ms) 0 - 30000 Delay allowed between the transmission of a command
request from the host and processing of this request by the
slave. (default 500msec)
t1 Timeout (sec) 1 – 255 Maximum time a device must wait for acknowledgement of
a transmitted message. (default 15sec)
t3 Timeout (sec) 1 – 255 Maximum time a slave device will wait between message
transmissions. If no data is available for transmission, a
TESTFR is sent (default 20sec)
k (max transmit) 1 – 255 Maximum number of messages that can be transmitted
before receiving an acknowledgement. (default 12)
w (max receive) 1 – 255 Maximum number of messages that can be received before
transmitting an acknowledgement (default 8)

* Note: These fields resolve percentage input to 0.01%, therefore 1% requires a field entry of 100

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

3.2.2 IEC-104 Slave General Configuration Entry Fields General Fields TAG
The TAG field identifies the instance of the IEC60870-5-104 protocol. This unique tag must be
referenced in the IEC-FILE node if using SOE or configuration file transfer. Otherwise the tag
is not referenced. Common Address

The Common Address field is used to denote the IEC Slave RTU station address. The range of
the address is 0 to 65535. Commands to the slave must contain the correct Common Address
value otherwise the command will be rejected. Short Pulse / Long Pulse

The IEC60870-5-104 control output commands can specify either a short control pulse or a
long control pulse. The two pulse lengths, in milliseconds, used for these commands are
defined in the Short Pulse field and Long Pulse field. Selection of either short pulse or long
pulse is made on each individual control from the Control Centre / Master Station. Clock Sync Period

The Clock Sync Period field is used to define the interval, defined in minutes, within which
clock synchronization commands should regularly be received from the Control Centre /
Master Station. If the command is not received within this period any subsequent events will
be marked to indicate that the time information is of suspect accuracy. This period should be
greater than the period at which the Control Centre / Master Station sends out the clock sync
commands (generally set to twice the period). Clock Sync Source

The Clock Sync Source field defines the source of the time synchronization commands within
the system. These can be either from the Master Control Station, an XCell Unit with a GPS
Clock attached or the unit with the GPS Clock unless this unit fails at which point the
IEC60870-5-104 slave unit will take it’s time synchronization from the Master Control Station.
The field defaults to using the Master Control Station as the Time Synchronization Source. GPS Unit Number

The GPS Unit Number field defines the XCell unit that has the GPS clock attached, this field
obviously only has meaning if the Clock Sync Source field contains an option that uses a GPS
clock unit. The default for this field is unit 0. Analogue Threshold

The Analogue Threshold field defines, as a percentage of the full-scale analogue range the
change that must take place in the reading before it is reported. The value is entered in units
of 0.01% therefore each 1% of threshold value must be entered as 100 in this field. The default

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

value is 1000, which translates to 10% threshold value; therefore the maximum value
permissible is 10000 or 100%. Analogue Deadband

The Analogue Deadband field defines as a percentage of the current High/Low alarm value,
the amount the current analogue value must change for a set alarm to be cancelled. The value
is entered in units of 0.01% therefore each 1% of threshold value must be entered as 100 in
this field. The default value is 1000, which translates to 10% threshold value, therefore the
maximum value permissible is 10000 or 100%. Digital Packed Message

The Digital Packed Message field defines whether to enable the packing of digital input data
during a General Interrogation. By default this facility is disabled which will slow down the
return of the GI data dramatically but may be necessary to conform to the limitations of some
Master Control Stations. Protection parameters

IEC60870-5-104 includes a number of parameters to prevent loss and duplication of messages.
These parameters include timer values and buffering limitations and are used as outlined
below. Command Delay

The Command Delay parameter defines the time allowed by the Slave for a command from
the host station to arrive in the Slave device. Prior to processing such a command the
application check if this time has been exceeded, if so the command is rejected.
Since the link between the Master and Slave devices is across a network, depending on the
network loading and route taken, all messages transmissions make not take the same time. To
overcome this situation IEC68070-5-104 includes a number of commands containing a time of
transmission time stamp. This information is used by the application on receipt of such
commands to check if the command is still valid after taking the Command Delay time into
account. t1 Timeout
The t1 Timeout value is the time after which the Slave device disconnects if it has not received
a response to a message sent to the Master device. t2 Timeout
The t2 Timeout value is an idle timeout. It is the time the Slave device will wait between
message transmissions, if this time elapses and nothing has arrived (or been sent) the Slave
device will send a TESTFR message. k (max transmit)

The k (max transmit) parameter indicates the maximum number of messages that will be
transmitted by the Slave Device without receipt of an acknowledgement message from the
master Device.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01 w (max receive)

The w (max receive) parameter indicates the maximum number of messages that will be
received by the Slave device before transmission of an acknowledgement.
NOTE: Modification of Clock sync Period or k (Max transmit) options will cause the IEC
unit to reboot.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

3.2.3 Configuring the IEC60870-5-104 Map Table Creating the IEC 104 Slave Map Table
As stated previously IEC60870-5-104 configuration tables should be defined under an XCell
unit node. To define an IECMAP table select the ‘Elements’ pane, followed by the ‘Slave
Protocol’ pane and ‘IEC 68070-5-104’ pane, all that is then required is to drag the IEC 104
Slave Map icon onto the Unit. Workbench will then present a dialog allowing selection of the
initial number of IEC-Map entries required, following selection of this number click OK and
the entries will appear in the ‘Project’ grid as shown below.

IEC Map Table

Figure 3 - IEC60870-5-104 Slave Unit With IEC 104 Slave Gen and IEC104 Slave Map Tables

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01 Quick Reference

This section provides a table for quickly setting up the IEC 104 Slave Map table, for a more
detailed explanation of the individual fields see the paragraphs in the IEC 104 Slave Map
Entry Fields section of this document.

Table 2 – IEC-MAP Quick Reference Table

Field Name Value Comments

Description 40 Characters Description of this particular map entry, This is for configuration
purposes only the data is not downloaded to the RTU.
Reference Tag XCell Point Tag An existing selected XCell data point to be mapped to an IEC IOA for
transfer via the IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol (default ‘NULL’)
Field XCell Data Type Data type of Reference Tag (default Not selected)
Map Range 1 to 255 The number of sequential XCell points selected for transfer (default 1)
IOA Address 1 to 16,777,216 (3 Protocol address (IOA) assigned to Reference Tag (default 1)
byte IOA)
Data Type List of Protocol IEC-60870-5-104 Protocol Data Type (default Single Point (Input))
Data Types
Timestamped Yes/No Event transfer to include optional timestamp (default ‘Yes’)
Insignificant Yes/No Event generated/not generated when the data value changes. Yes => no
event generated (default ‘No’)
GI Group No/Global/Group1/. Assignment of points to a particular GI group. Select ‘No’ to exclude
../Group16 from GI. Note that Accumulators and periodic analogues are not part of
a GI.
Cyclic 0 to 4294967295 Periodic transmission time specified in milliseconds. This field only
Transmission applies to non-timestamped analogues that are marked as insignificant.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

3.2.4 IEC 104 Slave Map Entry Fields Reference Tag & Field
The XCell data point to be transferred via the IEC protocol is defined through the Reference
Tag field. The type of XCell data is defined through Field. If a block of sequential points is
being configured in a single entry in the IECMAP then the Reference Tag must refer to the
first point in the sequential block. Map Range

A range of sequential data points can be selected through the Map Range field. The Map
Range defines the number of sequential XCell data points to transfer, commencing at the
Reference Tag. All points defined by the Map Range will use the same transfer parameters
(except their protocol addresses (IOA’s) will also be sequential). IOA Address

The IOA Address field defines the protocol address assigned to the selected data point(s),
Reference Tag. The value in IOA Address must concur with the IOA address configured in the
Control Centre / Master Station. When values greater than 1 are entered in the Map Range
field, sequential data points are automatically assigned sequential IOA addresses. The IOA
Size defined in the IEC-GEN node limits the maximum value of IOA. Data Type

Every protocol supports specific data types, which are processed in different ways. Each data
point that is selected for transfer must be assigned to one of the protocol data types through
the Data Type field. The data type selected must be consistent with the type of the XCell data
point. For example, when an XCell ACCUM point is selected in Reference Tag then the Data
Type should be selected as Counter/Accumulator and not as Double Point (Input). Timestamped
Each individual data point can be configured for transmission with or without an
accompanying timestamp. Insignificant
A change in a data value may be selected to either generate an IEC event or not. This may be
configured through the Insignificant field. When Insignificant is selected as ‘Yes’, any data
point changes will not cause an event to be generated. However, the changed value is stored
and is accessible through the IEC General Interrogation. GI Group
This field allows a user to select which general interrogation group the point is to be returned
in. If the user selects ‘no’ then the point will not be returned in a GI, if the point is selected as
‘global’ then it will be returned in a global general interrogation. There are also 16 groups that
points can be configured in, points configured in these groups will be returned in a ‘global’
interrogation or in a specific interrogation of their group.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01 Cyclic Transmission Period

This field allows a user to specify how often non-timestamped, insignificant analogues are
reported cyclically. A value of zero disables the cyclic transmission.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

4. Downloading Configurations
When the protocol configuration is complete it must then be downloaded into the XCell
IEC60870-5-104 Slave unit. The procedure for downloading configuration data into a unit is
described in the Microsol Workbench Users Guide. The Protocol tables should be
downloaded to the IEC60870-5-104 Slave unit individually and in a specific order to ensure
correct operation; this order is defined by the following sequence.


2. IECGEN (Loading this table may cause the XCell to reboot)

The unit may contain other table relating to I/O units installed in the cell. These may be
should be downloaded prior to the IEC tables.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

5. Sample Configuration Tables

5.1 Sample IEC104 Slave Gen Config Table
The following table presents a representative sample of the parameters that are usable with the IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol General Configuration Table in
Microsol Workbench. This table is derived from a working configuration only minor differences exist to better display the options available within the table.
For additional explanation of the field contents see the footnotes at the end of the table.
Table 3 - Sample IEC104 Slave Gen Config Table
Tag Description Common Short Pulse Long Pulse Clock Sync Period Clock Sync
Address (ms) (ms) (min) Source

IECGEN GEN Table 1 500 2000 10 MASTER

GPS Unit Current Value Analogue Analogue Digital Packed Command t1 Timeout t3 Timeout k (max transmit) w (max receive)
Number Analogues Threshold Deadband Messages Delay

0 No 1000 1000 Enable 1500 15 20 12 8

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

5.2 Sample IEC104 Slave Map Table

The following table and associated notes present a representative sample of the parameters that are usable with the IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol IEC-MAP
Table in Microsol Workbench. This table is derived from a working configuration only minor differences exist to better display the options available within
the table. For additional explanation of the field contents see the footnotes at the end of the table.

Table 4 - Sample IEC104 Slave-Map Table

Description Field Reference Tag Map IOA Data Type Timestamped Insignificant GI Group Cyclic
Range Address Transmission
Period (ms)

Feeder 1 Status1 1-bit Data SDI_1_01 1 100 Single Point (Input) Yes No Global 0
Phase R Voltage2 16-bit Vr 1 200 Measured Value (Norm) No No Global 0
PROCAI Minimum PRAI_1_4 4 1000 Measured Value (Periodic)3 Yes No No 0
Accumulator 32-bit ACCUM_5_48 1 5048 Counter/Accumulator Yes No No 0

1 Digital data is normally timestamped.

2 Analogue or Counter Data is not normally timestamped
3 PROCAI points MUST be IEC type ‘Measured Value (Periodic)’ to avoid (Normalisation) processing

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

6. Appendix A – IEC870-5-104 Slave Front

Panel Codes

Front Probable Cause Possible Solution

A04 – 010 Incorrect firmware installed on the XCell Ensure correct versions of IEC60870-5-104 and
processor module board. BASE are installed.

A04 – 011 Incorrect firmware installed on the XCell Ensure correct versions of IEC60870-5-104 and
processor module board. Incorrect version of BASE are installed. Ensure correct version of
Microsol Workbench. Microsol Workbench.

A04 – 020 Incorrect firmware installed on the XCell Ensure correct versions of IEC60870-5-104 and
processor module board. BASE are installed.

A04 – 030 Incorrect firmware installed on the XCell Ensure correct versions of IEC60870-5-104 Slave
processor module board. and BASE firmware are installed.

A04 – 040 Hardware failure or insufficient memory. Ensure that all RAM chips correctly inserted.
Check that the memory expansion card is
correctly installed. Ensure that a correct version of
IEC60870-5-104 and BASE firmware is installed.

A04 – 041 Unrecognised message type received from the Ensure correct versions of IEC60870-5-104 and
Master Station. BASE firmware are installed in the XCell
processor module. Check the IEC60870-5-104
message type byte in the frame sent by IEC60870-

A04 – 042 Internal software failure; error on writing to a Ensure correct versions of IEC60870-5-104 and
time buffer. General hardware failure. BASE firmware are installed on the XCell
processor module board. Ensure a memory
expansion board is installed on the XCell
processor unit board.

A04 – 043 Error on reading from the internal time buffer, Ensure that correct versions of IEC60870-5-104
or general hardware failure. and BASE firmware are installed on the XCell
processor module card. Ensure that the memory
expansion card is installed.

A04 - 044 Error while processing internal IEC60870-5-104 Ensure correct versions of IEC60870-5-104 and
protocol messages. Possible configuration BASE firmware are installed on the XCell
problem with the downloaded MAP table. processor module board. Ensure a memory
expansion card is installed. Ensure that a correct
configuration is downloaded from MICROSOL

A04 - 045 Error while accessing XCell database. Possible Ensure correct versions of IEC60870-5-104 and
configuration problem with the downloaded BASE firmware are installed. Ensure memory
MAP table. expansion card is installed. Ensure correct
configuration is downloaded from MICROSOL

A04 - 046 Internal software problem. One of the This is a valid operational situation. Ensure that
following buffers has overflowed; Event buffer the host does not issue multiple simultaneous
or Command Response buffer. commands. Ensure a memory expansion card is

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

Front Probable Cause Possible Solution

A04 – 047 Invalid protocol MAP table configuration. Ensure a valid MICROSOL WORKBENCH
Attempt to access a non-existing IOA. protocol configuration was downloaded to the
XCell unit. Ensure that a memory expansion card
is installed. In the case of a General Interrogation
or Counter Interrogation command, ensure that
the IOA is zero.

A04 – 048 Attempt to perform a Single command failed. Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
downloaded to the XCell. Verify the host

A04 – 049 The requested operation is neither a SELECT, Ensure a correct version of IEC60870-5-104
EXECUTE or BREAK. firmware is installed. Check the single command
sent from the master station.

A04 – 050 Attempt to perform a Single command failed. Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
downloaded to the cell. Verify that the cell
containing the outputs has been correctly
configured. Ensure a correct version of IEC60870-
5-104 firmware is installed. Check the single
command sent from the master station.

A04 – 051 The requested operation is neither a SELECT, Ensure a valid MICROSOL WORKBENCH
EXECUTE or BREAK. protocol configuration was downloaded to the
XCell processor unit. Verify that the XCell
containing the outputs has been configured
correctly. Ensure a correct version of IEC60870-5-
104 firmware is installed. Check the double
command sent from the master station.

A04 – 052 Attempt to perform a Double command failed. Ensure a valid MICROSOL WORKBENCH
protocol configuration was downloaded to the
XCell processor unit. Verify that the XCell
containing the outputs has been configured
correctly. Ensure a correct version of IEC60870-5-
104 firmware is installed. Check the double
command sent from the master station.

A04 – 053 Attempt to perform a regulating step Ensure a valid MICROSOL WORKBENCH
command failed. protocol configuration was downloaded to the
XCell processor unit. Verify that the XCell
containing the outputs has been configured
correctly. Ensure a correct version of IEC60870-5-
104 firmware is installed. Check the regulating
step command sent from the master station.

A04 – 054 Attempt to perform a regulating step Ensure a valid MICROSOL WORKBENCH
command failed. protocol configuration was downloaded to the
XCell processor unit. Verify that the XCell
containing the outputs has been configured
correctly. Ensure a correct version of IEC60870-5-
104 firmware is installed. Check the regulating
step command sent from the master station.

A04 – 055 Attempt to perform a Set Point command Ensure a valid MICROSOL WORKBENCH
failed. protocol configuration was downloaded to the
XCell processor unit. Verify that the XCell
containing the outputs has been configured
correctly. Ensure a correct version of IEC60870-5-
104 firmware is installed. Check the Set Point
command sent from the master station.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

Front Probable Cause Possible Solution

A04 – 056 Failure when constructing a reply to a Ensure that correct versions of IEC60870-5-104
command message. Insufficient memory for a and BASE firmware are installed in the XCell.
reply. Ensure a memory expansion card is installed.

A04 – 057 Problem encountered when processing Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
Counter Request. Either the COT or the VSQ downloaded to the cell. Check the interrogation
in the received frame is incorrect (i.e. not in command issued by the master station.
accordance with the IEC60870-5-104

A04 – 058 Error encountered when processing the QOI Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
parameter in a received message. downloaded to the cell. Check the interrogation
command issued by the master station.

A04 – 059 Error encountered when processing the Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
Parameter Loading command. downloaded to the cell. Check the measured
value issued by the master station.

A04 – 060 Error encountered when accessing database. Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
downloaded to the cell. Ensure a correct version
of IEC60870-5-104 is installed in the XCell unit.

A04 – 061 Error encountered when processing time Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
functions within the IEC60870-5-104 protocol. downloaded to the cell. Ensure correct version of
IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware is installed in
the XCell unit.

A04 – 062 Change message received is not a FULL- Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
UPDATE or a Normal Change message. downloaded to the XCell. Ensure correct version
of IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware is installed
in the XCell unit.

A04 – 063 Unable to determine the Online / Offline status Ensure a correct version of IEC60870-5-104
of another unit. firmware is installed. Ensure that a memory
expansion card is installed.

A04 – 064 Error encountered when processing protocol Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
database, following a cell failure on the local downloaded to the cell. Ensure correct version of
network. IEC60870-5-104 cannot pack unit IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware. Check the unit
status events. operational status. Check network.

A04 – 065 Error encountered when constructing a 7-byte Ensure a correct version of IEC60870-5-104
time-stamp. firmware is installed. Ensure that a memory
expansion card is installed.

A04 – 066 Error encountered processing SELECT Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
operation for a Set Point command. downloaded to the cell. Ensure correct version of
IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware is installed in
the XCell processor unit.

A04 – 067 Error encountered processing EXECUTE Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
operation for a Set Point command. possible downloaded to the cell. Ensure correct version of
error in the MICROSOL WORKBENCH IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware is installed in
configuration. the XCell processor unit.

A04 – 068 Error encountered processing BREAK Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
operation for a Set Point command. downloaded to the cell. Ensure correct version of
IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

Front Probable Cause Possible Solution

A04 – 069 Error encountered trying to select a single two- Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
stage output when another two-stage output downloaded to the cell (only one active two /
on the same card is already active. This three-stage output may be selected per card. A
message is also encountered when trying to select should not be sent to a single-stage
select a single two-stage output when that command. Enter the commands in the correct
output is already selected. sequence).
Also occurs if a select is sent to a single stage Ensure correct version of IEC60870-5-104 protocol
output. firmware.

A04 – 070 An XCell unit containing a Digital Output card Ensure the target XCell unit is on-line.
has gone off-line.

A04 – 071 Error encountered processing BREAK Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
operation for a Single command. downloaded to the cell. Ensure correct version of
IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware.

A04 – 072 Error encountered processing SELECT Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
operation for a Double command. downloaded to the cell. Ensure a correct version
of IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware is installed
in the XCell.

A04 – 073 Error encountered processing EXECUTE Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
operation for a Double command. downloaded to the cell. Ensure a correct version
of IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware is installed
in the XCell processor unit.

A04 – 074 Error encountered processing BREAK Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
operation for a Double command. downloaded to the cell. Ensure a correct version
of IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware is installed
in the XCell.

A04 – 075 Error encountered when processing Counter Ensure a valid protocol configuration was
Interrogation command. downloaded to the cell. Ensure a correct version
of IEC60870-5-104 protocol firmware is installed
in the XCell processor module.

A04 – 076 Bad internal data type. Contact your system supplier or equipment

A04 – 077 The XCell unit is reporting an internal data Note the operational conditions under which the
type error. message was displayed and contact your system
supplier or equipment vendor.

A04 – 080 Error encountered when formatting messages Ensure correct version of IEC60870-5-104 protocol
for transmission to host. firmware. Check for Hardware failure. Ensure the
memory expansion card is correctly installed.

A04 – 084 Invalid regulation step command. Check input message parameters.

A04 – 100 Error encountered when attempting to allocate Ensure correct version of IEC60870-5-104 protocol
memory. firmware. Check for Hardware failure. Ensure
memory expansion card is correctly installed.

A04 – 101 Error encountered when attempting to free Ensure that correct version of IEC60870-5-104
memory. protocol firmware is installed. Check for
hardware failure. Ensure the memory expansion
card is correctly installed.

A04 – 102 The XCell processor module is reporting a Check that the IEC60870-5-104 Map table in the
Point Type problem during a general MICROSOL WORKBENCH configuration has
integration. been completed properly.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

Front Probable Cause Possible Solution

A04 – 103 An error has been encountered when packing Note the operational conditions under which the
events. message was displayed and contact your system
supplier or equipment vendor.

A04 – 104 A bad event buffer was encountered in the Note the operational conditions under which the
IEC60870-5-104 firmware. message was displayed and contact your system
supplier or equipment vendor.

A04 – 110 The IEC60870-5-104 clock has drifted since the Check IECGEN table in the MICROSOL
last time synchronisation. Host did not send WORKBENCH configuration for expected time
Time Sync message within expected time period. Send a time synchronisation command to
period. the unit.

A04 – 199 Error encountered when continuous In order for more commands to be accepted by
commands sent to the RTU and no responses the RTU polling of the RTU needs to occur
have been transmitted. The command continuously. This polling will retrieve previous
response buffer has overfilled. command responses and keep the buffer from
getting filled.

A04 – 200 High-priority output message buffer overflow. RTU polling should occur more frequently to
Usually occurs when multiple digital output retrieve previous command responses and keep
drives are sent but the RTU is not polled for the buffer from getting filled.

A04 – 201 This informational message indicates that the

event buffers are full and the oldest
information is being replaced by the latest
events. A background scan has been initiated
to recover from this situation.

A04 – 227 Error encountered when returning time buffer. Note the operational conditions under which the
message was displayed and contact your system
supplier or equipment vendor.

L04 – 063 Bad message format. Format of received U- Ensure host is generating these unnumbered
format field incorrect. control messages correctly.

L04 – 064 Bad message information. Incorrect Ensure host is generating these unnumbered
information in 1st or 2nd byte of I-format field control messages correctly

L04 – 066 Bad message information. Incorrect Ensure host is generating these unnumbered
information in 3rd byte of I-format message control messages correctly

L04 – 067 Received confirmation of a STARTDT request Verify master correctly configured
which was not issued

L04 – 068 Received confirmation of a STOPDT request Verify master correctly configured
which was not issued

L04 – 069 Receiving I-format fields while system not Master must establish comms by using the
initialised. STARTDT control function before commencing
data transfer.

L04 – 070 One or more I-format fields have been missed Ensure network available and operational

L04 – 072 Internal firmware error Note the operational conditions under which the
message was displayed and contact the system
supplier or equipment vendor

L04 – 074 I-format field indicates more information has Ensure network is correctly operating and that
been received than transmitted master is not resending messages

L04 – 084 Timer t1 timed out causing the link to be If this is occurring regularly check the setting of t1
broken. and t3 parameters on the master and slave devices
and adjust as necessary.

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

Front Probable Cause Possible Solution

L04 – 085 System timeout while processing a received Note the operational conditions under which the
frame. message was displayed and contact the system
supplier or equipment vendor

L04 – 086 Error cancelling timer Note the operational conditions under which the
message was displayed and contact the system
supplier or equipment vendor

L04 – 091 Informational message indicating the socket

has been disconnected by the master.

L04 – 092 Unable to send data This may be due to the socket having been closed
by the master.

L04 – 093 Transmission of data incomplete This may be due to the socket having being closed
by the master during transmission

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

IEC60870-5-104 Slave Protocol
Configuration Guide Version 1.01

© Microsol Ltd. 2004. The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice.
Microsol does not assume responsibility for any errors in fact or design in this publication. The
publication is provided for general information only and shall not form part of any contract.
File: IEC60870-5-104 SLAVE CONFIGURATION GUIDE (Microsol Workbench).doc

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IEC60870-5-104 Slave Workbench Configuration Guide

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