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Workshop 10th March Class
Name: _________________________________ Group: ______________________

1. First Conditional. Put the word in brackets into 6. We can't afford (rent) ___ this flat anymore.
the correct form to complete these first conditional
sentences: 5. Stop, try and Remember. Write the verb in
1. If I (find)________________ his telephone brackets in the correct form ('ing' form or infinitive)
number, I'll call him. into the gap in each sentence.
2. If you come early, you 1. I’ll always remember_____________(fly) for
(meet)_____________ my brother. He'll be here the first time.
until 3 o' clock. 2. Oh dear, I didn’t
3. Your photos (be)___________ printed and remember________________(buy) the tickets.
ready within an hour if you pay extra now. 3. I can’t listen to you anymore. Please
4. Please call me as soon as you stop__________ (talk).
(get)______________ there. 4. After driving in his car for about half an hour Mr.
5. You (must)_______________ do the entrance Duncan was lost. So, he stopped__________ (ask)
exam next week if you want to study at this school. someone for help.
5. If you are getting so many headaches, you should
2. Second Conditional. Complete the sentences. try___________ (see) a specialist at the hospital.
If I lived in London, I________________(speak) It could be something serious.
more English.
You'd feel better if you_________________(do) 6. Passive voice: present. Change these
more exercise. sentences into the passive.
What____________________ (you buy) if you 1. Farmers cut down a lot of forests.
won a lot of money? ___________________________________
If John_____________________ (not live) so 2. Cars and planes produce greenhouse gases.
far away, he wouldn't need a car ___________________________________
I___________________________ (not work) 3. Trees take in carbon dioxide.
here if I didn't need the money. ___________________________________
4. Extreme weather causes high temperatures.
3. First and Second Conditional. Fill each space ___________________________________
with the correct form of the verbs to make either first 5. Reporters write thousands of articles.
or second conditionals. ___________________________________
1. If I get home late tonight, I
__________________ (not eat). 7. Passive Voice - Simple Past. Rewrite the
2. If Jan could run 100 metres in 10 seconds, sentences in passive voice.
he_____________ (be) an athlete. 1. She sang a song.
3. If it___________ (rain) in the Sahara Desert, ___________________________________
everyone would be very surprised. 2. Somebody hit me.
4. If it rains tonight, we_____________ (can/go) ___________________________________
to the cinema. 3. We stopped the bus.
5. If we play football on Saturday, ___________________________________
I______________ (be) tired on Sunday. 4. A thief stole my car.
4. Gerunds and Infinitives. In each sentence, 5. She didn't win the prize.
choose either the gerund or infinitive. ___________________________________
1. When I finish (write) ___ this letter, I'll come and
help you. 8. Prepositions of Time. Complete the following
2. Would you consider (give) ___ the speech at our sentences using an appropriate preposition. IN, ON,
anniversary party? AT
3. She avoids (walk) ___ in the rain. 1.The school reopens ........................ Monday.
4. Emily promised (eat) ___ all her vegetables. 2. I invite my friends to dinner ..........................
5. I enjoy (watch) ___ romantic movies. Christmas eve.
3. They are getting married ........................ the tenth 1. Don't come in here with those muddy shoes!! I
of August. have________ cleaned this floor!!!
4. They are getting married ......................... the 2. Have you finished that composition for History
spring. class_____? You only started an hour ago!!
5. Tom’s birthday is next week ___ July 14th 3. I don't want to see "Alien 9" at the cinema again.
I've_________ seen it twice.
9. Past simple and past continuous 4. I'm sorry. You have_________ missed Katie.
tenses. Complete the following sentences using an She left the office about three minutes ago!
appropriate form of the verb 5. Kathy knows all about pizza and pasta, don't you
1 I __________ (sit) in a cafe when Kathy? You've _______returned from a month in
you _______________ (call). Umbria.
2 When you ______________ (arrive) at the
party, who ________ (be) there?
3 Susie ____________ (watch) a film when
she _____________ (hear) the noise.
4 Yesterday I _________________ (go) to the
library, next I __________ (have) a swim, later
I _____________ (meet) Julie for coffee.
5 We _______________ (play) tennis when
John __________ (hurt) his ankle.

10. Adverbs of manner. Rewrite the sentences

and put the adverbs in correctly.
She speaks. (slowly) →
They sang. (wonderfully) →
He treated her. (respectfully) →
John speaks English. (well) →
The dog barks. (loudly) →

11. Can/Could/Be able to. complete the

following sentences correctly.
1. ___ you hear the fireworks from your house last
Can Could Can't

2. I ___ touch my toes. See!

Can Could will be able to

3. I ___ spend another moment in that restaurant.

It was too noisy.
can't couldn't have been able to

4. They ___ save the men from the sinking ship.

were able to could to could

5. My grandfather ________ walk without any help

last night.
Can Could was able to

12. Just, Yet or Already. Fill in the spaces below

using either Just, Yet or Already.

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