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Fall Schedule and Post Camp Rehearsals

Our schedule is largely built around turf availability as well as maximizing our time as a group
and minimizing the time spent with other activity conflicts. I believe very strongly that a student
involved in multiple facets of high school life will be a well rounded student that excels in the
musicals arts, academics, and teams sports if a students pursues them.

Once the school year starts, we begin rehearsing after school on Tuesday and Thursdays until
4:30. This allows us to capitalize on having band the last bell of the day and then continuing
directly after school. We made this change in school year ‘20-’21 and saw a dramatic decrease
in student stress as well as missed time in band or sports rehearsals. This also allows our
marching 8th graders to get more time in as well. This also guarantees us turf time during the
school day. Conflicts (doctors appt, work, etc) should try to be avoided for the season.

Late Season Rehearsals/Away Games:

During weeks where we have an away game we are NOT traveling to, or when we are late in
the season and the field show is completely learned, rehearsals may be shortened or cancelled.

Expectation for Post Camp Rehearsals: Please be at all rehearsals, unless on family vacation
or active in Sports Camps/practices. Work, babysitting, other social activities should be
scheduled around the rehearsal schedule. Provide two week notice of any conflict as stated.

Expectation for Rehearsals during school year: Please be at each weekly rehearsal. Coming
late or leaving early due to sports conflicts is acceptable with prior notice. Work, babysitting,
and social events should be scheduled around rehearsals. Grade may be affected by not
providing two weeks notice.

Post Camp Rehearsals

-purpose: to keep band camp material fresh and moving forward as we approach the start of
school. Allows us to continue moving forward towards parts we did not attain at camp. Essential
due to football games being moved up this year to accommodate an expanded playoff schedule.

Post Camp Rehearsals and Events

Thurs, Aug 5th - 2:30-4:30pm

Tues, Aug 10th - 6pm-8pm
Fri, Aug 13th - Seniors Only Photo TBD starts at 1:30
Tues - Aug 17th - Rehearsal 4-6pm
Wed - Aug 18th - Rehearsal 4-6pm
Thur - Aug 19th - Tentative Meet the Team Night @ 6pm
Tues - Aug 24th - 3:30-5:30 pm
Thurs - Aug 26 - Begin After School rehearsals on Tue/Thur until 4:30

Football Games and Fall Events (attend all home games) as of 7/23/21
H - Aug 20 - vs OAKWOOD
A - Aug 27 - vs Norwood (not Attending)
H - Sept 3 - vs WILLIAMSBURG (Youth Football Night)
Sept 6 - Labor Day Parade tentative 10am
A - Sept 10 - vs Madeira (ATTENDING)
Sept 11 - Tentative - University of Cincinnati Band Day
A - Sept 17 - vs Indian Hill (ATTENDING)
Sept 22 or 23 - Pep Rally at Log Cabin in Terrace Park
H - Sept 24 - vs FINNEYTOWN (Homecoming)
A - Oct 1 - vs Deer Park (not Attending)
H - Oct 8 - vs WYOMING (Junior High Night)
A - Oct 22 - vs Taylor (Senior Night)
Oct 29 - Elementary Halloween Parades (during school)
**? - OCT 29 OR 20 - PLAY OFF GAME
**? - NOV 5 OR 6 - PLAY OFF GAME

** Post Season/Play Off Games are slightly different this year. Every team will have at least one
round of playoffs. The first few games can be scheduled on either Friday or Saturday depending
on division and turf availability. We will know likelihood of post season games midseason.

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