Lesson Plan: Department of Education

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Department of Education

K to 12 Regional Mass Training

Dolores Tropicana Resort, General Santos City
May 28, 2017 –Sunday

Content Standard: The various forms of business organization, as follows:
1.Sole/ single proprietorship
Performance Standard: Differentiate the forms of business organization in terms of nature of ownership
Code: ABM_FABM11-IIIb-11

I. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
1. Define the legal forms of business ownership: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Corporation.
2. Discuss the legal forms of business organization (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Corporation) through
role playing.

II. Subject Matter:


References: Technology and Livelihood Education

Basic Accounting 12th Edition, page 10
Partnership and Corporation Accounting 11 th Edition, pages 1-2 , 1-17
Authors: Jesus B. Nazareno, MDM
Rodolfo C. Sajorda
Rita de los Santos, et al

Materials: Marker, Carolina, Tape, Scissors, Pictures, Computer and Projector

III. Learning Procedure:

A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom Standards
5. Review of the previous lesson
B. Lesson Proper
B.1. Motivation
Let student think of different businesses that they have seen while roaming around in town or cities

Unlocking of difficult words

a. SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP – this kind of business is owned by a single owner.

b. PARTNERSHIP – this is a business owned and operated by partners of two to four individuals.
c. CORPORATION – It is basically formed when five up to fifteen(5-15) people decide to go into

B.2 - Activity:
Group activity : a. Divide the class into three groups.
b. Show pictures to students about the different formsof businesses.

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B.3- Analysis:
Direction:Identify and discuss which pictures are the sole proprietorship, partnership and
1. What legal forms of business operates their own business?
2. What legal forms of business that 2 or more people agreed to own?
3. What legal forms of business that operates apart from its owner?

Let the representative of the group explain to the class the output of their activity.

B.4 - Abstraction:
a. Teacher will give some additional input about the lesson. ( Sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation) – Slide
b. Ask the students of what they have learned from the lesson.
B.5 - Application:
The teacher present some pictures and let the students to guess.
Ask question:
1.What forms of business in the picture presented and let the learner to explain.

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Name:___________________________________________ Year & Section:_______________

Direction: Encircle the correct answer

1. What form of business ownership has the powers, attributes, and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its
a. Partnership
b. Corporation
c. Sole Proprietorship

2. What is the difference between the sole proprietorship and partnership?

a. settling of obligations
b. dissolution
c. business for profit

3. What form of business ownership that business risks are shared many people?
a. Partnership
b. Corporation
c. Sole Proprietorship

4. In one sentence or give the importance of business.

1. Choose one form of business ownership.
2. Give a name of a business that you know, that uses this type of business ownership.
3. Explain in your own way, the advantages of using this forms of business ownership in the business.

Prepared by:
Observed by:
EMYLOU NUÑEZA IGAR ________________________ ________________________
Demonstrator ________________________ ________________________
reg#0087 ________________________ ________________________

Noted by:
Regional Education Program Supervisor-LRMDS

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