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which of these is not found in a firstaid bax?

Scissors Injecdtion lodine

2 One who is well trained and qualified to

e give

first aid treatment is called — @wicked posten

harsh person first alter 3 A First aider Should- other People Fight 3 tolerate beat

4 it is for everybody to acquire first aid education @ bad good useless.

5 which of these is a benefit of first aid? @its saves life © It prevents a Situation from becoming worse
© A&B.

6 An injured or Sick Person should be taken after first aid @ School hospital

Ⓒ market.

A Ligued that Can Contaminate the environment is called Hygiene Chemical Pollution soil

P Pollution noise 5 Chemial A&B

9 Chemicals should be handle by. Prevent pollution. experts & Professionals A&B)

10 Chemical pollution lead to 6) death nothing

11 Chemical Pollution is the release of harmful Chemicals into the evenvironment@ yes m not Suve.

12 Noise pollution is also called noise Serenity (6 management disturbare SECTION B THEORY

write Three (3) thing that can be found in a first aid box

Home economic

JA Palt of a room in the house where foods. are cooked or prepared is called Kitchen room © SA Sitting

2 Cleaning kitchens and food stores will help in preventing - Prests odour A&B

3 which of these is not a type of brushes? @round long short

4 Removal of — is a technique of cleaning

tallet and bathwoms @ Cobweb calling Soap

5 which of these is not a type of toilet @latrine B Air toilet © water (loset.

6 water Closet is a - type of toilet traditional 5 modern ŏ export.

7 it is a must for everyone to take part in personal health activities true false Ⓒhat Sure

Always report falls, Cuts bruises, wound or Fractures to teacher 6 Parents

a it is bad to always wear - clean dirty fine. clothes

10 We eat food through the nose 15 ear © mouth


is a part of the mouth. в lips о еще

to care for the mouth Ⓒ Chewing sticks chewing Cum SECTION B THEORY

12 we used -


I We should always respect. traditional ABB

2 Highway Codes helps to be

- hughway cordes

when using the ad

Safe unsafe ascend high bridges.

3 The is not a highway Code @ Graffee 6 Zebra Crossing Traffic light

4 The green light

on the traffic light means.

6 ready Stop go.

5 whose Picture is on the At 20 note? 6 Alvan Ikoku Sir Fredrick Lugard © Genera muritala muhammed.

6 Constituted authority is a group of people with the power to @misbehave kill other people Ⓒ lead and
Control other people.

7 We need constituted authority to. maintain law and other Protect human and dignity Ⓒ AS B

8 like should

Constituted authority

fight respect Ⓒ


я The Nigerian Stands in for strength Loat of Arms 6 Vulture (6 horses eagle

on Stands for the Nigerian Coat of Arms black shield 1 eagle O'Y' band.

To The
11 The white colour on the Nigerian National Hay stands for. @ Clean enviro Pease and Unity Cleanliness


12 The Colour on the Nigerian National

flay stands for Agriculture @blue 3 back Ⓒ green.


1 An unexpected happening that causes damage, injury or loss of life on the road. @hold up road

is called air crash

2 The driving can cause road accident @ Caution 5 Good Reckless

3 Bad roads and Poor Condition of of the causes of road accidents

a vehicles 1 weather © AS B

# Road accident can lead to loss of Food life air.

5 The federal Government agency in charge of rood Patty Safety


6 first Aid is given to an injured or Person before seeking medical attention @ wealthy Sick healthf

7 Accident can happen caly on the road & anywhere. only at home is a Symbol found on a first aid box.


black Star 5 red cross green leaf.

9 The Can Cause burns @ Hot liquids. Sharp objects Cold water

10 The Can Cause cuts @ Hot Liquids sharp object Cold water.

11 The

Army, Navy and Air forces are know as

descender defeaters.

armed fored

12 which of these is not a Security agency? Ⓒ SSS Police Boys Bridgade.

SECTION B THEORY Write the meaning of the Following Security

agencies in Nigeria

13 NPF 14 FRSC 15 SSS


I which studies is the Study his environment 6 Physical Chemical Social of manar

2 The founder of Christian religion is. @ Jesus Christ muhammad Fashals

3 Is a teaching not sure a Profession Yes No

4 The head in a Secondary school is called Provost 5 Rector principal

5 The - is the act of Catching fish. trading Fishing Canning

6 The Person that sells fish is

called fish

~ Pond 1 monger fry 7 The Following ale used fishing except @ HookLand Line 6 fishing net light

3 Hunting is the activity of the one man 4 early man Ⓒ good man woman or female that hunts is called -


hunting huntress

is a for wild animals @ Compound large area of land meant to live. game reserve environment

10. A

11 The raw material for mat is @ Cotton (1) raffia tron ore

12 The Cooking food in water is frying (5) Smoking boiling"


Write three (31 tools used in hunting


1 An example of non-standard measures an @ Arms length leg Span ⒸAB

2 Example of Standard measures is. @ Arous langth tape rule © Finger span

3 which of those is not a unit of measuring longths, @ cm kg

4 Add up 300 cm and too Cm Gave your answer in metre 10cm 10m Ⓒ 1000m

5 A has all its sides 6 Circle Square 0 Cuboid equal

6 Squares and rectangles are examples. of shapes

Ⓒ Solid 1 Plane ( 3-D

7 The distance round a Particular shape. Area Weight © Perimeter

8 A rectangle measures 7 cm by 4cm. what is its perimetes? 22cm © 28 cm

9 Weight body is the amount of - in an object or @ mass (5) air Space

10 Which of these object is the heaviest?. @[2000g] [Hy ©(

11 Capacity is measured in 6 kilogram 6 gram litre

12 which of these is a liquid water 5 kerosene A$B



Comprehension Passage

National Values are moral and acceptable behaviours expected of us as a Cittaan of a lountry Discipline
is an example of National Values which every Citizen must possess. Discipline is an act of being

Courage is also an example of National values Citizens of a Country should be Courageous enough to
defend their country.

Questions I What are National Values?

2 list the National values

Define these terms

39 Discipline

35 Courage


Write the present Continuous tense form of

Verbs in brackets.

It Who (make) that noise?

5 The teacher (talk) to her.

Complete the following 6 Silent is to with the correct Simile as is to bee Ⓒ grave, busy talligentle ( easy

7 fat is to as @true, Soft quiet, old is to wolF Pig, bunger

Choose the feminine for each of these. words from the brackets. (Priest, Princess) mascul

8 Prince

9 Lord 10 Lion

(wife lady) (Lioness, tigress)

Underline the word that is opposite in meanin

to the underlined word.

11 He never could learn to Swim. @ Study Ⓒ Forget I know

12 Recticidy is very intelligent

12 He is very capable of doing @ Simple hard plain

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