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What follows below I a simplified

Arcane Background: Spirit Whispering

Arcane Skill: The 10 Forms (Spirit)
Starting Forms: 3
Starting Throngs: 3

Select three of the five Techniques at d4 (or one at d4 and one at d6), you use the Technique die
instead of your Wild Die when casting a spell. You may increase one Technique (or buy a new one) by
spending an advance, but this can only be done once per rank, and no Technique may exceed d6 (at
Novice and Seasoned), d8 (at Veteran and Heroic) or d10 (at Legendary).

Forms are Spirit skills, and may be increased like any other skills, although no more than Smarts/2 of
your starting skill points may be spent on Forms. Spells are learned as normal, but you don't assign
them trappings, these are instead determined on-the-fly depending on the Throng and Form used. For
example if you know the Bolt spell you can use it to cast a firedart (Create+Fire), lightning bolt
(Creation+Lightning), to telekinetically hurl a rock at someone (Control+Earth), to direct a swarm of
bees (Control+Animal), and so on.

To cast a spell, you must have at least a d4 in both the Technique and Form. Roll both dice and take
the highest. If a spell involves multiple Techniques and/or Forms, use the lowest of each.

You can maintain a number of spells equal to half your Spirit. If you get a raise on the spellcasting roll,
and this would grant an extra benefit, it counts as two maintained spells. You may also cast the same
maintainable spell twice in order to gain the benefit of a raise.

• Backlash: When a mage rolls a 1 on his Form die (regardless of his Technique Die), he is
automatically Shaken. This can cause a wound on escalation. On a critical failure, the character suffers
a level of Fatigue, which is recovered after an hour of rest.

To summarise,

• Backlash is less dangerous.
• Spell trappings are no longer fixed.
• Wild Die is stronger at higher ranks.

• Uses 10 times as many skills.
• Reduced benefit for raises (mainly to compensate for the weaker backlash).
• Wild Die is weaker at lower ranks.

Here are some examples of what I would consider viable combinations.

Analyze Foe
• Percieve+Animal: Works on non-sentient opponents only.
• Percieve+Body: Reveals a physical weakness on a raise.
• Percieve+Mind: Sentients only. Reveals a mental weakness on a raise.
• Creation+Animal: Creates leather armour.
• Creation+Water: Coats you in water, only protects against heat/fire attacks.
• Creation+Plant: Creates wooden armour.
• Creation+Mind: Creates psychic armour, only protects against mental attacks.
• Creation+Earth: Creates rock armour.
• Creation+Air: Creates ethereal armour.

• Abjure+Air: Banishes air elementals and effects.
• Abjure+Water: Banishes water elementals and effects.
• Abjure+Fire: Banishes fire elementals and effects.
• Abjure+Mind: Banishes ghosts and Spirits.
• Abjure+Earth: Banishes earth elementals and effects.
• Abjure+Force: Pushes back physical objects.

• Creation+Animal: Creates a barrier of wasps.
• Creation+Lightning: Creates a barrier of lightning.
• Creation+Body: Creates a barrier of human bones.
• Creation+Plants: Creates a barrier of thorns.
• Creation+Fire: Creates a barrier of fire, light or heat.
• Creation+Earth: Creates a barrier of stone.
• Creation+Mind: Creates a barrier of spiritual force.
• Abjure+Ice: Creates a barrier of cold.

Beast Friend
• Control+Animal: Control animals.

• Creation+Animal: Conjure a swarp of insects.
• Creation+Lightning: Use the lightning trapping.
• Creation+Water: Use the acid trapping.
• Creation+Plant: Animated thorns burst from the ground.
• Creation+Fire: Use the fire/heat or light trapping.
• Creation+Mind: Psychic blast.
• Creation+Earth: Shower of rocks.
• Abjure+Body: Use the necromantic trapping.
• Abjure+Ice: Use the cold/ice trapping.

• Abjure+Animal: Works as a curse on non-sentient creatures only.
• Abjure+Body: Works as a physical-trait curse on sentient creatures only.
• Abjure+Mind: Works as a mental-trait curse on sentient creatures only.
• Transform+Animal: Bless/curse on non-sentient creatures only.
• Transform+Body: Physical-trait bless/curse on sentient creatures only.
• Transform+Mind: Mental-trait bless/curse on sentient creatures only.

Boost/Lower Trait: Use the same Technique/Form combinations as Bless/Curse.

• Control+Body/Earth (lowest)

Burst: Use the same Technique/Form combinations as Blast.

• Control+Mind

• Creation+Mind: Creates confusing illusions or noises.
• Creation+Sun: Creates a bright flash of light.
• Control+Animal: Hypnotises non-sentient creatures only.
• Control+Mind: Hypnotises sentient creatures only.

Damage Field: Use the same Technique/Form combinations as Barrier.

• Enchant+Light: Infrared vision.
• Enchant+Song: Sonic sight.
• Transform+Body: Modify your eyes to improve your night vision.

• Creation+Animal: Surrounds you with a distracting swarm of flies.
• Creation+Wind: Surrounds you with a swirling shield of air.
• Creation+Sun: Surrounds you with a blinding aura of light.
• Creation+Shadow: Creates an phantom servant that intercepts attacks.
• Divine+Mind: You sense attacks a moment before they are launched at you.
• Control+Light: Blurs your appearance, making you harder to hit.

• Muto+Corpus: Physically change your appearance.
• Muto+Imaginem: Change your appearance with an illusion.

Detect/Conceal Arcana
• Intellego+Vim: Sense magical auras.
• Abjure+Vim: Conceal magical auras.

• Abjure+Vim: Dispel magic.

• Intellego+Mentem: Discover knowledge.

Draining Touch
• Abjure+Animal: Works on non-sentient creatures only.
• Abjure+Corpus: Works on sentient creatures only.

Elemental Manipulation
• Control+Auram: Air tricks.
• Control+Aquam: Water tricks.
• Control+Ignem: Fire tricks.
• Control+Terram: Earth tricks.

• Creation+Animal: Shoot spider webs at people.
• Creation+Auram: Pin the target to the ground with a powerful blast of wind.
• Creation+Corpus: Conjure a bone cage.
• Creation+Herbam: Summon entangling vines.
• Creation+Terram: Conjure "cement shoes" on the target.
• Control+Animal: Tie the target's leather shoelaces together.
• Control+Aquam: Trap an underwater target with powerful water currents.
• Control+Corpus: Telekinetically pin the target to the ground.

Environmental Protection
• Creation+Auram: Create an air bubble around your body.
• Muto+Corpus: Give yourself gills and webbed feet.
• Control+Ignem: Protect yourself against extreme temperatures.

• Intellego+Corpus: Sense the exact position of your (sentient) target.
• Muto+Corpus: Enhance your eyesight.
• Control+Auram: Guiding winds.

• Control+Animal: Cause fear in animals.
• Control+Mentem: Cause fear in sentient creatures.

• Control+Auram: Gusty winds.
• Control+Corpus: Telekinetically levitate your body.
• Control+Herbam: Telekinetically levitate your broomstick.

Greater Healing (and Healing)

• Creation+Animal: Heal non-sentient creatures.
• Creation+Corpus: Heal sentient creatures.

• Muto+Animal: Grow/shrink non-sentient creatures.
• Muto+Corpus: Grow/shrink sentient creatures.

• Creation+Auram: Create a whirlwind.
• Creation+Aquam: Create a whirlpool.
• Creation+Mentem: Summon poltergeists.
• Control+Corpus: Telekinetically throw everyone around.
• Control+Terram: Cause the ground to shake.

• Muto+Corpus/Auram (lowest): Gaseous form.
• Muto+Corpus/Ignem (lowest): Shadow form.
• Muto+Corpus/Mentem (lowest): Astral form.

• Abjure+Imaginem

Jet: Use the same Technique/Form combinations as Blast.

• Creation+Ignem

• Creation+Auram: Creates an area of fog.
• Abjure+Ignem: Creates an area of darkness.

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