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Philippine Christian University





“Does hormone Replacement (HRT) Improve Vasomotor Symptoms among Menopausal

Women in a Primary Care Clinic in Cebu City”

1. Who will be the participants of your study? What are the guidelines that you have to
consider in choosing the participants of the study as discussed in Chapter 3.

- The participants of the study will be women in their Menopausal stage that undergone
Hormone Replacement Therapy. One of the impost important tasks a qualitative researcher can
undertake is the selection of participants. To select participants for a qualitative
study, researchers usually use purposive or purposeful sampling, choosing people who fit the
characteristics they wish to study.

A qualitative researcher must ensure they can access their participants and that the participants
have experience with the phenomenon under study. As most qualitative data is collected
through interactions with participants through the use of interviews, surveys, questionnaires, or
focus groups, a researcher must find participants who are willing to speak about their
experiences. Thus, finding a potential participant who has experience with the phenomenon and
is willing to share their thoughts is at the heart of a proposed study. The best topic in the world
cannot be explored without willing participants.

2. What will be the possible scope and limitations of the study?

-The scope and limitation would be a total of five (5) women (age 40-50 years old) at the
stage of their menopausal that undergone HRT at Primary Care Clinic in Cebu City.

3. You are worried that if you start explaining to the participants about the possibility of
breast cancer, they won’t participate in the research study. What are the ethical
guidelines in this scenario?

-The ethical guidelines in this scenario would be Voluntary participation. Any person
should not be coerced to participate in any research undertaking. Followed by informed
consent. Through this, it should be indicated here about the procedure and risks involved in the
research. Their consent to participate must be secured. Thirdly, Risk of harm—this means
participants should be protected from physical, financial or psychological harm.
4. While writing the introduction and discussion of your research study, you copied
sentences from some papers/ journals. But you referred to them in your reference. Is that
acceptable? What are the guidelines or principles in citations and referencing of your
sources of information?

-Using so many words and ideas from original source that it makes up a large portion of
your work is considered an act of plagiarism, even if you acknowledge the original author.

All text should be paraphrased—that is, written by the author in his or her own language.
Sufficient attribution should be placed when using the ideas of other. The appropriateness of
inserting references should be determined.

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