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Region XII

Department of Education
K to 12 Regional Mass Training
Dolores Tropicana Resort, General Santos City
May 26, 2017 – Friday

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate and understanding of the
accounting cycle of merchandising business to include the
journalizing of transactions using the general and special
journals, namely: sales journal, purchase journal, cash receipts
journal, and cash payment journal.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to prepare journal
entries, post to the ledger, prepare the trial
balance, worksheet, adjusting entries and
complete the accounting cycle of a
merchandising business.

Code: ABM_FABM11-IVe-j-35
I. Objectives:
a. Discuss the transaction in merchandising business.
b. Identify the two major activities of a merchandising business

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Accounting cycle of a merchandising business.
Reference: Basic Accounting by: Edwin G. Valencia and Gregorio F. Roxas.
Materials: Projector, Cartolina, Pictures, Marker, Meta Cards.

III. Learning Procedure:

A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom Standards
5. Review of the previous lesson

B. Lesson Proper
B.1. Motivation
Picture analysis.
B.2. Activity
The class will be group into 3.
Labeling of the accounts whether it belongs to
purchasing activities or selling activities using a meta
B.3. Analysis

1. How do you find the activities?

2. What do you think will be our lesson for today?
3. What are the major activities of a merchandising business?
4. Do you find the business interesting?

B.4. Abstraction
*Discuss the nature of merchandising business.
*Compare the operating cycle of servicing business and merchandising
*Discuss the major activities of a merchandising business.
B.5. Application
Identify the account title whether it is purchasing activity
or selling activity.
1. Purchases 4. Purchase returns
2. Freight –out 5. Sales discounts.
3. Freight -in

IV. Evaluation:
Give the correct answer out from the given questions.

1. It refers to the buying procedure or acquisition of finished

products for sales.
2. An act of transferring the title of ownership over the
3. Refers to the transportation cost incurred by the seller in
transporting the merchandise to the buyer
4. It is an account used when some items of merchandise sold
are returned
5. Refers to the account title for transportation of cost incurred
by the buyer in transferring the merchandise from the seller.

V. Assignment:
What kind of business do you want to have 10 years from now?

Prepared by: Rating: Remarks:

Daina Jane C. Gambet

Checked by: Verified by:

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