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So, let’s talk about discoveries and inventi ons.

The invention of the telephone was done by a group of individuals, many
different companies. However, it is believed that the telephone was invented by
Alexander Graham Bell in 1875 with the help of his friend Thomas A. Watson.
A mobile phone is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls over a
radio frequency while the user is moving around a telephoned serviced area. The
first mobile phone was created by Martin Cooper a researcher from Motorola in
1973. And the first phonecall was made to John F Mitchel. It was until 1980’s
when the first commercial mobile phones were sold. And, do you have a mobile
The first mobile phone with smart devices incorporated was developed by IBM in
1992, but it was not very popular in the world. It was until 1994 that the first
commercially produced Smartphone was introduced by the company Simon
Personal Communicator. Emails and faxes were received by the Simon, the name
of the first Smartphone.

Now look at the following sentences taken from the texts:

Sentence #1

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1875.

(This sentence is written in passive voice, we recognize the passive voice by
looking at different elements, for example the subject is at the end of the
Sentence #2

The first phonecall was made to John F. Mitchel.

(Another important element of a passive voice sentence is that  we use the verb
to be and the participle of another verb.)

Sentence #3
The smartphone was introduced by the company Simon personal
(One of the key features of the passive voice is that the first element in the sentence is
the OBJECT or the element that is being affected by the verb.)

A. Complete the following chart with information from the texts above. (as many as you
can find)


Invention Incorporate Smart

B. Unscramble the sentences:

1. Was invented/ the camera/by Alexander Walcott
2. Is used/everyday/Internet
3. Radio/important invention/is considered/one
4. In 1926/was invented/Television
5. For many home activities/are used/Drones.
C. Answer the following questions:
1. When do we use a passive voice sentence?
2. Verb to be in passive voice?
3. Main verbs in passive voice?
4. A simple rule to identify sentences in passive voice?

D. Write the past participle of the verbs. To make appropriate passive voice
sentences it is really important to know verbs .

1. Consider
2. Think
3. Make
4. Drive
5. Sell
6. Do
7. Work
8. Help
9. Call


11. Buy

12. Break

13. Write

14. Create

15. Eat

16. Take

17. Tell

18. See

19. Speak

20. Read
E. Write ten (10) sentences using the verbs from the list and the PASSIVE VOICE
A. Complete the chart with information from the text. You have to find sentences in
Passive voice in present tense and in past tense.

Passive voice in Present tense Passive voice in Past tense

B. Make a list of the unknown vocabulary from the texts above.


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