Dilatometric Investigations of Fats

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Dilatometric Investigations of Fats

I. Apparatus and Techniques for Fat Dilatometry

Southern Regional Research Laboratory,2 New Orleans, Louisiana

T is somewhat surprising that dilatometry has not more stable or higher-melting crystal forms. Accord-
I been more extensively employed in phase investi-
gations of fats. The dilatometric method, which
ing to work quoted by these authors, tristearin con-
tracts 2.3 percent in changing from the gamma to
combines simplicity with a high degree of accuracy, the alpha form, and 0.8 percent in changing from
was used with notable success by MeBain and Field the alpha to the beta form.
(7) in 1933 as well as by a number of subsequent
workers (11, 12, 13) for detecting phase transforma- 1,60 t I ! I ; I
tions in soaps.
Publications on fat dilatometry are few, and for
the most part, superficial. The utility of dilatometry ~_ 1.40 M . ×.x.x-x;- o~'°~
in the examination of fats was pointed out in a gen- <
LL "If M q l -
eral way by Normann (8). Van Roon (10), Jonson
(6), and Reinders, Doppler, and Oberg (9) recorded GLYCERIDES 'It ~'I
the dilatometric behaviour of cocoa butter. Coffey
and Spannuth (2) reported the examination of a I.oo .__~ ~ ! l
_o 1
number of samples of shortening. The application of
dilatometry to the evaluation of hydrogenated fats J 0.80 TRISTEARIN
was discussed by Hiigel (5). The only dilatometric
investigations which have been carried out on a com- I
prehensive scale, and with a full appreciation of both z 0,60 MN = 1. I5 I
o_ , I
the practical and theoretical significance of the re- 03 . M'N': 1.12 x I ~ '
sults, are those of Hofgaard (4). However, Hof-
gaard's monograph, published in Denmark, has not
been widely distributed, and is generally unavailable
in this country.
In the course of recent work carried out in this
Laboratory, dilatometry has been employed, alone o
and in conjunction with calorimetric methods, for 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
investigating phase changes in fats and oils over the TEMPERATURE, DEG. G
partial or complete melting range of these materials. ]~'m. 1. Dilatometric curves, trlstearin and glycerides from
The apparatus and techniques used in this work eo-esterification of equal molar proportions of stearic and
merit some discussion, for while dilatometry is simple palmitic acids.
in principle, useful and reliable results can be ob-
tained only by using a well designed apparatus and General Procedure in Conducting
observing a number of precautions--some of which Dilatometric Tests
are by no means obvious. N carrying out the dilatometric examination of a
Volume Changes Associated with Phase I fat, the liquid sample is first cooled until it is
Transformations in Fats wholly or partially in the solid form. Its tempera-
Fats have a considerably higher density in the ture is then increased stepwise, in small increments,
solid than in the liquid form, hence the dilation and its volume is measured at each step, until the
accompanying transformations from solid to liquid sample is completely melted. The expansion of the
is considerable. Preliminary data obtained in this sample, in terms of the original volume, is plotted
Laboratory (Figure 1) indicate that in the case of against temperature. The resulting curve represents
a completely saturated fat, such as tristearin, this the phase changes occurring over the melting range,
dilation amounts to approximately 11 percent on in terms of the dilations or contractions associated
the basis of the volume of the solid phase. At pres- with these changes. The dilation of the sample due to
ent, comparable data are not available on glycerides simple thermal expansion of the liquid and solid
containing unsaturated acids. phases is, of course, superimposed upon the volume
Published information on the volume changes ac- changes due to phase transformations.
companying polymorphic transformations of fats is In order that the results may be reproducible and
very meagre. However, according to Ferguson and significant, the sample must be held at each tempera-
Lutton (3), simple triglycerides, as exemplified by ture for a sufficient time to allow substantial equilib-
tristearin, become progressively more dense as they rium to be established between the solid and liquid
are converted from le~s stable or lower-melting to phases.
The Apparatus
1Presented before the American Oil Chemists' Society :Meeting, New
Orleans, Louisiana, May 10 to 12, 1944. Two different forms of dilatometer have been used
2This is one of four regional research laboratories operated by the with good results; the construction of these is shown
B u r e a u of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry, Agricultural Re-
search Administration, U. S. D e p a r t m e n t of Agriculture. in Figures 2 and 3. Type A (Figure 2) is of the

weight of this fat from the weight of the original

sample. The weight of the confining fluid must also
be determined, so that the total observed expansion
can be properly distributed between sample and con-

i I I I I I I I fining fluid.
Dilatometer B (Figure 3) is of the gravimetric
CENT/METERS type, and may be considered a modification of the
instrument described by Burlew (1). In this dila-
tometer mercury is used as the confining liquid; the
mercury thread in the capillary side arm communi-
cates with a reservoir of mercury in the small flask,
F. Volume changes in the fat cause mercury to be
SCALE expelled into the reservoir or withdrawn therefrom.
Readings are made by detaching and weighing the
flask and its contents. In the event of an air bubble
forming in the capillary as a result of the flask being
detached for weighing, it may be eliminated by rais-
ing the dilatometer from the bath a sufficient distance
to expose the expansion bulb, E, and gently warming
the latter.
After the sample is placed in the bulb, the side
arm is sealed on by fusion. The filling device illus-
trated in Figure 3 is provided for filling the dila-
tometer with mercury. The dilatometer containing
the sample is connected to the filling device by means
of the ground joint provided for the purpose, and
the sample is melted and degassed under vacuum.
The assembly of dilatometer and filling device is
2.5 MM then tilted, to bring the mercury in the latter over
BORE the tip of the capillary, and the stopcock is turned
to shut off the vacuum and admit air which forces
mercury into the dilatometer. Manipulation of the
assembly is simplified if the fat is chilled until pasty
before the mercury is admitted to the system. A
high vacuum should be employed, to completely
eliminate air bubbles in the bulb.
e/3o Before the reservoir flask is attached, lubricant
should be removed from the male joint on the end
of the capillary, to insure constant weight of the
flask and to permit the joint to pass sufficient air to
avoid building up pressure in the flask as the mer-
cury expands.
This latter type of dilatometer is recommended for
Fro. 2. Dilatometer, Type A or volumetric type. all precise work, and particularly for use with highly
saturated fats. which must be carried to relatively
usual volumetric variety, not essentially different high temperatures, and which are inclined to undergo
from that first described by Normann. Its novel very slow polymorphic transformations. Since the
features consist in the introduction of a ground-glans instrument is sealed to form one solid, all-glans
joint between the bulb and the side arm, to facili- apparatus the possibility of leakage is eliminated.
tate filling and cleaning, and the provision of a scale Ordinarily mercury can be weighed with greater
of new design. The scale is made from a section of a accuracy than its volume can be measured; hence
50-ml. burette, and is attached permanently to the smaller volume changes can be detected with this
side arm. The capillary faust of course be calibrated. dilatometer than with those of the usual type. The
In this dilatometer water is usually employed as the use of mercury as the confining fluid eliminates
confining liquid, although mercury~may also be used. slight inaccuracies due to the appreciable solubility
It is chiefly useful for the examination of fats of of water in fats.
relatively low melting point, in cases where extreme
accuracy in the measurements is not required. Method of Calculating Volume Changes
In filling this dilatometer, complete displacement in the Fat
of air is effected by permitting the confining fluid to T N calculating the volume ehan~,es m the fat, allow-
enter through the side arm and force a small portion .Lance must be made for the thermal expansion of
of the sample out through the stopcock. The weight the confining liquid, and where extreme accuracy is
of the fat actually retained in this bulb is determined desired, of the dilatometer bulb. It is to be particu-
at the conclusion of the experiment by washing out larly emphasized that the results should be expressed
the interior of the bulb through the ground glass in terms of the actual expansion or contraction of
joint, weighing the bulb plus fat retained in the the fat, and not simply as dilatometer readings, as
outlet tube and stopcock bore, and subtracting the has been done by most previous workers. If water
OIL & SOAP, SEPTEMBEI¢, 1944 253

is used as the confining fluid in the dilatometer, a

plot of dilatometer readings against temperature will
bear little resemblance to the true dilatometrie curve
of fat, owing to the uneven thermal expansion of
water over different temperature ranges.
Solidification of the Sample
The procedure adopted for solidifying the sample
must depend upon the phase transformations which
are to be investigated. If the test is to reveal any
possible p o l y m o r p h i c transformation, the sample
should be chilled as rapidly as possible, by plunging
the dilatometer bulb containing the molten sample
into ice water or other cold liquid. If only the most
E __
I 'F

stable solid phase is desired in the fat, the sample

must be cooled slowly, or first solidified rapidly, then
tempered for a time--usually 24 to 72 hours--at a
temperature approaching its melting point, and then
chilled to a low temperature corresponding to the be- B
ginning of the test. A great many fats show no evi-
dence of the formation of unstable crystal forms
even when chilled rapidly; hence the manner in
which they arc solidified is unimportant.
Procedure in Making the Measurements
Measurements made at intervals of about 2°C.
will generally define the dilatometric curve of a
plastic fat satisfactorily. In the examination of
highly saturated fats, or other fats with a short
melting range, it may be desirable to make readings C E N T I M E TERS
at temperature intervals of 1 ° , or even less.
It is difficult to specify hard-and-fast rules con-
cerning the highly important factor of the time in-
terval over which the sample should be maintained
at each temperature. However, the behavior of the
sample immediately after the temperature of the
bath is increased will usually provide a clue as to
the proper procedure. In the case of fats which
do not exhibit polymorphism, and which have a
relatively long plastic range, equilibrium will be
established practically by the time the entire sample
has come to the temperature of the bath. With the
dilatometers described here, this will require about
20 to 30 minutes. Fats of this type exhibit a regular F r o , 3. D i l a t o m e t e r and filling device, Type B or gravimetric
cycle of volume changes with each increment of tem- type.
perature, and any irregularities introduced by the
appearance of polymorphic transformations are quite LITERATURE CITED
easily recognized. 1. Burlew, J. S , J. Am. Chore: Soc. 69, 690-95 ( 1 9 4 0 ) .
Highly saturated fats containing only stable crys- 2. Coffey, C. A., and Spannuth, H. T., 0il & Soap 17, 41-42 ( 1 9 4 0 ) .
tal forms behave similarly to plastic fats, except that 3. Ferguson, R. H., a n d Lutton, E. S , Chem. Reviews 29, 355-84
( 1941 ).
in the range near the melting point an appreciable 4. H o f g a a r d , K., Dilatometriske Fedstof-Undersogelser, J. Jorgensen
time is required for the absorption of sufficient heat & Co.i Copenhagen ( 1 9 3 8 ) .
5. Hiigel, E , I n Chemie u. Technologic der Fette and Fettprodukte,
to correspond to the latent heat of the melting glyc- Vol. 2, b y H. n e f t e r a n d H . Seh~infeld, J u l i u s Springer, Vienna
( 1 9 3 7 ) , pp. 166-68.
erides, and therefore equilibrium is attained more 6. Jensen, H. R., The Chemistry, Flavouring, and Manufacture of
slowly. Chocolate Confectionery a n d Cocoa. P . Blakiston's Son, Philadelphia
Polymorphic transformations are manifested by a 7. McBain, J. W., a n d Field, M. C., J. Phys. Chem. 37, 675-84
contraction ~following the original dila¢ion due to (1933).
8. Normann, Vv'., Chem. U m s c h a u Fett i~le, W a c h s e Harze, 38, 17-23
thermal expansion and the melting of glycerides. (1931).
Such transformations are usually in evidence within 9. Reinders, W , Doppler, C. L., a n d 0berg, E. L., Rec. tray. chim.
51, 917-39 ( 1 9 3 2 ) .
20 to 30 minutes after the temperature is raised, but 10. V a n Roon, J. D., Chem. Weekbla• 27, 498-502 ( 1 9 3 0 ) .
they invariably require hours for completion. In the 11. Vold, M. J., Macomber, M., a n d Vold, R. D., J. Am. Chem. Soc.
63, 168-75 ( 1 9 4 1 ) .
case of polymorphous materials, the most satisfac- 12. Void, R. D., Rosevear, F. B.) a n d Ferguson, R. H., Oil & Soap
tory practice is to take readings at intervals of 8 to 16, 48-51 ( 1 9 3 9 ) .
13. Vold, R. D , a n d Vold, M. J., J. Am. Chem. See. 61, 808-16
24 hours until the readings become constant. (1939).

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